Quadruple split

Chapter 448 Bad Fate

Sister Lele next to the big thermos? !

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly searched the two keywords "big warm pot" and "Sister Lele" in his mind, and found the answer accurately within twenty seconds.

I really know such a person!

That was when Mo Tan was in the sixth grade of elementary school. At that time, he was already an independent and good boy. He also left the orphanage where he was raised for several years and moved to a low-cost apartment in the north of City B. They all lived a very happy and fulfilling life, absorbing all kinds of knowledge from the Internet while eating and waiting to die in a nearby pheasant elementary school.

Looking back on the past, Mo Tan was very confident that he was already mentally healthy at that time. However, because his knowledge reserve at that time was not enough, he delayed diagnosing himself until he was thirteen years old. That's all, but he was already mentally ill before the diagnosis.

Correspondingly, Zhengtai Motan naturally could not become a gregarious person. At that time, he was not able to perfectly conceal his various 'abnormalities', but he could already sense that his strange mental state might derive There was a lot of trouble, so he naturally alienated his teachers, classmates, and neighbors, and kept his grades at a very inconspicuous level, that is, the kind that would never be high enough to be named and praised, and become the target of comparison. It won’t be so low that you can’t bear to look at it, be named and criticized, or even called a parent.

This process has benefited him a lot, because the reasons involved are very complicated, so complicated that it can cause any normal child to suffer brain pain to the level of hemorrhage.

First of all, he needs to analyze the personality and status of each teacher in order to minimize his presence in the classroom. For example, which teacher likes to pay attention to children who frequently raise their hands, which teacher likes to pay attention to children who do not like to speak, and which teacher likes to pay attention to children who do not like to speak. What are the criteria for judging 'good children' and 'bad students' in the teacher's heart, the contrast between the class teacher before and after her period, etc.

Secondly, he needs to analyze the personality and status of the friends around him so that he can be alienated smoothly and without any trace. He can neither let the teacher feel that everyone is deliberately isolating him, nor can he satisfy the appetite of any of his classmates, so he needs to study Which child is precocious, which child is naive, which boy is serious about grades, so the scores cannot be ranked in front or behind him, which girl is interested in the cool guy, and should not let herself be too indifferent in the corresponding situation, etc.

As for the last point, it’s quite simple. That is, based on the above two sets of information, make corresponding actions and get corresponding scores. The former is easy to understand, and the common process of the latter is to estimate the score for each question and then calculate it. The total score of the entire test paper is then calculated backwards, and finally a score that is theoretically the most inconspicuous can be obtained without confusing the teacher.

That's probably it. If there's anything more difficult, it might be that you have to suppress 'a certain side' of yourself from time to time, using reason and the other two sides of yourself.

Yes, Mo Tan seemed to have the same three personalities back then as he does now, but they are not the three now. If explained in a more popular way, they are - [Lawful Good], [Chaotic Neutral] and [Chaos] evil】.

So, to be honest, Mo Tan was actually quite tired at that time.

Mainly because I'm tired.

Of course, because back then his [Chaotic Evil] side was also an ignorant boy, and it didn’t have the same strength as the humanoid self-destruction in the game. In addition, Mo Tan would also be in the state of the other two personalities. It was deliberately suppressed, so no major problems occurred.

Well, at least there hasn't been any big problems on the surface.

All in all, even though he was still young and had not become a monster in terms of knowledge or ability, Mo Tan had already learned to protect himself at that time and made many choices and measures that, although they did not seem clever, were effective enough. , such as leaving the orphanage early, secretly destroying information and files about himself before leaving, and never contacting the orphanage again in the coming years.

But even so, he did not completely seal off his social circle. Even though he isolated himself from the orphanage where he was raised, and even though he put a shell on himself in that school, Mo Tan still had a long-term connection that he could keep in touch with. A friend who allows you to be unscrupulous and take off your disguise.

Yes, that is his gay friend A, a poor kid named Idong who met unkind people and made careless friends. Although the two people who left the orphanage one after another did not go to the same elementary school, they still had a strong relationship with each other. The email exchange is quite frequent.

