Quadruple split

Chapter 385 Continue

South of Panshu City, inside the command tent

Mo Tan stood alone in front of the large wooden table, staring closely at the map of the southern border that Luna had rubbed out. Sometimes he stretched out his fingers and lightly scratched a certain area, leaving traces of light. Fiddle with the scattered chess pieces above, or make them move slightly, or make them light and dark.

The combat power covering two-thirds of the entire advance force was turned into chess pieces crisscrossing the map. Except for a few 'towers' fixed at certain special points, whether they were 'knights', 'mages', or 'priests' Both the 'thief' and the 'thief' kept moving and changing positions, and the rich red light above never faded for half a second, indicating that the battle never stopped.

A statue of the Dawn Goddess surrounded by meager divine power is placed on the left side of the map, emitting a soft light.

Everyone who joins the joint force knows that this statue that originally belonged to Saint Xia Lian has vast power and can resonate with the 'divine power crystal' thousands of miles away, dispersing the barriers of space into the invisible, allowing the Black Brahma Priest to His voice suddenly resounded through the distance under the grace of God.

In this process, Pastor Heifan will bear a huge mental burden, requiring him to pray for a long time every day to recover.

The two paladins guarding the door of the tent glanced at each other uneasily, and began to worry at the same time...

As of now, as the core of the entire joint force, Hei Fan...that is, their commander has been commanding for four hours under the grace of God. Apart from moving the positions of the chess pieces, the path is somewhat weak. The figure didn't even move. It was obvious that he was using divine power to continuously communicate with his companions outside for a long time. One can imagine the mental load.

The female knight from the Sun Sect on the left cautiously peeked into the tent and whispered, "Lord Hei Fan is trying his best..."

"It's obvious."

On the other side, the young man with a Chinese character who belonged to the Shuguang Sect nodded proudly, then looked at the simple camp in the distance and added: "His Royal Highness Wangyu is also working hard."

The female knight nodded slightly, but her eyes still moved uncontrollably toward the tent, and then turned back as if she was electrocuted, muttering in a low voice: "I also want to be Lord Hei Fan's chess piece..."

Her tone was a little low as she was not arranged to leave the city because she was still young and weak in strength.

The young Chinese-character face, who was also in his early twenties, suddenly choked up. After pondering for a while, he suddenly said: "You are a nymphomaniac."

The female knight blushed slightly and subconsciously shrank her neck: "Stop making trouble, Lord Hei Fan is working so hard in there, we have to guard him and be serious!"

After saying this, he straightened his chest and raised his head, as if his eyes were not squinting.

[Obviously it was you who started the conversation...]

The young Chinese character curled his lips and became alert attentively.

A few seconds later...

"Hey, Master Heifan puts those of us who are weak by his side and lets the seniors guard His Highness Wangyu. How happy he is."

The female knight muttered quietly.

【What a nymphomaniac! ? Do you think you are happy being able to protect Pastor Hei Fan, or do you feel happy that His Highness Yuchen is cared about so much by Pastor Hei Fan? Hey! 】

The Chinese-character face rolled his eyes covertly, but he was too smart to say anything and just pretended not to hear.

Mo Tan in the tent naturally didn't know what the two 'bodyguards' outside were thinking about, because as those two people said, he was indeed working very hard and was working hard!

'The seventh mixed team moves to the 3 o'clock direction. The seventeenth support team is waiting at the three-way intersection. You have seven minutes to receive treatment, and then immediately move south at full speed along the three-way intersection. The third scout team is leading the way. Twenty mutants marched to the N7 area. After converging, they held the enemy in place and handed over the transmission authority to "Fight to Fight". ’

‘Keep holding on, the sixth mixed team is moving towards you, there are about three minutes left. After the battle, transfer authority to ‘Tirion Windfury’ and ask him to contact me. ’

'Your first scout team is now organized into the first and second elite squadrons. Let Emang and Luo Mu join the second elite squadron to listen to Robin Weld's command. You join the first elite squadron and transfer the transfer authority to 'Yuying'. . ’

'Yu Ying, please work hard. Now go to area N11 at 5 o'clock. If the number of mutants is less than thirty, they will be annihilated directly. If there are more than thirty, drag them to the forest near N13 and set them on fire. There are two scouts there. The squadron is making a detour. I will send you their configuration and the person in charge. Just grab one nearby and let me know. ’

