Quadruple split

Chapter 502 Person in Charge

Sergey was shocked.

He really couldn't help but be shocked, because just ten seconds ago, the old, crappy mage actually picked up his staff and knocked himself to the ground. Although he didn't cause much harm to himself, this incredible unfolding But it still really shocked him.

The battle experience that has been engraved in the bone marrow made Sergei subconsciously make a series of responses. He was not hurt at all by the subsequent dozen or so flying flames that fell from the sky, but it could not help him clarify the current situation, such as that Why did the staff explode? Why was the old man who was also blown up at close range okay? Why was this guy so strong even though he was a mage?

"Asshole, you are not a mage at all!"

Sergey, who was swooping into the air, struck down with his eagle, stretched out his hands to twist Jadeka's neck: "Die!"

Several crisscrossing walls of fire appeared out of thin air, raging and burning in the air. They covered Jadka in layers, forcing Sergei, who had limited vision, to forcibly change the form of attack, changing the original volley to a large attack. With a range of mental energy impact, he turned his claws into palms and launched a wide-ranging wave. In an instant, he blew away the thick wall of fire, and then pressed towards Jadeka with undiminished power.

However, at this moment, several tea eggs were the first to catch up with the wave of mental energy, and burst into pieces the moment they came into contact with the latter, further reducing the power of the energy, followed immediately by another tall wave. The figure flashed, and the black sandalwood dragon wings that rushed in front of Jadeka at high speed flapped again, setting off two strong wind pressures to offset the last bit of the aftermath, while Yaya rushed up from the side at the moment Sergei was about to land, and swept him away. The 'Giant Crusher' that had been spinning for unknown number of times in his hand hit Sergei heavily on the back.

"Ugh, you're looking for death!"

No matter how strong the latter was, he still couldn't escape unscathed after Yaya tried his best to complete a heavy back attack. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and raised his right hand to slap him in the next second. If Yaya's profile was hit hard by this slap, it would break his appearance at the slightest, and blow his head away at the worst.

However, at this moment, a series of flame blasts suddenly hit Yaya's shoulders. Although the strength and damage were not satisfactory, they successfully deflected her body slightly, allowing her to avoid Sergei by a hair. That slap of shame and anger.

"You don't want to slap someone in the face, boy, let alone a girl."

Jadeka looked at Sergei coldly and slammed the staff on the ground: "Shameless!"

At the same time, the ground under Sergei's feet turned dark red visibly to the naked eye, followed by a burst of orange flames, then a second, third, and fourth. In just a few seconds , there were actually twelve scorching flames rising from the ground, engulfing Sergei's body in an instant, and did not touch Yaya who was close to him at all.

This round of [Fire Tongue Spell], which has excellent sound and light effects, is also a low-level fire magic. It is also the strongest spell Jadeka has mastered so far. Because the scale is basically five times that of the conventional fireball spell, the success rate remains at 100% all year round. Below 10%, so Lao Jia almost never tries to use it.

But it's different now

Holding [Purified Spicy Powder], Jadka can not only easily cast [Fire Tongue Technique], but there is no casting process or cooling time, just raise his hand and there is a whole stack.

In fact, whether it was the tongue of fire spell that directly sprayed Sergei in the face, or spells such as fireball, fire wall, flying flames, and flame impact, Jadeka could easily perform continuous and instantaneous attacks.

The reason is very simple. First of all, his magic reserve is not a problem at all. If converted into data that players can understand, it is at least the total magic value of fifty Futaba. The biggest problem with the weak observation of elements is that the bottle of chili noodles It ceases to exist after it appears, so the rest is nothing more than a matter of proficiency.

So what is Jadeka's proficiency in low-level fire magic?

To sum it up in one sentence, it’s all. Note that he has practiced all low-level fire spells more than 100,000 times carefully. That’s right, it’s not that he has used it 100,000 times or practiced it 100,000 times, but he has practiced it carefully. 'Practed more than 100,000 times.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he can achieve this level after the obstacle of elemental perception disappears.

It is also an instant fireball. Others may need to wave their staff or raise their arms, but Jadeka only needs one thought to construct the corresponding magic circle. Ten thoughts are ten, one hundred. One thought is a hundred. As long as he is willing, he can use as much low-level fire magic as he wants before the magic power is exhausted.