Although the life rhythm and surrounding environment of these two orphans are completely different, they still believe that each other is their best friend. For two precocious children, they depend on each other in the orphanage. Well, in the orphanage Those days when you bring trouble to others are precious.

Yes, Yi Dong is also a precocious child. Although it is not easy to tell, he is actually a precocious child. It is only because Mo Tan is so evil that he does not appear to be that mature, and even occasionally makes people feel... It's just a little funny and slow.

After all, if he was really a normal child of the same physical and mental age, how could he get along with Mo Tan?

This guy became depressed after he was brought home and found out that he was a second-generation rich man. This shows that the little Yidong was indeed an abnormal child back then. Now that he has become a second-generation rich man, he can still be depressed.

This idiot, who felt that his family were all bad guys, had always been alienated from his parents, and even ran away from home several times. In the end, he slowly let go of Mo Tan's overt and covert guidance, and reconciled with Yi Nan and Gu Yanyue. The next day, he overdrafted his pocket money for the next month and called Mo Tan, saying that as a second-generation rich man, he would never forget his good brothers.


That money was saved by Mo Tan, and it is still lying in that account until now. The person involved said that he was happy to help his good friend save it, and would give it to Yi Dong when he got married.

Mo Tan has been playing with this joke for more than ten years, and every time he mentions it, he sounds like an old father.

By the way, the total amount of money was one hundred and twenty sixty-eight yuan, because Grandpa Idong always adhered to the feudal idea of ​​"poor raising boys and rich raising girls", until a few years later Idong dressed in women's clothing at someone's suggestion. Don't give up until you force it.

All in all, due to various relationships, especially the fact that Mo Tan solved the estrangement between Yi Dong and his family at that time, he has always had a good relationship with the Yi family. For example, he was invited to have a meal and chat during holidays. Something like that.

And this ‘Sister Lele next to the big hot pot’ was the one I met during the summer vacation when Mo Tan was in the sixth grade of elementary school when she went to Yi Dong’s house for New Year’s Eve dinner.

He was quite impressed by this incident, partly because this girl was really ugly when she was a child, and partly because she was trembling all the time while holding a big kettle in her arms.

According to the introduction of Yidong's parents, that 'Lele' is the daughter of Gu Yanyue's younger brother. She is a few years older than Mo Tan and Yidong. She lives abroad all year round. She came here for the Spring Festival that year. As for why she held the A big kettle. It is said that because the child's constitution is not very good and she gets cold very easily, so I found a hot water kettle for her to hold.

Although the memory was a little fuzzy, Mo Tan seemed to have a vague feeling that when he accidentally touched the kettle, he was burned and blistered. Although Gu Yanyue cured him on the spot with the ointment passed down from her grandmother, and also The explanation was that 'Tanjiang's skin is too tender', but Mo Tan never felt that the kettle held by Sister Lele in a small waistcoat was just 'warm'.

Of course, this happened a long time ago. Sister Lele had only stayed at Yi's house for half a month at that time. The total time she played with Mo Tan was less than a week, and she hadn't reported her full name yet, so Mo Tan had never made the connection between the player nicknamed "Onmyoji Gu Xiaole" and the sister Lele from his childhood.

"Sister Lelele."

Mo Tan came back to his senses and looked at the other party in shock, and subconsciously sighed: "It's really a transformation of a woman."

As I said before, the little girl at that time was really ugly, unsightly, and wrinkled. She was completely different from the tall, delicate, innocent and lovely girl in front of Mo Tan. After success, After recalling Sister Lele back then, Mo Tan couldn't calm down at this moment.

"Hey, all the girls in our family are like this~"

Gu Xiaole, however, was not angry. Instead, he straightened up his considerable front armor with pride and said with a smile: "Aunt Yanyue was ugly when she was a child. She was even uglier than me. Isn't she very beautiful now?" No, when my uncle looked at my aunt’s photo, he said she looked like a monkey, but during the school trip, she was taken down directly, huh, so he said you men are all pigs’ hooves.”

