Quadruple split

Chapter 515 After the Banquet

Anyone who doesn’t know these two people very well would be confused by this situation, because whether it’s Mo Tan and Futaba’s posture (horse riding/hugging waist), tone of voice (doting/arrogant), Both their behavior (willingness to be beaten/slightly beaten) make them look very right, very couple, and very weak.

However, this is wrong.

is very, very wrong.

If a certain unlucky child is lucky enough to have a deeper understanding of these two people, then he must know very well that whether it is Mo Tan under his current personality or Futaba who is acting like a arrogant girlfriend at the moment, They are monsters that eat people without spitting out bones, especially when they are in a hostile position. The more harmonious and friendly they appear, the more dangerous they are.

It’s not surprising that these guys with bottomless bottom lines can do something. Mo Tan can show his love to Futaba in a high-profile manner without hesitation in serious situations, and Futaba can also talk to others in a serious way. If they are pregnant with each other's child, they can weave all kinds of vicious or sharp conspiracies while talking and laughing, they can drink tea and chat calmly like friends, and they can also stab each other without hesitation when they catch each other's flaws. , and enjoy it endlessly.

One second they were laughing and chatting about something interesting, the next second they flipped the table and cursed, and then continued chatting after flipping the table. This behavior has become a daily routine between the two.

Motan and Futaba have never been friends, and have no intention of becoming friends with each other, but they are mutually recognized enemies, enjoying the excitement of being irreversible if they make one wrong step.

Maybe someone else would have been played to death long ago, but their 'game' lasted for many years, and it was difficult for anyone to gain the absolute upper hand.

Even now, Mo Tan successfully misled Futaba by relying on the system bug of the Innocence Realm, which only gave him a slight advantage, but it did not mean that he was guaranteed to win.

As long as he makes the slightest mistake, Futaba, who has already found out about 'Motan', will definitely expose it as soon as possible and will not hesitate to send his companion who has committed many anti-social cases to prison. Pick up soap from prison.

Of course, the same goes for Mo Tan. As long as the other party shows the slightest hint of flaws, he will never be merciful.

Every moment they spend together, they try their best to guide each other to make fatal mistakes. After meeting in the game of Innocence, their frequency has even reached the point of being heartbreaking.

So, if you really think that these two are flirting and have bad intentions towards each other from the perspective of the opposite sex, you are really naive.

Neither Mo Tan nor Futaba regarded each other as a human being from the beginning, because they both knew that even if the other party still had a bit of humanity, they would never show it in front of them.

Those rather ambiguous actions are just a process of two people hurting each other. After all, to a certain extent, making the other party 'like' you in a true sense is definitely a shortcut to victory in the game.

People are often subconsciously willing to trust the person they admire. Before the relationship is officially established, that is, it is the so-called friend or above. When the lover is not satisfied, it is very easy to trust the other person, and they will unintentionally let down their guard, and their rationality and intelligence will also Falling into a continuous decline, until the other party is nominally claimed as one's own, vigilance and intelligence will return to the average, and may even rise to the next level.

So after knowing that the other party was of the opposite sex, the two extremely narcissistic and shameless people immediately naturally developed an additional method of attack.

So Motan and Futaba came into being by chance.

[As long as you let this idiot bow down under my pomegranate skirt/jeans, you will die in a matter of minutes! 】

This idea↑

These two narcissistic people know very well that they will never fall in love with each other. At the same time, they both feel that even if the hope is slim, there is a certain chance of making the other person fall in love, so they will play like this from time to time.

To be honest, from an objective point of view, it is impossible for these two people to fall into the trap if they know the basics. After all, no one would like someone who is plotting to kill them all the time, but they themselves do not think so.

It is also possible that, although they are aware of this matter, they still don't mind trying it occasionally for the sake of entertainment. It doesn't cost money anyway.

As a result, in addition to scolding each other, limited cooperation, and daily testing, two people who have ulterior motives and know that each other has ulterior motives now have an additional link of hooking up and sexual harassment.

And it’s pretty advanced to play.

