Quadruple split

Chapter 413 Judgment Day (VI)

Sanctions? !

Several people, including Emmeline, did not react until Archduke Baroka casually slapped the black light, turning it into an axe-like ravine pointed diagonally at Buffy Marshall.

Why were they sanctioned?

Didn’t you say it well just now?

So what's going on with all the nonsense you said before?

Who's kidding? Doesn’t your conscience hurt? What about integrity?

Grand Duke Hussein, who just made fun of Emmeline, his face turned red and white. Countless complex thoughts that could be simply summed up as the word '@#' were scrolling in his heart, and his whole body couldn't be more square.

Four to three!

Apart from the Violet Royal Family, who always cast one vote each, the four major families of Fire Claw, Crystal Wolf, Simon, and Baroka all hope to [sanction] Marshall. This option, which was originally only used as a trading tool, has been messed with. The earth has become a reality. This is simply unreasonable, even more unreasonable than the worst joke!

Although he had subconsciously considered this consequence before, it was just a businessman's instinct to prevent failure. When the facts were really revealed to Grand Duke Hussein, he was still shocked beyond measure.

The rules of the game are broken...

The unwritten tacit understanding was torn to pieces...

Just because of something as trivial as the slave trade...

These supreme surnames are no longer safe...

Although not a single spark had been flicked onto Scorpius Hussein yet, he still felt a chill to his bones. He began to recall how many evil things he had done, and began to think about how many of these things could be punished. After moving to the Zijiu Hall to "have a chat", I began to think about whether I would also be convicted and whether I would be sanctioned in the same way.

Unspeakable fear made it impossible for him to maintain even the most basic demeanor.

On the other side, looking at Grand Duke Hussein, whose face suddenly turned pale and extremely frightened, a complicated smile flashed across Grand Duke Simon's red eyes...

Just by witnessing such an expression, Simon knew that his ideal had finally taken the first step, a very leap-forward first step. From the day when Violet was founded thousands of years ago until now, he finally has a Grand Duke for himself. Crimes and mistakes, or crimes and mistakes that are about to happen or have been sealed away, show a look of fear. Yes, it is the fear of being judged and sanctioned, not the kind of physical pain that is capped at the level of interests.

This is a good start. Although it does not eliminate the rights of any grand duke, including Simon himself, and it cannot really allow the Imperial Code to be equally practiced on everyone, it at least provides some benefits to these people here. It sounded a wake-up call.

And this wake-up call is what Buffy Marshall and he were pursuing decades ago, something that can make this empire always strong and healthy, and not be swallowed by the inevitable dark side.

At that time, their biggest wish was to sound the alarm together, and Ximu, as an immortal species, also expressed many times that he was worried about whether Buffy, who could only live for a mere hundred years, could persist until that day.

Today, this day has really arrived.

Archduke Simon gets both of his wishes, alarm bells go off... and Buffy Marshall is alive.

For some reason, looking at that...his once best friend still sitting there calmly, Grand Duke Simon suddenly felt a little confused. For a moment, he didn't know whether he should cry or laugh now.

The Buffy Marshall who made a great wish with her back then to change the entire empire...

Now this Buffy Marshall is contrary to her ideal, but in another way she has realized her wish back then...

What an irony.

He lowered his hands feebly, and Archduke Simon, who was always meticulous, slumped lazily on his chair and actually made a funny expression to his old friend.

To be honest, the way this dark elf shota, who rarely fluctuates in moods and has necrotic nerve endings on his face, makes faces is really scary.

However, except for the two players who exchanged "shotai honkai" with each other in the friend message, the others did not have much time to pay attention to the expression of Archduke Simon. Instead, they all looked at Buffy Marshall, who was already in a desperate situation.

Just like what Archduke Simon had seen before, the Grand Duke, who seemed to have already decided his end, was still calm and calm, with no joy or sorrow in his expression. His betrayal of Vernon Baroka and his current almost unsolvable dilemma No response.

After a few long, silent seconds...

"What's wrong, everyone?"

