Quadruple split

Chapter 428 Pressure

Game time AM09:39

Misha County

Under Mo Tan's instructions, the Princess Guards, who had never encountered any enemies along the way, 'wandered' in the middle of the southern border for a while, and finally received instructions to move south at full speed. This made Snow Mane, who had just calmed down, The others tensed their nerves again. Everyone knew very well that since Hei Fan had issued this order, it proved that except for the nearly 20,000 mutants entrenched near the tributaries of the Jinhui River, there were no remaining mutants in the entire southern Misha County. All the monsters below have all set their sights on him, and there are at least 5,000 of them.

More than five thousand mutants who no longer wander, no longer hesitate, and no longer accept any form of interference!

Although their movement speed is not as fast as that of the highly maneuverable Princess Guards, and no one has seen a single mutant catch up with them yet, everyone present is very clear that the tide of corpses that is enough to drown the entire team is rolling in. Come, always ready to devour yourself.

They no longer question Mo Tan's instructions. After all, the fact that they did not encounter any enemies for more than an hour cannot be explained by coincidence. Except for the Black Vatican Priest who used unimaginable command and dispatch to help his group. There is no other possibility except for people to clear the way.

The ever-present dark clouds in the sky seemed a bit gloomier, and the cold wind quietly became sharp and sharp, causing everyone's cheeks to hurt. There were only desolate and dilapidated scenes in sight. Although the monsters that were originally entrenched here have temporarily left, the rotten atmosphere that permeates the air has not weakened by half. Instead, the terrifying death silence is spreading more intensely, trying to drive away these living beings who are incompatible with death. , silently weakening their will.

"It has begun to reject living creatures."

Xue Mane murmured solemnly, and the emblem of justice worn on his chest was surging with red light, exuding bursts of majestic divine power, firmly protecting Yu Chen in it: "This is what is about to be transformed into The signs of the Cursed Land, the situation seems to be a little bad."

Yu Chen, who had just finished sending the message to Mo Tan, nodded slightly, his face turned slightly pale: "Well, let everyone hurry up, otherwise those mutants in the east will hit us before joining the enemies behind. Trouble."


Knowing that Her Majesty the Saint could establish direct contact with the Black Van Commander through special means, Snowmane nodded without hesitation and shouted loudly to the companions around him: "Speed ​​up! Follow me!"

After saying that, she used her long legs that were almost as tall as Yuchen to gently pinch the Goru beast Windsor, passed the tongs and another elf paladin and rushed to the front of the team, holding the war hammer high in the air. He stood up and prayed silently to Hemel, the god of justice and courage.

The next second, the emblem of justice with the 'Warhammer Scale' drawn on it appeared behind everyone and quickly integrated into their mounts, refreshing the spirits of those war horses and warcraft that had not stopped for a step since their departure. It immediately went up a notch.

【Expedition Halo】

Justice Sect active magic

Requirements for mastery: Believers of the God of Justice, possess the profession ‘Paladin’, and have a physical upper limit of \u003e2000

Consumption/restrictions: 300 faith points, 700 physical points, and at least two friendly units within a radius of 30 meters are riding.

Effect: After activation, the movement speed of all friendly mounted units affected by this skill within a radius of 30 meters will be increased by 20% for 15 minutes. It is invalid for units in front of the caster and targets in combat; when the sight range is within When the number of enemy targets is less than 50% of the number of people affected by the aura, an additional 10% movement speed bonus is given; when there are enemy units behind the caster that are greater than 50% of the number of people affected by the aura, an additional 15% movement speed is given. Speed ​​blessing; cooling time: none

[Remarks: Veteran driver, please guide me! 】

As paladins, compared to the Dawn Sect's magical spells that focus on auxiliary properties and the Sun Sect's magical spells that take into account both damage and healing properties, most of the magical spells that the Just Paladins can use are very beneficial to legion-level battles, or when facing enemies. In battles against legion-level enemies, [Expedition Halo] is a more representative example. Because of this magical spell’s extremely powerful and indiscriminate speed-increasing effect, it is often called [Racing Halo] or [Wild Racing Halo] by outsiders. Donkey Halo].

The crowd responded with a roar, carrying the billowing smoke and dust as they galloped towards the south.

ten minutes later

Several groups of mutants that were originally running towards the Princess Guards from all directions gradually converged together, following in the footsteps of the former and swarming to the south.