For example, right now, Futaba's textbook arrogance, the small fists that look fierce but are actually like massaging the head, the slightly trembling arms tightly holding the opponent's waist, and the shallow look on the face that happens to be caught by the opponent's peripheral vision. The light blush is very, very endearing.

And Mo Tan's performance was not bad either. He seemed to be sarcastic (in fact he was), but after Futaba protested, he still thoughtfully slowed down a little, straightened his back, and tried his best to protect the people behind him. The young girl blocked the wind, even though she was hit on the back of the head by the other party, she did not get angry. Instead, after asking the reason, she said that she didn't mind, and her words were full of doting, and her boyfriend was very powerful.

Then, as expected, the two of them were neither romantic nor romantic. Not only did they completely ignore the other's deliberately displayed 'charm', but they also gave themselves a very high evaluation, which was extremely shameless.

ten minutes later

"Let's talk"

At some point, Futaba changed her position and sat diagonally behind Mo Tan with her legs together. Her petite body seemed to be equipped with shock absorbers without any bumps. She held Mo Tan's shoulder with one hand and looked back at Salamu. En asked absently: "I suddenly realized that you didn't seem to say goodbye to that vampire."

"Blood Seeker."

Mo Tan corrected him casually, and then shrugged: "There is no need. I have already told Lesa in advance that I will go back to Salamoen to find her in a while, and we will go back to the place where the sisters are in the Free City together. Home, if I unfortunately die outside, the certificate from the Gold Coin Chamber of Commerce will be enough for her to live without worries for hundreds of years."

Futaba sneered and snorted: "You are quite responsible. You can give away a large amount of money that will put you on the ranking list."

"Not necessarily. Lesa can't get rid of me."

Mo Tan shook the reins and said calmly: "Don't forget that I am a player. Even if I die accidentally, I can still find her again after creating a new character. Then I just need to say a few little secrets that only we know, whether it is People and money will all come back to my control immediately."

Futaba did not doubt his words, but asked with great interest: "I have always been curious about why you value her so much. If you just need a bodyguard, Miss Lesa's strength is only that much. With your ability, it shouldn’t take long to become stronger than her, or do you want to try to take advantage of the system and see if you can somehow achieve something restricted with her?"

"It's not as complicated as you think."

Mo Tan shook his head and said seriously: "It's just because of her big breasts."

"I'll play!"

Futaba flicked the back of Mo Tan's head hard with her middle finger, then leaned on the latter's back and curled her lips angrily: "Being small has its advantages."

I have to say, this scene is really cute.

"No, think about it."

Mo Tan tilted his head thoughtfully and said seriously: "If we have a child in the future, he will definitely be malnourished, right?"

Futaba rolled her eyes angrily and hummed, "It will get bigger during breastfeeding, okay?"

Mo Tan thought for a moment subconsciously, then trembled and laughed dryly: "I thought of a very bad picture, let's change the topic."

"If you can't afford it, just say you can't afford it."

The girl sneered and said leisurely: "Then go on and tell me what you think about that vampire. Tell the truth or shut up and choose one. Don't talk about useless things."

Mo Tan was silent for a while, and then said: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I hope to confirm some ideas through her."

"It doesn't sound very ethical."

"So my conscience has been gnawing at me for a while."

"Haha, really?"

"haha, yes"

"So, where is the priest of the Sun Sect?"

Futaba did not continue to explore, but simply asked Xiao Ai, whom he had met several times, "Why do you let her act with the large army?"

"You said you're a priest, so naturally you're going to save lives and heal the wounded."

Mo Tan replied without any hesitation.

Futaba didn't even pay attention to him.

After another period of silence, Mo Tan took the lead in starting the conversation: "When will our cooperation end?"

Futaba was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: "Are you scared?"

"Nonsense, if you are not prepared, you will be in trouble if you turn your back on Buffy Marshall and kill me to pieces." Mo Tan admitted without hesitation, shook his head and said: "You should have too We have the same concerns, so it’s better to explain it clearly first.”