Grand Duke Marshall looked around at his colleagues around the long table and smiled calmly: "If I remember correctly, the trial seems to have not ended yet. Isn't it too early to express condolences to me now?"

【What was he thinking about? 】

[I’m not pretending to be calm and composed! 】

[But all the grand dukes have already expressed their opinions, can he still have other cards...]

[Wait, could it be said that...]

Hussein, Fernan, Crystal Wolf and others quickly sorted out their thoughts, but before they had time to finish, they were lightly interrupted by Clairva Bresne.

"Yes, the trial is not over yet."

The old emperor, who was also very surprised, was quite generous, at least more generous than most of the people here, so after a brief silence, he returned to the 'trial' state and continued his presiding: "Well, since you all have Now that the choice has been made, it’s Violet’s turn.”

Motan and Futaba were chatting away in messages, Grand Duke Simon with a complicated expression, Grand Duke Dantès with a serious face, Grand Duke Baroka who looked like a bear again, Grand Duke Crystal Wolf who was still short-circuited, God knows Why was Grand Duke Fernand trembling, Grand Duke Hussein whose eyes suddenly lit up, and Grand Duke Marshall who was calm and collected? Everyone looked at the current head of the Violet family, the emperor, who held the last two votes.

"So, first vote for the Violet Royal Family."

Clairvaux's eyes wandered between the four light groups in front of him. He didn't seem to feel the slightest difference between them, and he didn't know what drastic changes an accident would bring. He just said calmly: "Vote for the first time." Give……"


A voice that seemed both familiar and unfamiliar to most people sounded from the other end of the hall. Everyone turned around suddenly and saw a tall and handsome figure walking slowly from the entrance. It was the crown prince of the empire - Rebo Bray. Sean.

The Crown Prince, whose presence has not been very high in recent times, looks 70% similar to Clerval. He seems a little less elegant than the latter, but also has a little more unique energy and sharpness unique to young people. It does not conflict with his restrained and calm temperament. It is like a sharp sword in a sheath, a genuine sword of the king.

And the one following him has another style of painting...

He is also a prince and a direct descendant of the Blaisn family. He is a few years younger than his brother. He has a face with soft lines, barely visible blood, and thick eye circles. Of course, only the first feature is natural, and the latter two features are natural. We can basically see it from anyone who is pulled out of bed within a few hours after an all-nighter. Obviously, if we have to make a concise four-word summary, it can usually be summarized as - lack of sleep. .

He was wearing a silk white robe that was comfortable and simple enough to be used as pajamas. Although this outfit looked expensive, it was infinitely close to matching the current occasion. It was even more different from his brother's majestic and luxurious formal attire. There is no comparison at all, and their expressions are also in a trance. Not to mention the royal family's pride, their demeanor is not even as good as those low-class nobles who grab a lot of them.

"Hey, are you guys chatting?"

The second prince walked in and glanced at everyone casually. Then he yawned lazily and smacked his lips listlessly: "Excuse me."

Ribo turned around and glanced at his dishonest brother, then pulled his sleeves and walked up to Clairvaux, bowed and said, "Your Majesty."

Because this was an extremely serious public occasion, he simply didn't even call him "Father" and directly called Clairvaux "Your Majesty".

And on the other side...

"Thank you for your hard work, Dad."

Xiu picked his ears out of boredom and said in a nonchalant manner: "Please give me an extra chair, I want to squint for a while..."

Clairvaux first nodded to Ribo, then glared at Xiu together with his eldest son, and snorted angrily: "Stand."


The second prince was also an honest man. He didn't have any objections when his father refused to give him a seat, so he just stood behind Clairvaux listlessly.


White light suddenly appeared, and the fourth notch suddenly appeared on the table in front of the Archduke Marshall, restoring the balance of power to the situation, but it did not shake the latter's unfavorable situation at all.

After all, as we all know, the two votes of the Violet Royal Family have always been [Sanction] and [Observation], so after this vote is cast, the next one should be [Sanction].

This is the theory...

