Quadruple split

Chapter 485 Online gathering (II)

The outline on the screen was dim and blurry, and one could only vaguely tell that it was a slender girl. Regardless of the environment and background, the appearance could not be distinguished, and no one could get any additional information from it. The voice did not sound very processed, and it was different from the background. The Futaba in Innocence is exactly the same.

Because it happened so suddenly, Cui Xiaoyu and others didn't react until the new group member greeted him with a smile...

To be precise, only two people reacted.

Ito was confused like everyone else at first, but when he subconsciously read the system prompts again, his whole body froze immediately, because he had heard the name "Futaba" a lot during this time!

In fact, even if this period of time is put aside, the other party often appears in Yidong's daily life, mainly through major Internet events and Mo Tan's dictation. However, she was not 'she' at that time, it might be 'he' or 'It', and its name is not 'Two Leaves', but 'Black Sun', to be precise, it is 50% of Black Sun. In short, he is just a bitch who doesn't know how to hook up with Mo Tan.

A bitch with an extremely bad personality and extremely skilled hacking skills.

Because Yi Dong had helped Mo Tan secretly 'monitor' Mo Tan before he arrived at Salamun, and Futaba, who often went to the Mages Guild, was not a low-key person, so Xiao Yi recognized him immediately. .

The childish voice that is lazy and a little playful is very recognizable.

【Motan, you @#¥%\u0026! What are you doing! 】

Yi Dong cursed silently in his heart, then while pretending to continue to be dazed, he quickly cut a page, cleared the chat history between himself and Mo Tan on this software as quickly as possible, and without hesitation put the other party The other two accounts were all blocked.

As a good friend, Yi Dong could vaguely analyze something from Mo Tan's almost unchanged expression. For example, the latter did not know anything about Futaba's sudden addition. If this was the case, then the other party most likely came through someone. Mixed in by a special means...

Although Futaba theoretically did not know the relationship between Mo Tan, Hei Fan and BLACK, Ito, as the only insider, was still shocked into a cold sweat, and then tried his best to destroy himself and himself as soon as possible. The message recording between Mo Tan, although this operation is more like a kind of self-comfort, it is better than doing nothing.

[This woman should be here for the ‘Black Brahma’...]

[She may have been lurking here before this group chat started...]

[Mo Tan didn’t notice it, which proves that he shouldn’t have done anything as BLACK before, otherwise he wouldn’t have been unprepared...]

[This may be just a simple accident...]

[My appearance in the game is not very similar to what I look like now. Even if she saw me in the Mages Guild, she probably wouldn’t be too impressed...]

[Calm down, the situation is not as bad as you think, just do what you can do quietly, and then wait and see what happens! 】

Yidong, who had limited knowledge about hackers, quickly clarified the situation after a series of thoughts. It was obvious that gay friend A was not just a joke. He was careful enough, astute enough, and smart enough. Perhaps his appearance rate It's not high, and these qualities are not obvious under the cover of Mo Tan, but at the critical moment, this man named Yi Dong is more reliable than anyone else.

He adjusted his expression like a precise machine, making himself look as stunned as everyone else. At the same time, he moved the mouse silently, silently performing a series of cleaning operations, and spent his time rigorously and efficiently. All 'violating' parts of the chat history with Mo Tan's current account will be deleted.

Total time: fifty-three seconds.

Yi Dong knew that if Futaba was not suspicious, his actions would be completely unnecessary. He also knew that if Futaba was suspicious, it would be difficult for this series of responses to be effective. Since Mo Tan could delete his own notebook for two and a half years When the records were revealed, Futaba, who could compete with him, couldn't possibly do it.

But he still completed the entire set of 'cover work' meticulously.

No reason is needed.

The time it took for NAVI to completely complete the 'low-level surveillance' of everyone was one minute and eight seconds...

As for the other person who reacted...or was not confused at all, it was Mo Tan himself. Maybe he would have panicked a few minutes ago, but he who had just passively transformed into a 'chaotic neutral' personality was not at all. Not panicking at all, I just quickly conducted a series of deductions on the current result...

[I probably have water in my head~]

Mo Tan thought happily, because this was indeed not a complicated matter, so it only took him less than two seconds from the moment Futaba appeared to the time he came to the conclusion.

