Quadruple split

Chapter 537 Assassination

Bang bang bang! !

In the flash of lightning, a figure covered in a purple cloak and wearing a mirror mask shot out of the sky, swinging dozens of punches at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, knocking out the three assassins who were rushing forward on the spot. Killed him, and at the same time pulled out two soft swords wrapped around his waist like a belt, raised his hand and threw out a dazzling sword light, restraining the dozen or so attackers who were swarming behind.

The head of the Bauhinia Guard, who was given the name Zijing, actually single-handedly intercepted nearly a hundred attackers who had successively broken through the two positions of Dantes and Hussein in front of him!

Just like the Rock Mountain Knights of the Baroka family, the Quicksilver Guards of the Marshall family, and the Blood Claws Guards of the Fire Claws, the Redbud Guard has always been the sharpest knife in the hands of the Violet Royal Family, and the Purple Mirror Body is the absolute best for this knife. In most cases, the person in charge naturally has first-class loyalty and strength, and his presence is indispensable beside Clerval, who is the leader of the army.

As for how powerful this person who can be called the commander-in-chief of the Bauhinia Guard is...

Let's put it this way, although Zi Jing has not been promoted to the sword master like Warren Dantes and became a legendary powerhouse, if the two of them had a head-on confrontation, even if the mysterious man who always hides behind the mask could not win, he would definitely not win. Will not lose!

His specific rank is as follows——

Intermediate Knight, Intermediate Berserker, Intermediate Earth Mage, Intermediate Water Mage, Intermediate Fertility Priest...

As well as high-level swordsmen, high-level monks, and shadow masters (epic levels derived from the thief career system).

Obviously, Zi Jing is a man with extraordinary talents, excellent understanding, and no blind spots.

With his capital, plus the resources available to the Commander-in-Chief of the Bauhinia Guard, if Zi Jing is determined to become a top powerhouse, he will definitely be better than the Dantis family's once-in-a-century genius, Warren Dantis. In the morning, I entered the legendary level for many years.

But he didn't. Even though he knew very well that as long as he concentrated on one or even two of them, he could be promoted to legend, Zi Jing still didn't do it.

There are two reasons...

First, because of the special status of the Violet family, that is, the position of [Royal Family], the empire has derived an unspoken rule thousands of years ago that 'the royal family must not have decisive combat power'. The reason is naturally that it is in balance Considering other aspects, although it is possible to advance secretly, neither Clairvaux nor Zijing is willing to take this risk, because once discovered, it can easily cause extreme consequences. If it is not handled properly, it may even make the Bresne family fall into ruin and become completely puppets.

The second thing is that Zi Jing himself does not intend to become a top expert who specializes in one discipline. Although his physical fitness is quite good and his perception of elements is a genius, no matter which path he takes, he is likely to create something. Although the results are formidable, there will still inevitably be bright spots...I mean blind spots.

The reason for this is more complicated. If Zi Jing's talent is enough to make him a strong man like Faraossis, then there will be no problem. Not to mention trouble, he can even help the Violet family conquer other lords with strong methods, but He can't do it.

Although the legendary level seems to be extremely powerful, there are not many legendary levels in the world today, at least four figures are required to base it. In many cases, the difference between legends is extremely huge, and the strongest and The weakest legends are even like a chasm between each other, and Zi Jing knew from the beginning that with his talent, even if he was promoted to legend, he would not be a very strong one, because he was too comprehensive, with good physical fitness and talent. With high intelligence and great magic perception, his upper limit is very average. In other words, he is not extreme enough.

Take the Great Star Sage from the Anka Market as an example. His talent in magic is outrageous, but his physical fitness... to be honest, when they shook hands politely, Jadeka really didn't have the talent. Although he tried hard, the sage was still shaking in pain and sweating profusely.

If his magic talent is A++, then his physical strength talent is undoubtedly D. No matter how hard he exercises, he can only keep himself healthy. He can't even think about six-pack abs.

It is precisely because of this that Martin, the Great Star Sage, can go further on the path of magic.

Zi Jing, on the other hand, is the kind of person whose strength, durability, agility, magic power, and Noble Phantasms (crossed out) are all B++. Even if he specializes in one area, he can't be too strong.

