Quadruple split

Chapter 401 Second Infection

Many times, only when disaster inevitably strikes, can we clearly see those great souls hidden under mediocrity and weakness. There are many such people, so many that there are no examples, such as the joint force under Mo Tan. The vast majority of people here, including those who are difficult to be infected by the plague, have countless opportunities to leave this dangerous place, but they are always fighting on the front line day and night; there are many who clearly have enough excuses to hide in the rear, but do not Ordinary people who do not hesitate to accompany those 'professionals' into danger have no idea what they are planning.

Therefore, no matter whether they are strong or weak, whether they are a warrior carrying a cauldron that is equal to ten, or a civilian cook wielding a big spoon of fried rice, they are all qualified to be crowned as great and heroic. This kind of thing is worthless to the dead but useless to the living. It's a name worthless, because these people are either fighting for the lives of others, or they know what they want to protect. In short, they are not afraid of death and are willing to go out of their way.

We can laugh at their stupidity, but we cannot deny their value.

But no matter when or where they are, they will never be the mainstream. Of course, places like the Martyrs Monument do not count.

All in all, although there are indeed many, many such people under certain circumstances, such as the current Misha County, they are only 'a lot'. More, they are mainstream, sincere, and standard intelligent creatures. Those who want to live no matter what, those who are willing to give up everything in order to survive, really - most people.

Being real enough should not be defined as ugly. It's just not great enough.

We should not blame a person because he is greedy for life and afraid of death. After all, reproduction and survival are the instincts of all intelligent creatures, but heroic sacrifice is not. That is a bonus question.

The vast majority of people who are unable to solve the extra-point questions at critical moments will be shown in a very embarrassed manner, making it difficult for bystanders not to feel disgusted, even though these 'bystanders' themselves are thrown into the face of irresistible natural and man-made disasters. It will probably end in the same way.

Whether human nature is inherently good or human nature is inherently evil, there is actually no right or wrong between these two positions, because people themselves are different.

Gahres has always felt this way, so he did not develop any disgust at all because of the 'ugliness' of the people in front of him, because he knew very well that if the Innocence of Innocence was not a game, if he did not get the girl's Salvation will only be the same as these people.

"My Lord, Lord Priest!"

A human man with an ashen complexion and a layer of dark red pustules on his neck fell in front of Gaheres and cried: "Let Her Royal Highness the Saint save me. I am already dying. I am going to die soon." , I don’t want to die.”

Gaheres shook his head slightly and sighed softly: "I am not a priest, and Her Royal Highness the Saint also needs to rest, so please go back first."

"No, you are talking nonsense, how could Her Majesty the Saint need to rest!"

The old lizard man was limping along with a wooden staff. A full third of his dark green tail had rotted away, and his left eye, which was covered in abscesses, had completely lost its luster, but he still spoke loudly and energetically. Said: "Isn't Her Majesty the Saint the one favored by God? How can a person favored by God need to rest? I, I am a staunch believer of Dawn Sect, you can't abandon me."

Gahres did not laugh at the other party's obviously illogical remarks, but looked calmly at the old man walking out of the crowd. He remembered that the other party was an old gentleman from White Tower City, and he had always thought that he was a friendly person. He was famous for his enthusiasm. After his wife died of illness, he sold most of his family property and bought a large amount of grain from a businessman who made a fortune and gave it to those who were almost starving to death. Among many people who also came from Baita City, Very prestigious.

But why did this kind and enthusiastic old gentleman suddenly change after learning that Yuchen could completely drive away the plague?

Gaheres smiled bitterly, feeling amused by the question that subconsciously appeared in his mind, and then raised his voice and said loudly to the crowded crowd in front of him: "Her Royal Highness the Saint is indeed a favored one by God, but a favored by God is also a human being. She will be injured and bleed, and she will be tired, so she naturally needs to rest, she is just too tired."

"Do you think we are not religious enough?"

The old man interrupted Gaheres rudely, took out a large bag of jingling gold coins from his pocket and handed it forward: "I am willing to donate money, I can prove my devotion to the goddess!"

