Quadruple split

Chapter 50 Justice from Heaven

An extremely ominous premonition swept over Mo Tan. He threw away the wooden board and paste in his hands without any hesitation, stamped his legs to the ground, jumped back about four or five meters, and then I heard a loud bang as a heavy object fell to the ground, and then...

He was crushed to the ground by rocks and wood falling from all directions!

Twenty percent of his health was suddenly smashed away! Moreover, I was put in a dizzy state for more than ten seconds. I tried hard for a long time but couldn't get out...

Not to mention what the thing that suddenly fell from the sky was, at least one thing is certain now, that is, the prototype of the main building that Mo Tan worked hard to build for a long time has collapsed again, although it is not the same as before. The kind of destructive collapse caused by Ya Ya can basically be regarded as his busy work this afternoon was in vain.

"Gah!" The old orc who had just been woken up from his sleep in the distance opened his eyes and immediately took another swipe.

Fortunately, this old man is still physically strong, otherwise he would probably have been pissed to death several times based on his mental quality...

Mo Tan, who finally climbed out of the ruins, did not intend to wake up his employer for the time being. Firstly, because he was not sure whether the employer would pass out again after waking up. Secondly, he planned to confirm the man who just shouted "cheating". Whether the thing that descended is still alive.

If it were any other time, if he saw that the fruits of his hard work for a long time were destroyed, even if the brother who was smashed down was still alive, Mo Tan would probably have to find a way to kill him, but after all, he is in a lawful good character now state, and it is not as difficult to build something in this game as it is in reality (you just have to roughly get the prototype and structure, and the system will make corrections to a certain extent), so although he is a little unhappy, he still How much I hope that person survives safely...

The smoke dissipated, and a tall, half-crouched figure slowly emerged. This scene was very similar to the one who killed you 3 in an old movie a long time ago... I mean T800...

Boom... boom!

The other party stood up slowly, moved his body slightly, and then let out a long sigh after making a small explosion: "Damn it, I thought I was going to die again..."

After that, the brother who fell from the sky slowly turned around and smiled at Mo Tan with his magnetic voice that had a slightly mechanical feel: "Hello, let me get my kidney~"

"Huh?" Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then carefully looked at the guy in front of him who looked like a human being.

The visitor seems to be a humanoid creature with nothing wrong with it, but if you look closely, it is somewhat different from a normal human being. There are many light bands with a light blue halo flowing faintly on the surface of his body, but it does not look like magic or magic. Similar existence. Not only that, although this dear man has a face that is very similar to that of a human being, if you look closely, you will find that it does not look like real skin or human body structure. It feels more like a certain height. Anthropomorphic robot.

Although it feels a little strange to describe it this way, the face with a texture that looks like ceramics, the numerous gleaming gaps on the neck and arms, and the slightly stiff movements really don't look like a pure 'creature'.

"What are you?" Mo Tan asked awkwardly, "What did you want from me just now?"

"My name is Cordoba~" The other party smiled at him, then pointed at his lower back: "I'll get my waist."

As soon as he finished speaking, the system prompt sounded in Mo Tan's ears.

[Change in the content of the world mission mission ‘Escorting the Eternal Crystal’: Deliver the Eternal Crystal to Cordoba]

His expression suddenly became very interesting, and then he immediately took out the crystal prism he had previously obtained from the elder Lin Jing from his backpack, tilted his head and gestured: "This?"

"Yes, it is my waist." Cordoba smiled and stretched out his hand to Mo Tan: "Thank you."

"If possible..." Mo Tan did not hand it over to him immediately, but looked around for a moment, and then said: "I hope you can help deal with the mess first, well, at least lend a hand~"

Cordoba was stunned for a moment, then looked at the ruins around him and pointed at himself, dumbfounded: "Is this... all made by me?"

"That's not true, you only destroyed a small part." Mo Tan said truthfully: "Most of it was done by me... and my companions, but if you are not too anxious, it would be best if you could help clean it up. Okay, of course I will give this to you first."

After saying that, he handed over the eternal crystal in his hand.