'The 3rd Assault Squadron was disbanded on the spot and re-divided into the previous team structure. The members were not adjusted. The 6th and 15th Assault Squadrons moved to the 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock directions respectively. The 19th Assault Squadron evenly distributed their supplies. Distribute to the other two teams and return to the N2 area for supplies and treatment for twenty minutes. ’

'The Second Sweeping Squadron is ready. A large number of mutants will be guided to the N1 area within ten minutes. Let Raphael bless the three knights with [Ripple Water Cover] in advance, and then clear the glow powder inventory to lure the enemy. I need you. Carry out fire-based bombing without distinction, regardless of consumption. ’

‘The first supply team, in ten minutes, find two paladins and a rogue or ranger player to deliver thirty copies of glow powder and ten sets of low-level mana potions to the N1 area, and ask the accompanying players to add me as friends. ’

‘Fifth Support Team, you have been discovered by the mutants in the 11 o’clock direction. Do not use death dust. Now move directly to the eight o’clock direction. The 18th Assault Team will take over the battle. ’

While Mo Tan was issuing instructions continuously, he was moving the chess pieces on the map quickly, squeezing his brain and spirit without limit. Although there was no apparent consumption, the physical energy value in his character panel was constantly increasing. Sliding down, the speed is not fast, but extremely firm.

But neither he nor the entire joint force has any way out now. Without stationing in Baita City to fight steadily, there has been a serious disconnect between the battle front and the supply line in the entire southern border. The mutants around Panshu City Extremely dense, the total number of monsters within a hundred miles has exceeded the entire northern border. If the situation is not opened as soon as possible, the follow-up troops will not be able to follow up, especially those logistics personnel composed of blacksmiths, carpenters, cooks and other civilians, even if they are along the Their advance troops had experienced a narrow escape from death, but in Mo Tan's next plan, these people were indispensable, and they must be in place as soon as possible.

And unlike the relatively comfortable northern and central regions, the southern border with more than 10,000 mutants has a high risk factor. If operated after dark, this dangerous land will definitely cause huge battle losses to the joint forces, especially in the security area. While the area has not yet been cleared, any reckless action would be tantamount to suicide.

For Mo Tan, whose ability to withstand stress is not strong, the feeling of having thousands of lives on his shoulders is even more uncomfortable than going out to fight mutants by himself.

Not to mention the troublesome things that everyone can see, such as insufficient manpower, lack of supplies, and dangers. In addition to these difficulties, the current joint forces also have two huge problems.

The first is the lack of high-end combat effectiveness. The only two strong men in Misha County, Xia Lian and Cordoba, are both in the Twin Cities on the other side of the tributary of the Jinhui River. Currently, the only people with the strongest individual combat effectiveness in the joint force are Chief Priest Furman and The Great Swordsman who had been the Bugbear's mother for a while, although they were not weak, any one of them could defeat a Tyro, but they were still not the kind of power that could make the final decision. They could be the big names, but not the trump cards. It greatly increased the difficulty of command and further compressed the already low fault tolerance rate.

The second problem is internal. Because the population density in the southern border is quite high, the number of people infected with the plague has greatly exceeded expectations. For example, in the White Tower City that the joint forces passed through, more than 2,000 civilians were infected with the plague. Compared to Sprout City and Glen City in the central area of ​​Misha County, there are several times more. It is far beyond Yuchen's limit. It is impossible to replicate the miracle of curing most people that night.

So Mo Tan could only choose to let Yu Chen barely cure a group of seriously ill people and immediately transfer them with the large army, and let the rest go to Panshu City in batches for intensive treatment, and the situation in Panshu City was not much better. go……

The lack of high-end combat effectiveness may be made up for by high-intensity command, but this matter is equivalent to no solution.

Even if Yuchen is online around the clock, her magic power and physical energy are limited. Putting aside the physical body that immediately perks up as soon as she leaves the game cabin in reality, the "Chen Wangyu" in the Innocence Realm has been overdrawn a day ago. Even though she was in good condition, Luna, who was forced to sleep longer, looked better than her.

