Quadruple split

Chapter 392 Ye Weiyang (Yang)

Mo Tan saw that the other party suddenly fell into an inexplicable silence, but after pondering for a while, he laughed teasingly: "Haha, could it be because I said I didn't have time to talk to you, and the result was unbalanced, unhappy, and unhappy? "

"Yeah, that's absolutely right."

Futaba sneered, glanced sideways at Mo Tan, and sighed exaggeratedly: "Kneel down and lick my baby's shoes clean, so as to soothe our injured little heart."

This level of retaliation is completely a conditioned reflex. It is a subconscious counter-mockery that Futaba made before she realized what the other party said. She and Mo Tan had already developed this kind of fight with each other a long time ago. It’s a good habit to think twice, otherwise in many cases you will be constantly harassed by trash talk because you can’t keep up with the other person’s rhythm, and you will be provoked to the point where you want to tear down the house.

So it wasn't until after the reply that Futaba responded to what Mo Tan had just said, and quickly made the judgment that there was nothing wrong with her response.

This is a reasonable thing. After all, even Mo Tan himself does not believe that Futaba will be unbalanced because he has no time to deal with. Of course, believe it or not, it is still good to use it as a taunt.

"I'm not afraid to tell you."

Mo Tan snorted and glanced gloomily up and down at Futaba who was half lying on the table in front of him, and sneered: "If you were good-looking, I could give you a total of fifty-eight bones, including your legs and feet." Licking off."

Futaba sighed quietly and said with emotion: "I have seen a lot of perverts in my life, you..."


But Mo Tan quickly interrupted her and exclaimed with horror on his face: "How could you have seen a pervert!?"

He looked at Futaba with extremely complex eyes, intertwined with his understanding of the latter's daydreams, sympathy for the perverted and unselective food, and some doubts about his own aesthetics.

It’s as if you don’t believe that there are such unscrupulous perverts in this world!

What an outrageous slander!

"Okay, that's right."

But Futaba nodded lightly and agreed very sincerely: "From a certain point of view, since I met you, it is indeed difficult for me to regard anyone else as a pervert."

"Oh!" Mo Tan's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands vigorously: "So that means, I am your only one~ Both worlds have been transformed~ Go back and talk..."

"Speak well if you have something to say!"

Futaba straightened up suddenly and slammed the table angrily: "Stop singing!"

Mo Tan was obedient. He immediately stopped slitting his throat in a way that was so distorted that it looked like a ghost. He chuckled and said, "I haven't exerted my strength yet, so you can't bear it?"

The girl stretched out her index finger to pick out her ears and sighed: "I just don't want to die in your hands in this way. If this place was not a public space, I might have started to bleed right now."


Mo Tan whistled, his tone still frivolous and casual, but he suddenly got down to business: "Tell me about what you found over there. The orc aunt Cassie was following was on the street?"

Futaba leaned lazily on the table with his chin in his hand, while blowing the bangs on his forehead absently: "Push, pounce in a tavern next to the canal, Cassie followed her from Wujinting to there, and then in I changed my appearance outside and went in to watch. After watching for a few minutes, the aunt stood up and died there. Her orifices were black and bloody, and she was suspected of being poisoned."

Mo Tan said "Oh", then took out a plate of something like melon seeds from his luggage, and asked while cracking it: "Suicide or homicide?"

"From various angles, the possibility of suicide is very high, such as the death of the Marshall family or its collaborators, etc." Futaba Xu looked at the plate of nut food called [Qiaqiaguo] , seeing that Mo Tan had no intention of sharing, he reached out and took out a handful, lowered his head and took one like a squirrel eating: "But Cassie mentioned that the orc aunt's expression before she died was not right, except In addition to the unavoidable expression of pain, there was also obvious fear and confusion. He thought that it was not an expression that a dead soldier should have, poof!"

Mo Tan turned his head and dodged the nut shell spitted out by Futaba, nodded with a smile and said, "You have a good bodyguard."

"you do not say."

The girl nodded vigorously and said leisurely: "He is handsome, strong, has a good personality, and doesn't talk much. He won't be bored even if he is with me every day. He is much better than someone else."