[Mission: Escort the Eternal Crystal, Completed]

"Thank you." Cordoba reached out and took it, then immediately stuffed it into a square grid on his waist (suspected of a space item), then smiled at Mo Tan and nodded: "I'm happy to help, man. Anyway, because of some accidents, I can’t leave now.”

After saying that, he took two steps forward, casually picked up two long logs used as beams, hummed a little tune and prepared to start working...

Mo Tan, on the other hand, stared dumbly at his two arms that didn't seem to feel any weight, and didn't react for a long time.

Innocence, around 7 p.m.

"Hey~" Cordoba quickly inserted a few wooden fences into the ground like a pile driver, turned around and winked at Mo Tan: "You can rest for a while, I will finish this circle in a moment. "

At this time, he was carrying a large number of wooden piles stacked on his shoulders that were half as tall as himself, and not far behind him was the farmhouse that had been erected for 70 to 80% of the time.

"I'm really troubling you." Mo Tan smiled sheepishly and sat down panting: "It's time for me to rest for a while..."

In the previous period, the two of them worked together to complete almost 70% of the farm restoration work. In terms of materials, the Adventurers Association had already sent them along with the compensation later in the afternoon. As of now, there is not much left. .

This guy named Cordoba is simply a monster. The work efficiency of one person is almost ten times higher than that of Mo Tan. Thanks to him, the reconstruction work that originally took at least two days to bear fruit is now almost It's almost done.

The farmer was still lying on the ground, covered with some cloth that Mo Tan had dug out from somewhere, and he was sleeping soundly.

In fact, he woke up once, but was knocked unconscious again by Cordoba immediately. In the latter's words, he wanted to give this old orc a surprise.

Although the premise of the surprise was based on coma, Mo Tan was a little speechless, but it didn't matter...

"Speaking of which," Mo Tan suddenly asked Cordoba, who was still busy, "Why did you fall from the sky before?"

He had never asked about this before, but after working together for a while, Mo Tan felt that this man had a very optimistic personality and was not someone who cared about this aspect, so he asked.

"Ah~ that's something." Cordoba shrugged: "It's a long story~~"

Let’s go back in time a little bit…

Five minutes before Cordoba fell, south side of Anca Market, high altitude

An ice-blue giant dragon is hovering leisurely above the clouds. Its body is covered with magic patterns emitting cyan light, and there are waves of vague pressure surging around it. On the surface, this should It is a blue dragon that lives in the northeast of the mainland, and it is an adult. Whether it is its unique ice dragon language magic or physical strength, it has a very high level. It can even easily destroy a small town when it goes crazy. For a large-scale city, of course, it still has no way to deal with a place like Anka Market... Even if several adult dragons are put together, it will be enough...

However, it was not here to cause trouble. If you zoom in closer, you can see that there is a person sitting on the broad back of this blue dragon.

A humanoid creature with a very excited expression!

"I'm telling you the truth! Fimiguel!" Cordoba shouted while dancing: "If I hadn't roared that loudly, that senior who looked like a goblin would have sliced ​​me into pieces. , It’s really scary, but now the pain is finally over~~Ahaha, oh hahahaha~”

The giant dragon carrying him rolled his eyes and groaned breathlessly: "Okay, we're here. I'll send you to the ground in a while and there's still things to do after you land. Once you get the eternal core, you'll activate the teleportation crystal and return. Tianzhu Mountain, and then... Hey! Cordoba, are you listening to me?"

"I'm listening." Cordoba held a piece of silver crystal and muttered while looking at it carefully: "But how to use this thing, there is not even an explanation."

The giant dragon sighed, used magic power to fix himself in mid-air and said helplessly: "You throw it to me, and I will teach you."

"Oh." Cordoba obediently threw the crystal down.

"Listen up." The azure dragon named Femiguel grabbed the crystal with his front paws and taught earnestly: "First, you need to guide the force in your body..."

Cordoba nodded.

"Then focus the Force on the hand holding the crystal until it glows, see? Like this."

Cordoba nodded.

"Finally, recite the location you want to go to in your heart. There is only one place recorded on this crystal, so you only need to think about the Tianzhu..."

Whoosh! ! !

A silver light suddenly enveloped Fimiguer.

"Hey!" Cordoba yelled, "What do you mean!?"

The light is getting stronger and stronger!