At this point, the first and most difficult step of Requiem's ​​second plan has finally come to an end. There are only two groups of mutants scattered throughout the southern border. They are the nearly 20,000 mutants gathered in front of the two long bridges in the Twin Cities. The mutants, as well as the more than 5,000 mutants who followed closely behind the Princess Guards, were completely attracted by Yu Chen's hatred.

Game time AM09:52

Mo Tan once again issued a round of instructions, asking the remaining supply brigade outside the enemy area and most of the personnel to withdraw to Hodil Mountain Road, and asked him to go to the Twin Cities direction as early as half an hour ago. Hawkeye Teams 2 to 9, composed of pure players, made the final round of adjustments, then collapsed directly on the chair, closed their eyes tiredly, and said softly: "I'll take a short break for five minutes."

"Is the plan still going well?"

Yu Ying asked with a worried look on her face. Although she had just confirmed the situation with a few familiar players who had been ordered to retreat not long ago, everyone only knew a very small part of the situation that she was responsible for, except for Mo Tan himself. , many of these teams who rushed to the designated area last night didn’t even know what they were doing. They basically had been monitoring the XX area for a long time, and were shocked during a certain movement. He caught a glimpse of His Highness the Saint, or was ordered to go to XX place to sprinkle a few kilograms of glow powder and other trivial matters, so there really wasn't much information he could tell Yu Ying.

After more than ten seconds, Mo Tan nodded slowly: "So far, so good."

Yu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Mo Tan, who seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, feeling hesitant to speak. She felt that although this guy just said 'not bad', the objects covered by these two words seemed to be Does not include himself.

Although she only learned a few words from a few friends, she could guess what the guy in front of her who seemed to have just been fished out of the water probably did.

Even if she had known that Mo Tan would control the overall situation as a trader, so she would definitely have to keep in frequent contact with all the personnel sent outside for surveillance, including Yu Chen, Yu Ying had never thought about the relationship between this guy's instructions and The feedback frequency will be that high.

[From a minimum of three seconds to a maximum of two minutes, he processes more than twenty pieces of valid information simultaneously for a long time, and gives feedback in a very short time that is almost the same as a step-by-step instruction. Is he still a human being! ? 】

Yu Ying subconsciously wanted to say a few words of concern for the other party, but then she felt that this was not in line with her current style of painting, so she said, 'You can't die suddenly, can you? ’ He swallowed it back, curled his lips and asked, “I’ll call you in five minutes?”

"Thank you."


Yuying nodded, thinking that this guy was indeed very tired and didn't even bother to check the system time.

Mo Tan himself was not thinking about anything at the moment. He was just trying his best to empty his mind and fight against the headache that had become more and more intense since half an hour ago.

Just as Yu Ying secretly sighed before, what he did in the previous hour or so was indeed not something ordinary people could do.

Although The Boundary of Innocence is just a game, as Mo Tan often said to Yuchen some time ago, the consumption here has nothing to do with reality. Even if the physical fatigue can be said to be simulated, the mental exhaustion can be said to be simulated. The load on aspects is not always the case.

Perhaps the black technology of Innocence Company can indeed ensure that most people can get adequate rest when socializing, thinking, doing big questions, writing 53, mock exams, memorizing formulas, and memorizing English in games, but this kind of thing is not Endless, at least there was a limit when Yuchen kept treating patients and Yuying worked at full capacity. Although neither of them deliberately mentioned it, they still felt a little tired after returning to reality. Just as tired as having a dream all night.

The reason why Mo Tan has never had any problems in this regard is that firstly, this guy's upper limit of fatigue is much higher than that of the two girls, and secondly, he can always find time to rest as he basically switches roles every night.

Unlike active personality transformation, passive transformation in daily life does not consume Mo Tan's spirit.

Therefore, no matter how busy and tired he is as Hei Fan, he can still find opportunities to rest when he is Tan Mo or Mo, and vice versa. After all, several of his characters are in different environments and are busy to the limit at the same time. It is almost impossible for it to happen. Even if there is such a sign, Mo Tan himself will take the initiative to make adjustments and try not to let all the troubles be crowded together. Therefore, until half a day ago, he had never experienced extreme pain in the realm of innocence. A state of fatigue.

