Quadruple split

Chapter 469 The ship heading north

Chapter 466: The ship heading north

Real time February 27, 2049


Mo Tan finished the cup of coffee without sugar or milk and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's over, this protracted 'war' is finally over.

This long day, which seemed like a month, was finally over.

"It feels like I just woke up..."

He looked through the window at the lights outside the window as if he were in another world, and sighed softly: "I always feel that there is no real feeling."

After saying that, he shook his head and smiled, turned around and walked to the kitchen to wash the cup in his hand. In the spirit of energy conservation and emission reduction, he turned off the lights in the hall and bedroom, and then simply tidied up the housework.

Obviously, Mo Tan at this moment is not the 'Black Brahman' in Misha County. After persisting in the 'absolute neutrality' state for a whole day, he was finally forced to disconnect an hour ago, and then used 'lawful neutrality' Kindness' personality left the game.

Because he had consumed too much energy today, and the last battle had squeezed Mo Tan's mental state to the extreme, so even if he wanted to, he could not actively change his personality and return to the game as soon as he was offline. The worries also prevented him from logging into the game with his current personality with peace of mind, so Mo Tan simply logged off and took a rest.

He made himself a late-night snack that was enough to make him 70% full, took a hot bath that could effectively relieve fatigue, and finally turned on his computer and browsed the official forum of Innocence. This had almost become his daily routine. It’s a compulsory course, and it’s self-evident why.

However, although it is said to be an official forum, in fact, each section in it is basically established through player voting. The moderators and sub-moderators are not innocent company employees, but some who have passed the official review and have time, energy and enthusiasm for work. They are just players. Apart from the popular 'live broadcast area' for other games, the entire forum is extremely fulfilling. It not only has the more conventional [Comprehensive Discussion Area], [Strategy Area], [Science Popularization Area], [Information Area], [Career Zone] and so on, there are also such things as [Fellow People in the City], [Food Exploration], [Sand Sculpture Gallery], [Destruction of Reason], [Current Affairs Hot Topics], [Anecdotes and Gossip], [Role Play], [Cosplay] Tired], [Weather Forecast], [Popular Mobile Games], [Danmei Pure Love], [Lily Paradise], [Seed Sharing] and other messy sections, there are almost a hundred in total. In recent times, there are even Many people who are not from the world of innocence come here to look for things they are interested in. Some people even get into the game pit after being exposed to the forum first.

I have to admit that the almost non-existent control of Innocence Company has had a positive effect, but I don’t know whether it is intentional or unintentional. Although from an objective perspective, the former is highly likely, but I am relatively familiar with this company. Old players with a painting style feel that the other party may just be lazy.

But Mo Tan... ahem, under the current personality, Mo Tan can only visit certain sections, namely [Comprehensive Discussion Area], [Anecdotal News and Gossip] and [Current Affairs Hot Topics]. As for 'Absolute Neutral' and 'Chaotic Neutral' 'When two personalities dominate, things become more complicated, especially the latter's various weird and curious concerns. In order to effectively control mental pollution, I won't go into details here. (PS: Even Tan Mo has no interest in the ladylike hobby of [Danmei Pure Love], please don’t think too much)

All in all, the previous post titled [Misha's Diary] was just found by Mo Tan in the general discussion area. Because it was pinned very high, it was difficult not to pay attention to it.

It was written by a player who had participated in almost all the anti-epidemic relief efforts in Misha County, and the writing style was not bad. It was widely praised in the large comprehensive discussion area, and the number of people following the update exceeded 10,000. Just posted a note on the first floor. There are 9999+, which is one of the most popular serial posts during this period, second only to the follow-up reports of several star players.

However, because Mo Tan mostly pays attention to other types of posts (such as 'perverted murderers'), he really didn't pay much attention to them before. It was basically an accident that he clicked on the final chapter of this diary today.

At this point, the reason why people frequently add 'Hei Fan' as friends during this period (at least hundreds of them every day) can be explained. He has become a celebrity and has even been given a lot of random nicknames, the best of which is The most popular is [Black Ge Kongming], the most common is [Niubi Commander], the most curious is [Crazy Dave II], and the most sour is [Soft Rice King].