The corner of Mo Tan's mouth twitched, and he smiled dryly: "Sister Lele, no one stopped using the big pig's hoof stalks twenty years ago."

"Well, anyone who cares about details is a fool."

Gu Xiaole waved his hand and suddenly burst into a charming smile: "But, Mr. Hei Fan, what do you think of Xiaole now? Is he qualified to be a bride? Let me tell you, I'm playing games Her appearance has been toned down a bit, how about it, how about it?"


Mo Tan reacted for a moment, then turned pale with shock: "Don't get married so soon!"

Gu Xiaole blinked his eyes: "Why?"

"Hey, hey! The shield warriors at the frontline retreat immediately. The temporary suspension of the opponent's offensive does not mean it is over. After they block the gap, the next impact will be very powerful. Don't waste it unnecessarily!"

Mo Tan hesitated for a while, during which he glanced back at the battlefield and gave some brief instructions. Then he turned back and continued nervously: "I've been a little tight recently. If you are doing something here, As for my son, I may not be able to raise much money for a while."

This is the truth, at least on the premise that he has not thought about raising funds through illegal means.


Gu Xiaole glared hard at Mo Tan, then coughed twice, bowed slightly and said: "Well, in short, my incompetent cousin has really troubled you these years. Please take more care of him in the future, Tan Jiang."

Mo Tan scratched his head in embarrassment: "Ah haha, actually I have tricked him a lot over the years."

Gu Xiaole bowed again and said with a smile: "Then please keep up your efforts. If you don't teach, you won't be effective."

"Sister Lele, please stop teasing me."

Mo Tan shrugged and said with a wry smile: "I know your Chinese level is no worse than mine."

Gu Xiaole curled his lips, raised his chin and hummed: "Okay, then when are you going to marry me?"


Mo Tan was confused at that time and subconsciously took half a step back: "What?!"

Gu Xiaole put her hands on her waist and repeated seriously: "When are you going to marry me?"

Mo Tan panicked: "Why should I marry you?!"

Gu Xiaole looked matter-of-fact: "You said it yourself, I still remember it until now!"

Mo Tan looked back at the station with a nervous face, motioning for the other party to speak lower down, while continuing to pay attention to the situation on the battlefield, and whispered slightly out of tune: "Sister, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. Ah, why don’t I remember that I said I wanted to marry you?”

Gu Xiaole shook his head: "You said it, you were serious at that time."

Mo Tan was horrified: "I definitely didn't!"

Gu Xiaole was about to cry and whispered: "On the third day of the Lunar New Year, you, I and Yidong were chatting on the second floor of my aunt's house. At that time, that little bastard Yidong laughed at me for being ugly. No one will want me when I grow up. I didn't know much about speaking at that time. I could understand and speak Chinese but couldn't speak it well. I was so sad that I almost cried. Then you..."

Mo Tan's expression suddenly froze.

"Then you say, it's okay. Someone will definitely want Sister Lele in the future. Then Idong insists that no one wants her. Then you say that no one wants you. Finally, Idong calls you stupid."

Gu Xiaole looked at Mo Tan pitifully, with a pitiful expression: "Have you forgotten?"

Mo Tan had already remembered it just now, but he should have just been trying to take care of Sister Lele's self-esteem under his 'Lawful Good' personality. How could such words be taken seriously!

[But. From a certain perspective, this is really a promise, isn’t it! She is quite good-looking now, how could no one want her? 】

Mo Tan looked at Gu Xiaole with confusion, and after holding it in for a while, he finally managed to say: "Are you serious?"

"No ah."

The latter shook his head generously, shrugged and said, "I don't look down on three-dimensional scum like you. Come, let's take a look at your sister Lele, my husband No. 19 - Taishang."

When the girl said this, she immediately snapped her fingers

As the air twisted, a young man with long ice-blue hair and a large black robe appeared in front of Mo Tan and bowed slightly.

"I have long since realized that these husbands are the real destiny."

Gu Xiaole smiled and pinched his shikigami's cheeks, smiling as cunningly as he could: "That's called a bad fate with you."

Chapter 445: End

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