The girl replied casually without thinking: "Then wait until the next time you leave Salamoen. Anyway, it is impossible to wait for His Highness to be crowned."

"Yeah, he's really a little too naive."

"Hmm wait! Where are you going?!"

"Look at the scenery."

"Look, hurry up and chase west!"

"Okay, okay, let's just go west."

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"Just kidding~"

"What the hell are you going to do if you go back?"

"You know shit."

Game time PM23:19

The Chauvin Empire, the royal capital of Trone, the residence of the guilty lord

The luxurious dinner had just come to an end. One by one, the powerful nobles politely said goodbye to their hosts and left the brightly lit main hall. After leaving gifts, they got on their own carriages and left one after another. Although many people I hope that the happy time can last longer, but after all, His Excellency Sin Lord's injury has not healed, so everyone thoughtfully said goodbye and left after the latter showed obvious fatigue.

After rather forcefully helping the companion who wanted to see the guests off in person back to the room, Ms. Silent Prayer, wearing a black evening dress, quickly rushed back and stood at the door to greet everyone who had not had time to leave. guests say goodbye.


Ji Xiaodao pulled his dazzling silver hair and whispered to the middle-aged man standing beside him: "Sister Kasana came alone, go and see her off."

The latter nodded immediately, bowed to the girl in the snow-white dress in front of him and said, "I am willing to serve you."

"Ah, no need for that, Sister Silent Prayer."

The only daughter of the earl family who came to the banquet alone waved her hands nervously and whispered: "I can go back by myself."

"Safety first, my good sister, after all you are so beautiful."

Ji Xiaodao gently held the other party's hand and said with a smile: "This is a special request from a guy who likes to show off his strength. I must ask someone to send you back intact."

The girl with silky black hair immediately blushed and said with a lowered face, "Lord Sin Lord, I know. Then I'll trouble the housekeeper."

"It's my pleasure."

Dawn, who had been promoted to housekeeper, smiled, walked slowly behind Kasanna, and nodded slightly to Ji Xiaodao: "Please rest assured, as long as old Dawn is still alive, no one can harm the beautiful Ms. Kasanna. "

Ji Xiaodao laughed dumbly, blinked and said: "Don't be so serious, Daun, we all know how good the security is in Troon, and I only asked you to give Sister Kasana a ride because your master and I are too worried. That’s all.”

"You are also my master."

Dawn shrugged.

Kasana's face darkened unnoticeably.

"What are you talking about?"

Ji Xiaodao glared at Dawn with a reddish complexion, then gently shook Kasana's little hand: "Hey, be careful on the road."

"Sister Silent Prayer, I."

The latter stared blankly at the breathtakingly beautiful dark elf in front of him under the moonlight, and timidly lowered his head under the gentle gaze of the pair of red eyes: "Can I come again?"

Ji Xiaodao smiled and replied briskly: "Of course, I will tell you as soon as that guy recovers from his injury."

"Ah, thank you, Sister Ji Prayer."

The aristocratic girl exclaimed in surprise and smiled widely: "I believe you will take good care of Lord Sin, now, I will leave first."

"Be careful on the road."


It wasn't until Kasanna and Dawn's backs disappeared into the night that Ji Xiaodao sighed silently, turned around and walked into the mansion.

Two minutes later, the study room

"He left already."

Ji Xiaodao closed the door and whispered to Mo, who was leaning quietly by the window: "The final payment for Beifeng Fang has been paid, and several of their cadres will stay in Trenn for the next four days."


Mo nodded and asked calmly: "How was Kang Da Ling's reaction?"

"Martial law has not yet been lifted."

"Galahat and Garros haven't received the message either, right?"

"Well, the emperor and Duke Fossey, who secretly returned to the capital, blocked the news."

"I understand, then, the plan remains as usual."

"Okay, I won't keep you waiting too long."

"hope so."

"By the way, let me take a good photo of that Cassana."

"I still have some things to deal with, so let's do this first."

"Would you like some coffee?"


"If you don't say anything, you will be acquiescing. How about trying black snow peas today?"

"what ever."

Chapter 512: End

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