Quadruple split

Chapter 474 Theft

February 27, 2049

Game time AM07:56

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Northwest Continent, Spiritual Wilderness

"It feels like a world away."

Mo Tan opened his eyes in the greenery, subconsciously raised his hand to cover the sun, and sighed in a low voice: "It's only been one day... eh?"

His eyes suddenly widened mid-sentence, and he sat up suddenly, looking around the surroundings with a slightly stiff expression.

Lush green grass, unknown small trees, chirping birds, fresh earthy fragrance...

At first glance, there was nothing wrong, and he had indeed logged off at this place before. There was even a pile of symbolic bonfire embers not far away.

But the point is...

"Where's my tent?"

Mo Tan jumped up from the soft grass and looked around at the empty scene... In fact, it was not empty, but at least there was no such thing as a tent. He was shocked. Then he was stunned for two seconds, and then suddenly He turned around and looked at the crooked-neck tree that should theoretically be behind him.

Well, the crooked-neck tree is still there, but...

"Where's my horse?!"

Mo Tan exclaimed again and strode to the crooked-neck tree where the horse was supposed to be tied. He stepped on a pile of horse dung that was not fresh, but did not see a single horse hair.

It was obvious that neither the tent nor the horse had anything to do with him.


After a while, Mo Tan shrugged dumbfounded and let out a long sigh: "Will someone really steal it?"

That's right, when Mo Tan logged off the previous day, the horse he bought from Anka Market was still tied up by the tree, and he didn't log out while lying on the grass, but logged out from the same place in Anka. The threads in the tent bought at the card market.

When he woke up, except that he was still there, the tent and the horse were gone.

This is so fucking embarrassing...

Although Mo Tan (lawful good personality limit) is a very good person in all aspects, he is not a good person or an idiot. Naturally, he does not understand the principle of being on guard against others, but because of this place It was relatively inaccessible, and the tents and horses were not worth much money. It was really not worth stealing from the merchants or adventurers who came and went nearby, so he finally decided to stay here and log off, but it didn't work. If you think about it, it’s really gone!

"Oh, but it can't be said that I am completely unprepared."

Mo Tan sighed again and summoned his self-exploding sheep, which could reach the ground by straightening its legs after riding on it. After stepping on it, he left the shallow forest as fast as possible and headed south. He rushed to the main road not far away a few miles away.

Five minutes later, Mo Tansheng, who had arrived at the big woods from the shallow forest, turned back from the north without any regrets, speeding up to the real 'south', and finally returned to the main road after wasting almost fifteen minutes.

While he was controlling his mount (stretching his legs), he anxiously opened the message board, preparing to check the dozens of messages Ji Xiaoge sent yesterday to confirm how far he had been left behind.

As mentioned before, as 'Mo', he was tracking a certain 'caravan' with Ji Xiaoge. To put it bluntly, he was following the slave traders under the underground chamber of commerce 'Viper', and because of Mo Tan's online time It's relatively erratic, but in actual operation, Ji Xiaoge, who can fly and can be online all day long, is following closely, and Mo Tan, who is riding a horse (now there is no horse anymore), is a road fool and has unstable online time, is following behind. , it seems a little difficult to say, but because the slave traders also need to rest at night, and the slaves also need to eat, drink and relieve themselves during the day, the 'caravan' does not move very fast, so not only can it not escape the covert tracking Ji Xiaoge and even Mo Tan, who couldn't drive for too long every day, were not left behind, but gradually shortened the distance.

Until the day before yesterday...

Because yesterday was the execution day of the Requiem Plan, the day that decided the fate of Misha County, Mo Tan naturally put all his energy there, not to mention the current 'Mo', even he passively switched to When he was under the chaotic neutral personality, he didn't act too wildly. Instead, he switched personalities in a relatively cooperative manner, and allowed 'himself' to continue to look after Misha County in a very face-saving manner. This allowed the Requiem Plan to be successfully completed, except for the second phase. There were no major flaws in the accident.

As 'Mo', he had also said hello to Ji Xiaoge before, apologetically saying that he would not have been able to go online yesterday unless something unexpected happened. He hoped that the beautiful winged girl who had worked hard for so many days would bear with her, and then continued to put forward the business Leave your team's route to yourself through friend messages.

