Quadruple split

Chapter 433 War Drums Sound

Game time AM11:24

Hodir Pass, before the third enemy contact zone of the joint forces

"Then I'll go back to the workshop first."

Luna looked at Mo Tan, who was as pale as paper beside her, frowned and said, "If your health is too bad, don't force yourself, you can have someone find me."

Mo Tan gently stroked the holy book on his waist and used the holy healing technique on himself, barely bringing his health to above 20%, then smiled and nodded to Luna: "No problem, I won't be polite to you. .”

"That's good."

The girl yawned a little, and then ran away with her notebook in her arms. The alchemy workshop was located behind the first enemy contact area. She had to get from several locations where the joint forces were stationed nearby. Just go around the formation.

And Mo Tan walked straight to a camp not far away. Because his physical strength, which had already bottomed out, was being doubled all the time, his whole body ached, and his head also hurt, because he couldn't do anything within twenty minutes. He enjoys the privilege of reducing his mental load, so his senses are almost the same as being in reality. When his body is so bad, he can walk step by step from the command tent in the middle of the mountain road to this point. It is considered very perseverant. .

[It’s really quite appropriate. I really don’t want to think about it at all right now.]

Mo Tan gave a bitter smile and slowly walked into the extremely heavily guarded camp in front of him. It was so tightly guarded that he received more than a dozen greetings without noticing anyone, all from high-ranking members of the joint forces. High-level thieves and ranger players.

‘Hello, Brother Heifan! ’

‘Boss, here you come, boss! Boss, do you see me hanging from the tree on your left? ’

‘Captain, Commander, I heard that you suffered from heavy bleeding and fainted before. Is this the case? ’

‘Brother, Commander, are you infected with the plague DEBUFF? How is your health? ’

‘Banfan! Fanfan! The best van van in the world! You have worked very hard, be sure to take good care of your body! ’

‘Report to Commander, everything is normal in the third command center, please review! ’

‘RL, when are we going to do it? Can I apply to be transferred from the Praetorian Guard to the front line? Ah, if it affects the overall situation, forget it, I'll just say that. ’

‘Boss, were you also given medicine by Miss Luna? She said the day before yesterday that she would develop new products that focus on taste, and she almost fed her brothers to death! But at that time, it was simply unpleasant to drink, and it probably didn’t have the effect of causing severe bleeding. ’

[How high are the stealth levels of these guys selected by Yuying?]

Mo Tan paused twitchingly at the corner of his mouth, then waved to the friends in all directions who showed no clues at all, thinking with some embarrassment.

At this moment, two orc men holding heavy hammers and fully armed happened to come from the front. They were also members of the 'Black Guards' (named by Her Highness the Saint after watching a certain series), and both had The mid-level strength is equivalent to that of a level 25 player, just because the identity of the NPC is not as familiar as those players' secret guards. After seeing Mo Tan, he immediately stood up seriously, as if he was being reviewed by the leader. He was waiting for orders like a soldier, with a nervous expression.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's unlikely that enemies will approach here in a short time. Let's go and take a rest."

Mo Tanqiang cheered up and said to the two men who had just joined the joint force a few days ago that they had been taught that "Lord Hei Fan is particularly awesome", "Priest Hei Fan is a genius", and "Big Brother Hei Fan defeated the entire rice with one hand". The orc warrior who had such impressions as "Sha", "The commander likes to tear mutants apart", "One hundred and eight stories that the commander and Her Royal Highness the Saint had to tell" smiled and said: "Don't be too tight."

The dreadlocked orc wearing exquisite chainmail on the left patted his chest hard: "Yes!"

The stocky orc wearing a fanged helmet on the right also responded in a decent manner, then glanced at Mo Tan's robe with large dark red traces scattered on his body, and asked with special concern: "Your heavy bleeding" Are you feeling better? I have half a jar here specially designed to treat hemorrhoids. The medicine is a prescription I got from an old witch doctor many years ago, and it works very well."