So although he is a junior mage who doesn't know any intermediate magic, he has surpassed most mid-level wizards in some aspects, such as the use of junior spells, magic power, etc.

It's a pity that Sergei's class is high-level, and his profession is also a monk with one of the best battery life and magic resistance, so most low-level magics are difficult to break through defense, and the concept of not breaking defense is placed in the data On one level, it is a forced blood deduction of 1 point, which cannot even keep up with his natural blood recovery speed.

Otherwise, Jadeka alone could forcibly kill him with low-level magic.

"Ya Ya, back off!"

Mo Tan let out a low drink, and then spat out another dragon's breath with a faint thunderous sound, aiming directly at Sergei who was engulfed by tongues of fire.

Yaya, who was about to strike again, jumped aside when he heard the words, and then saw Mo Tan's dark purple dragon's breath and the whole pile of fire tongue skills collide with everything, making a deafening explosion.

[Dragon flames and elemental flames are completely different concepts. They are very different in form and nature. It is not uncommon for an explosion to occur if the two are suddenly mixed together. 】

Mo Tan had read this sentence in a small dragon science book in Salamoen Library before, so he immediately shot the Dragon Breath at Sergei who had not yet left the range of the Fire Tongue Technique, and the result was really... exploded

There is smoke, no harm.

After the flames subsided, Sergei's unscathed figure reappeared in everyone's sight. An eggshell-like mental energy barrier was flowing around his body, protecting his body without leaving any blind spots, let alone the flames. , not even a speck of dust on it.

[Is this the level crushing of high-level against low-level? 】

Mo Tan took a step forward with a serious face, protecting Jadeka who had just attracted a lot of hatred behind him, and a feeling of powerlessness arose spontaneously.

Although he had no intention of winning from the beginning, this result still made him feel a little frustrated.

There were still five minutes left before the reinforcements arrived as mentioned by Jadeka. Feeling the actual killing intent in Sergei's body, Mo Tan felt that the next period of time would be difficult.

Thinking from the best perspective, it only takes another three hundred seconds, which is less than the time required for a cup of coffee.

A person who travels a hundred miles is half a mile, and the time has come to fight hard!


With a subtle noise that could not be detected, Sergei suddenly disappeared into Mo Tan's vertical pupils, and appeared behind Yaya who was closest to him a second later, punching lightly.

Yaya, who didn't even have time to turn around, only felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and then he couldn't feel his right arm anymore.

The heavy [Altaïr Titan Breaker] hit the ground with a dull roar.

The girl let out a shrill howl and staggered down.

But Sergey, who had no expression on his face, supported her with his fist.

The next second, the bones of Yaya's left shoulder were all broken in an instant, hanging limply by his side.



"Stay away from her!"

The first one to react was Mo Tan, who shot out electricity and turned into an afterimage under the push of the dragon wings, crashing straight towards Sergei.

Several winding flames followed closely behind, and merged into one in mid-air, turning into a giant flame python, opening its mouth to swallow Sergei.

With only one arm left to move, Ji Xiaoge half-knelt on the ground. With difficulty, he took out a fat version of the Catalin Valkyrie from his luggage. He put several tea eggs and uranium croquettes into it and then pressed the button hard. trigger.


"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Sergey snorted coldly. He locked Yaya's neck with one hand. First, he hit Mo Tan in the side with a knee, knocking him to the ground. Then he swung two backhand strikes as fast as lightning. He punched and blasted the flaming python above his head into a ball of sparks. Finally, he used his toes to pick up Mo Tan, who was beaten to death, and kicked him with a whip leg, hitting Ji Xiaoge's numerous spurts. On top of a tea egg, an explosion of flying fragments was triggered.

At this point, Mo Tan's health finally dropped to 1%. Although he was saved by the reverse scale state, a ring in his equipment slot became [Destroyed].

"I didn't expect that I would be forced to this extent."

The airflow around Sergei's body fluctuated extremely unsteadily, and his exposed arms suddenly swelled twice. His expression was ferocious and terrifying, and a faint black air emanated from his mouth and nose: "But If you can let me use this 'Ghost Breath' technique, you should die without any regrets."

