Quadruple split

Chapter 438 The mood of wielding the sword

Walking in the silent team, Raymond felt a little nervous. Although the partners around him were full of fighting spirit, and although he knew that he was shouldering a glorious and sacred mission, his hands were still shaking uncontrollably. .

【If that guy knew what I was doing, he would be very happy.】

He rubbed his nose uncomfortably, thinking of the bad old man who always liked to hold a rusty broken sword in a daze, with an alarmingly loud voice and snoring, one of the culprits who prevented him from becoming a great performer.

If the other two culprits were not his left hand and right hand respectively, Raymond felt that his resentment towards his father would have been even greater.

The bad old man has been an adventurer for most of his life. After he retired without any illness or disaster, he hopes that his only son will also become an adventurer in the future. For this reason, he even forcefully instills a lot of messy knowledge and arrangements into himself every day. Some unreasonable tortures called 'training' have no regard for the feelings of the persons involved.

After all, although young people have young ideas, Raymond, whose fists are far less powerful than his father, has never had a choice. Rather than being exhausted after undergoing those messy physical trainings, he is more unwilling to go against his father's will. Later, he was repaired until he was half dead, and then he was forced to train until he was 90% dead.

To be honest, Raymond, who had never met his mother, suspected more than once when he was young that he was not his biological child. If he and the old man were not at least 80% similar in appearance, this suspicion might have persisted until now.

"You are a born adventurer, boy. You are destined to take over your father's sword!"

The old man always started with this passage, and while asking himself to identify poisonous mushrooms, try to make a fire with dead leaves and hands, find water sources in a certain wild forest, or chop down a dummy with a big sword, he said plausibly: "Believe me , Extraordinary agility cannot allow you to find the correct melody, but it can allow you to survive for half a second longer in battle, and powerful power cannot sublimate noise into art, but at least it can smash the nose of any artist!"

And Raymond always retorted: "I don't want to fight, and I don't want to break anyone's nose!"

Then got beaten.

In the end, this young man who was very passionate about music but was very resistant to music failed to become a performer, even though Raymond had to work harder in music than he did with his father.

As he practiced identifying harmful plants, he recited the music in his mind.

When using the dummy for combat training, he swung the weapon according to the melody in his head.

When he was forced to run with heavy loads every day, he accumulated his creative passion in the countryside and beside streams.

Finally one day, he signed up for the entrance examination of Panshu City's Silver Harp Academy without telling his father. After the examiner commented that he was a "cow" in playing the piano, he pushed him to the ground and beat him.

From that moment on, Raymond finally discovered that the path of art was indeed not suitable for him, and that his father's previous training could really play a lot of roles at critical moments, such as when the entire city was being hunted by the academy's security department. when.

That night, Raymond thought for a long time and finally decided to have a good talk with his father tomorrow to seriously discuss the feasibility of the adventurer's path.

"Maybe this is not the path you want to take, but one day you will understand how great it is to have a goal in front of you that allows you to abandon everything and fight for it, and to have a group of partners around you who can make you feel confident to hand over your back. happiness."

However, Raymond's father did not celebrate with joy the next day that he had finally achieved his goal. Instead, after a long silence, he sighed deeply: "Forgive me, son, I am a selfish father, so I Those things that have been lost but are still difficult to let go of are placed on you. No, they are imposed on you."

After hearing this, Raymond just remained silent and did not express any opinion about it.

One day half a year later, the old man squatted in front of his house holding his long sword and took a nap and never woke up again.

"Old liar!" Raymond, who was walking in the team with his head lowered, squeezed the rusty sword in his hand, shook his head to dispel the ugly old face in his mind, and muttered in a low voice: "If it hadn't been for that straight-faced examiner chasing him from the academy. Come out and give me back the two gold coins you bribed me with. I've really been fooled by you."

"The enemy still arrives on the battlefield in thirty seconds. The first battle sequence is ready to fight."

