Quadruple split

Chapter 410 Judgment Day (III)

After chatting with each other lively for a few words, Futaba and Mo Tan stopped talking to Marshall. The former was half-lying on the table playing with his fingers in boredom, while the latter watched her playing with her fingers with interest. There was no sense of tension at all, as if they were not the first to attack and deliver the fatal blow.

Ignoring the heated greetings from both sides, Clairvaux, whose expression was expressionless, sat back on the main seat and asked the crowd softly: "Everyone should have made a decision, right?"

Except for Mo Tan, who seemed to be just watching the excitement, and Buffy Marshall, who was not qualified to vote, everyone else nodded silently.

"Well, before the trial begins..."

Clairvaux turned his head to look at the Archduke of Marshall calmly, and said as if he was just having a normal conversation: "Buffy, you have one last chance to defend yourself, and no one will interrupt you in the process."

When it came to the second half of the sentence, Futaba naturally received a warning look from the old emperor.

The girl nodded her head vigorously for five seconds like a chicken pecking at rice, and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, like a good student who was late for class for the first time. She looked extraordinarily well-behaved and sensible.

If you haven't seen this girl's cruel, hurtful and poisonous mouth unleash its power countless times, scolding the well-educated Buffy Marshall so many times that she wanted to hit someone, most people might actually think it was Clairvaux. What a fuss, after all, such a well-behaved and cute girl is very polite at first glance, how could she interrupt others.

"That's a really rare opportunity."

The Grand Duke of Marshall smiled and seemed quite pleased that Futaba would not interrupt and curse when he was speaking. Then he slowly stood up and said a gesture to everyone. Although Mo Tan couldn't understand it, he still thought it was very stylish. His expression was as calm as when Futaba saw him for the first time: "In that case, let me just say a few words."


Mo Tan shouted loudly and clapped his hands vigorously.

The corners of Clairvaux's eyes twitched, but there was no suitable reason to criticize him. After all, there was an obvious pause after the Grand Duke of Marshall finished what he said just now, as if he had left a special space for people with lofty ideals to speak, so Mo Tanna was a little bit Harsh cheers are not theoretically considered an 'interruption'.

Well, in theory...

Buffy Marshall nodded to Mo Tan with a smile, then lowered his expression and said with his hands: "I must admit that I made a mistake, a very bad mistake, and even now I don't intend to express any objection to the previous conviction. , let alone make any more excuses for his crimes."

He paused again. This time, Mo Tan didn't applaud, but just leaned on the chair and listened with interest. Futaba, on the other hand, stared at the Marshall Archduke with blank eyes, as if to say, 'So what the hell do you want to do? What? ’

"So, I am willing to abide by the outcome of today's trial."

The Archduke of Marshall didn't think anything of it, but expressed his attitude simply and concisely: "No matter what the result is, that's it."

After saying that, he sat down neatly without even a word of excuse for himself.

Of course, in this case, defending is a worthless behavior. At best, it is just to whitewash one's crime. It is of no use except symbolically improving one's moral situation.

Now that exchange of interests has become a tradition, the word morality has no weight in every [Judgment Day] in the past, and today... is no exception.

Even Mo Tan and Futaba only used so-called human nature and morality as tools, and never expected to use them to defeat the Marshall family. After all, they didn't care about that stuff.

"Well, since Buffy isn't going to defend herself..."

Clairvaux looked around at the crowd and asked calmly: "Is there anything else you want to say? If not, we can get started."

Then I saw a hand raised high, shaking in mid-air...

"Mr. Dabbs?"

Clairvaux glanced at Mo Tan, a theoretical 'outsider' who didn't even have the right to vote, with some surprise, and asked with slight surprise: "What do you want to say?"

Mo Tan smiled and replied respectfully: "I just want to ask Grand Duke Marshall a question, Your Majesty."

The old emperor nodded slightly and turned to look at Buffy Marshall.