Mo Tan himself doesn't care much about this, at least not now. The only thing that is more troubling is that Yu Chen also exposed his identity as a player in today's post. Even if it doesn't matter now, Mo Tan still feels that he has transferred to Having an 'Absolutely Neutral' personality will make you feel uncomfortable and heart-wrenching.

[Haha, I was obviously worried to death when I was offline last time, why don’t I feel anything now...]

Mo Tan put the cup back in the cupboard, shook his head helplessly and returned to the living room. He sat on the soft sofa and dazed for a while, then closed his eyes and began to try to change his personality.

There are still a lot of things to deal with over there, and the situation of classmate Yuchen is a bit worrying, so it's not the time to rest yet.

In fact, he had already tried to actively switch personalities once after taking a shower. As a result, he almost fell to the floor with a headache, so he only started to try again after relaxing for nearly an hour...

No matter what the situation is, this kind of active switching places a huge mental burden on Mo Tan, especially during this period because things in various games have switched more frequently, and the difficulty and load have also become higher. If you were someone with poor tolerance, you probably wouldn’t dare to try any more.

Fortunately, Mo Tan's tolerance is pretty good now, and he has gotten used to it over the years, so even though he had a terrible headache, he quickly entered the state and successfully induced his 'other side'.

five minutes later


Mo Tan opened his eyes with pain on his face, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I kept the information secret for more than two months! It was exposed by you just like that!"

He didn't blame others, after all, this was considered human nature, but some confusion was definitely inevitable.

So, after holding his head and thinking about it for a few seconds, Mo Tan decided to go into the game to figure it out.

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Game time AM03:14

Misha County, a tributary of the Jinhui River, the deck of the ‘Black Eel-class’ warship of the Principality of Skarlan

Cordoba looked at the young man and woman lying side by side in front of him, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"What are you thinking about?"

Yu Ying, who was standing next to him, glanced at him and said with a smile: "Wondering whether to cover them with a white cloth or something?"

Cordoba shook his head seriously, smacked his lips and asked Yuying: "Do you think they are married?"


Yu Ying was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and looked at the unconscious Yu Chen and the equally unconscious Mo Tan for a long time, and shrugged indifferently: "Is this important?"

Cordoba scratched his cheek: "I don't know. Anyway, my family said it was very important. In my father's words, if he and my mother didn't have any relationship with each other, he wouldn't be beaten every day."


Yuying hummed without thinking.

"I think so."

Cordoba spread his hands and said with a bitter look on his face: "But they both said that if I want to find a wife, I must look like a married woman."

Yu Ying looked at the iron tower-like man in front of her and laughed dryly: "To be honest, if you look like this outside the game, it would be really difficult."


Before Cordoba could react, Mo Tan, who was lying next to Yu Chen, sat up unsteadily and nodded seriously: "I think so too."

The two of them were immediately startled and asked in unison: "Are you awake?"

"Otherwise, who is talking to you..."

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead, then took out a dress from his luggage and covered Yu Chen next to him, and glanced outside the side of the ship: "Where are we?"

"Just past Hofer City."

Yu Ying answered subconsciously, then looked at the light pink dress covering Yu Chen in horror, turned to Mo Tan and said in shock: "You still have this habit?!"

Mo Tan's eyes jumped in anger: "I don't have this hobby."

Cordoba's eyes widened: "Then why do you have women's clothes in your luggage?"

Veins popped out on Mo Tan's forehead: "Yu Chen stuffed it into me before!"

"Why did I give it to you?"

"Let me wear it at the critical moment..."

"So even though you don't have the habit of dressing up as a woman, you still know how to dress up as a woman at critical moments?"

"No, it's just because something happened before, which may have caused some misunderstanding to her..."

Mo Tan glared at Cordoba angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "You can't beat me if you bully me, right?!"

The latter laughed twice, whistled with a "Then I'll just pretend I didn't see it" look on his face, and then changed the topic grandly: "Yu Chen is still in the game, do you want to Send a message to have a chat with her?”

"We've already been chatting. It started when you two discussed covering yourself with white cloth and getting married."