A gentle and steady voice came from the front of the team. The young priest who always made people feel extremely friendly stopped, turned around and showed a very clean smile to everyone: "Although I should tell everyone at this moment, the goddess and You are with us, but she may not be able to come here due to her busy schedule, but I can at least guarantee that I will fight side by side with you."

"Yes! Your Excellency Hei Fan!"

Including Raymond, a total of 603 people in the first battle order suddenly agreed.


The Black Priest of Dawn Sect in front of him smiled. He single-handedly created the Misha County United Forces, eliminated the hidden dangers in the north like a prophet, and eliminated the vast majority of mutants in the central part of the country in just five days. He faced an absolute disadvantage. The commander-in-chief, who led everyone to gain a foothold in the hellish southern region of the world and indirectly saved countless people, nodded gently: "Then I will entrust my life to you."

"Yes! Your Excellency Hei Fan!"

The ground was shaken once, twice, three times.

Half a second later, a turbid torrent with no end in sight descended from the embankment far away!

Those were nearly ten thousand crazy undead.

Raymond's hand holding the sword also trembled. Even though he was nearly two meters tall, had explosive muscles, and was promoted from an ordinary literary youth to an intermediate swordsman in just half a year, his character After all, he is still not suitable to be a warrior. Whether it is adventure or fighting, it is incompatible with this literary and artistic human youth. After all, he cannot abandon fear and ignore death.

[So, dead daddy, I am definitely not a natural risk taker. 】

Raymond took a deep breath, took a step forward timidly but firmly, and smiled to himself: "But I finally took over your sword."

The lizard shield warrior in front looked back at him and asked curiously: "Captain Raymond, what sword are you talking about?"

"Nothing, just pay attention to the front."

Raymond shrugged and smiled stiffly: "Try not to die."

The other party chuckled, and together with the other people standing at the front, they stuck their shields on the ground and said with a grin: "Haha, captain, don't worry, including the rotten flesh in front, no one within a hundred miles is afraid of death. of."

[Old man, look, no one is more suitable for this life-threatening job than your son. 】

Raymond muttered something in his heart, and then said something very sincerely: "I'm quite afraid of death."

"Tsk tsk, captain, you're driving again"

The lizardman warrior half-kneeling behind the tower shield made a face, but he was only halfway interrupted when he was loudly interrupted by the commander not far away.

"Dawn - the piety aura is turned on, the front row is filled with healing prayers, and ready for link healing."

The next moment, more than ten rays of bright golden light spread among the team. At the same time, the warrior at the front holding up his shield also quickly 'lit up'.

A dozen Holy Knights of the Dawn Sect and dozens of clergymen at the back of the order, evenly arranged in the first battle sequence, loudly praised the goddess, and the blessing was completed the moment Mo Tan's words fell.

"Abundance - thorn armor in the front row, blessing of tenacity in the second echelon, and life growth in the third echelon."

The priests and priests of the Abundance Sect chanted the divine name, spreading a soft glow.

"Mage - Fifteen meters ahead, prepare for large-scale attack magic."

The magic crystals flashing on the top of the staff were lit up, and the elements in the air began to stir rapidly.

"Left-wing thieves - death dust, hiding, leaving the team."

Dozens of slender figures pulled out the daggers or daggers from their waists with a 'swish' sound, then uniformly sprinkled a cloud of gray dust on their bodies, and quietly left the large army.

"Shaman - the earth-binding totem ten meters ahead, the front row and the second and third echelon Stone Skin Technique."

The most powerful shaman in the entire joint force raised his hands and closed his eyes to communicate with the spirit of the earth.

"Warlock, Summoner - Earth-bound totem location, low-level summoned creature."

An imp burning with evil fire and a translucent aberration with no facial features appeared from a dimensional rift or a demonic circle, and reveled around the Earthbound Totem that had just risen from the ground.

"Ranger - Restraint shot ready, projectile, three, two, one, release!"

The sound of strings can be heard everywhere.

Bang! ! !

The first mutant who stepped into the Earthbound Totem was hit by an arrow in the knee. As he fell to the ground with inertia, his neck was cut off from the side by a dagger that came out of nowhere.

