Quadruple split

Chapter 430 Falling


Growable passive talents

Effect: on? ? ? When this happens, a strong sign will be generated and it will last for 28 seconds.

[Note: Don’t mind, after all, no one in this world can be their own master. 】

Because of the particularity of this talent, Mo Tan has always paid a high degree of attention to it, and it has almost reached the level of an experimental subject.

But unfortunately, apart from summarizing two simple rules, he has not made any progress no matter which personality state he is in, and all attempts to make it controllable have ended in failure. .

As for the two rules that were quickly summarized, one is that when one of his characters triggers [Premonition] and is successfully taken offline, the upper limit of this talent will be increased by one second the next time he goes online. The clear point is that if the premonition of the character 'Hei Fan' can originally extend him for 10 seconds, then when he triggers the premonition and is pushed out by the two characters 'Tan Mo' or 'Mo', he will have an absolutely neutral personality next time. When logging in, his hunch would change to 11 seconds.

The second rule is that when he is "fragmented", for example, he suddenly loses consciousness while playing, and when he wakes up again, he realizes that three hours have passed. Regardless of whether Mo Tan was among three people before. Regardless of which one of the grids, the [Premonition] talent will not be triggered, and when you log in again, the number of seconds that can be continued will be reduced by one second.

From the time he obtained this talent until now, the character 'Hei Fan' has been promoted 32 times by regular routine and 7 times by 'fragmented promotion'. Even though it can be continued for 3 seconds at the beginning, the final extension time is now 28 seconds.

At this moment, there are still 27 seconds left for Mo Tan.

In less than half a minute, Yuchen and the knights who escorted her all the way were able to escape from danger and escape smoothly while achieving the set goal perfectly?

How can it be!

You must know that the reason why there are no detailed arrangements for the second phase is because the variables are too great. Apart from Hei Fan's immediate command, there is no plan or plan that can successfully complete the mission as long as it is strictly followed. The trends of the mutants Regardless of the status of the Princess Guards, the performance of Cordoba and Xia Lian, everything is full of randomness, so it is impossible for Mo Tan to formulate a foolproof plan in advance. The only thing he can do is Mobilizing a large amount of manpower and synthesizing a large amount of intelligence, Yu Chen and others were given instant guidance with zero delay, constantly finding or creating one way out for them on the ever-changing battlefield.

And the premise of all this is based on the situation that Mo Tan is sitting here, with seven or eight chat windows open, keeping an eye on the map and being able to contact Yu Chen at any time.

There is no other way. Even if Yuchen and others have completed 90% of the entire plan, there is only a little distance left to the safe detour point. They can be out of danger in ten minutes at most, but if they are in Without Mo Tan's guidance at this critical moment, no matter how close they are to success, it will be almost impossible to escape the end of destruction.

[Ten minutes, just give me ten more! Just ten minutes! 】

With eyes wide open, Mo Tan supported the ground with both hands, then grabbed the armrests of the chair unsteadily and tried to stand up, but ended up flipping to the ground again along with the chair.

Two pieces of news came out from Hawkeye Team 7. Several players who took great risks to closely monitor the river bank of Shawa City said that the weak point that Mo Tan had just exposed was almost gone. If the Princess Guards don't take action anymore, If so, the gap for them to pass through will be filled within thirty seconds.

[Thirty seconds, I don’t even have thirty seconds]

While Mo Tan was lying on the ground in embarrassment and retching, he briefly replied "Understood", and then re-edited the interrupted message with great difficulty——

'Very good, we have focused on you again. Now we need to make a high-speed reverse penetration. Immediately let the three high-level paladins gather on the left side of the team and make a right-angle change to the left using the snow mane as an arrow. You guys You will directly collide with a group of recent mutants, the number of which is probably in the early 200s. Don’t hesitate after contacting them. Just tear them apart and go through. Then let the three people who were the arrows move to the right side of the team, and join you before them. The torn mutants continued to march eastward side by side, held for fifteen seconds, and then made a second right-angle change to the right, and then asked the other two paladins except Snowmane to protect the right and rear of the team respectively. Snowmane makes the spear tip at the front, opens the Expedition Halo, and continues eastward. ’

Mo Tan struggled to write the message that was originally divided into three paragraphs according to the steps and sent it to Yu Chen. Then he grabbed the edge of the table and tried several times before he successfully stood up.

