Quadruple split

Chapter 441 Full speed ahead

"Can't I just go out and help kick you in the ass?"

Gelbin glanced sideways at Snowmane and the others, and lowered his voice: "Don't tell me that you don't know what's going on down there right now. The battle losses are increasing every minute. If this continues, the dead will soon be dead." It’s going to multiply, they are all living people, and once the string is broken, the situation is likely to directly evolve into a rout.”

Snowmane, who had just recovered about 60% of his physical strength, sighed and shook his head: "But Priest Black Van also said that the Knights are not simply the main force in the third stage. If everyone attacks in advance, there may be big problems in the final stage. , you also know that the power in our hands is really too little."

Gelbin rolled his eyes, weakly turned over and climbed onto his very delicate pony, and lay directly on the saddle: "I understand the truth. The boy from the Dawn Sect has helped me ride it several times before. But it's one thing to know, it's another thing to watch those young people risk their lives to fill the defense line. After all, I can be regarded as a paladin with a relatively high moral level. The rookies over there are worried, can I? Getting angry?"

Snowmane smiled bitterly. Apart from the question of "higher moral standards", there was indeed nothing wrong with what Gelbin just said.

It is true that they do not regard themselves as saviors, nor do they have the arrogance that the previous Knight of Kay inadvertently revealed, but even so, it is definitely not a shame to watch the soldiers in the same camp as themselves fall on the battle line one after another. The things that make people happy have little to do with things like chivalry and moral standards. They just want to do their part.

But until the order comes, neither Snowmane nor Fire Tongs, nor Gelbin, nor the more than 400 paladins standing silently not far away from a few people, can act rashly.

Because Mo Tan has made it clear to several people before, he hopes that they must restrain their emotions. Even if launching the offensive in advance can indeed avoid some casualties, in order for the entire plan to proceed smoothly, and for the subsequent stages, the Knights still have Enough combat power to save more lives, no matter what, you can't attack before the other side is 'prepared'.

So Gelbin took the entire knights and waited until now. Even after Snowmane and others sneaked around outside for a long time and came back, they still didn't get permission to attack. In fact, the person responsible for informing the knights whether they could attack had just arrived.

"Please be patient, my lords."

The lizard knight with bright silver scales swung his tail, spread his hands and said: "I really can't make the decision on this, but if there is news below, whether it is the news over there or the commander's order, I promise that I will be the first to report it. I will inform you all at once, so please be patient for now."

three minutes later

Game time PM14:40

Hodir Pass, East Side Trail

"Slow down! Slow down, everyone!"

The orc warrior wearing heavy plate armor shouted loudly, glared at the more than thirty clergymen who jumped out of the sky without paying attention more than ten meters away, and said angrily: "Who are you? Where is the mutation!? The priests and priests jumped faster than me, a warrior!"

A group of people slowed down their steps. One of them, a middle-aged man with a black beard wearing a dark yellow gilded robe, laughed awkwardly and waved his hand: "Little brother, you don't know something. We, the human beings who believe in the Mother Goddess, have physical strength." But it’s great, I can work in the fields for ten days and a half without even taking a breath.”

"grown ups."

A young man next to him, who also had the emblem of the Abundance Sect embroidered on his chest, tugged at the former with a troubled expression, and reminded him in a low voice: "Sir, you will die if you don't breathe for ten and a half days."

Next to him, there was a low-level priest from the Dawn Sect who followed up with a stabbing blow: "And I remember that when you help believers ripen crops, you all use divine magic. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with physical strength."

The great priest of the Fengfu Sect, who had come all the way from the Holy Land, was choked on the spot. After a while, he sighed sadly: "I don't worry."

"No matter how worried you are, we must maintain our strength until we reach the designated location."

The Big-Eared Mosquito shook his head, waved his hand and said: "Everyone, slow down your speed, pay attention to concealment, and use death dust to cover your breath after ten minutes. If you attract monsters, all your efforts will be wasted."

"What a strange powder. Although it is filled with the smell of death, it is not disgusting."

The good-natured High Priest of Fengfeng took out his share of death dust and said something in surprise, then walked up to Big-Eared Mosquito and asked him in a low voice: "Um, do you know the situation on the front line?"