So, he chose something that usually no one would consider - all-round development.

The knight allows him to better control the war horse, the bloodthirsty fury of the berserker allows him to ignore pain, the earth magic can exponentially increase his means as a protector, and the water magic and fertility magic can make him without the talent of apothecary He can renew people's lives at critical moments. Swordsmen and monks can improve physical strength and physical fitness. Shadow Master is a necessary rank for the commander of the Bauhinia Guard of every generation.

From here, it is not difficult to see how loyal Zijing is to the royal family. The career he chooses and the route he takes are almost all made to better assist the Ziluo family.

So when he realized that someone was trying to attack the control area of ​​​​Ziluo Lan, Zi Jing, who was the first to react, rushed out almost instantly and intercepted these people in front of the formation, and used his severely distorted voice to say A series of clear and specific instructions——

"All Bauhinia Guards listen to the order, the first to ninth squads immediately protect His Majesty; the tenth to thirteenth squads use [True Image] to conduct wide-area reconnaissance in my area; the fourteenth, sixteenth, and nineteenth squads form a horizontal sword formation Advancing to both sides at a constant speed; all members of the second brigade went into hiding and rushed to the corresponding location of emergency plan No. 3; the third brigade ensured the evacuation route as quickly as possible to ensure the stability of the royal guards; fifteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth The team will come to support me immediately!"

Obviously, Zi Jing not only has strong personal strength, but also has extremely high attainments in command level and on-the-spot response. However...

[The order was ignored... No, my voice was blocked? 】

After issuing five orders in one breath, Zi Jing found that except for the colleagues around him who began to rush to fight, the large army behind him did not react at all.


He reacted quickly and jumped back, hiding his figure among the dozens of Redbud Guards who subconsciously rushed out, and said quickly: "You try your best to stop these attackers. I will go to the rear first to ensure the safety of His Majesty the Emperor." …”

Click! !

Before he finished speaking, two chains flashing with dark golden magic patterns were wrapped around Zi Jing's hands. At the same time, several people next to the two Bauhinia guards suddenly moved over and tore open their wrists with force. The armor was pressed against the violet pattern near the wrist with a look of death.


Even though Zi Jing's psychological quality was extremely strong, he couldn't help but feel cold all over for a moment. Without any hesitation, he condensed a piece of ice blade from the air and cut off his left arm, and instantly started a bloodthirsty rage, using a wave of With great strength, he threw away another Bauhinia Guard who used some kind of alchemical tool to restrain him, and then forcibly activated his shadow-melting ability, creating a thick dark element out of thin air to cover his body, in an attempt to target the traitors around him. The defense conflict goes out...

However, although his speed was already very fast, it was far less than the speed of the surrounding Redbud Guards. The violet patterns on the wrists of those people suddenly glowed brightly, and the purple mirror had not had time to completely As he sneaked into the shadows, he was swept in by a series of shocking and deafening light explosions.

The dozen or so Bauhinia Guards on both sides, who seemed to be fighting the attackers but had actually put down their weapons, shouted in unison: "The two wings were attacked by unknown attackers. The commander-in-chief has ordered that all personnel, except us, should Spread the defense, teams 14, 15, and 16 will stick to His Majesty’s side!”

As they spoke, they secretly made way for a passage and 'let' the attackers in very efficiently.

Five minutes later, in the midst of chaos, the remaining seventy or so attackers finally rushed to the center of the Violet War Eagle's throat, less than three hundred meters away from Clairvaux's car.

However, the Bauhinia Guards and the Royal Guards have been sent far away by the traitors who falsely conveyed the Purple Mirror's order. As for the 14th, 15th, and 16th squads that were given the task of "sticking to His Majesty", they were actually mixed with probably A quarter of the 25th generation, although those people are still loyal to the Violet royal family, the person they take orders from has already been Rebo Bresne a few years ago.

So although it is incredible, if the current situation continues to develop as it is now, when the attackers attack and the second and fifth boys switch sides and create chaos, His Majesty Clairvaux Bresne's situation will become extreme. Oops, as for the defensive methods on his body, they have been leaked for a long time.