"Ouch!!! Oh my god..."

What answered him was a dragon's roar that stopped suddenly.


Cordoba fell.

Then came the high-altitude shouting of ‘What a shame!’ that Mo Tan had heard before~

"So..." Mo Tan's expression at this time was much more exciting: "The dragon that gave it to you teleported itself away, and then you fell down?"

Cordoba, who had finished the last set of fences, nodded with a very calm expression.

"My condolences." Mo Tan said sincerely, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Hey~ this is nothing." Cordoba shook his head and said with a smile: "My first few trips... well, the first few times in my life were called unlucky, so now I am very content, well, anyway. Can you understand what I mean?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed: "Are you also... a player?"

"Huh?" Cordoba was also stunned: "You too?!"

Mo Tan nodded. He always thought that the other party was an NPC. After all, it involved the world mission he had accepted before, and Cordoba seemed to be extremely powerful. Well, there is nothing wrong with being powerful. After all, if it were him, If so, he would have died if he fell from such a high place...

"How long have you been playing?" Thinking of this, Mo Tan suddenly asked curiously: "I feel that my strength is a bit too strong."

"I only played this role for one day~" Cordoba chuckled: "As for the reason, it's not convenient to reveal it yet."

However, although Cordoba did not reveal his plans to Mo Tan, we can still take a look at his character information from a God's perspective:


Race: rune creature

Gender: male by default

Level: Priest 1/1 (Hidden Profession: Agent 1/1)

Alignment: Good and Neutral


Don’t die: Your desire to live is extremely powerful! (obtained after second death)

[Remarks: Yes, this skill does not give you any attribute bonus, it just simply describes you]

Perseverance: You will never despair! (obtained after the fourth death)

[Note: A difficult life has cultivated your rock-solid will, but what’s the use? 】

Unique talents: Your qualifications are very suitable for practicing skills such as the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Tathagata Divine Palm, Turtle Style Qigong, and Pegasus Meteor Fist. When learning the above skills, you will ignore their mastery restrictions (obtained after the fourth death)

[Note: These skills do not seem to be available in the game]

Voter: You are LeBron James in the basketball world, you are Tiger Woods in the golf world, you are (data deleted) in the photography world, and you are Sister Feng in the entertainment world! right! You are the chosen one! Therefore, every time you fail, the degree of world collapse will increase by 1% (obtained after the fifth death)

[Note: You'd better not fail, you can't afford the punishment of failure! 】

Transcendence: Your attributes are fixed, you cannot upgrade, you cannot accept regular tasks, you cannot use any regular equipment with additional attributes, and you cannot learn any skills.

[Remarks: That’s enough. What kind of bicycle do you want? 】

Basic attributes: Strength 60, Dexterity 40, Wisdom 30, Constitution 60

Civilization attributes: Eloquence 1, Charm 1, Knowledge 90, Leadership 1

Combat attributes:

Rune Steel: Your body is as hard as steel, and all physical damage taken is reduced by 25%.

Runic Power: Your Strength attribute is twice its normal value.

Runic Fortitude: Your stamina regeneration rate is increased by 300%

Rune Slayer: Magic damage you take is reduced by 25%

Rune Storm: Your speed is increased by 5%, and your attacks have a thunderous effect, causing an additional 10% damage.

Hidden Danger Soul Fusion: Your soul cannot fully fit into your body, so the negative effects of psychic spells you receive are increased by 25%.

Hidden loss of power: Your power comes from the energy injected in advance, so it is limited. Please be sure to return to Tianzhu Mountain before the energy is exhausted!

Soul bound equipment:

Staff of the Agent

Quality: only excellent

Attack power: medium

Attributes: All attributes +1%

Requirements for use: Rune Body

[Note: This huge staff is more like a spear. It doesn’t look like it has any characteristics. Its only advantage may be that...it’s heavy enough? There is a line of ancient text engraved on the handle of the staff: There are many ways to protect your friends, such as stabbing his enemy to death or crushing his enemy]

Since Cordoba didn't want to say too much, Mo Tan naturally had no intention of getting to the bottom of it, and just sighed: "Brother, you have such a good character~"

What he responded to was a dry laugh that contained bitter tears.


Chapter 48: End

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