However, today he really couldn't hold it any longer. As mentioned before, Mo Tan had been calculating a large amount of information simultaneously for almost the entire hour or so. He had to take into account the position of the mutants and the movement speed of the Princess Guards. He has to take care of Yu Chen's hatred range, the safety of the major surveillance teams, and all the hidden dangers that may lead to bad consequences. And then, taking into account all the above, he has to give Yu Chen Chen and others found a route with the highest safety factor. If they couldn't find it in a short time, they would use all the conditions at hand to create such a route and repeat the cycle.

He is a self-aware person, so he knows very well that he cannot do something that violates logic because of his inexplicable emotions. To put it simply, if the situation is ultimately so bad that it cannot be made worse, then Mo Tan will definitely choose to sacrifice Yuchen to restore the overall disadvantage.

Will the situation really get that bad?

Yes, as long as there is a flaw in any link, as long as Mo Tan makes any trivial mistake, the seemingly smooth situation will suddenly turn upside down.

Can sacrificing Yuchen really save the situation?

Yes, because no matter how out of control those thousands of mutants are, Yuchen will always be their first target of hatred, so as long as the latter is treated as an abandoned child, the losses can be effectively reduced and the subsequent compensation measures can be obtained. to enough time.

In fact, when Mo Tan initially designated the second phase of the plan, it was not Yu Chen who served as bait, but three mixed teams of paladins and mages who used wind-shaping scrolls to control the [Powerful Concentrated Glow Powder]. For the specific process, please refer to Chapter 2 In the first stage, Xia Lian and Cordoba played the role of an abandoned son, an abandoned son who would be abandoned directly if he was unlucky.

This wasn't that Mo Tan deliberately didn't choose the best option, but that he subconsciously ignored Yu Chen's option.

However, Yuchen did not forget it, so he proposed on the spot the idea of ​​using himself to replace the three mixed brigades. The girl's idea was very clear. She had cooperated with several experiments and clearly expressed her attraction to mutants. Far more than the Glowing Powder, not only does it have a huge amount of hatred that radiates over a wide range, but if you make a plan with yourself as the core, your mobility will also be greatly improved.

Then the window paper was punctured

Although Chief Priest Taylor and Furman immediately expressed strong objections, Xia Lian and Mo Tan, the two people closest to Yu Chen in principle, did not express their opinions at the first time, but invariably showed a wry smile.

In the end, the plan for the second phase was adjusted to compress the three mixed brigades into an elite cavalry team with Yuchen as the core to lure the enemy.

"Hey, hey, that's great. Not only will the plan be much more secure this way, but the pressure on you, Mo Tan, will be a lot less. After all, I'm a player. If something unexpected happens, just ask everyone to throw me in. Just place it wherever you think is suitable, so that even the people who accompany me as bait may survive~"

After the meeting that day, Yu Chen walked out of the tent and bumped Mo Tan's shoulder lightly, smiling like a flower.

[If you become a bait, will my pressure be reduced a lot? Ha, although it stands to reason that this is indeed the case]

Mo Tan, who was lying in front of the map, scratched his hair vigorously. After Yu Ying said, "Five minutes are up," he propped himself up on the table. He felt that after five minutes of good rest, his headache was not relieved at all.

[But there are many things that really cannot be explained by theory and logic. Really, do you know how much I wanted to express that my pressure was increasing! 】

"Yu Ying, go to the first enemy contact area to prepare for the third phase. Remember to notify all high-priority attack sequences that the rest time is over."

Mo Tan opened his eyes and whispered instructions to the girl sitting cross-legged in the corner of the tent. At the end, he added: "By the way, I asked Luna to find someone to send me two bottles of Lion King's Pride potion."


Yu Ying nodded slightly, stood up and walked out of the tent without any delay: "If you have anything, please send me a message."


"See you later."

The emotional female assassin left.

one minute later

Mo Tan opened the friend bar, clicked on the top [Chen Wangyu (Absolutely Neutral)], and quickly edited a message: 'Tell me your current position.'

His thoughts suddenly stopped.

A sentence emerged from the corner of his memory uncontrollably.

‘Don’t forget that I am a player. If something unexpected happens, the plan and everyone’s safety must be the priority. Never make any impulsive judgments! Do you understand? ’

[Why did she say that? ! 】

[Didn’t she think that if she acted as bait, I would be less stressed? 】

【Wait! Was it at that time! 】


Mo Tan pulled back his thoughts with a slap in the face, forcibly put aside a question that he desperately wanted to explore clearly, and refocused on the message board in front of him.

‘Tell me where you are now. ’

Chapter 425: End

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