Under the gaze of everyone, Clairvaux did not immediately follow the 'rules' to cast the second vote representing the royal privileges. He just looked at the eldest son beside him with a smile and said gently: "You have indeed reached the time to exercise it." It’s time for royal power, I was negligent in not calling you here today.”

"Your Majesty is right."

Ruibo shook his head with a serious face and said in a deep voice: "If I were really worried, I would not want to enter the Zijiu Hall and disturb His Majesty and the Grand Dukes."

Since he has not inherited the throne, even if he is the crown prince, Rebobraith's status is theoretically one level lower than that of the great lords here. After all, the influence of imperial power in the Violet Empire is only that much, and a prince is not enough. On an equal footing with other great lords.

Of course, except for the two 'outsiders' Futaba and Tanmo, all the grand dukes present shook their heads in shame, sending a wave of signals of 'Oh, Your Highness, you are too polite'.

Moreover, these sharp-minded people (Emmeline is not simply silly and sweet, she is just a little young. BY Futaba) also invariably discovered a detail in Ribo's words just now, which is...

"Are you worried?"

Clairvaux looked at the eldest son in front of him who was deeply trusted by him, and asked calmly: "What are you worried about?"

Ruibo did not answer directly, but said softly: "Your Majesty, do you still remember that I told you in the garden that day that I did have other ideas, but that happened later."


Clairvaux nodded slightly, and did not shy away from the grand dukes present. He just continued to ask in a relaxed tone: "So you think now is the 'then'?"

Ruibo smiled and nodded, then his face became solemn and he said seriously: "Your Majesty, I didn't just want to train to exercise some royal rights, but I wanted to use the name of Violet as Blaise. Making a decision with the surname En is to choose to [observe] Grand Duke Buffy Marshall and his family.”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone was shocked!

position? Will the Violet Royal Family, which is always checking and balancing, take a stand? !

Although Ribo is only the crown prince now, and although Emperor Clairvaux seems to have heard the former's idea for the first time, this does not affect the princes around the long table. It can't be more complicated.

The difference is that the eyes of the three Grand Dukes Hussein, Dantes and Fernand are mostly filled with joy, while the eyes of Crystal Wolf, Baroka and Simon are full of shock and fear.

Although the mentality is completely different, at this moment everyone wants to know what the crown prince wants to do and how he wants to do it.

Clairvaux seemed to think so too, so the father said bluntly: "Tell me your reasons."

"The reason is simple."

Ruibo took a deep breath, turned to everyone and said solemnly: "That is to follow the most critical responsibility of our Violet family to maintain the balance and stability of this empire."

No one answered, whether it was Emperor Clairvaux who was sitting on the throne, the second prince Xiu who was dozing off half a step behind the emperor, or the two players around the long table, including Mo Tan and Futaba. The eight people were just silent and waiting for the next step.

"Everyone knows that although our Violet family is a royal family, our situation in this empire is quite embarrassing." Ruibo went straight to the point without any aristocratic self-consciousness and said the truth: "Because we are a royal family, we cannot be too Too powerful; because we are the royal family, so we must stand at the front; because we are the royal family, we have to bear the greatest responsibility; because we are the royal family, we cannot have our own opinions in most situations, because we have to protect this The balance of the country, and the balance of this country seems to be solid, but in fact it is very fragile..."

"I have no intention of blaming you, the Grand Dukes, because everyone here is the mainstay of the empire. Without you, there would be no Violet Empire, and the word "royal family" would be meaningless."

"So, we are willing to protect this balance. Although we are subject to constraints, we have no complaints. After all, we still have a transcendent and glorious status."

"But sometimes, when neutrality, equality, checks and balances, reservations and other means alone cannot maintain this stability and balance, I feel that the royal family can no longer be so silent..."

"If Violet had no objection in the past because of this responsibility, then this time..."

"In order to be able to better have no opinions and no choices in the future, it is time for us to have an opinion and make a choice."

"The royal family has two votes. We have been enjoying this right and honor in the past, and now-"

"It's time for us to fulfill our corresponding responsibilities."

Chapter 410: End

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