This is not a very complicated job, because the people of the Viper Chamber of Commerce have to escort a large number of slaves, so naturally they cannot move too fast, and most of the time they take the main road as much as possible, passing through villages and towns along the way every day. While they were waiting for a rest in the populated area, they never stopped, but they were not in any hurry, which made their tracking work very convenient.

Especially for Mo Tan, if those slave traders really took all kinds of small roads and took wild roads, then 99% of the time he would lose his way when he was alone and had a weird sense of direction, and he would never be able to find it again.

But if they take the main road, it will be a different concept. You must know that although Mo Tan is not very familiar with this place (in fact, he is not very familiar with places outside Misha County), but he has a book in his hand called [Mai "Ge's Adventure Notes". In addition to a lot of practical adventurers' experiences, it also comes with a simple map of the northwest continent. Although the paintings and characters on it are quite ugly, there are various avenues and population gathering points. The places are quite intuitive, and Mo Tan's ability to analyze maps is also very superb, so with Ji Xiaoge constantly feeding back the target route, he miraculously never lost his way along the way.

In the past few days, he and Ji Xiaoge were about half a day's journey away. Because the population of each race in the Fairy Wilderness was not small, the villages and small towns along the way were also very dense. The slave traders of the Viper Chamber of Commerce would find someone every day. The place will be repaired until early the next morning, and Ji Xiaoge, who is following them, will also stay in the same place after disguising, while Mo Tan has to walk one or two towns slower because he has horses to take care of. I will also try my best to find a place to settle my horse before I go offline next time.

Different from [Self-Exploding Sheep] or [Falling Ax City Wolf Whistle], Mo Tan's horse is an ordinary purchased horse that can be used as a mount, but cannot be placed in a bag or disbanded.

Since the self-exploding sheep is not a living creature, it can be stored in the bag, and even if it is not stored, it has a compression mode like a wool ball. The wolf whistle of the character 'Black Van' is more high-end. The nature of the Warg Novice is somewhat like that of a player. It can be disbanded without NPC witnessing it, and when summoned again, it will come from nearby in a "relatively reasonable" form, which is also very convenient.

But Mo Tan's current (actually already before) horse, which is not worth much, does not have the above-mentioned functions. It is a simple horse that cannot be put away or disappear.

Just the day before yesterday, Mo Tan, who was rushing in the Fairy Wilderness, in order to make up for the progress as much as possible, did not choose to find a nearby place where the horses could be placed to get off the line. Instead, he rushed until the Requiem Project was about to start, and then left the road and found a I pitched a tent in a relatively suitable environment, prepared enough fodder, and tied the horse to a nearby crooked neck tree. I also made a small bonfire that had no practical effect, and finally got into the tent to lay down. Line.

He knew that he would disappear without being noticed by the NPC, but even so, people who happened to pass by would not take action against the worthless tent and the worthless horse, and then...

Then there was nothing.

So Mo Tan had no choice but to ride on a sheep. After all, although the speed of a self-exploding sheep is not as fast as a horse, it is not much different from his own running speed under normal circumstances. Moreover, it does not consume physical energy, but it will probably take a lot of time. After all, I didn't travel all day yesterday, and my mount changed from a horse to a sheep. It would be difficult to catch up with Ji Xiaoge and the slave traders in a short time.

But as the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. Mo Tan lost his horse and knew it was not a blessing. After opening the message bar, Mo Tan found that the situation was not as he thought. It was not the only one who was not on the road all day yesterday. He and those slave traders were not on their way either! Instead, they continued to stay in the border city where they arrived the day before yesterday.

'They're still here and selling a lot of supplies and supplies, so you don't have to worry. ’

‘I found out the purpose of these guys, they are going to the Cassero Prairie! Just wait until I hear it again...'