For a mid-level thief, killing an enemy whose comprehensive strength is twice that of an ordinary person, whose perception is zero and who falls to the ground is as easy as breathing, and there is no effort to dodge his own attacks.

Wind blade tornadoes rising from the ground, flames flying from the sky, icy spikes flying out in all directions, arcane barrages appearing out of thin air, each spell continued to wash away, and in an instant, the earth-bound totem formation was crushed. The torrent of death slows down the mutants while causing casualties.

With little success

But, that's to be expected.

An evil fire imp hugged the thigh closest to it while laughing hysterically, and then quickly expanded to three times its original size. It suddenly exploded with a muffled sound, shaking all the mutants within a radius of several meters. Falling to the ground or flying into the air, the other summoned creatures quickly dispersed, igniting all the magic and energy in their bodies, continuously creating ripples for this unstoppable torrent of death.

Ripples of flesh and blood.

"Front row shield guards, prepare for impact! You need to hold on for at least two minutes."

Mo Tan waved the cross in his hand and released a [Law Barrier] from a distance, freezing the dozen mutants who were tightly packed together in place, causing them to be directly trampled into carpets by the same kind behind him, and said in a deep voice: "The second echelon is ready to engage the enemy, attack freely!"

Raymond held the rusty sword tightly in his hand. A layer of dark blue war energy burning like a flame appeared on his body, and large drops of sweat were left along his forehead.

Closer, closer, closer.

Bang! Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! !

Just when he could clearly see the rotten face of one of the mutants, the lizard shield warrior in front had already flown out and hit Raymond's feet hard.

"The second echelon goes up and fills the gap!"

The sacred scripture in Mo Tan's hand automatically shot out two golden lights and quickly melted into the bodies of the lizard soldiers. However, he himself did not even look here, but just shouted loudly: "Freedom for all." To meet the attack, the enemy must not be allowed to penetrate here. The healers and auxiliaries must protect their own safety, giving priority to the front row and the second and third echelons. The rest of the people should pay attention to self-protection and be careful of those who have already rushed in. The right-wing thieves will immediately name and attack. kill!"


Raymond, who had never seen such a large battle before, picked up the tower shield on the ground and thrust it in front of him. The long sword that turned into a ball of blue flame in his hand cut the two mutants into four pieces. , but still unable to prevent more monsters from 'infiltrating' into the defense line from all directions.

Although the terrain in this section is quite narrow, there are too many mutants. Even if the shield bearer at the front does not fall, they can still step on the bodies of their own kind to cross the shield and pounce on anyone with life. breath person.

Within a few breaths, Raymond, who was on the left side of the front row, was surrounded by seven or eight mutants. Although it was difficult for these mutants to cause any effective damage to him in a short period of time, their chaotic desperate offensive still made him feel uncomfortable. It was frightening. At the same time, the force coming from the tower shield was getting stronger and stronger. The mutants hitting it and the mutants hitting the mutants kept putting pressure on him, not giving this mid-level swordsman any chance. A little bit of breathing space.

If he hadn't been blessed with four or five beneficial spells or magic, and had been blessed by the shaman's stone skin technique, he would have been able to hold on for a few more minutes at most!

This is not Raymond's own persistence, but the outermost line of defense in such situations will only hold on for a few more minutes. If this trend continues, then when the number of mutants rushing in reaches a certain number, the first The first layer of defense is in name only.

If it fails so quickly, what will happen next?

The Requiem Plan completely failed, the coalition forces were slaughtered, and countless civilians in Misha County who had already seen hope suffered catastrophe.

Is this okay?

【Not good! 】

"Go back!"

Raymond casually caught a mutant's throat, used it as a weapon and smashed it out of the shield, directly placing it on a small group of monsters. Then he turned around and drew two cross sword lights, knocking out three of them. The undead who was about to climb in from the edge of the shield was divided into four.

I can finally understand a little bit what that old guy said back then.

Although I don't feel that I am very lucky, this feeling of wanting to swing my sword even if I am shaking is not bad at all.

Chapter 435: End

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