Quadruple split

Chapter 395 Tracking and Unpredictability


Looking at Ji Xiaoge, who was full of energy and eager to try, Mo Tan, Dabus and Jadeka's expressions all froze, especially Jadeka, who was deeply affected by it, even though he was sweating profusely, he bowed to Chris. He asked in a loud voice: "Um, how old is old Harper this year?"

Chris glanced at him suspiciously: "Harper is a pure-blood tree elf. He should be over 970 this year. Is there any problem?"

Jadeka smacked his lips and pondered for a while before shaking his head and saying, "Well, there is no problem. After all, he is almost a thousand years old. He should have no nostalgia for this world after living for such a long time."


Ji Xiaoge pouted and turned to glare at Jadeka: "If you were a little more tactful, you would be dead! Even if the taste is indeed unsatisfactory, it won't eat people to death!"

Dabbs thought about it for a long time, and then whispered in a rather 'tactful' voice: "Um, Sister Yege, I think so. Although your food, well, it must not kill anyone, But after all, not every old man who is almost a thousand years old has the physique of Anthony and I. So, ahem, considering the other person’s endurance, should we think again? I don’t mean anything else, just the first twenty or thirty Isn't it quite popular to have sex this year? I'm mainly worried that you will be blackmailed. Funeral expenses are not cheap these days."

Ji Xiaoge: "."

Will anyone extort funeral expenses these days?

The winged beautiful girl who was originally gearing up her hands flattened her mouth and stopped talking with a look of grievance on her face.

Miss Chris, who didn't know the truth, quit at that time, slammed the table, and said angrily to Jadeka and Dabus: "You two men are so shameless, how can you squeeze out a girl like this!" Don’t be aggrieved, little pigeon, sister will give you this task, I will take care of you if something goes wrong!"

Everyone's eyes, including the ignorant Yaya, suddenly became a little pitiful, and the young lady suddenly felt a little moved in her heart.

However, at this moment, Mo Tan stood up

"That's it, I believe in Ye Ge."

He nodded firmly to everyone, and forcibly ended the previous topic. He tried not to read the several pages of "Moved, Touched, Touched, Comparing Hearts" sent by Ji Xiaoge, and said to Chris with a forced smile. My sister said, "Go on."

Chris snorted and muttered 'nerve' before continuing: "Anthony Dabbs's words, number 13762, reward 30 gold coins, a large number of sub-dragon species appeared in the Blackwater Lake west of the market, because the reproduction speed is too high It has almost affected the ecological balance nearby. Isn’t the two-headed ogre quite talented in magic? Just go and cook those things.”

Anthony's eyes lit up: "Cook? Eat?"

Dabus' expression froze: "A dragon species? A large number?"

Recently, he often went to the municipal library to read books when Anthony was sleeping. He still knew something about the sub-dragon species. Take the relatively weak Velociraptor as an example. One or two might be fine, but if 'A lot' of words.

"Haha, although it is a sub-dragon, it is actually a very weak thing."

Chris shook his finger and said with a proud smile: "That's a creature called the Owl Shrimp. An ordinary person can kill three or four of them with bare hands. It's famous for its delicious meat and spicy eating methods. If it weren't for the black There were nearly a thousand of them popping up at the water lake in the past few days, and it’s not our Adventurer’s Guild’s turn to do such a good job, do you understand?”

Anthony's eyes flashed, and he turned to Dabbs with a rare seriousness: "Anthony, I want to do the task, eat for the people and eliminate harm for the people."

Dabus raised his hand to his forehead and sighed: "Why does your head only work well in this situation?"

Then, he accepted this task naturally.

"Okay, that's it, let's go. Let's go. I've registered you all. Come back to me when you're done." Miss Chris waved her hand like a fly, and then lay down at her work station again. , humming and adding: "By the way, you can just come back and hand them in one by one after you finish your tasks. I still have a lot of hard-working and cost-effective tasks waiting for you. You don't need to hand them over in a unified manner. That's fine. , everyone get out of here.”

fifteen minutes later

Ankh Market, in front of Blue Carp House

"Then, let's all listen to Ms. Chris and split up."