The latter had no objection, but Feng Qingyun nodded calmly and said: "Then please ask."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows, raised his index finger and tapped his forehead: "Then, Your Excellency, if I remember correctly, you should have said, 'I must admit that I made a mistake, a very bad mistake. ', then can I understand that... those regrettable disasters were caused by you alone and have nothing to do with other people, such as your eldest son, second son, or His Excellency Duke Hussein of Scorpius .”

"What did you say!?"

Before Buffy Marshall could speak, Grand Duke Hussein at the other end of the long table was already angry. He stared at Mo Tan fiercely and asked word by word: "What do you mean?"

Leaving aside the dead girl who is a disciple of Anatarasha, has a close connection with Fire Claw and is deeply trusted by Grand Duke Xiluo, he is not too lazy to offend Anthony Dabus of unknown origin!

"What's the meaning?"

Mo Tan looked back at the former in confusion, and after being stunned for half a second, he suddenly said: "Oh, please don't misunderstand, I just want to confirm with the Grand Duke Marshall the specific meaning of what he just said, and then find out what the meaning is. How many people have to pay for this protracted tragedy that has lasted for more than ten years? After all, the disaster does not harm relatives and friends. Whether it is the closest family member of His Excellency the Grand Duke, or you, the closest collaborator of the Marshall family, if you have suffered anything, it will not be in vain. It’s not good if you’re wronged, well, there’s no other meaning at all.”

Grand Duke Hussein's expression was stern, and then he looked away from Mo Tan's face with a gloomy expression, obviously not intending to pursue the latter's contextual issues just now.

Although Scorpius Hussein has always stood firmly on the side of the Marshall family, if... just if... something unexpected happens, the question Motan just raised is worth considering.

As the closest ally of the Marshall family, it is certainly impossible for Scorpius to be completely ignorant of the slave trade. Although neither he nor the Marshall have ever brought this issue to the table, they have always maintained Some kind of tacit understanding, such as a certain checkpoint on the edge of Hussein's territory that suddenly relaxed too much, the Marshall family inexplicably gave more than ten times more gold coins in a certain trade cooperation, etc...

You don’t tell me, I don’t ask, everyone gets what they need.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing is not a big problem, but if the result of today's trial is [sanctions] instead of [observation], then not to mention the Marshall family, which is about to face annihilation, and the Hou family, who is deeply involved with the former. Sai Yin would inevitably have to break his muscles and bones, at least in the final distribution of benefits, it would be very easy to be reduced to the point where he could not even drink soup.

But Scorpius couldn't ask Buffy Marshall directly about this, otherwise wouldn't it look like he was very shaken? Before the results were obtained, they were considering dividing the cake among the Marshall family in the future.

For a moment, Grand Duke Hussein was a little grateful to Mo Tan for raising this question for him.


"Your understanding is correct, Mr. Dabbs."

The Archduke Marshall nodded without thinking, and said very frankly: "This matter indeed has nothing to do with my family, and of course Scorpius. The people who cooperate with the Viper Chamber of Commerce are me and two slave catchers. I am the sole person in charge of the group. To put it simply, apart from me, Buffy Marshall, there are only those [former members of Buffy’s Sword Knights], [former members of the Ice Veil Mage Order] and [former members of the Ice Veil Mage Order] who were bribed by me. Mercury Guards] are just guilty.”

Scorpius frowned slightly, always feeling that his old friend was broken, so he looked over with some worry: "Buffy..."

"Haha, of course, many people in the Marshall family have benefited from those sinful gold coins. Well, mainly the quality of life has improved."

The Archduke of Marshall did not respond, but shrugged slightly and continued to tell everyone: "As for Scorpius, if my less and less fond of bargaining with him can be considered a benefit, then he can also be considered a share. Let’s have a piece of the pie.”

The implication has been made very clear, that is, except for Buffy Marshall, the mastermind, and some accomplices hiding in the dark, this matter has nothing to do with anyone else.

"Okay, since you said so..."

Mo Tan smacked his lips, then turned back to Futaba, and asked without suppressing his voice at all: "Do you believe it?"

