Quadruple split

Chapter 539 Violet and Fernand

The Fernand family is one of the founding fathers of the Violet Empire and one of the eight highest nobles. The main family members are dwarfs. Their territory is located in the northern part of the empire. The family emblem is the black vulture shield. In the first few hundred years of the founding of the country, Known as the Iron Gate of the Empire.

Of course, that was a long, long time ago. The current Violet people, including other families with the same status as the Fernand family, have long forgotten this long-standing title. In their eyes, the Fernand family is just a family. Regardless of the economic and strength of the honorary nobles, although each heir will become one of the most powerful grand dukes in the empire, they have no corresponding influence at all. And having no influence naturally means that No right to speak.

Since more than twenty generations ago, 'Archduke Fernando' has been a decoration of the Supreme Council of the Violet Empire. No one cares about their opinions, no one is willing to ask for their ideas, and they are happy to be free.

Of course, there are not many people as good-for-nothing as Fernando Fernando. Historically, most of the Archduke Fernandos were very aristocratic. During meetings, they seemed to have nails under their butts instead of cushions. I guess they were just mercury-cores. Xin is the only one.

But after excluding factors such as temperament, conversation, and psychological quality, the performance of these Archduke Fernandoes is actually not much different. Overt struggle, secret fighting, games, containment, cooperation, and factions have nothing to do with them. The one who did these things may be Marshall. , there is Hussein, there is Dantes, there is Baroka, there is Crystal Wolf, there is Violet, there is Simon, but there is absolutely no Fernand.

This family just managed their own territory in an ordinary way, reluctantly fulfilled their noble obligations, and contentedly enjoyed the corresponding power and benefits without showing any ambition.

In fact, the Fernand family does not have the slightest ambition. For them, being able to eat and clothe without worrying about food and clothing, and even being able to eat and clothe them well is already very satisfying. And on this basis, if they can be fine If you study engineering, or if you have spare money to open a chamber of commerce to earn some gold coins, it will be a magical life.

The other lords are too lazy to pursue the Fernand family's ideas. Even if they cooperate, they are limited to some ordinary business. After all, there is really no money to be made in the northern border where they are located. Even the Fire Claw Territory in the southern border is better than Fernand. Get rich.

But this is only relatively speaking. For ordinary people, Fernando is still a pretty good place. After all, it is part of the great empire of Violet. It is definitely not backward or anything like that. At best, the land is not that fertile. The area is not that big, the commerce is not that developed, and the specialty products are not that many, so living there is definitely no problem.

At least that's the case for now...

In the past nearly a thousand years ago, living in Fernando was quite problematic.

Unlike now, the Fernan Territory, which was located in the northern border of the empire, had to face too many threats.

The short-lived dark empire, the various cults that have sprung up like mushrooms, the vicious bandit groups, the lawless dark mercenaries, and the dark jungle where warcraft are everywhere. The Fernan Territory, located between the northeast and southeast continents, has many extremely aggressive, A good neighbor who is responsible for killing and not burying.

At that time, the Violet Empire, which had just been reborn from the ruins of the previous dynasty, was far from as powerful as it is now. Those who finally got rid of the gloom and saw the dawn urgently needed a long period of recuperation.

Contrary to the current turbulent times, the Violet Empire, which was founded only a short time ago, is very united. Although it is still divided into nine territories, those surnames that have established a strong comradeship are like a family. Helping each other is the norm, which is far from what it is now. Such intrigues.

In fact, those twists and turns of rules only came into being later. As for the Violet at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were not so leisurely at all. At that time, they were just focused on gaining a foothold.

As the helmsman, the Violet family tried their best to deal with all the major forces, lobbying the Holy Church to establish a church in the ruined Violet, gaining widespread followers. They also launched in-depth cooperation with the equally weak Principality of Sri Lanka, and also appeased the people. He preached to the people many bright futures that they themselves did not believe in. The first emperor even set a record of staying awake for seven days and seven nights over trivial matters.