Mo Tan also pretended to carry a bag, and told the four people (five heads) who had packed their luggage around him: "Be sure to pay attention to safety, and try not to make any mistakes when completing the task, even if something happens accidentally Don't affect innocent people, Lao Jia, I'll leave Yaya to you, be sure to keep an eye on her, and your staff as well, and don't forget to apply ice."

Jadeka, who was about to go on a mission with Yaya, nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, I know what's going on, and there won't be any problems."

【I hope so.】

Seeing the other person's confident look, and the way he was hurriedly icing the staff in the next second, Mo Tan muttered something in his heart with some worry, then turned to the ogre next to him, almost raising his head into the nines. Shidu: "Dabbs, please take good care of Anthony. Is the food Ye Ge prepared for you enough?"

Dabbs smiled and patted the big bag on his waist: "It must be enough for the road, and we can also rely on those owl shrimps behind. Anyway, Anthony is not picky about food, so there should be no problem."

Anthony nodded naively and said, "Anthony, no problem."

Mo Tan nodded, and then saw Ya Ya, who was squatting next to him, raising his head with tears in his eyes: "Mo Wang, don't you go to Wang with Wang?"

"We are not going smoothly in our mission, so we must follow Jadeka and get things done."

Mo Tan touched the furry gray animal ears of the dog girl and said with a smile: "We won't be separated for too long."

Although Yaya was a little more natural, he was not ignorant. Although he was a little disappointed, he still stood up obediently, licked Motan's cheek twice and ran to Jadeka's side.

"It's so enviable~"

Ji Xiaoge poked Mo Tan's arm teasingly, and laughed softly: "Ya Ya and I are not so tired of each other."

Dabbs also smacked his lips and looked at Mo Tan sideways: "If I hadn't met Teacher Chen a few years ago, you would have been jealous to see Xiaoya Ya being so clingy."

"Who is Teacher Chen?"

Jadeka looked back at Dabus and asked in confusion: "Your lover?"

The latter smiled shyly, shook his head and said: "No, not yet, but I will definitely work hard to achieve it."

"Well, I guess she must be an attractive ogre lady."

Jadka nodded matter-of-factly, and then sincerely wished you: "I hope everything goes well for you!"

Dabbs: "."

He suddenly remembered something very sadly. Although he and Teacher Chen were very handsome in real life, the other party was a beautiful and cute feline orc in the game, and he...

The special girl is not only an ogre! Still a two-headed ogre! And it’s the accessory head among the two heads!

It simply eliminates all hope of online dating!

"Ahem, let's get to work without further ado."

Mo Tan glanced at Dabus who was suddenly defeated, and then told everyone: "If you have anything to do, please leave a message at the Adventurer's Guild. Ms. Chris should be able to help convey it."

Everyone nodded together and then dispersed on the spot.

Jadeka and Yaya will go directly to the south to collect information about a certain gang of bandits while looking for honey ant nests; Anthony Dabbs is going to go to a tailor shop to buy a pair of pants that do not require attributes, as long as they can be worn, and then Go to the Blackwater Lake in the west; while Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge

"I must thank Ms. Chris later."

Walking on the main road in the east area of ​​the market, Mo Tan smiled at Ji Xiaoge who was walking beside him: "I didn't expect she would be so cooperative, but you are really sure."

"Sister Chris is very easy to talk to."

Ji Xiaoge interrupted Mo Tan's words with a smile, shrugged and said: "Don't talk nonsense about the rest. As for your online frequency, if you don't have my help, you will most likely lose it, and I also watch those things." The slave trader is unhappy, so you can’t stop me from helping him when there’s an injustice on the road.”

Mo Tan smiled coquettishly and said helplessly: "Okay, but you must be careful. You must not be impulsive after discovering their whereabouts, even if you see something unpleasant. Our strength is not the same as the other party's. On the level, we can only follow and observe, and we must not act rashly if there is no suitable opportunity."

"Don't worry." Ji Xiaoge nodded happily and bared his teeth at Mo Tan: "How stupid do I have to be in your eyes?"

Mo Tan coughed dryly: "It's not stupid, but do you still remember the first time you met Jadeka and Yaya in Dragon Soul Town?"

At that time, Ji Xiaoge shrank his neck like a quail and stopped talking.

"Although I feel a little sorry for Jadeka and Yaya."

After a subtle 'reminder', Mo Tan thoughtfully changed the topic and said with emotion: "But there is nothing we can do. We players can return to this world even if we die, but NPCs only have one life, and I really don't want them to adventure."

