Quadruple split

Chapter 482 Welcome to the grassland

Under the starry night sky, a vast and boundless scenery unfolds in front of everyone's eyes like a scroll, making people unable to help but want to praise the miraculous craftsmanship of nature. The empty wilderness behind them is like a waking dream that no longer allows people to linger on, appearing suddenly. In front of everyone's eyes, the endless green grass is so magnificent that it is suffocating. Even the sky has become clear without knowing when, and the soft starlight falls from the clouds, shining together with the silver moonlight. This piece of blue pure land.

"What a nice view……"

Ya Ya subconsciously stood up, looked at the dreamlike scenery in front of her, and couldn't help but sigh.

Even Anthony fell silent for the first time in a long time, and his two dim yellow eyes were so shocked that they were straightened.

"As far as the eye can see, the blue sky is getting higher day by day, and the jade dragon is winding and enchanting. The sheep are grazing on the boundless green green, and a horse is flying singing to drunken the night."

The other equally shocked head was not speechless, but relied on his profound cultural heritage to recite a poem to express his long-lasting feelings.

Mo Tan took two steps forward on his horse, then turned back and smiled at Jadeka, who had completely fallen into a daze: "You're home, man."

"Yes, I'm home, haha, I'm finally home..."

Jadeka let out a long laugh, followed by another roar, then jumped off the carriage and landed steadily in front of Mo Tan with a standard glorious leap. He turned around and looked at the group of people who had been doing this for decades. For the first time, he wholeheartedly accepted his partner, suddenly opened his hands, and proudly said loudly: "Everyone, welcome to the grassland!"

"It's a great honor and this trip is well worth it."

Dabbs bowed gracefully, and then began to fight for control of the body with Anthony who was already excited. After a few seconds, he flew to a place more than ten meters away to eat grass. It could also be said that he was watching Anthony eat. Grass.

"It's so beautiful, Jadeka, you turned out to be born in such a beautiful place."

Yaya had already shaken his tail into an afterimage, jumped up to the old mage and exclaimed: "The grassland is really amazing!"

Jadeka and Mo Tan also exclaimed in unison: "You can speak normally now?!"

Yaya tilted his head: "Woof?"

Jadeka/Motan: "..."

Ten minutes later, after a brief reorganization (Anthony also ate some grass), everyone set off again under the stars. In view of the fact that the road extending from the Fairy Wilderness disappeared after entering the territory of Caselo, Yaya's sense of smell and Ji Xiaoge's regular contact as a guide (messaging with Dabus, Mo Tan was really unreliable in this regard) became the most important tracking basis.

As a local, Jadeka passed the time by conducting various Cassello science popularizations for everyone during the trip. Even Ji Xiaoge, who was flying in front, had Mo Tan's live broadcast to listen to.

"The population here is actually not large. They are mainly composed of various knight families and herdsmen. I don't need to explain the reasons. After all, this is a grassland rich in war horses. In addition to livestock used for food, Caselo has the most There are horses. They range from warm-blooded ponies with high durability to sweat-blooded black-tailed horses with explosive power. They are very popular no matter where they are. The Eastern Horse Farm is the favorite place for mercenaries, knights and merchants. place."

The old mage explained to everyone with a smile, his face filled with excitement and pride, and he couldn't stop dancing: "There are thousands of kinds of plants here, including forage, and most of them will not be disturbed by solar terms. Even in winter, the entire grassland is full of green. If we come at another time, we can still see all kinds of beautiful flowers, and most of them are edible~"

Anthony's eyes lit up at that moment: "Flowers are edible, Anthony wants to eat them!"

Jadeka nodded and said with a smile: "Haha, but in most cases it is better to simply cook it. Of course, Anthony, you have such a good appetite, there should be no problem even if you eat it directly."

So Ji Xiaoge also expressed his surprise in a friend message with Mo Tan: "A flower that can be used for cooking?!"