The most prosperous Hussein family has almost emptied their wealth. In addition to helping the royal family manage various relationships, the Hussein family provided the initial construction funds for many territories. The contemporary Grand Duke Hussein provides all lords with funds. He made a huge interest-free loan, and the repayment date column was blank. In his original words: When you have the money to pay it back, you can fill in the date yourself.

The Marshall family, which had accumulated a large amount of food, was frantically trying to win people's hearts for the empire. To put it simply, it was lending a helping hand to those war refugees in the name of the Violet Empire. Not only did it save hundreds of thousands of people from death, but they even worked hard to arrange a living for them. Using various methods, he led the people to reclaim wasteland, open shops and workshops, etc., and worked hard to establish a basic self-sufficiency system for the empire.

Not just these families...all the 'big nobles' at that time were like this...

The brave Baroka family turned into an arsenal, training ordinary people who were recruited into the army day and night, and sent them to various families that needed to be armed. Soldiers will squat in the guild...

The sleek Dantès family attracted gold coin merchants and steam consortiums to Violet, formed a large number of consortiums, and joined forces with the Hussein family to sell anything that could be converted into money, and then exchanged the money for supplies saved by the empire. …

The Simon family is like the espionage department of the entire empire. They not only have to wipe out the remnants of the brutal previous dynasty, but also suppress all kinds of riots instigated by interested parties. They also have to guard against the infiltration of other forces. They wish that one person could be used as ten people.

The Crystal Wolf family is responsible for logistics, mining and education. These people with no relevant experience almost learn and do it at the same time. The patriarch, who is generally gentle and elegant, eats and lives with the miners and blacksmiths every day, and later turned into a muscular man. , the father of the patriarch, who could not read a word, mixed with the scholars to study how to teach people, and finally became the founder and the first generation dean of Violet's highest academic institution, which was attended by contemporary Simon and Marshall. It's just that he can't dig the mine.

The Fire Claw Clan, which is more powerful than the Baroka Family, is stationed in the far west, always on guard against the threats in the dark forest and the threats behind the forest. At the same time, they can also deter the Principality of Skarlan and the others. The mission of escorting the United Holy Cult volunteers is ironic. When the Fire Claw warriors were busy with these miscellaneous things, it was the Marshall family who was solely responsible for building their territory.

The first Crystal Wolf Grand Duke Elanwolf Christ once said with a smile: In the entire Violet Empire, if you want to find a pair of friends who are better than Godric Bresne and Phineas Dantes, then the only candidate is Kargos Fire Claw and Newt Marshall, when they sing together, it always makes people want to just pick something from hand and throw it at them.

As for the Fernan family, their mission is very simple, similar to the Fire Claws, but more arduous than the latter, which is to guard the northern border of the Violet Empire and keep the piles of threats at bay.

This matter had been decided from the very beginning when the territory was divided. From the very beginning, it was a given that Fernando would guard the northern part where the situation was most dangerous. This was not because the first Archduke Fernando was not popular. The reason is very simple, that is, only the Fernand family can withstand the threat that will last for who knows how many years.

No one else can carry it, not even Fire Claw or Baroka!

It's not because of issues such as strength or weakness, but in terms of defensive warfare, if the Fernan family believes in being second, no one in the entire Violet would dare to believe in being first.

In fact, without Fernan's group, the entire empire might not have been established in the first place. At least half of the current nine major families would have been killed by the counterattack before the collapse of the previous dynasty.

Therefore, the first Archduke Fernando Fernando happily led his family and army to the northern border, and turned it into an impregnable iron gate to guard it for sixty years.

The second Archduke Fernando lasted for sixty-four years, the third Archduke Fernando for seventy-two years, the fourth Archduke for thirty-five years, and the fifth Archduke for fifty-one years...

Then, a group of all kinds of people who had everything, driven by various major forces, established the Free City hundreds of miles away from the northern border of Violet.