Mo Tan glanced at her in surprise: "I dare you to say that the core purpose of playing this game is to find a paper man husband? Tsk tsk, it's not that I can't understand it. Well, considering how familiar everyone is, if you If you make up your mind to take advantage of him, I will teach you two moves of Sanshou, and the cost will be..."


Futaba coldly... reached out for another [Cha Cha Fruit] and looked at Mo Tan with contempt in his eyes: "I'm not as mean as you. I play brainwave with NPCs. I really hope this game has something to do with it. reporting function.”

"No, you must listen to my explanation about things like brain pad waves. I have my own reasons!"

Mo Tan let out a long sigh, lowered his head sadly, quickly ate two melon seeds and said with great melancholy: "Really, believe me, I can explain..."

Shuangye popped out two pieces of fruit shells with an expressionless expression: "It's none of my business."

"Just cooperate with me."

"Okay, then what's your problem? Bitch."

"She has big breasts..."


"Well, that's probably what happened."

Mo Tan's upper body was shaking at high speed, while he quickly dodged the nuts thrown by the girl, he hugged his arms and said: "Have you ever used your proud intuition to judge whether poor Obasan committed suicide? Or did he kill him?"

Futaba muttered while throwing nuts at Mo Tan: "I think it was a homicide, but I'm not sure if that person was the one Cassie threw in Mi Yeting."

"Didn't you say they look exactly the same?"

Mo Tan seemed to be tired of hiding, so he lazily leaned on the chair and let the melon seeds fall on him. He irresponsibly guessed: "Could they be twins? Or something good that can make people transform into other forms, such as compound soup." Potion or something?”

The girl did not lose interest because Mo Tan gave up resistance. Instead, she threw fruit shells near his eyes and nose with more enthusiasm. The person in question is Aunt SSR, so the person who arrived at Wujinting before you should also be Aunt SSR. During Cassie's subsequent tracking, an Aunt N who looked exactly the same replaced her at a certain point in time, and then he Off the street."

"How likely is this?"

Mo Tan opened his mouth to catch a nut and asked casually.

Futaba tilted her head and thought for a while: "It's less than 10%, and there are no other clues, so just ignore it."

"Agreed." Mo Tan nodded without thinking, and said with a smile: "Whether it's a corpse or anything else, who should be in charge of who should be in charge, who should be investigated, who should be investigated, please ask your sister Emmeline to clear away our relationship. That’s it, it’s impossible to find out anything in the end anyway.”

"Easy to say."


After reaching a consensus in a flash, the two of them showed extremely evil smiles at the same time.

No matter who the dead person is, no matter what secrets are hidden behind it, no matter whether the person who led Cassie away has been replaced, it will have no impact on the current situation, so there is no need to worry about it.

As for the previous speculation...

They were just talking casually, and it didn't matter whether they were right or wrong.

"Let's sort it out. According to the current development, those who voted for 'sanction' on Judgment Day include the stable ones of Fire Claw and Crystal Wolf, plus the unstable ones of Baroka and Simon."

After Futaba realized that he was suspected of feeding the opponent, he stopped throwing attacks on Motan, took out a bottle of juice that had no real effect and just tasted good. While sucking it, he said: "As for the observation of throwing, 'It's worth it, not to mention Scorpius who wears the same pants as Marshall, don't even count on Dantes who didn't even let you in, the Grand Duke of the Mediterranean..."

"No chance."

Mo Tan responded very naturally: "Judging from the character of Mercury Core Fernan, even though he did not intend to attack me at the beginning, or even considered whether to compromise with Marshall, but since the envoy arrived in Iron Zha Ting suddenly took action and fucked Anthony Dabbs violently, and there was no room for maneuver in this matter."

He didn't explain much, and he didn't even mention the 'stop him' that didn't seem to be shouted by Archduke Fernando himself. He just expressed his conclusion in a concise and concise manner.

Futaba didn't even ask for any details, and just chuckled: "It's understandable, after all, he is a weirdo among the fence-sitting faction."