“There are more than 2,300 large and small rivers here, including the main stream of Jinhui River, and nearly 600 lakes, many of which are drinkable, and a small part of them will not freeze even in winter, which is very beautiful. "

Jadeka introduced his hometown without thinking at all. This is something that only people who have this land engraved in their bones can do: "There are more than two hundred docile beasts. In terms of Warcraft, blood wolves, Iron brake deer, linkachu, split falcon, explosive bull, and shadow leopard are the main species, and there are many of them. Their main distribution areas are often called hunting grounds. The coming-of-age ceremony of the Diesel family is to throw one person and one horse away We’ll stay at the Northern Cross Hunting Ground for three days, but in most cases someone will follow us secretly.”

"So, Jadeka, you probably didn't leave the grassland until you became an adult."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then asked Ji Xiaoge with a smile: "So you have also experienced the family's 'coming of age ceremony'?"

Jadeka scratched his head in embarrassment and said nonchalantly: "I feel ashamed to say it, but actually I have never performed the coming-of-age ceremony I just mentioned."

"Wang guessed it!"

Ya Ya casually tore her skirt into a high split, shook her long white legs and said with a smile: "Because Wang Deka is a mage, and he can't hunt those falcons, explosive cows, shadow dogs and the like! "

Mo Tan thought about it and felt that the girl must have guessed wrong in all likelihood.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Jadeka immediately shook his head in amazement and waved his hands: "That's really not the case. The main reason is that I have been going to the big hunting ground often since I was twelve years old. At the beginning, there were adults following me. In the end, they basically didn’t even care about me. The longest time I stayed at the Northern Cross Great Hunting Ground was half a month, and I tormented the low-level monsters scattered around the periphery to the point where they migrated twice en masse. Later, I was considered My father who got into the accident rushed home with a big stick, ha... Now that I think about it, I am really a bastard and a traitor."

"Ahem, don't say that."

Seeing that Jadeka's expression was a little gloomy, Mo Tan immediately changed the subject and said, "So the reason why you didn't participate in the coming-of-age ceremony is because you are already used to playing in that hunting ground?"

"Well, that's not entirely true. After all, it's a kind of custom, and the form that should be followed usually has to be followed."

The old mage stroked his beard and said with emotion: "It's just that there were two cousins ​​about my age attending the coming-of-age ceremony. As soon as I entered the hunting ground that day, there were two groups of shadow leopards who still remembered my scent. , more than sixty iron brake deer, nineteen litters of Linkachu and three groups of blood wolves plunged into the depths of the hunting ground without looking back, and then were killed by more than 60% of the high-level monsters inside... and then, I was ordered to stay at home.”

Dabbs, who was listening to the story while pulling the cart, was stunned. He turned back to Jadekar in stunned silence and asked: "What kind of a bear child were you at that time?"

"Ahem, mainly because when I was a child, my mother always told me that the meat at home was stolen by the monsters in the hunting ground in order to make me eat more vegetables. I was young and ignorant at the time, so I believed it very naively."

Jadeka scratched his cheek and said with embarrassment: "Later, when I was able to enter the hunting ground, I would catch those lone monsters every day, reason with them, feed them grass, and feed them the whole family to eat grass. If they didn't want to eat, I would pick them up." Open your mouth and stuff it in... Alas, most of the monsters in that small area have escaped."

"What about the rest?"

"I switched to eating grass..."


Through this incident, Mo Tan and others had a more intuitive understanding of the lethality and naughty child index of the former shota Jadeka.

Then Jadeka continued to popularize the local customs and other resources of Casello, such as the minerals monopolized by various families. It is said that the Diesel family alone controls nearly ten mineral veins, and the status of the first family in Casello and strength are clearly demonstrated.

"But it's not as good as before."

Jadeka sighed and shook his head: "Although Diesel is still the largest family here, other families have developed very, very rapidly in the past few decades, such as the Percy family not far from here and the Gaiklan family to the west. As well as the Hawkwood family, which is second only to Diesel in the east of Caselo, they all have a profound relationship with each other... of course, including our Diesel family, we are all enemies and friends. Although everyone They all cooperate in various fields, but the smell of gunpowder has become stronger and stronger in recent years, especially the Diesel and Hawkwood families. The latter has been spying on our dominance for many years. The contemporary head of the family, York... Hawkwood is even more of a scheming person. He has already advanced to become a great lord when he was thirty years old. He also got a hell thunder beast from where to use as a mount. Although that thing is a dragon, it is But its combat power and intelligence are not much lower than those of a real dragon, and I don’t know where that bastard picked it up.”

