Quadruple split

Chapter 535 Blood Night (III)

Rebbrethian is by no means a fool. In fact, this insightful crown prince is smarter than many people. He is ambitious, ambitious, and although slightly naive to a certain extent, but when necessary He can still be decisive and ruthless in killing, such as making up his mind to kill his own brother.

And these people he brought were all carefully selected...

Five personal soldiers, five dark mercenaries, three professional killers, and two Bauhinia Shadow Guards, among whom there are eleven high-level professionals, and those three killers and one of the Bauhinia Shadow Guards have an epic relationship. With a professional title of level 1, you should be able to get it no matter how difficult your idea is.

By the way, the professional system in this world after high level is epic, quasi-legend and legend respectively. Taking the profession of mage as an example, it corresponds to magister, great magister and sage respectively. The same goes for other professions. Have different job titles.

All in all, not to mention that Xiu's strength is only at the mid-level, and he is still the kind of half-baked mid-level who was forcibly pushed up by expensive alchemical drugs with no side effects. Even if he hides his epic strength, he will never be able to be surrounded by such a lineup. Go out of this door.

Even if he walks out, there is still a Royal Guards team of nearly a hundred people outside the [Female Bee]. The leader is also an epic strongman. It can be called a dragnet, and it is foolproof.


The dark mercenaries and killers who originally surrounded Xiu actually switched sides the moment Ruibo swung his sword angrily. They opened a lot of holes in his 'employer' without hesitation, and they were all in vital parts, and there were even no holes. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince died if he felt too much pain.

And of course there is a reason for all this. After all, things like 'Oh, I suddenly feel that the financial owner is so ugly, why don't I stab him to death?' Even Korean dramas don't dare to do this, let alone a serious one. What a rigorous, connotative, and in-depth literary work.

Therefore, these people's "defection in the face of battle" is naturally not really in the face of battle, but a premeditated rebellion.

As for the other seven people, that is, the dead men secretly trained by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the two Redbud Shadow Guards did not rebel, it was just that these people had no time to stop their companions. By the time they came to their senses, their master had already There is no way to save the day.

The direct consequence of this is that there is now only one of the two direct heirs of the Violet family left, that is, their target, Xubresn, so it is naturally self-evident who the culprit is.

Therefore, in this situation, the two shadow guards who had already sworn allegiance to Ruibo hesitated. These people who were dedicated to the Violet royal family knew very well that even if they kill the second prince by themselves now, even if they can defeat those who defected, Success by chance will only make the situation more complicated and even more detrimental to the royal family.

But the five dead men of Ruibo did not hesitate at all. They raised their weapons and killed the leisurely young man on the chair.

After all, the reason why 'Dead Soldiers' are called 'Dead Soldiers' is because they have long been prepared to be loyal no matter what they lose, so whether it is their own lives, the future of the Violet family or even the entire empire, It's not within their scope of consideration.

My master has been killed, and I have to avenge this even if I die!

Maintaining this mentality, the five people went all out at the first opportunity and launched an attack on Xiu in their strongest, fastest and most effective way.

High-level thunder magic——Booming Dragon

Advanced Shadow Curse - Blood Burial

The two spellcasters who had been preparing for a long time immediately launched the spells originally intended to kill the second prince.

At the same time, the thief's blood shadow flashed, the berserker's bloodthirsty soul-breaking slash, and the monk's heart-breaking palm all struck in front of Xiu, vowing to kill him.


Those who attacked Ribo before did not make any interception or resistance, but tacitly ducked to both sides, exposing the people they were supposed to protect to the opponent's murderous offensive.

As the person involved, Xiu didn't look at anyone after Ruibo fell. He just sipped the tea with a faint smile and ignored the attacks that tried to kill him.

It's not that he didn't react because he was really weak, it's just... it wasn't necessary.

The next moment——

A muscular figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiu Shen and pointed a finger.

