Quadruple split

Chapter 38 Sanjiang Remarks

I didn't originally have the idea of ​​​​writing a separate chapter, but I always felt that since I went to Sanjiang, I still want to say a few words...

So let’s make it official first~ Of course, it’s not prevarication, it’s really all from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks to my editor. Although the total communication between us is actually no more than fifteen sentences, you really take care of me, a guy with extremely low coding efficiency and some poor words. It is also because of this that this book is perfect. With these achievements now, thank you for your hard work~

Thank you to every one of my readers. Each of your comments, each recommendation vote and each column on the bookshelf is precious. Having a place for "Fourfold Split" in it is enough to make me happy and excited. Thank you for tolerating my occasional rants or digressions. In short, being able to write a story that everyone agrees with is indeed a very fulfilling thing for me. Cheers~

Thanks to the comrade who doesn’t want to be named, he helped me set up a book club, helped me proofread typos, helped me design maps, and stayed with me to discuss the plot until the dawn of the next day. You must know that all this was done at the risk of his wife’s violent rage. The danger of doing ~

By the way, the group number of the book club is: 226764250 (there is really no place to put the introduction). Everyone is welcome to play.

Then thank you again...

Well, the more serious ones are actually the above~~

Now let me have a few words with you with a relatively relaxed attitude.

…(←Thanks to my good helper Comrade ‘Quotation Marks’)

…(←Thanks again)

…(Okay, I’m not shy anymore)

"Quadruple Split" was a surprise to me. I still remember that it was in a very monumental environment without any special effects, no auspiciousness from the sky, no foxes barking, no wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and no big bosses. A dream, a very ordinary day...

I suddenly thought: "Ah! Let's write about a mental illness~"

Then the prologue came out...

It’s unbelievable to me that I can reach today step by step (actually it’s only 150,000 words today). What’s even more unbelievable to me is that there is someone who has been with me all the way to this point, trying hard to control my unicorn arms not to snap. Click everyone in the upper right corner~

Quite scary...

To be honest, for a guy with advanced procrastination, it’s really scary and quite stressful...

Occasionally, when I look at myself in the mirror who can code four thousand words a day, I always have to hold on to the coffin board that suppresses my conscience to prevent me from crying...

Well, I succeed every time~

So I have no way to be more efficient, so I can only repay everyone with as rich a story as possible~ Take seriously every story, every character, every foreshadowing, every break [serious face]...

The content of the above paragraph probably means that I really can’t break out or anything~ Please don’t have expectations for me!

Talk about something serious...

"Quadruple Split" is not an easy story to manage. In fact, I always feel like I am working on four works at the same time, and the painting styles are quite different.

Mo Tan is not an easy protagonist to control either. This mental illness troubled me almost all the time.

Every character gives me a headache, because I always want them to be as 'live' as possible, to become flesh and blood, and to have a unique image in everyone's mind.

Not to mention that in the process of creating this theme, we must always pay attention to countless possible logical loopholes, and try our best to prepare for rainy days, take precautions before they happen, be lazy as much as possible, and make everything possible... (Nothing is mixed in!)

So, it’s really not easy…

But I will do my best to ensure the quality of the work and make it comfortable for everyone to watch. It would be better if I could occasionally smile or make a comment~

I will also try my best to keep updating. After all, we have already said that it is difficult to break out. It would be really inappropriate to stop updating anymore...

I won’t ask for votes, not in the past, and I probably won’t in the future, because I think reading is a pure and happy thing, so I don’t want to say any unnecessary words to destroy this purity.

If everyone likes it, I'm satisfied.

So, this is the first chapter for this time~

In fact, as I was writing this, I suddenly realized that I had a lot to say, but since there will be comments about the release of the book in the future, and there will be comments about the completion of the book in the extremely distant future, I will just say this much this time.

So, thank you all again, thank you to the editor, thank you to my current readers, and thank you to my future readers.

Sanjiang's words: End (Don't complain about this sentence at the end, it's not that I'm not thinking about the word count, it's just that I'm used to writing things like 'Episode X: End' and 'End'!)

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