Ji Xiaoge fluttered his wings next to Mo Tan at a low altitude, folded his arms and nodded: "Yes, yes, Dabbs is just like us, but Anthony is an NPC, so it won't be good if something happens, hey , what do you think will happen to Anthony if only Dabbs dies? Will he become an ordinary one-headed ogre again?"

"Hard to say."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then stopped in front of the north gate of the market, and said sternly to Ji Xiaoge: "Then, I'll leave it to you."

The girl turned around lightly in mid-air and smiled at Mo Tan: "Don't worry, just keep an eye on the message board. If I find anything, I will tell you as soon as possible. Those people will not be very fast. You have to camp and rest normally at night. As long as I follow them, you, a knight, will be enough even if you don’t have enough online time every day."

"Then, stay safe."

"I know, remember to hurry up and follow~"

Ji Xiaoge playfully made a face at Mo Tan, and the pair of flawless white wings behind his back suddenly fluttered, and the whole person rose into the air, flying towards the north elegantly and quickly.

She would find the teams escorting the slaves as quickly as possible, then contact Mo Tan through friend messages, and hang far behind those people for the next time, always keeping watch and looking for opportunities.

As for Mo Tan, whose online time was unstable, the top priority before Ji Xiaoge came back from delivering the news for the first time was to get a mount that would not let his feet touch the ground.

at the same time

North of Ankh Bazaar, Fairy Wilderness, Miriel Avenue

Three black carriages were traveling leisurely on the road. Although the two carriages at the back looked normal, and the horses pulling the carriages looked normal, they showed signs of confusion when passing on relatively soft roads. The two deep wheel prints clearly carried something heavy.

In the carriage headed by

"Tieshuan, are you sure we didn't buy a fake?"

A human man dressed as an ordinary businessman looked coldly at his companion sitting opposite, his tone full of doubts: "This thing cost the Chamber of Commerce 97,000 gold coins. If the people above know that this thing is of no use, If you took the photo just to satisfy the research enthusiasm in your mind, don’t expect me to say a single good word for you.”

"Shut up, Sergei."

The big-eared goblin known as Tiezhuan snorted, without raising his head, he held a lens and looked at the 'helmet' in his arms. The corner of his mouth curled up with a sneer: "Do you think the people above are not sure? Under such circumstances, leave such a large amount of money to me for disposal? Do you think if I didn't submit anything meaningful, those adults would agree to us taking so many slaves to participate in the auction in a place like Anka?"

Sergei, who appears to be just an ordinary trader, but is actually a third-class operator of the Viper Chamber of Commerce like Tie Shuan, folded his arms and leaned back: "Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect me."

"Even if this helmet is dismantled, the materials alone can earn 60,000 to 70,000 gold coins."

Tie Shuan obsessively stroked the interference crystals embedded on both sides of the semi-finished helmet, and said softly: "Fortunately, I have some friendship with that old dwarf, and I have seen the design drawings left by his grandfather or something in advance. Ha, there are some on them The clever change, although it cannot be completed at all, is very useful to us, do you know what it is?"

Sergey snorted angrily: "Not interested."

"Haha, I can see that the old dwarf, well, or his father or grandfather, has never been able to solve the problem of two interference crystals affecting each other."

Tie Shuan shook his head to himself and said with a strange smile: "But they used magnetite to circle a constraint field in an attempt to block the interference crystal's influence on each other."

Sergei snorted: "They succeeded?"

"No, they failed."

Tie Shuan sneered, and suddenly pulled out the two valuable interference magic crystals from his helmet. He chuckled: "The range of the restraint field they created is too large. Not only can they not eliminate the interference, they even eliminate all interference." Everything is concentrated within the scope of this helmet, and it has no effect except to deceive yourself when using it."

"Then isn't this just scrap metal?"

"It depends on who it is used for. For example, I came up with a good idea, replacing the interference magic crystal with a much cheaper suppression magic crystal, and adding a little bit of mental suggestion. Hehe, come here, Let me tell you the real purpose of our business."

Chapter 392: End

Yesterday I accidentally wrote chapter 391 as chapter 351. It has been changed.

[When I changed it back, I suddenly felt that I had earned more than forty chapters]

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