Quadruple split

Chapter 517 Prison

[Saint of the Immortal Saint]

summon creature

HP: 980/980

Magic value: 2500/2500

Faith value: 2500/2500

Traits: Immortal Piety, Distorted Faith, Growable

Skills: Moonfire, Moonlight, Starry Night Confession, Pure Land, Star Fall, Moonlight Bloom, Holy Word Confinement, Holy Word Banishment, Great Dispel

[Remarks: Lost souls wandering on the border between life and death, despite being riddled with sin, yearn for the salvation of faith]

【Battle of the Saints Who Will Not Fall】

summon creature

HP: 2500/2500

Magic value: 500/500

Faith value: 1800/1800

Traits: Immortal Piety, Distorted Faith, Growable

Skills: Moonlight, Bright Moon Sword Glory, Starfall Slash, Demon Gathering Aura, Brave Assault, Mirror Fantasy Armor

[Remarks: Lost souls wandering on the border between life and death, despite being riddled with sin, yearn for the salvation of faith]

"Diana, can you open these fences without breaking the restrictions?"

Mo raised his hand and brushed his face, summoning a twisted black mist to cover the upper half of his face, and asked softly to the female corpse dressed as a priest in front of him.

The latter was wearing a bright and torn white robe, with a large area of ​​bare skin exposed to the air. Besides, except for the smooth skin which was less than 30%, the rest of the female body was severely ulcerated, exuding bursts of rich fragrance. Her face had the same smell of corpse. Except for the delicate and beautiful half of her face on the left side, the rest of her face was severely decayed. You could even see the skull on her forehead and cheeks.

"The damn monster will be punished by God."

Her cloudy eyes were wild and chaotic, staring at her summoner, and she cursed hoarsely with her severely damaged vocal cords.

"If your god is still 'alive', then he will definitely have the opportunity to punish me personally."

Mo, who was in sync with the consciousness of the Shadow of Sin, smiled coldly and said solemnly: "But now, answer my question."

A dark light suddenly lit up in the eyes of the female corpse named Diana, and she immediately calmed down. Then she walked slowly to the row of fences, looked at her with her dim eyes for a long time, then turned around and whispered softly. : "I think it should be possible. Although our magical system is not in the Holy Religion Union, these low-level magical arts all have the same goal. As long as we don't use the power of the chaotic side or the evil side, it shouldn't be a big problem to temporarily invalidate these restrictions."

"Great, let's do it."

Mo nodded slightly.

"Yes, Master."

Diana showed an unusually twisted smile, then raised her hands and gently grasped the fence where several sets of magic were flowing. She recited a certain god's name in a low voice, but she did not receive a deterrent counterattack from the ban. , Not only that, in a burst of soft silver light that quietly rose, the groups of bright magical carvings dimmed quickly.

In less than ten seconds, the small tribunal's powerful formal restrictions were easily broken.

But this is not surprising. After all, Diana Lillian was once a high-level priest of the Huiyue Sect, and her magical attainments were quite superb. Although her strength was greatly damaged after being brutally killed, she did not lose her memory after being transformed into a living corpse. , still retains a lot of knowledge about divine arts, and it is not complicated to break this level of restrictions.

"very good."

Mo nodded, then casually pushed open the fence in front of him, walked slowly to the detention room just opposite him, turned around and ordered another living corpse wearing broken heavy armor: "Go to the entrance of this floor. Guard, if someone comes down, knock him out as quickly as possible, don't kill him."

Bruno Mazouz, who was once a high-ranking Templar, nodded with a straight face, took off a rusty flail from his waist, and slowly left the detention room of the Shadow of Sin. Anna is generally severely decayed, but her limbs are very healthy, but there are only bones and a little carrion from the chest to the abdomen. His strength is far less than before, but he still has a high-level level. If you add in combat experience and living corpses In terms of characteristics, even high-level peak experts are enough to fight.