There was no conspiracy, nor was it deliberate. Futaba's intrusion was completely an accident from beginning to end, and it was quite a cheating accident.

To put it simply, it was because he had lowered the security level of his computer in order to make videos with Yuchen, leaving his laptop, which usually had at least low-level protection measures, in a completely undefended state, and he unplugged it because of the 'visit' incident. He replaced the single-pulled network cable that was kindly sponsored by the Rice Brothers, and instead used the old network card that he bought as a decoration from the beginning, turning his network environment into an undefended state.

So, the tragedy happened...

You must know that the Hei Fan whom Futaba knew had a "hacker level of neither upper nor lower level". At the beginning, the latter even turned against Futaba based on this point. From that time on, he was completely useless. The girl who thought that there was a serious bug in the world of innocence was led further and further, and the possibility of catching Mo Tan in reality was infinitely close to zero.

In Futaba's understanding, BLACK had already noticed that he was investigating Mo Tan, and even misled him to a certain extent. He even deliberately acted in the world of innocence in order to confuse the public. Changing his nickname to 'Tan Mo', which was very close to 'Mo Tan', was very much to blame and stir up trouble. What he didn't expect was that just when he was about to pretend to be Mo Tan and approach and mislead him, he really Mo Tan's character 'Hei Fan' met him earlier and became friends. This result directly led to the bankruptcy of BLACK's despicable plan, which is gratifying and gratifying.

From Mo Tan's own perspective, this incident is equally gratifying, and everyone knows the reason...

All in all, the suspicion of 'Mo Tan' outside the game has been completely cleared, and the name 'Tan Mo' has been justified by Futaba as expected. The balance of the game has begun to gradually tilt towards Mo Tan.

But this does not mean that Futaba will not cause trouble to Mo Tan. For example, today, the dead girl whose daily schedule has become very regular recently suddenly discovered that the computer of the 'three-legged cat hacker Hei Fan' has become undefended. This situation suddenly caught her interest.

In the technical field, Futaba and Mo Tan have completely different styles. The latter likes to rely on ultra-standard hardware and outrageous extreme adaptability to handle any situation, while Futaba, who does not have connections like the Rice brothers, mainly relies on It is a hard-core technology and the artificial intelligence NAVI independently developed by itself.

Although the two of them have their own merits in conclusion, Futaba's attainments in this field are actually a much higher level than Mo Tan's. After all, the world is fair. Mo Tan, who is both a genius and has dabbled in various fields, is obviously It is impossible to outperform Futaba, who is relatively specialized in the field of information technology.

Even though Mo Tan developed an intelligence gathering system with the hunting angle, in the final analysis, it still took advantage of the hardware. It’s not that Futaba can’t make the same thing, it can even be done in half the time of the former, but The problem is that even if she gets it out, it will be useless, because the equipment that the girl has built by herself cannot support the operation of this kind of program. When the hardware cannot keep up with the software, all this software can do is to burn on startup. A lot of equipment is broken, and the practical value is completely negative.

Therefore, Futaba did not consider this aspect at all. Instead, it created an artificial intelligence called NAVI, an artificial intelligence with independent thinking and even able to write patches and optimizations for itself. It will not get tired or relax. He is incapable of making mistakes, and has information processing capabilities far beyond those of the human brain. He has made great contributions in the struggle between Futaba and Motan, and is Futaba's first friend and right-hand man.

NAVI's functions are very comprehensive. For example, it can act as Futaba's clone, keeping the owner in a relatively safe place; for example, it can hide on the Internet at all times and keep an eye on BLACK's movements day and night; for example, it can monitor Futaba's A friend who is also a hacker...

Ever since, Mo Tan, who had lowered the computer security level to the lowest level, successfully attracted the attention of NAVI.

Then NAVI dutifully informed Futaba...

Futaba happened to be very bored today, so she hacked in. She happened to witness the second half of the video between Mo Tan and Yu Chen, and also saw the chat content of a group of people in the group, and she became interested immediately.

So after the group video was started, Futaba simply watched and created a small account, then controlled Mo Tan's account to add his own friends, pulled himself into the group chat, and finally joined the group video, successfully scaring everyone. A jump.