To sum up, although His Majesty the Emperor still feels that he is very stable at the moment, he is actually in an extremely vicious crisis.

To put it simply, if nothing happens, he will die immediately...

Then, just as you might have guessed when seeing this, something unexpected happened.

A small accident.

Really small, because the person standing in front of the attackers and traitors, including the rather funny helmet on his head, was only a little over 1.2 meters tall.

"Get out of the way!"

One of the attackers, a spellcaster with a gloomy voice and above average height, gave a low drink, raised his hand and released a negative energy aggregate as big as a door panel, and smashed straight towards the unusually short figure in front of him. At the same time, , the two high-level thieves also lazily rushed over, waving the daggers in their hands and stabbing each other.

In the past five minutes, they had already eliminated many blockers like this.

But this time, they didn't succeed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a series of soft sounds, the negative energy aggregate that could kill at least ten mid-level professionals in one blow disappeared, and the two thieves also stopped strangely, their arms holding the daggers still trembling slightly.

The short figure stood there as if he had done nothing. The only difference from before was that there was a shield on his right arm, a dark, square shield.

After eliminating all possibilities, there is only one possible explanation left...

That is, about half a second ago, this man used that shield to block a negative energy blast and two stabs from different directions.

"Stop first, we still have plenty of time!"

A big man of at least two meters tall walked out from behind. He wore a silver helmet with horns on his head, and his body was muscular. He held a blood-stained ax in each hand. His skin was dark and he was filled with evil aura. He was staring straight at him. Looking at the 'accident' in front of him, he asked in a cold voice: "Who are you?"

Although this person is highly recognizable, he is not famous because he is the leader of the first slave-catching group under the Marshall family, so he always keeps a low profile.

But his strength and fighting style are anything but low-key. After all, this macho man is also an epic powerhouse.

The advanced profession of the berserker series - bloodthirsty war madness!

And the person opposite him is quite famous to some extent.

I saw the 1.2-meter-tall man casually took off the rather funny semicircular helmet on his head, revealing a pale face, mediocre features, and sparsely shiny head. He let out a long and despondent sigh: "I am mercury." Core Fernando.”

"Mercury core...Mercury core Fernand?!"

The other party was stunned for a moment, then suddenly frowned deeply and said in a deep voice: "Are you the Archduke Fernando?"

"Yes, sir."

Wearing a set of gray heavy armor of unknown quality and a black cloak covering an area of ​​about fifty square centimeters, Archduke Fernando sighed and said in a rather self-deprecating tone: " I am the Archduke Fernando who is timid, adapts to the changing circumstances, and is weak-minded."

The tall Ox tribe half-orc berserker was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Afraid of getting into trouble? I don't think so."

"If you don't plan to kill the nominal leader of our Violet Empire, I guarantee that I am the kind of person I just said." Mercury Core scratched his bald forehead in distress and said with a smile: "Either you turn around and leave now, I Promise that you will continue to be timid and fearful, and you will not dare to pursue even one step."

Briar Black Hoof snorted, raised the two battle axes in his hands, and looked fiercely at the dwarf archduke in front of him who seemed to be very talkative: "What if I don't leave?"

The latter shrugged: "If you don't want to leave, you can just talk to me here. We can talk about the weather or something."

"Stop pretending to be stupid here, dwarf, I don't believe you are an archduke or anything like that."

Black Hoof, who had heard many rumors about mercury cores before, still remained cautious. Although he did not question Fernand's identity in his heart, he still pretended to think with his muscles and threatened: "We are going to Go over here and say hello to His Majesty our Emperor, and if you know what you are looking for, get out of here and pretend I don’t see you.”

To be honest, he had good intentions, otherwise he would not lie to the other party that he did not believe his identity, implying that if he wanted to fight, he would definitely kill him.

So as long as the Grand Duke sees him well...

"Okay, in that case."

The dwarf had no intention of giving up at all. He just drooped his shoulders and sighed deeply. When he raised his head again, his ordinary and even funny face was gone. There is only chill and frost left in the pupils...

A breeze blew by, and Mercury Core Fernan put on the helmet he had just taken off again.

Chapter 534: End

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