‘Trouble, the low-power communicator I was looking for for the kids to stick on their cars was found, and those guys became vigilant! But I probably haven't been discovered yet. ’

‘They haven’t set off yet, so I don’t know if they plan to travel at night. ’

‘Remember to reply to me when you get online, it’s so boring now! ’

‘I’m just kidding, I’m actually very motivated, but I’m a little panicked by myself. It would be terrible if they find me out, I definitely can’t beat them! ’

‘Mo, do you think I should go to the place where they live to apply for a job and make something poisonous for them to eat? ’

'But I can't find poisonous ingredients, and I don't dare to stray too far from this small town...'

‘That’s right! Cordoba told me that the relationship between our two real friends seemed to be warming up quickly! But they are dealing with a very difficult matter. Although Cordoba and Yuchen (my friend, she is beautiful) did not tell me carefully, they are still a little worried. ’

‘Another friend went even further and didn’t even reply to me! But I heard that he was very busy, so there was nothing I could do. ’

‘My sister has been acting weird lately! Something has gone wrong all day today! Do you think she might have eaten something bad? I'll go back and make her some soup that's good for her stomach to replenish her body. That girl has liked eating out since she was a child. How can the food in those shops be as clean as home-made food? ’

‘Haha, I saw something very interesting, hahahahahaha! ’

‘You’re not online yet? What on earth are you so busy with~’

'Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't want to inquire about privacy or anything, I'm just too bored~'

‘Rarot, radish, I am a potato, the eggplant is still being monitored, and there is currently no sign of leaving the basket, over. ’

‘Three years after another three years, three years after another three years~’

'Han Tie Guo~Han Ya Lei shouted to repair the ladle pot~uncle~blue dog~sixth brother~monk me~floating far away! ’

‘Hahahahahahaha, it’s so fun! ’

‘What happened! Something big happened! Are you silent if you're on it? Just squeak if it's on! ’

Mo Tan: "..."

The above are all the messages Ji Xiaoge sent from last night to just now. Mo Tan felt that the words he wanted to complain about were almost suffocating his neck.

But regardless of anything else, the last one is really a bit worrying!

So Mo Tan immediately replied with a "squeak".

two seconds later

‘Hahahahahaha~~ I asked you to squeak and you really squeaked, hahahahahaha! ! ! ’

Mo Tan: "..."

[Can old jokes from many years ago make this girl laugh instantly? 】

Mo Tan still complained in his heart, and then quickly replied: 'Ahem, sorry for coming up so late, what's the situation over there now? What happened just now? ’

ten seconds later

‘Well, it’s indeed a big deal, but it has nothing to do with those bad guys, so don’t worry. ’

Ji Xiaoge's reply without any information arrived successfully, which made Mo Tan's head full of black lines.

Before he could reply, Ji Xiaoge's second message came right after...

‘Um, it’s actually Jadeka, Yaya and the others… well, Brother Dabus and Little Anthony are here. Well, when can you come and deal with it? ’

【ha? What? 】

Mo Tan was confused at the time, and immediately concentrated on reading the news about Ji Xiaoge on both sides, and then...he hit a tree because he didn't pay attention to the road.

Five minutes later, Mo Tan, who was back on the road, finally recognized the fact after repeated research, speculation, and argumentation, that is, the three (four heads) of Jadeka, Ya Ya, and Anthony Dabbs really ran to Ji Xiaoge's place. On the other hand, although there was no big trouble because Chef Ji fed Anthony in time, the friends who were supposed to be doing adventurer missions near Anka still caused a small commotion (Anthony took the credit. supreme).

What the hell is going on! ?

Mo Tan wanted to confirm, but Ji Xiaoge said that he couldn't explain it clearly in the message. In order to prevent Mo from hitting a tree or something, he decided to wait for Mo Tan to join everyone. Say it again.

'But, although I haven't shown off my cards yet, Dabus and Lao Jia are not stupid. As the team leader, you should think about how to explain in advance. If you can't use your trump card, don't use it...'

Ji Xiaoge expressed his last words in the news.

‘The trump card? ’

‘Well, I thought of an explanation that shouldn’t cause any problems and would allow them to go back obediently. ’

‘What explanation? ’

'elopement. ’

'Are you kidding...'

‘Sure, Dabbs can’t believe it! ’


‘Hahaha, are you excited? ’

'No. ’

‘Beast! ’

‘Not really! ’

‘Not as good as an animal! ’


Chapter 471: End

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