The corner of the latter's mouth twitched, and he shook his head slightly: "I don't know, Hei Fan Daer didn't say anything to me, and you don't need to use honorifics. I'm just the leader of the message."

The high priest laughed, patted the big-eared mosquito on the shoulder, and bared his white teeth: "We are new here, and those of you who have been working hard in Misha from the beginning are the seniors. So be it, I won't be polite to you, and so will you. Don't be polite to me, okay?"


The big-eared mosquito nodded happily and said with a smile: "Then if you lead people to rush forward with all your strength, I will scold you."

Great Priest: "."

"A few over there!"

Big-Eared Mosquito frowned and roared at the tall figures in the front rows whose legs were pounding faster and faster: "Are you rushing to reincarnate? Slow down, otherwise you will be almost exhausted by the time you get there!"

A group of big men and women wearing heavy armor slowed down in dismay.

"Hey, it's really not easy."

Big-Eared Mosquito sighed and muttered: "Why did Sister Yuying choose me? Just by imposing a speed limit on these people, I will lose two and a half years of my life."

As the herald and speed limiter of the Joint Forces Heavy Interceptor Regiment, Big-Eared Mosquito had a very troubled journey. Although the team only had 200 people at full strength, he was only responsible for half of the people walking in front, and there were A large proportion of players, but he still felt a little pain in the balls and heavy pressure.

The reason for setting a speed limit for everyone is not because of how much time there is and how easy the task is. On the contrary, anyone with an IQ above the average level knows how tense the situation has become. Even if it is said that every second counts, it is not an exaggeration to describe it.

But this team composed of heavily armored warriors and a large number of clergy must save their energy, at least before arriving at their destination, because their mission is very, very important and there is no room for any mistakes.

[Conscience of heaven and earth, I am an active bad boy who has never even been a class cadre! 】

Big-Eared Mosquito sighed again. He felt that he had already sighed for half a semester in the past few hours. This was with the presence of the priest Furman behind him. Those 'thornheads' who were most anxious to get angry were basically They were all suppressed at the end of the line, and the group of people walking in front with him were already very honest compared to them.

But if we continue at this pace, we will have to walk for at least another half hour.

"Uncle Shi."

Big-Eared Mosquito scratched his hair anxiously, walked to a dwarf priest who was walking silently, and whispered: "Ask a question, Uncle Shi."

"Uh, huh? You called me?"

The dwarf priest Shi Lezhi, who was wearing the emblem of justice on his chest, was stunned for a moment, and after a few beats, he looked back at him and said with a dry smile: "Sorry, sorry, I didn't realize it for a while, but my surname is actually Li Lai."

"But it's okay. I thought your name was Shi Lezhi."

Big-Eared Mosquito made a face, and then asked quietly: "So what, how is the situation on the front line now?"

Shi Lezhi shook his head with an ugly expression and said solemnly: "It's still holding on, but overall it's not good. The casualties are getting bigger and bigger."

Big-eared Mosquito was immediately startled: "How do you say that?"

"literal meaning."

Shi Lezhi took a deep breath, turned his head and glanced to the northwest: "As of five minutes ago, the number of the second battle order my friend was in has been reduced by one-third, and now Brother Hei Fan has reduced the number of the third battle order. Those guys who are relatively weak but still have plenty of physical strength are pulling them up, so there shouldn’t be too many casualties in a short period of time, but only for a short period of time.”

Big-Eared Mosquito's body froze slightly, and after a while he responded in a dull voice: "I understand, thank you Uncle Shi."

"I already said my surname is Li."

"I know Uncle Shi"

Big-Eared Mosquito replied somewhat absent-mindedly, looking a little lost.

Obviously, despite his busy schedule, Mo Tan still missed something.

Although he prohibited Yu Ying and others from revealing any information to the herald and speed limiter of the heavy interception regiment, and he only maintained a minimum dialogue with the other party, this does not mean that the big-eared mosquito is really helpless. We have received news from the front line. You must know that the proportion of players in this team is far higher than that of the other three battle orders. Even if Big-Eared Mosquito cannot learn the specific battle situation from Mo Tan, Yu Ying and others, as long as Shi Lezhi has the ability to It is not difficult at all to find out the situation by asking friends on the front lines.

After all, it was impossible for Mo Tan to remind every player selected into the Heavy Interceptor Group one by one, and it was also difficult to say hello to everyone on the Big-Eared Mosquito's friend list.