Gahres, who can be regarded as joining the Dawn Church, raised his hand to block the money bag, his eyes full of exhaustion: "No, this has nothing to do with worshiping the church. We will arrange the treatment sequence for everyone according to their condition, so please don't do this. .”

"Arrange the treatment sequence according to the condition?"

The old man's eyes widened, he poked Gahres' chest and roared: "I was infected with this damn plague half a month ago, and was tortured until I lost one eye and became lame. Isn't this serious enough? ?!”

Gahres was silent for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Yes. It's not serious enough. There are more people in worse conditions than you who have not yet received treatment."

"You, you, ugh."

The old lizard man gentleman was so angry that he was dizzy. His throat was so painful that he spurted out two mouthfuls of black blood. He collapsed to the ground weakly. He tremblingly raised his crutch and pointed it at Gahres: "What do you want? Let me die, bastard, you, you just want me to die.”

The latter just shook his head slightly: "I don't want anyone to die, and Her Royal Highness the Saint doesn't want anyone to die."

"You're talking nonsense!"

An elf man with a haggard face rushed out, helped the old man up and said angrily to Gaheres: "We are not blind. Just this morning, the person who just cried for you and your Highness the Saint to save his life suddenly became He killed a monster, and then his head was chopped off with a sword. Why didn’t you save us? Why did you kill people?!”

His eyes were splitting as he pointed at a just knight not far away, his expression full of despair and fear.

"Everyone infected by the plague has the potential to become a monster."

Gaheres took a deep breath and calmly said to the elf man in front of him: "The more serious the illness, the easier it is for people to mutate. This is one of the main reasons why we must save the seriously ill first."

The other party sneered: "To put it nicely, I only see you killing people with ease. No matter who gets into trouble, a knight will rush to the scene and chop off the person's head immediately, but he has never even seen His Highness the Saint."


A frowning paladin came over and whispered in Gaheres's ear: "How about you go back first and leave it to us to deal with it."

"If they are suppressed forcefully, they will only become more resentful."

However, Gaheres had no intention of leaving. He still stood in front of the crowd that gathered more than one-third of the entire camp, and whispered: "If possible, I would like to communicate with them again."

The Paladin rolled his eyes covertly, and then said seriously: "It's useless, these people can't communicate at all now, and His Highness Wangyu can't save these people who still have the strength to run here, and who knows how many more." I can’t even move.”

Can't communicate?

Gahres looked at those people who had been unwilling to leave for a long time with a tired look on his face. He felt that it was not that they were unable to communicate, they were just unwilling to communicate.

Don’t they know that a lot of what they say is completely illogical?

Don't they know that what they are doing is just unreasonable?

Don't they know that their views are full of logical loopholes?

No, they know, anyone who can think calmly knows this, but these people deliberately do not consider this, or they are completely indifferent to it. Instead, they clearly emphasize how much they need help and how much they need to be saved. , How pitiful I am, because 'reason' cannot save myself, at least it is less likely than 'unreasonable'.

Gaheres knew very well that if Yuchen, who had just returned to the tent not long ago, saw this scene, she might really take action to save these people here, and this would be without delaying the treatment of seriously injured patients. The way he sacrificed his rest time may even lead to a brief fainting. It was not that he was overthinking, but that this kind of thing had happened once before in White Tower City.

【We must prevent this from happening.】

Although he didn't even know how to stop it, Gaheres still stood here with this thought.

"Are you sure you don't want to avoid it first?"

The knight glanced at the follower of Her Majesty the Saint and reminded: "If these people really cause any trouble, your body and bones will not be able to bear it."

Gaheres nodded lightly: "Thank you, I know."

"What are you secretly discussing!"

Someone in the crowd began to shout again, shouting "I want to see Her Royal Highness the Holy Lady" and pushing forward.

However, at this moment, the old lizardman gentleman from before suddenly trembled. He straightened up completely contrary to common sense, turned back and bit the elf next to him half of his face, and then roared and rushed towards the distance. His latest Gaheres.

The paladin next to him reacted at the critical moment. Before he could draw his sword, he stretched out his right hand and punched the mutant in the chest before Gahres was knocked down, knocking it back. Then he prayed in a low voice, then pointed his sword and swung out a faint golden light, cutting off the opponent's neck.