[Yes, and what’s going on with the massive bleeding! ? And what kind of mentality do you have in doing this while looking at the blood stains on the chest of my robe? ? 】

Mo Tangan smiled and shook his head, and left quickly after righteously stating that he was in good health.

two minutes later

Mo Tan, who had been continuously concerned about the 'heavy bleeding' situation by several patrol officers, walked into a yurt-like earth element structure with a sullen face, and angrily glared at the girl in the corner who was squatting on the ground carving a turtle: "Yu Ying! you."

As a result, he was hugged by a thick arm as soon as he said three words, and then he saw Priest Furman appearing from nowhere and staring at him with concern on his face: "Hei Fan! I heard that you had a heavy hemorrhage. Have you been under too much pressure recently? Hey, tell me earlier. Brother, I have two jars of good medicine here. I got the prescription from an old witch doctor a few years ago. It is very useful. !”


Yu Ying, who was whistling and carving a turtle on the ground, burst out laughing.

Mo Tan pulled Furman's arm away with his eyes twitching (and exhausted the last bit of physical energy in the whole process), then sat down on the makeshift stone chair next to him, and said righteously: "I just vomited blood twice! I just vomited blood! Do you understand if you vomit blood?"

Sure enough, when he heard this, Furman's expression suddenly became awkward, and then he subconsciously muttered: "Well, that's troublesome. Although this medicine has excellent hemostatic effect, it should only be applied externally and taken internally."

Mo Tan, whose expression had just softened, was furious at that moment: "Brother Furman, you must have done this on purpose!!"


Priest Furman, who is more than twenty years older than Mo Tan but insists on being friends with the former, grinned, shrugged and said, "It was intentional just now, but before you came in, I really thought it was because of hemorrhoids."

"Stop talking and thinking too much, I don't!"

Mo Tansheng waved his hands helplessly, then made a mini condensed light arrow and threw it at Yuying: "What on earth did you tell everyone!"

"Just telling the truth."

Yu Ying nonchalantly raised her dagger to block the light arrow, turned around and said with a wicked smile: "You are indeed bleeding, and the amount is quite large. Isn't that just heavy bleeding?"

Because what she said did make some sense, Mo Tan, who was exhausted physically and mentally, didn't even think of how to refute it.

After a short silence.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Yu Ying put the dagger back into the leather sheath on the side of her leg, stood up and looked at Mo Tan seriously, and said pointedly: "In every sense of the word."

"That's the theory."

The latter smiled bitterly and nodded, but did not say anything. After all, God knows whether he will be offline again in a short time. You must know that although this possibility is not very high, it has not happened in the past. .

Yu Ying smacked her lips, spread her hands and said, "Okay, anyway, if something happens to you again, we may have to strictly block the news."

Mo Tan could naturally understand what she meant. After all, it was only this time that he used the (male) common sense of "heavy bleeding caused by anger" to fool everyone. If something happened to him, the commander, after the third stage started. If so, even Yuying, who is quite adaptable, would have no choice.

So he nodded seriously and said nothing more.

'I've long felt that your dropout rate is a little abnormal. Even if you work various night shifts and catch up on papers, it doesn't make sense. Well, you don't need to explain too much. Anyway, I'm not interested in your situation outside the game, but for now. At the critical moment, you are still the irreplaceable commander here, so at least today, if nothing happens, try not to make any mistakes. ’

Yu Ying in front of him didn't speak, but quickly sent a message, and seemed to have some subtle misunderstanding about Mo Tan's situation in reality.

‘Well, there is indeed some force majeure. I will try my best to overcome it. By the way, you are the only one who noticed this, right? ’

Mo Tan had long known that this girl was too sharp in some aspects, so he didn't bother to make excuses and just replied with some anxiety.

‘Haha, are you worried that I will tell Wangyu? you think too much. ’

The message that came back within seconds immediately put Mo Tan at ease.

‘She was the first one to discover this problem, but she never said anything about it. Tsk tsk, what a good girl. When you say working, just treat it like you are working, and when you say writing a thesis, treat it like you are writing a thesis. ’

As a result, the second message that followed immediately made Mo Tan freeze where he was.

'Okay, okay, you are so considerate, why do you have anything to worry about, and Wangyu didn't let me ask you to get to the bottom of things in the first place, but I was really frightened by what you played before today, I just couldn't help but say a few words, you just have to have an idea in mind. ’

Yu Ying saw that Mo Tan's face was a little stiff, so she curled her lips and added something.