[Phew, I’ve finally done all my work...]

After some fierce operations, Idong, who was completely worried for nothing, sighed secretly.

[There must be something wrong with this silly girl’s head...]

Mo Tan rolled his eyes covertly, then pretended to be harmless and looked at the camera stupidly: "Huh?"

The third person to react was Ji Xiaodao, but she just flashed her eyes and said nothing.

Then came Kang Lan, who quickly calmed down and touched his chin thoughtfully: "Two leaves? I feel like I've heard it somewhere. Is it the same name..."

Yuchen shrank his neck and timidly greeted the blurry black figure on the screen: "Um, hello, my name is Yuchen."

Wan Yang laughed: "Mo Tan, is this your lover?"

Yidong laughed louder and said with disdain: "This guy will be single as long as he is old."

Cordoba: "Hahahahahaha!"

Wan Yang glanced at the extremely aggressive person and said softly: "Brother Yu, you should have been single for two months longer than Mo Tan, right?"

There is nothing wrong with this. Mo Tan's birthday is in March and Cui Xiaoyu's birthday is in January. They are the same age, so Cui Xiaoyu has indeed been single for two months longer than Mo Tan.

A certain private in the FFF regiment suddenly choked.

Ji Xiaoge: "Hahahahahaha~~"

At the same time, the black shadow on the screen faded and was replaced by a Q-version cartoon girl with a baby face, short stature, long orange hair, and round glasses. She looked like a simplified version of Futaba, and the drawing was quite good. good.

"Well, you guys are really fun."

Cartoon Futaba crossed her arms and nodded, then smiled with her small white teeth: "Haha, let me introduce myself, I am Mo Tan's girlfriend, and I am also playing Innocence. Nice to meet you all!"

As he spoke, he blinked, and two small golden stars appeared next to the lens.

The air froze at that moment.

Cui Xiaoyu and Wan Yang glared at the camera as if they were class enemies, as if they wanted to crawl along the network cable to Mo Tan's house and burn her.

Ito, who knew Futaba was just talking nonsense, thought for a moment and finally decided to put on a shocked expression.

Ji Xiaodao sneered meaningfully: "Heh."

Ji Xiaoge uttered a short "Eh?" ’.

Kang Lan was typing something quickly on the keyboard, seemingly not paying attention to Futaba's words.

Yuchen, who had heard Mo Tan talk about Shuangye before, just smiled and hugged Xiong Xiong without saying anything.

【I am your father……】

Mo Tan snorted softly in his heart, and then shouted in a panic: "Don't talk nonsense! Oh no, why did you get involved? I haven't added you as a friend!"

Under his current personality, his acting skills are outstanding. In addition, he is still performing himself, so naturally there will be no omissions. He is a "black man".

"Oh! Don't be shy~"

A string of hearts floated out of the Q version of Futaba's head, and she blushed and said coquettishly: "Didn't I promise to give everyone a surprise~"

Cui Xiaoyu and Wan Yang's teeth were almost broken.

At this moment, Yu Chen suddenly smiled softly: "Mo Tan told me a lot about you, so don't tease him~"


A string of ellipses floated over the Q version of Futaba's head.

"Futaba, chaotic neutral, law controller, currently ranked fourteenth in the player combat rankings, main characteristics: orange hair, glasses, lolita."

Kang Lan's voice suddenly sounded, and he could be seen staring at his screen and saying: "It has risen nine places compared to when the ranking list was first opened some time ago. The law controller is suspected to be a legal combat profession, and can freely use fire, ice, and wind. He has primary and intermediate magic with five basic elements such as earth, thunder, etc. He also uses arcane and negative energy spells. He occasionally appears in public arenas and only plays random matches. He seems to be undefeated and does not seem to be from any studio. With the official members or vests of the club, haha, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I didn’t expect you to be Mo Tan’s friend~”

"Tsk, boring~"

The Q version of Futaba curled her lips, and then sat on two stacked shell shells with a gangster look on her face...

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Futaba. I am a hacker who is much better than Black Van Niu. Seeing how lively you guys are chatting, why don't you bring me one?"

Chapter 482: End

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