So after this almost inevitable leak of news, Big-Eared Mosquito's mentality finally became unstable.

[We won’t be able to arrive in a ‘short time’. 】

He silently calculated the distance and came to the conclusion that if they continued to travel at the current speed, it would take at least nearly thirty minutes for the interception group to reach their destination. He immediately felt a stomachache.

Everyone is fully capable of accelerating now, but after accelerating, the state will definitely be inevitably affected.

But if we continue to move forward in such a leisurely manner, how many people will die because of the procrastination here?

If the sense of responsibility is not strong enough, you may be able to blame the commander directly for peace of mind. However, as a loyal, sensible and warm-hearted delinquent, Big-Eared Mosquito will inevitably fall into an extremely tangled situation in the end.

Including himself, everyone here is not a fool. On the one hand, everyone knows the importance of the mission, and on the other hand, they also understand how much pressure the front line is facing at this moment. In fact, this does not require any intelligence at all. , it is really easy to guess what will happen after the three combat orders with a total of no more than 1,300 people and nearly 10,000 mutants are in a stalemate.

It's nothing more than using physical strength, will and life to pile it up.

Everyone knows it and plays their role silently.

No matter whether it is the high priest and others who are anxious to get angry, or Furman and Big-Eared Mosquito who are trying their best to limit the speed of the team, they are not cheating at all. They do not want the slightest mistake in the mission, nor do they want the soldiers on the front line to suffer because of their own mistakes. Delay and sacrifice.

In fact, due to the compromise between the two sides, this heavily armed interceptor group was already nearly twenty minutes ahead of schedule. It was not much, but the big-eared mosquitoes did not feel less.

But now it seems.

[Player: Goshawk (neutral evil) applies to add you as a friend]

A system message flashed across, interrupting Big-eared Mosquito's tangle.

He subconsciously approved the other party's friend application, and then received a message from the other party within seconds.

‘Excuse me, brother, are you the liaison officer of the Heavy Equipment Group? ? ? ’

Although the wording was appropriate, the three question marks still indicated that the other party was very anxious.

‘I am, who are you? ’

The big-eared mosquito frowned slightly and returned quickly.

‘I am the liaison officer for the Knights! Boss Hei Fan's order hasn't come down yet, and everyone is already anxious to death. How long will it take for you to get there? I really can’t stand it anymore! Can you see the situation on the front line? The brothers there are almost pushed to the third enemy area! ’

A few seconds later, the knight player who was waiting on the slope with the Paladins sent a reply.

‘We need time and we want to hurry up. ’

Big-Eared Mosquito anxiously expressed that he was also very confused.

'how long? ’

'twenty minutes. ’

He entered these four words in the dialogue box, and then quickly deleted them.

‘Ten minutes, let everyone in the Knights get ready, give us another ten minutes! ’

After Big-eared Mosquito sent this message, he turned around and ran towards the end of the line.

'you sure? ’

‘I’m sure that people here have been anxious for a long time. I’ve wanted to speed up for a long time! ’

‘I’m sorry, brother, if Mr. Hei Fan is held accountable afterwards, I will take the blame with you. ’

‘It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m just about to drag someone along to take care of the trouble, so hurry up and get everyone ready. ’

‘Roger, for justice and peace! ’

'Are you being pretentious or not?'

He closed the message board and trotted to the end of the line. The air pressure here was seven or eight times lower than in the front. Everyone's expressions were tense, including Foer, who stared with his eyes to guard against anyone disobeying orders. Priest Mann.

"Why are you here? Someone is making trouble again in front of you?"

Furman frowned and looked at Big-Eared Mosquito.

The latter shook his head and whispered: "No, Master Priest, but I have received news from the Knights. They are almost dying of panic."


"In addition, everyone on the front line is almost forced to the third enemy area."


"Sir, let's just turn a blind eye, otherwise this will continue."

"No, you can't turn a blind eye."

Fuhrman shook his head, and before Big-Eared Mosquito could refute, he burst into a loud roar: "All members of the Heavy Interceptor Regiment are listening to the order!!"

Everyone looked back at him in silence.

"Go full speed ahead for me!"


One hundred and ninety-eight voices responded in unison.

Chapter 438: End

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