Not to mention others, Archduke Scorpius Hussein's heart suddenly thumped. During this period of time, he had fully understood the skills and horror of this little girl. If she were serious, I'm afraid it's really easy to cause a big mess, and judging from Futaba's previous behavior pattern, it's impossible for her not to be serious about this kind of issue!

It was almost made known to everyone that she wanted to kill Marshall and his entire family.


"He just said yes."

Futaba really didn't dwell on this issue like before. She just nodded casually, and then said lightly: "I don't want to get entangled in these minutiae things anymore. Regardless of Buffy Marshall's family and Hou. Whether the Sain family is involved or not, let’s just assume that Mr. Buffy is telling the truth and move on to the next step.”

Did this girl take the wrong medicine today? !

Not only Scorpius, Dantes, the Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf and others thought this way, but even Emperor Clairvaux, who was sitting on the main seat, was a little surprised. He did not expect that she would agree with Buffy Marshall's words so easily.

You must know that with Futaba's sharp tongue, even if she cannot directly deny the other party's statement, she can at least disrupt the topic and force everyone to put it aside until the [trial]. But she actually let Marshall clean up his family like this. .

Moreover, the Fire Claw representative, who was the biggest victim, had no objections, let alone others. After all, it was quite annoying to force oneself to the point.

It seems that this girl is really too anxious and doesn't want to wait for a moment and wants the trial to start as soon as possible.

At least that's how it looks on the surface...

Only a few people noticed that after Futaba blurted out the words 'he said yes', Archduke Simon, who always had an expressionless poker face, actually breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a look in his bright red eyes. There was a flash of relief and determination.

All in all, the topic of not bringing harm to the family was dismissed in such an understatement.

After that, the old emperor asked several more times, but no one wanted to express their opinions.

Therefore, after a few tens of seconds, this meeting named [Trial] will finally begin to focus on the topic!

Clairva Bresne stood up again and said in a deep voice: "Everyone here knows the ins and outs of the matter, so I won't go into details. Since everyone already has their own ideas, then..."

The old emperor paused slightly, then took a deep breath——

"In the name of Violet, I announce that the trial for the crimes committed by Buffy Marshall, the Grand Duke of the Empire and the patriarch of the Marshall family, has officially begun."

Including Futaba and Mo Tan, everyone present looked solemn.

Unlike the latter who was obviously pretending to be serious, Futaba's little hands hanging down under the table were clenched tightly. From joining the Fenrir team absentmindedly following the guidance mission to becoming an ordinary member of it, to this day Sitting on the highest stage of this huge empire, she is about to put an exclamation mark on the road to revenge. This girl who has experienced the warmth and coldness of the world for the first time has created a miracle, a miracle that is too expensive for anyone...

Yes, the exclamation point is not a full stop. This matter is not over until the other party sheds enough blood to please him!

“[Sanction] or [Observation], except Marshall, the seven surnames Fire Claw, Hussein, Crystal Wolf, Fernand, Simon, Dantes, and Baroka have one vote each, and the Violet Royal Family has two votes. "

Clave Bresne gently patted the long, weathered white table, and a purple light flashed from the stone wrench on his left thumb: "Everyone, tell me your choice."

The next second, two light groups appeared in front of each fixed seat in the Purple Jiu Hall, both in black and white. Then, Clairvaux raised his left hand with a ring on it and rushed towards Ba. There was a slight move in the direction of Fimarshall. The pair of light balls in front of the latter fluttered in front of Clairvaux, and stopped steadily under the two light balls that were originally there.

“Black is the sanction.”

Clairvaux leaned a little tiredly on the large seat behind him, gently stroking his thumb: "White is for observation, let's get started."

Buzz! !

The black light in front of Futaba exploded out of thin air. At the same time, a gully like a sword suddenly appeared in the middle of the table, pointing directly at Buffy Marshall!

The girl's cold voice echoed in everyone's ears...


Chapter 407: End

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