Having said this, the old mage snorted quite angrily, looking very unhappy.

But Mo Tan laughed and winked at Jadeka: "It seems that you are really paying attention to the situation here. Although you have never come back once, you don't know anything about Caselo. Lag.”

"That's it. After I returned to the Northwest Continent twenty years ago, I heard a lot of news here even if I didn't pay attention, and there were often some troublesome juniors coming... Oh, forget it, Anyway, it’s okay even if you don’t want to know.”

Jadeka said nonchalantly, but except for Anthony, the few people present, including Yaya, could see that the old man was just being pretentious.

seven hours later

Game time AM06:27

It was already dawn, and the three carriages of the Viper Chamber of Commerce were still moving. They had been walking north after entering Casello from the Spirit Wilderness, and they did not stop at any settlement along the way, only resting intermittently. For two hours, the rest of the time was spent on the road. Although the speed was not particularly fast, by the end of the night, I had already penetrated deeply into Caselo.

Naturally, Mo Tan and others had been hanging far behind. Although there were very few merchants and travelers at night, under Ji Xiaoge's remote monitoring at night, they did not need to enter the target's field of vision, so they were not discovered. , and now, after dawn, Ji Xiaoge, who can no longer pretend to be flying birds for high-altitude surveillance, has landed and joined everyone. At the same time, there are gradually more people on the road. With a lot of cover, everyone decided to speed up a little. Speeding up, maintaining a distance where the other party could be vaguely seen, pretending to be an ordinary caravan and marching swaggeringly.

During this process, Jadeka, Anthony, Ya Ya and Mo Tan all took turns to take a nap. Only Dabus and Ji Xiaoge remained awake.

Fortunately, there were no accidents throughout the night.

"Where are they going?"

Ji Xiaoge, who had changed her previous night clothes into a long skirt, hugged Yaya, and while scratching the chin of the beast-eared girl who slept until dark, she complained in a low voice: "Why do I always feel that the previous plan is unreliable... "

Jadeka chuckled, shook his head and said: "That plan of following the clues is inherently unreliable. As long as these slaves are not sold to ordinary wealthy households, it will be difficult for us to deal with those poor people before and after their 'delivery' Grab it, but don’t worry, I just had an idea.”


Ji Xiaoge first used her wings to gather herself and Yaya into a warm ball, then raised her head curiously and asked, "What's your idea?"

"I'll tell you later. There's no rush now. After all, I don't have much confidence now."

Jadeka gave up, then looked up at the carriages in the distance and said leisurely: "If they follow this route, they will definitely pass by the Eastern Horse Farm. I hope they can stop for a while."

Ji Xiaoge blinked: "?"

"Haha, it's nothing~"

Jadeka stretched, looked around at the increasing number of pedestrians on the road, and sighed: "That place should be very lively."

At this moment, Mo Tan, who was sitting opposite Jadeka, suddenly raised his head: "Is this okay?"


Ji Xiaoge was startled and called out softly: "When did you wake up?"

At this moment, Ya Ya had already managed to break away from the warm wings covering her body, and slipped to the ground and arched her way to Mo Tan's feet. Then she turned on the silent mode and curled up into a small ball, because she The reason why I tore my skirt before, so...

"Don't look!"

Ji Xiaoge jumped up to Yaya, took out a thin cloak from his bag and covered the latter, looking at Mo Tan and Jadeka warily.

As a result, the two of them were not looking at the happy couple at all, but looked at each other in silence.

"That's fine with me."

After a while, Jadeka shook his head and smiled: "I'm back anyway. As long as my old face can be put to use, I'm doing good things."

"The person we saw that day was indeed..."

"Ahem, your head is moving too fast, okay, okay, let's not talk about it for now."

"Then say something?"

"Let's talk about your strength. How did you read the Knight's Guide? If everything goes well, you can pretend to be my descendant."

Chapter 479: End

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