They were all the corpses that Mo returned to Banser City and sent Garros to secretly collect after killing Farah. After Mo's initial rampage that turned the entire city into a dead zone, these two Huiyue Sect members stationed here The high-ranking priests did not survive. In fact, the two of them were probably the rare intact corpses in the entire church. In short, after the side effects of Mo's skills were completely over, they were immediately transformed into living corpses by a certain skill. It became the summoned creature of the former.

Because of this, during the previous Chinese New Year, Ji Xiaodao felt that the gap between Cordoba and Mo was like a huge chasm. Although the two ranked first and second in the rankings respectively, even if Cordoba went all out, it would only be at best. It is just as good as Bruno in the state of a living corpse. If Mo Ji summons a super-standard summoned creature like Orang Yan, Cordoba will definitely kill more than a dozen people before summoning him. Defeated internally.

As for the situation without using summoned creatures, Ji Xiaodao really doesn't know how far Mo can do it, because for a long time, that guy rarely takes action personally. Even when he occasionally 'discusses' with him, They always use summoned beasts to fight. It's not that the girl has never thought of ways to attack the opponent's body, but every time she is blocked by the ubiquitous black crystal screen, no matter magic damage or physical damage, no matter what skill bonus, no matter it is Whether she was waiting for an opportunity to attack or had been preparing for a long time, she had never broken through the crystal screen, so she never knew how strong Mo was.

All in all, after Bruno walked to the entrance to the third underground floor, Mo gently pushed open the 'cell' opposite and looked down coldly at the woman huddled in the corner.

"Heh, it turns out that the restriction is not even activated."

He slightly raised the corners of his mouth, walked slowly to the unconscious woman in front of him, sat down on the dirty and cold floor tiles without hesitation, and said softly: "If I remember correctly, your name should be Doraxi. It’s stuck…”

The latter, who was in a coma, naturally couldn't hear these words. Dora, who was covered in bruises, just subconsciously wrapped the tattered blanket around her body and uttered a few indistinct murmurs.

"It should be very painful..."

Mo casually pushed aside the other party's blanket, stretched out his index finger and tapped the woman's wound, causing the latter to let out a cry of pain, but perhaps because the injury was too heavy, Dora, who was already on her deathbed, did not Not woken up.

"This is a bit of a headache."

Mo moved his index finger expressionlessly, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly smiled. He raised his right hand and gently held his left shoulder, and then yanked...

The blood suddenly appears!

He actually tore his left arm off from his body.

The health of [Shadow of Sin] also quickly dropped to 4100/7000, and bleeding and disability effects appeared in the status bar. Because it was shaped into a human by Mo at the beginning, it will also bleed and be injured normally. There is just no corresponding pain, but when synchronized with Mo's spirit, its pain is real, and because this summoned creature is not essentially a player, there is no reduction in pain.

To sum up, the pain Mo just endured was no different from having an arm torn off in reality.

But he looked at the severed arm in his hand with satisfaction as if he was completely unconscious, without showing any sign of pain.

Then he activated the [Dissipation] trait of the Shadow of Sin, turning his left half into a blur of black mist. After a moment, a brand new left arm reappeared on his body, and the two in the panel The negative status naturally disappeared, and only the health value remained unchanged, steadily returning to 5% every half minute.

"If the Shadow of Sin bears some of my characteristics..."

Several bloody lines appeared on Mo's right hand holding the severed arm. He calmly looked at Dorashika in front of him and said lightly: "Then if part of its flesh and blood is used as a medium for treatment, will it also work? How about letting you also have some of my characteristics?"

The next second, the broken arm instantly turned into a pool of blood. It quickly gathered into a blood ball in mid-air as if it came to life, and then 'drilled' straight into Dora's abdomen, and passed through several huge and ferocious... , flowing through the wounds that have burst open dozens of times during this period.

In the next few dozen seconds, Dora's pale face gradually regained its color, her dry and chapped lips slowly turned red, and the most serious wounds on her abdomen actually began to heal!