[Ghost Breath Technique] is an explosive skill developed by a first-class operator of the Viper Chamber of Commerce nearly a hundred years ago. After using it, one's defense, speed, and physical strength can be greatly improved. There is no strength threshold, but it is only suitable for monks. , the duration varies from person to person, ranging from about 10 to 15 minutes. The side effects are very obvious. There will be no serious injury, fatigue, or overdraft. However, the strength will be permanently reduced by about one-thirtieth. It can be said to be life-saving. Strange move.

Although Motan and others are far from posing any threat to Sergei's life, the dragon-shaped Motan, the fangs of Fury + Wang's Claw, and Jadeka, who can use low-level fire magic like breathing, all let him A deep sense of crisis arose, so this man who cherished his life activated the Ghost Breath Technique when he was hit by the tongue of fire and the dragon's breath. On the premise of ensuring that he could survive 100%, he took the matter of his retreat in strength to anger. On everyone.

Boom! !

There was another crisp sound, and Yaya let out another howl of pain, and most of the bones in her slender left leg were shattered.

"Stop it!"

With only 1% of his health left, Mo Tan rushed forward again, and was kicked in the chest by Sergei. The wrist guards, belt, and leggings components all became [Destroyed] at the same time.

Jadeka waved the flaming staff, jumped on Mo Tan's self-destructing sheep, roared and launched a charge.

Ji Xiaoge staggered to his feet, endured the severe pain, flapped his seriously injured wings and flew forward.

"No, you bully me, my friend, you little bug!"

"Come on, Anthony, kill him, trample him to death!"

Anthony Dabbs also got up from the ground, roared and ran over Sergei.

[Raging Ogre]!

Everyone launched their fastest and strongest attack, trying to save the fangs in Sergei's hands.



The next second, whether it was Mo Tan, Jadeka, Ji Xiaoge or Anthony Dabbs, they were all grabbed by countless dark claws and pinned to the ground.

【What's this? ! 】

Mo Tan, who was firmly imprisoned on the ground, struggled desperately, but to no avail. He tried to find the source of those black monster claws, but found that those weird, shadowy things actually appeared from his own shadow.

This is definitely not a skill that a monk can master!

He raised his head with difficulty and looked at Sergei not far away, only to find that the latter was just like him, trapped in place by dozens of black hands protruding from the shadows. As for the person he had been mentioning before, The fang in his hand was imprisoned in mid-air by the spiral shadow, groaning in pain.

A gust of cold wind blew by. Although the sun was quite scorching and Anthony's roar echoed in the open space, everyone invariably had the illusion of an extremely cold and dead silence.

It was a sense of oppression that was several levels higher than that of Sergei and his ilk.

"You disappoint me so much, Mr. Sergei."

A cold voice sounded close by, and the next second, a thin figure wearing a gray robe slowly rose from the shadow of Mo Tan. He wore a gray mask with no facial features, and held a hand in his hand. A completely black lantern, he slightly shrugged in the direction of Sergei: "You are timid, cowardly, arrogant, arrogant, naive, and vulgar. Except for the little cleverness that killed Tie Shuan, which is commendable, you have done nothing. After a correct judgment, you wasted too much time for your disgusting hobby, but instead of being tough to the end after your opponent showed strength beyond expectations, you chose to save your life first while the situation was still under control. And then oh my God, then you get arrogant again after regaining your confidence through ghost breath, and then you torture this poor lady."

Sergei, who was bound in place by the shadow, looked pale and said tremblingly: "Master Scrimge, please listen to my explanation, I just..."

"Shut up, maggot."

The masked man known as Scrimgeour interrupted him leisurely, shook his head and said: "As you expected, I will not kill you here, but that is only because I need a driver and a handyman, not others. What’s the reason, do you understand, Sergei?”

"Yes Yes."

"Very well, then please keep quiet until I finish the matter, otherwise I will have to take an extra teleportation fee from Mr. Rex after killing you."

Scrimgeour sneered, then turned around and looked around at Mo Tan and others who were pinned to the ground, and then bowed slightly.

"I must apologize to you all for the stupid things I did as a stupid fellow traveler."


"And as compensation, I, the quasi-first-class operator of the Viper Chamber of Commerce and the person in charge of this transaction - Pierce Scrimgeour will bring you a painless death quickly and efficiently."

Chapter 499: End

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