Many years later, with the continuous entry of speculators, desperadoes, wanted criminals, major holy sects, major cults, desperate people, bohemians, and chuunibyou, the Free City quickly turned into a complex place. , a behemoth without any control, and developed a set of tacit rules that only exist on the table, and people are happy to abide by this set of rules.

This is a very interesting thing, because various accidents and accidents occur every day in many seemingly orderly places, but the Free City, the most chaotic place in the continent, where countless lawless elements gather, can't even eat the King's meal None, at least on the table.

The reason is not complicated. To put it simply, if you eat a meal in the City of Light, you will get an education at best. If the boss is a devout believer, maybe your pretentious confession will be enough. The money you spent on your last meal only allowed you to wash dishes for two months at most.

And in the City of Freedom, if you eat a Overlord meal today, you may be served as a 'meal' tomorrow...

Of course, these are all 'on the table' rules. As for those 'off the table' things, after all, no one has fled to the Free City yet, we will talk about it later~

All in all, with the establishment and growth of the Free City and the rules it established, the bad situation in the Violet North was quickly alleviated, and those low-end criminals were killed by a lot of evil gods in just a few years. All those who were lucky enough to survive either ran away or became part of the Free City. As for the dark jungle where a large number of Warcraft were entrenched, making life miserable for the people in the surrounding areas, it was killed by a resident in the Free City who was good at dragons. The dwarf mage who didn't want to be named, who had some issues with the red dragon clan, and who didn't want to be named, were all burned.

Before the Free City cleaned up those weeds that were an eyesore to them, and helped the Violet Empire solve a lot of serious problems, the Fernand family stayed in the North for 483 years, until the tenth generation Fei Nan When Grand Duke Ernan was over fifty years old, the northern border of the empire finally stabilized.

In the nearly five hundred years of history, the Fernand family has not allowed any existence that could pose a threat to the Violet Empire to enter the country. They are like an iron gate that will never collapse, guarding the country under their feet and behind them. , isolating threats from the front.

In Fernan's family motto, the word 'guard' appears most frequently, and what they want to protect is this empire, even if it is no longer pure, even if it is aging and corrupting, even if it gradually Even if it becomes disgusting, even if it has gone off track long ago, keep it.

This is the lifelong mission of the name Fernand, and it is also the bounden duty of every generation of Archduke Fernand.

They don't care about the intrigues, and are not willing to participate in them, but if the empire is threatened or is about to fall apart, then Fernan will stand up and become the iron gate of the empire to continue to guard the land of Violet.

"And after figuring this out..."

Mo Tan, who had wandered over from behind at some point, looked at the 'battlefield' with a smile, looked at the mercury-core Archduke Fernando's one-man show, and laughed leisurely: "As long as the death of Clairvaux Bresne is revealed, The series of bad results it triggered told this Mediterranean that he would naturally not ignore it at the risk of the destruction of the entire empire, so he could no longer pretend to be a grandson."

"And others will get a wrong signal."

The girl standing behind Mo Tan yawned and said lazily: "'Fernand is on Xubresn's side.' Although this is not the case, the mercury core has been involved in this situation. , it is completely impossible to stay out of the matter anymore, hehe, he must be very suffocated now~"

"It's definitely a little bit unhappy, but it's not like holding your breath."

Mo Tan curled up his lips and looked at the Mediterranean dwarf in the distance who had begun to throw out the seventh shield. He said, "Since Xiu has already let him know the short-term consequences of Clairvaux's death, the bald man can definitely guess it." Who is the final winner? I’ll give it a try later. Even if he doesn’t know the death of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, it won’t prevent him from making the right choice in the future. As for other people’s opinions... ha, I care about other people’s opinions. How can a person pretend to be a grandson for so long?"

"Hey, isn't he bald..."

"It's just a few hairs, that's enough."

"Well, that's true."


Chapter 536: End

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