I saw a purple-gold madness exploding out of thin air, turning into five sharp sword lights. In the blink of an eye, it dispersed the thunder dragon and curse that were close at hand, intercepted the three people who jumped on it, and knocked their The weapon...and the hand holding it were torn to pieces.


This man has a square face that is calm and intimidating. Although he only wears a simple short shirt, he is tall and strong. His beard and hair are all white. He looks to be around seventy years old at least, and his eyes are filled with emotion. Despite the vicissitudes of life, there is no dullness or turbidity at all. On the contrary, in terms of essence, energy, and spirit, this old man is far better than those youthful young people, making people feel that he can live for at least another fifty or sixty years.

For a moment, both the five dead soldiers under Ruibo and the two Bauhinia Shadow Guards were all shocked beyond measure. However, this man's desperate strength had nothing to do with it, leaving them with a look of horror on their faces. Yes, it is the identity of this old man!


One of the Redbud Shadow Guards shivered subconsciously, his eyes behind the mask were full of disbelief: "Warren Dantes!"

That's right, this old man is none other than Warren Dantis, who was promoted to the sword master half a year ago and entered the legendary level. He is one of the strongest men in the Violet Empire and the brother of the current Grand Duke Dantis.

The biological brother of the current Grand Duke Dantès!

Here, watching his own nephew...Crown Prince Rebo die, and then blocking a fatal attack for Shubresian? !

"This is impossible!"

A dead soldier who could be called Ribo's confidant roared in disbelief, pointing tremblingly at the old man in front of him: "You...you...can't be...absolutely impossible!!"

"I understand what you're thinking. After all, reality is always so hard to accept."

Xiu turned his head and glanced at the dead soldier who had almost collapsed, and made a helpless expression: "But we have to face it."

He smiled and raised his glass.

Then he faintly uttered one word——



The sword was sheathed and the cold light disappeared.

The light is cold blood light.

A sword is a sharp sword for killing people.

Warm blood splashed in the air and fell to the ground at the same time as the horrified head.

One second, one sword, five kills.

【King's Guardian】

Weapon Category: One-Handed Sword

Quality: the only legend

Attack power: extremely strong

Attributes: Damage increased by 100%, attack speed increased by 100%, base hit increased by 25%, all damage received reduced by 25%, damage to female units of race: Lizardmen reduced by 100%.

Traits: Diligence, Keeping Secrets


King Qin: When there is a friendly unit with royal blood within a radius of 50 meters of the user, your attack speed will be increased by an additional 15%, the hatred caused will be increased by 15%, and you can be teleported to the friendly unit with royal blood. Cooling time 1 minute.

Keep Secret: The user is always considered to be in a 'silent' state and cannot cast any spells.

Equipment requirements: One-handed weapon specialization level 50, possessing a ‘legendary’ level profession, and noble bloodline

[Note: One day, Salo Bresne proposed a game of chess to his brother-in-law Wendy Madantis. The bet was a slim and fragile machete collected by the royal family, and After deliberately losing the chess game and forcibly giving the piece of crap as a favor to Wendy Wheat, who had helped conceal his drunken harassment of the waitress a few days ago, Wendy Wheat melted away the quilt. The scimitar is named after the one-handed sword, and he invited the famous contemporary beautiful dwarf craftsman Bronzebeard Udon to reforge it into a real long sword in order to repay his brother-in-law for not making a drunken mistake and harassing him. He revealed the story of a lizardman maid and named the sword King's Guardian. 】

Obviously, this is a very powerful weapon, and its user is also a very powerful person.

In one second and one move, the five high-level professionals were separated from their bodies and were fighting for the ground with their heads.

Then Dantès, who sheathed his sword, slowly retreated behind the second prince, lowered his head and said softly: "The killing is over, Your Highness."

"Let's go."

Xiu lazily stood up, nodded to the two dumbfounded Bauhinia Shadow Guards, then turned to look at the eight dark mercenaries and professional killers waiting beside him, pointed at the corpses, and said softly : "Pick up the useful ones for yourself. Once you've got them, go to the 'Imperial Camp' to report, and then you can say goodbye to your 'past' as you wish."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The eight people immediately bowed and saluted, and two women among them had tears in their eyes.