This paladin is Robert, the Knight of Dawn, whose strength is second only to Tyro in the joint force. He has been stationed here for the past two days to assist Yu Chen in his rescue work. At the same time, he also killed countless ordinary people who suddenly turned into monsters. people.


After killing the mutant transformed from the lame lizard man, Robert immediately looked around the crowd vigilantly. He breathed a sigh of relief when no new monsters appeared, and whispered: "This round is over."

As a result, before he could finish his sigh of relief, the crowd was in an uproar!

"Kill, Father Heber was killed by the Paladin!"

"What about that little elf brother?"


"Didn't you say that only people with serious conditions can turn into monsters? Why did Father Heber, who was not given priority for treatment, turn into a monster!"

"Where is Her Majesty the Saint! Let us see Her Majesty the Saint!"

"That paladin only guarded his own people and watched helplessly as this little elf who kindly supported his father was bitten to death!"

"Please let Her Majesty the Saint save my wife. I don't have to save her. I can turn into a monster and let you kill me at will, but please save my wife!"

"That boy who is not sick or in trouble and is well protected, and you are not in danger, of course you can make sarcastic remarks as you like!"

There will always be people who secretly 'incit' themselves among the crowd for their own benefit. They will not take the initiative or take the lead, and they will try to get a share of the benefits gained from petitions or riots. So just like that old Heber After being killed by Robert Knight, some thoughtful people started shouting and yelling in the crowd, not only making people recognize who they were, but also arousing everyone's excitement.

At this time, what else can you say, 'It's not that serious people will turn into monsters, but the more serious the disease, the higher the chance of turning into a monster' or 'That elf guy is too close, even a paladin can't do it' "Save him" is meaningless and no one will listen to it.

So Gaheres didn't try to explain, he just took two steps forward wordlessly, stood next to the separated body of the old lizard man, and said in a deep voice to the people who were only a few steps away from him. Asked: "Someone said just now that I am standing here and making sarcastic remarks because I am not sick or in trouble, right?"

The restless crowd suddenly fell silent for a moment. It was not until a few seconds later that someone shouted loudly: "So what? Isn't that right? You don't understand how painful we are."

"Yes! You don't understand at all!"

"There are other paladins and saints. Your Highness the Saint must not know how uncomfortable and desperate we are!"

"Take us to see the Saint! Let her see how miserable we forgotten people are!"

Because someone took the lead, people started making noise again, and began to make unreasonable accusations against the thin young man in front of them who seemed to be malnourished, and the words they said became more and more unpleasant.

"I understand what everyone means."

Gahres did not retort at all, but waited until everyone calmed down again before nodding and smiling, then slowly took out a tattered short knife and casually touched it on his arm.

The blood suddenly appeared, and there was a deep wound on his arm that was not much flesh, and the blood poured down like a floodgate.

"Her Royal Highness the Saint knows very well how much pain you are in."

Gahres' figure shook a bit, and his slightly sallow complexion suddenly turned extremely pale, but the corner of his mouth curled up in a curve that was unclear whether it was ridicule or self-deprecation: "I may not understand it thoroughly, but..."

He slowly bent down, took out an empty bottle that was rewarded by the system when he first became an alchemy apprentice, and connected a full bottle of black and smelly blood to the old lizard man's ferocious broken neck.

"I can try."

The second time, the tainted blood filled with disease was sprinkled on the wound, and several plagues spread throughout the body in an instant.

Unlike last time, this time Gahres did it voluntarily.

His pale complexion instantly turned gray, and the wound where a whole bottle of dirty blood was poured quickly grew a layer of black mold. Even if the player's senses are weakened a lot in the game, this kind of non-existence The real-life epidemic still caused huge suffering to Gaheres.

A few seconds later, he stood up in front of everyone's astonished eyes.

"You don't need to go to Her Majesty the Saint to argue. I can assure you here on behalf of Her Majesty that maybe you won't be the first to receive treatment, but I will definitely be the last one to receive treatment."

Chapter 398: End

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