The latter glanced at the chat box between himself and Yuchen uneasily, and as expected did not find any new messages.

Well, it was indeed expected, because Mo Tan sent a message to the other party as soon as she went online, saying that everything was normal on her side, and asked her and the Princess Guards to concentrate on their journey without any distractions, and they would talk about the rest after they came back. .

Then Yuchen said "oh" obediently.

At this moment, Priest Furman scratched the back of his head in confusion, and curiously asked the two guys in front of him who were staring at each other: "What are you doing?"

"Uh, nothing."

Mo Tan shook his head quickly, then shook his head slightly to put behind his mind those things that were insignificant, at least irrelevant to the present, and asked with a serious face: "Then confirm again now, Brother Furman , the first and second enemy contact areas are fully prepared, right?"

The latter nodded slightly: "Yes, I just came back from there."

"very good."

Mo Tan rubbed his forehead, tried hard to use his somewhat dull brain, and took the time to make a final check: "Are the knights, reserve team, heavy interception team and the ambush personnel also in place?"

Yuying nodded without thinking: "The knights and ambush configuration are in place. The reserve team and the heavy interception team are on standby in the corresponding preparation area. They can enter at any time after the third phase begins."

"How are things going over there in the Twin Cities?"

"It's still stable. Cordoba, who had retreated to the middle of the long bridge, immediately pushed back the mutants after Wangyu and the others left. He just contacted me a few minutes ago and said that he could last at least another two and a half hours. , Her Royal Highness Xia Lian's condition seems to be a little worse, but she is still optimistic, at least the observers in Abby City said she is still optimistic."

"What about the evacuation?"

"It's still ongoing, and a few people are resistant to our decision, but it doesn't hurt. After all, everyone knows that money is more valuable than money, and we all know that life is much more precious than money. I think it should be possible before the start of the fourth phase. Done."

"The team that was watching near the southwest river bank didn't leave, right?"

"No, but there doesn't seem to be much movement over there."

"The letter written by His Highness Xia Lian a few days ago has indeed been delivered by the Thieves Guild, right?"

“At least the feedback I got was delivered.”

"That's good, let those people continue to watch. No matter what the result is, don't leave the vicinity of the river."


"How long will it take for Wangyu and the others to come back?"

"Won't you ask yourself? Well, for about twenty minutes, the route you asked Hawkeye Team to leave them is a bit detoured."

"There is no way. If they run straight back all the way, at least 40% of the mutants will escape control in the process." Mo Tan sighed, tapping the handrail and said: "So we have to spend some extra time. , Fortunately, the return route can be planned in advance, as long as the instructions left are clear enough, the risk factor is not high."

Yuying tugged on the long red scarf at her collar and said listlessly: "So is there anything else you need my help to confirm? Please finish it in one breath."

"All that's left is to wait."

Mo Tan shook his head and stood up with his knees on his knees: "Let's add the guards here into the combat configuration. Brother Yu Ying and Furman, let's go to the second enemy area now and wait for the start of the third phase. .”

There are still twenty minutes left before Yuchen comes back, which means there are only twenty minutes left before the more than 10,000 mutants enter the Hodil Mountain Road, and the [Exhaustion] on Mo Tan's body There are still seventeen minutes left in the effect.

It can be seen from this that although Mo Tan once said when he was in the "Chaotic Neutral" state that "it only looks COOOOL when the situation is at its worst," he did not really set himself up for death.

that's enough.

In the previous first and second stages, Mo Tan had tried his best to avoid all losses and minimize casualties and risks. However, in the upcoming third stage of the Requiem, there are no more 'clever' tricks. There's room.

Nineteen minutes later

Southern border of Misha County, entrance to Hodir Pass

As dozens of speeding figures rushed into the first enemy contact area, a brief order was spread throughout the entire joint force at the same time.

A few seconds later, the neat ‘play’ of the shamans resounded throughout the entire Hodil Mountain Road.

Game time AM11:46

The third stage of the Requiem officially begins.

The war drums sound and the battlefield opens

Chapter 430: End

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