There is no doubt that Mo just used an extremely overbearing healing skill to heal a small part of Dora's injuries that were incurable by most magic, divine spells or potions.

Of course, this skill is not without cost. You must know that the arm that was just sacrificed is not ordinary flesh and blood, but the arm of the Shadow of Sin whose basic attributes have exceeded 100. This arm alone contains The power is dozens of times stronger than that of Dorashka...

"This is...where...I..."

Dora, whose injuries were relieved, gradually regained consciousness, then slowly opened her eyes and mumbled something hazy.

"You are Dorashika, a paladin belonging to the Sun Sect."

The man in front of him, half of his face blurred, gently helped himself up, showed a very beautiful smile, and said softly: "This is the outer city of the City of Light, the dungeon of the Small Inquisition."

Dora was stunned for a moment, then widened her eyes and repeated: "This is the referee... Uh-huh... Huh... Why am I here..."

Mo helped her sit next to the wall, then stood up, took two steps back, sat down on the floor, and whispered: "It's best to calm down. Your injuries are very serious. Even if I take some emergency measures, it won't be the same." There’s no way to cure you right away.”

"Uh...that, thank you."

Dora subconsciously expressed her gratitude to this man with a nice voice, and then she was surprised and said: "Wait, since this is the dungeon of the Small Inquisition, then you are..."

"Sorry, I'm not the guard here."

Mo shook his head gently and shrugged: "In fact, I am a prisoner detained here just like you."

Dora blinked, then shook her head quite forcefully compared to her physical condition: "You don't look like a bad person..."

"Who knows? It's not just bad people who get locked up."

The man in front of him chuckled, and his eyes hidden behind the shadows flickered slightly: "For example, I don't think you are a bad person. Aren't you also locked up here?"

"I'm... locked up here... in the tribunal... I..."

Dora then belatedly remembered her situation, and her face that had just regained some color suddenly turned pale: "No, how could I be locked up? This is impossible, there must be something wrong!"

"Calm down……"

The other party half-knelt in front of him, gently held himself down with his warm and strong hands, and said seriously: "As I said just now, your injury is very serious."

Dora pursed her lips, took two deep breaths, and then rubbed her forehead vigorously: "Thank you, I feel...I am a little confused."

"If you don't mind, can you tell me why you were imprisoned here?"

Those black eyes with a hint of concern were particularly serious.

Dora shook her head and whispered: "I don't know... I don't know why I was locked up, I don't even know why I am here..."

"Then you can recall what you did the last time you were sober and who you met."

The other party gave sincere advice and said softly: "The most urgent task now is to figure out the ins and outs, isn't it?"

What he said makes sense, but...

"Well, I'm sorry, I want to know who you are and why you want to help me..."

Dora recalled obediently and asked the person in front of her who felt very close and familiar to her.


"I'm sorry, it's not convenient for me to answer these two questions. If I have a chance, maybe I will tell you later."

The other party unexpectedly refused, and then said with a warm smile: "But compared to the 'reason to help you', the fact of wanting to help you should be more important. If... well, yes, if you are really a Innocent person, then I can even find a way to help you get out of here."

"I...I am definitely innocent..."

Under the other party's seemingly magical voice and gaze, Dora did not inquire further. She just lowered her head with a pale face and said softly: "I remember... I should be recuperating at home. Ha, just treat it as recuperating. In the morning , I was just about to write a letter to my parents when I could barely get out of bed, and then...then someone with a high status came to me, she...she was..."

"Don't be in a hurry. Speak slowly."

The other party laughed with interest, but in Dora's eyes, the man in front of her was just listening intently and seriously.

"She is one of the patriarchs of our Sun Sect...she said someone wanted to see me...and then I..."

"Leaved with her?"

"Maybe, I was carried on a stretcher, and maybe I slept for a while, and then I arrived at a place... a very strange place..."

"What place is it?"

"It's... it's... Sun Chaser... Sun Chaser Sun Chapel..."

Chapter 514: End

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