There is some positive news. The adventurers, mercenaries and other low-level professionals from White Tower City and Panshu City who have survived until now have all joined the joint force. The two city lords have also filled up their own escorts and security groups. Coming in, it slightly alleviated the dilemma of insufficient numbers, but it was still a drop in the bucket...

Otherwise, Yu Ying, who has been responsible for communicating with players for a long time and serving as an adjutant to relieve Mo Tan's pressure, would not have gone into battle personally.

Of course, there is another reason for letting the unfeeling female assassin go to the front line. That is that the previous command form of relaying can no longer keep up with the rhythm, and it cannot keep up with the ultra-high-intensity command rhythm of Mo Tan who squeezes himself to the limit. .

Because he was under too much pressure, he was so crazy that he was even afraid of himself...

Although he is currently in an absolutely neutral personality, his personality is relatively average, and his brain circuit is not that strange, but where is the accumulation of 'Mo Tan' himself, where is the lower limit of his innate intelligence, and where is the level of looking at things? There, the difference is definitely not much different.

It is true that the 'Hei Fan' who is here at this moment is not decisive enough, has poor ability to withstand pressure, and is not tough enough in nerves. In many aspects, he is only at the level of the masses. But precisely because he is popular enough and ordinary enough, he knows how to make those people The same masses and the same ordinary people reveal their value, which is irreplaceable.

He is lucky because his years of mental illness have given him enough foundation.

And with enough knowledge, the 'Hei Fan' standing in front of the map will become a powerful chess player. His unique tolerance allows him to maximize the role of every chess piece.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and after resting for less than two seconds, Mo Tan raised his right hand again, changed the direction of several chess pieces, picked up a quill pen and added several footnotes on the map, scanning the lines of each team. Feedback from players with 'pass permission'.

The rapidly refreshing message bar occupied the left field of vision, and the star-studded map was reflected in Mo Tan's right eye. Although the description was quite cool, in fact, this man was reading the messages and giving out instructions while moving chess pieces on the map. The handsome commander's eyes were extremely distorted, and he looked cross-eyed no matter what.

This tells us a truth. Really professional writers usually only leave the first two sentences of the above paragraph. Anyway, the memoirs of the two paladins at the door in their later years did not mention "Lord Hei Fan's face" at all. Ferocity, eyes like fighting cocks, and words like convulsions.

At this moment, a brief message appeared in front of him.

'This is the 2nd Assault Squadron, Gerald and Kennan are dead. ’

Mo Tan's index finger that lightly pressed on a certain bright red chess piece froze...

This was the first time since he took over the joint force that he had received a death report in such a direct form.

Gerald, NPC, D-class adventurer, human swordsman, native of Glen City, Misha County, has a calm and steady personality. During the battle of Hind Hill, he was selected by Mo Tan as a temporary team member to fight his way through the zombie tide.

Kenan, NPC, knight apprentice, half-dragon, was born in the northwest continent. Although he has never met him in person, it is said that he is a guy with a humorous personality and is good at enlivening the atmosphere, so Mo Tan often puts him in the position of the team's lubricant, such as Arranging him into a team where there are dwarfs and goblins who don't like each other at the same time is the same as the intention of letting him, who is weaker, join the second assault squadron this time.

Then, died...

Both of them died. Because they were NPCs, they couldn't be resurrected, so they died completely.

Mo Tan, who had memorized almost everyone's information in the joint force, clenched his fists lightly.

The Second Assault Squadron was still clinging to the outermost N15 area. Originally, I was about to let them lure the enemy back...

[They obeyed my arrangement. I was the one who killed them. Obviously, they could have survived. If I had not rested for those two seconds, if I had been faster...]

Mo Tan gently touched the chess piece that symbolized the Second Assault Squadron, making the red light on it richer, and then took a deep breath.

【If you think so, it’s over. 】

He raised the corners of his mouth in self-mockery, and slowly loosened his clenched left hand.

‘Got it, incinerate the dead on the spot, and then move to the 12 o’clock direction. Don’t move too fast. Do not use death dust. Hang up those mutants. Two teams responsible for responding are rushing to your side. ’

Mo Tan silently replied without any emotion, and then continued his work for the previous four hours as if nothing happened.

Those who died in battle had accomplished their mission.

But he hasn't, so continue.

Chapter 382: End

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