Xiu smiled, then stepped on the large blood stains on the ground, and walked out of the [Female Bee] together with Warren Dantis.

After the two of them went out, Warren couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, you can just ask me to give away those rats in the gutter..."

He made a throat-cutting gesture.

"Because I'm a man of my word, Warren."

Xiu, who was not related by blood to the other party, called him by his name without any politeness, and said casually: "Just like I said before that I would help you break through to the legendary level, and then I actually helped you break through to the legendary level, just like you told me After declaring my intention to draw a clear line between myself and my own brothers, I said that as long as you don’t do stupid things, you will let the Dantes family’s mistakes be forgotten..."

He smiled, looked at the nearly a hundred corpses beside the canal, and shrugged: "Integrity is a precious quality, whether in life or in business."

"I know, I know..."

A petite figure appeared in front of the two of them at some point. He looked up at Xiu with dissatisfaction and curled his lips and said, "Why don't I stop cheating customers in the future? I'll just write 'sweet sugar water without honey' on the menu." Isn’t that enough?”

This is a dwarf girl with pink curly hair. Many people in the old city know that she is the only waiter in the [Female Bee] tavern. Her name is Xiao Na. She likes to recommend window seats and sweet treats to others. honey water.

But few people know that her full name is Nabatori, and she was once a very professional killer.

Of course, Xiao Na's identity has now become the maid of Xubresn. Although she is a maid who is not with her master most of the time, she is no longer a killer, but, 'not a killer' It doesn't mean that she is no longer professional in killing people. This can be confirmed by the nearly a hundred corpses of the weakest mid-level base.

It is necessary to explain that 'Batory' is not the original surname of this dwarf girl. No one, including herself, knows what Xiao Na's surname is because she has been recruited by an organization since she was very young. Adopted, a top assassin organization active in the southeastern continent, and the most powerful assassin in this organization will be given the name of 'Bathory', and the young Xiao Na is the last Bathory .

By the way, the assassins in this organization are all women. As for those disgusting managers, superiors and organization owners, they will never get their hands dirty.

In the third year after Xiao Na became Bathory, that is, nine years ago now, Xubresian, who was only a teenager at the time, became interested in his organization and after conducting a series of investigations Plan to cause some trouble for them.

So, two months later, the assassin organization called the 'Blood Tea Party' was destroyed.

The only two remaining members, after accepting an invitation, dragged their dying bodies to the Violet Empire for a few weeks, and met the chess player who saved them from the sea of ​​suffering by a coincidence. '.

Another half year later, the second prince of the Violet Empire, Xubresien, suddenly had a cat tribe orc maid named Correia Igret beside him; and next to the canal in the old city, there was a tavern opened by an unknown person. There was only one waiter inside, named Nabatori.

Their surnames are their rank in the 'Blood Tea Party', and Xiu gave them names... and the right to live freely in the sun.

Perhaps this right is not worth mentioning to many people, but for some people, it is worth everything.

In order to keep this power and repay this kindness, they don't mind doing anything for their benefactors and new employers, whether it's serving tea, working in the store... or killing people, killing people efficiently and quickly!

Standing behind Xiu Xiu, Warren could tell at a glance that although the petite dwarf girl in black leather armor in front of him was definitely no match for him in a head-on confrontation, if the words 'head-to-head confrontation' were thrown away, the opponent would definitely be able to fight easily Kill yourself, a half-full sword master.

However, Xiao Na didn't care what the old man standing behind Xiu was thinking. She just looked at the master in front of her with a playful smile and asked happily: "Now, since His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is dead, then I will go and 'clean' Really?"

"Thank you for your hard work~"

"What's the range?"

"Everyone on the first, third, and fourth lists who was in Salamoon, no one is left."

"Wow, so amazing~"

"Haha, because today is a good day for bleeding."

Chapter 532: End

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