Mo Tan shook his head and stood up, holding on to the side of the ship and looking at the scenery passing by under the night sky, and sighed: "But having said that, the ships of the Principality of Skarlan are really fast."

"Haha, after all, this is all we have to offer."

Paula, who just walked out of the cabin, stood next to Mo Tan with a smile, raised her hand and patted his shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work, Lord Hei Fan."

Mo Tan was almost slapped back to the ground by the latter's two slaps. He rubbed his shoulders and shook his head with a bitter smile: "Just call me by my name. I'm just an ordinary low-level priest."

"I think it's just temporary."

Paula shrugged, then pressed her captain's hat and sighed sadly: "I'm sorry that we came late and made you pay such a heavy price. Neither the Grand Duke nor I expected that the joint forces would fight so fiercely. …It’s really…Oh, forget it…Anyway, as a close neighbor, Scaran will give an explanation to Misha County.”

"You don't need to tell me this."

Mo Tan chuckled and shook his head, turning to look at Paula's guilty and gloomy face: "Maybe this is a bit too much for me to say, but after all, Misha County is not a vassal of the Principality of Scaran. Since it is not yours Citizens, you naturally do not have the obligation to protect and bless us. Moreover, this plague has caused such a big outbreak. It is a matter of friendship to come to help, and it is our duty to protect ourselves wisely. For this reason, whether it is me, Your Highness Xia Lian or the city lords of Misha County It’s all clear.”

Paula nodded silently, and after a while she said softly: "Thank you."

"By the way, where is Your Highness Xia Lian?"

Mo Tan looked around. He remembered that Xia Lian was still taking care of Yu Chen on the deck when he was offline.

Paula pointed to the cabin and said with a smile: "Your Highness has gone to rest. She was seriously injured, and she was too overdrawn before. She went back to the cabin to rest not long after you fell."

‘I asked Yu Ying to tell Sister Xia Lian that I’m fine_(:з)∠)_ and tell her not to worry. ’

Yu Chen, who has been chatting with Mo Tan through friend messages, expressed this.

"That's good."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, turned to Cordoba and Yu Ying and smiled: "Then you two will come back to the City of Light with us?"

Cordoba nodded: "Ang, I originally planned to go there. Although the light of the apocalypse has been found now, it will be in vain if I don't go."

"Okay, talk to me about your mission in detail later."

Mo Tan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Maybe I can be of some help."

He has always been very concerned about the 'monster' that Yuchen once saw, who is said to be very similar to himself, and is now imprisoned in the City of Light. If he is not only the 'mo' element, he is the light of the apocalypse, if It was not Yu Chen who activated the crystal in Misha County but his current self. By analogy, the other two so-called 'shadows' are most likely 'Tan Mo' from the Violet Empire, and the one who frequently caused him to The culprit of the fragmentation.

Although somewhat idealistic, the possibility of this is not zero.

If Cordoba can confirm that the 'monster' imprisoned in the City of Light is one of the Shadows of the Apocalypse, then...

"I won't go with you."

However, Yu Ying suddenly interrupted Mo Tan's thoughts. She tugged on the last clean red scarf at her collar and chuckled: "I don't plan to go to the City of Light. I just want to wait here. You 'wake up' and say goodbye and disembark shortly."

Mo Tan was stunned: "Get off the boat? How to get off the boat?"

Yu Ying rolled her eyes, then turned to Paula next to her and asked, "Can you help me pull over for a while?"

The latter nodded happily: "Sure!"

Mo Tan: "..."

"Well, that's it."

Yu Ying chuckled, grabbed Mo Tan's hand and shook it: "Thank you very much during this time. I had a lot of fun. Let's see you again in the future. Anyway, we can chat at any time, so I won't be pretentious."

Mo Tan also laughed: "It's easy to say, then I'll do it again if I have a chance..."

[Regional World Mission: Save Misha, statistics completed, ready to distribute rewards. 】

The system prompts sounded in the ears of Mo Tan, Yu Ying, Cordova and the comatose Yu Chen at the same time.

Everyone subconsciously held their breath...

Chapter 466: End

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