His physical energy had been completely depleted to zero, and coupled with the sense of detachment and dissonance brought by the [Premonition] talent, Mo Tan felt dizzy, and even his vision began to blur.

This was the first time since he played Innocence that he was in such a mess.

Even when he was forced into a desperate situation by Jia Wen under his 'Chaotic Neutral' personality, Mo Tan maintained his somewhat disgusting demeanor and calmness, but at this moment, he was already in an extremely embarrassing state and became increasingly turbid. Despair flashed faintly in his eyes.

[There are still 20 seconds until forced offline]

The cold system tone sounded mercilessly in Mo Tan's ears, as if mocking his stupidity.

Mo Tan leaned on the table with a pale face, knocking a bottle of ink to the ground with his slightly trembling elbow. He narrowed his eyes in confusion, trying to find a way out for the snow-white angel chess piece. A way even without his own guidance. A way to escape.

But that kind of thing didn't exist from the beginning, otherwise there was no reason why Mo Tan wouldn't have noticed it before.

It took him a full two seconds to realize this desperate reality.

Miscalculated, really miscalculated this time

I thought I had considered everything, because I had never been troubled by disconnection issues before and didn’t pay too much attention to it, so I didn’t know if I could avoid it, but at least I could easily anticipate it and make a decision in advance. The unexpected surprise of preparation hit home.

Why weren't arrangements made in advance? If Yuying was left here and a few Sanctuary people with war experience were found to establish a backup staff group, at least the situation would be less desperate than it is now.

Did he not expect it, or did he subconsciously want to be the protagonist of this stage with Yuchen and dance with her in this storm?

Astonishingly childish.

【So this is the price?】

The sweat on Mo Tan's forehead fell drop by drop, mixing with the large ink stains on the map, making it look a bit weird.

[There are still 15 seconds until forced offline]

The reminder sounded like a desperate sound, leaving Mo Tan no longer able to hesitate about the mistakes he had made before.

He had to come up with a way, no matter what, he had to come up with a way!

Get online as quickly as possible?

No, even if I am in the other two personalities, there will be no delay at this critical moment, but I will take the initiative to log off, leave the game cabin, switch personalities when I am extremely mentally exhausted, and finally re-establish myself as an 'absolutely neutral' personality. Login, this series of actions takes too long, and the time ratio inside and outside the game is 2:1. Under this premise, even if I don't waste half a minute, the process of actively changing my personality will be as smooth as possible. It also takes at least ten minutes of game time before you can log in again, and by that time, nothing can be saved.

Do your best to use [Reflection] to stabilize your mental state, trying to delay time?

But I have no idea which personality I am about to switch to! If you are about to be switched to a 'Lawful Good' personality, then if you reflect 'Chaotic Neutral', not only will there be no positive effects, but you may even be disconnected immediately, and vice versa.

Ask Yu Ying to come back and take over the command?

Don't be kidding, not to mention that Yu Ying is arranging the corresponding matters in the enemy area at the moment. Even if she has friends with Yuchen and everyone from Hawkeye Teams 2 to 9, she can remotely control it outside the command account. It is impossible for a command to make a series of precise and correct decisions without referring to the map and making preparations in advance. Therefore, doing so will only add extra guilt to the opponent at best, and it is unlikely to have any additional effect. effect.

In this case

Mo Tan bit his tongue hard, and because the pain in the game was not realistic enough, he tried to force himself to cheer up. This bite made his mouth full of blood, and he lost 2% of his health before he could barely concentrate. .

【12 seconds left! 】

He opened the message bar and while quickly reading the information submitted in the past ten seconds by Hawkeye Team 9, which had just taken over the surveillance work, he tried his best to think about the current situation of Yuchen and others.