He was mentally weak to begin with, and the Marshalls were the first to find him. Finally, an attack on his own territory by ‘Anthony Dabbs’, who was clearly trying to mess with the Marshalls…

Based on the character shown by Duke Fernando, unless he is a saint with a huge sense of justice hidden deep in his heart, this third 'observation' vote is basically a certainty.

According to Mo Tan's idea earlier today, he just wanted to rush to the Iron Gate Courtyard before the people on the Marshall side to coerce and induce him. He didn't need to use emotion to persuade Xiaozhi to reason, and he didn't need to reason with justice. He only needed to paint him a picture. A pie that seems to be more logical, and some harsh words and threats that may become reality, and the matter is basically half done.

It's a pity that it was a step too late. Not only was someone else taking the lead, but he was also almost killed.

Based on the few hasty and subtle reactions of Archduke Fernando, Mo Tan was sure that the assassination was definitely just a temporary idea of ​​playing with a gun and was definitely not the instruction of Archduke Fernando. He even had a guess that it was an attack. In fact, my person didn't leave very early, maybe even less than ten minutes early.

But he made the most correct and decisive judgment the moment he arrived.

That is to directly promote an assassination that seems to have been planned for a long time and forcefully establish the position of Archduke Fernando.

After that, even if he visits again and sincerely expresses that he knows that the Grand Duke is also a victim, and that he doesn't care or hold grudges, the effect will definitely not be much better.

【Interesting opponent~】

He subconsciously showed an arc, the arc that made Dave die in silence, the arc that made Muse pay hundreds of thousands of gold coins in a daze, the arc that made Sac completely willingly give up hope of survival, and it was also the arc that made Futaba feel extremely familiar. The arc of...

Although she had never seen Mo Tan before, let alone him smiling like this, she often showed the same expression unconsciously.


Futaba sneered at Mo Tan insincerely, and Futaba played with his fingers leisurely: "If you calculate it this way, the three families with a larger 'observation' area are the Hussein, Dantis, and Fernand families plus the Violet vote." The ones facing greater sanctions are Fire Claw, Crystal Wolf, Baroka, Simon and Violet, so the situation is great."

Mo Tan nodded vigorously: "Yes, so let's just do whatever we want in the past two days, and then wait for the Judgment Day three days later to see the Marshall family being sanctioned, and finally everyone will attack together, thinking Those who want to kill the whole family will kill the whole family, and those who want to make money will make money. It is a joy and a joy."

"Do you really think so?"

Futaba didn't raise his head, just stared at his fingertips intently: "After this round of chatting, and after taking advantage of the surface, you can just ignore everything?"

Mo Tan smiled and shrugged: "Instead of doing unnecessary testing here, it is better to follow your own pace and know what you need to watch out for and what you need to pay attention to."

"Is this enough?"

"That's enough."

"Okay." Futaba stood up lazily and said without interest: "Since you are so confident, I won't talk nonsense. In short, everything will be business as usual, right?"

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and the sloppy smile on his face softened a little, and said softly: "Everything will be as usual. The undercurrent that should be surging has almost flowed tonight. As for the next move... ha, it will not be until three days later. Until the Judgment Day, it’s basically just a show.”

Futaba raised her eyebrows: "Is this the confidence of a chess player?"

"It's just a stir-up that adds fuel to the flames."

Mo Tan sneered, shook his head and said, "I am not qualified to be a chess player, as I have been to Salamoen for a long time."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be quite self-aware." Futaba raised her eyebrows and chuckled: "Let's end this topic here. I will say hello to you if there are unexpected variables, oh, by the way, By the way, due to some complicated reasons, the blood seeker lady named Lesa Kevos and the little priest named Avanye have some subtle misunderstandings about you, so please take care of yourself~"

Mo Tan blinked: "Huh?"

"It's nothing, I just cooperated with you a little."

Futaba smiled happily and said: "Didn't you say that we were old friends who had a wonderful time together? In order to help you cover your lie, I just made up something based on your story."

"Oh, you are really thoughtful~"

"You're welcome~"

Chapter 389: End

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