A severe headache exploded uncontrollably.

Ignore it, as long as you don't lose your ability to think!

‘Yuchen, if you see around a thousand mutants coming from the south within three minutes, ignore them and keep moving forward on the current route. ’

It was no longer possible for his legs to support his body, and he fell heavily with his back to the ground.

It doesn't matter, I can still memorize the map, and the Hawkeye Team 9 is still there as my eyes.

'If you don't see a large number of mutants coming within three minutes, then repeat the right-angle change you made before, first south and then east, and then place the high-level paladin behind you on the left wing, and everyone speeds up and leaves the avenue. ! ’

[There are still 10 seconds until forced offline]

It doesn't matter, as long as you hurry up, maybe it's still too late!

'Three situations may occur next. First, your left wing is continuously harassed by five hundred mutants and loses the space to move to the right. If this is the case, then move closer to the north in advance. This method is just to quench your thirst. You must return to the road as soon as possible after getting rid of harassment. ’

Mo Tan's breathing quickened, and the increasingly intense sense of detachment made it difficult for him to maintain his consciousness, but 'difficult' was just 'difficult', not 'completely impossible'.

'In the second case, the pressure on the left wing is less than expected, but the mutants who are constantly filling in behind you are chasing too closely. If this is the case, let the tongs go to the rear of the team, and when he reaches the designated position, let everyone Turn around on the spot, let the tongs become the tip of the spear, turn on the expedition halo and directly hit the left rear of your current position. If nothing happens, you will get about two minutes of safety time. ’

[Wait a minute. Doesn’t the expedition halo not take effect in combat? No, what I just said is wrong]

Mo Tan reacted suddenly after he had already sent the message, and quickly added a message to Yu Chen, 'There is something wrong with the way the second situation is handled, don't use it! ’, and then prepare to readjust your thinking before responding.

But he suddenly thought that if he did this, there wouldn't be enough time left to tell Yu Chen the plan for the third situation.

[And, is it really okay to deal with it that way? Didn't you really miss something like just now? 】

[Is it really useful to just judge possible situations through imagination and then make corresponding arrangements in advance? 】

[But if you don’t do this, you will be killed by them after you are offline for a while]

[So what should I do if I can’t use the expedition halo! ? 】

[I haven’t had time to think about how to deal with the third situation. After thinking about it, I don’t seem to have time to tell Yu Chen, but if it happens.]

【And there are many possibilities in the future, which one should...】

【What am I doing! 】


‘Mo Tan! Are you okay? We are safe now. How are you? ’

Yuchen's news flashed before his eyes.

However, the method of handling the situation when the expedition halo cannot be used has not yet been figured out.

[There are still 5 seconds until forced offline]

Five seconds! ? Why are there only five seconds left? !

"Hei Fan!"

Five seconds is enough to do what, what on earth was I doing before! ?

"Hei Fan!"

【No more】

Mo Tan closed his eyes that had begun to blur in pain, and finally collapsed.

"Hei Fan! What are you..."

Whose voice is this? I can't hear you clearly anymore. Are you going to be disconnected?

He thought subconsciously in a hazy state, and then seemed to feel a slender arm struggling to support himself from the side.

Mo Tan stood up and saw the southern map filled with chess pieces again.

[There are still 3 seconds until forced offline]

Wait a minute, Yuchen and the others seem to be in just the right position.

[There are still 2 seconds until forced offline]

No, wait a minute! I thought that as long as the angle was slightly changed, the two groups of mutants to the south and behind could...

[There is still 1 second until forced offline]

It works! Let me tell her, I'm going to tell her!

Mo Tan, who had lost the ability to speak, roared in his heart, but everything in front of him began to distort quickly. The voice that had been calling in his ears also disappeared. He felt that he was falling. Falling fast.

Damn it, I've obviously thought of it

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn!

The feeling of weightlessness continues

Chapter 427: End

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