Quadruple split

Chapter 358 Two methods

ten minutes later

Temporary residence at Hind Hill, the tent of the ‘Saint of Forgotten Words and Commander Black Brahma’

The temporary leader of the Paladins, Taylor, the Priest Furman of the Justice Sect, the first intelligence adjutant Yu Ying, and the two saints of the Dawn Sect gathered here, plus Mo Tan, who had been staring at the map in silence, The main backbone of the Misha County joint force has basically arrived.

As for why it is basically said and not all...

"Hey, why haven't you seen Miss Luna?"

The burly Priest Furman asked Hei Fan with a smile. At first glance, this middle-aged orc looked like a warrior, but upon closer inspection, he looked like a berserk. The young man in front of him, who was trusted by everyone, looked so ugly that he was about to drip with tears. He was still shaking his head and sighing: "By the way, the battle yesterday was so exciting. I couldn't help it at the end." , the skinny mutant is like a hammer, the feel is simply..."

Bang! !

A cross as slender as a staff knocked Furman to the ground, leaving a shallow human-shaped pit.

"Well, it feels really good."

Xia Lian sighed leisurely, took back the star gold cross in her hand and looked at Mo Tan, frowning and asked in a deep voice: "What happened?"

Her Highness the Saint looks much better than she did some time ago. On the one hand, this is because of Xia Lian's strong strength. On the other hand, it is also related to the fact that Mo Tan hardly allowed her to participate in much work after taking over the command, and she was unable to be free. The elf saint who uses divine magic has been acting as a super reserve since the moment the large army arrived at the Gudami Plain. Her basic task is to go and put out the fire as soon as the land reclamation team sent out encounters a major accident. However, Thanks to Mo Tan's layout with almost no mistakes, tons of preparation plans, endless remedial measures, and flawless real-time command, the only official record of His Highness Xia Lian during this period was the one against Cordoba. It's just a discussion.

Sufficient rest and recuperation made her look the same as she did in her heyday. Of course... she just looked the same. In Xia Lian's own words, a month ago she could defeat ten people now. I don't know if this is an exaggeration or not.

"Luna has been working too hard recently and is still resting in the alchemy workshop."

Mo Tan took a deep breath, and with a worried look on his face, he said to Priest Furman, who was already rolling his eyes: "It's too late to tell her the details later. In short, because the incident happened suddenly, I hope you don't mind me convening it so hastily. ."

Yu Ying, who was already very familiar with the former, curled her lips and said impatiently: "No one cares. No one cares. It's just a matter of situation. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly, okay?"

"Ah...it turns out to be a scene talk..."

Yuchen, who was looking for tea in his luggage, raised his head and blinked in surprise: "I thought it was common sense to apologize first every time in a meeting."

Mo Tan: "..."

However, being interrupted by the two people, the somewhat depressing atmosphere was dispelled a lot, which also made Mo Tan breathe a small sigh of relief. He didn't deliberately adjust his mood just because he didn't notice everyone coming in. He didn't really mean it. Put on such a gloomy face to talk to everyone about those bad things.

"All in all, the plans we had discussed had to be adjusted."

After everyone sat down casually (Fullman got up from the ground, so it was counted as sitting down), Mo Tan gently knocked on the low table in front of him, shrugged and said: "Because of unexpected good news."

Xia Lian was stunned for a moment: "Good news? I thought you were going to give us a lot of bad news."

Mo Tan gave a bitter smile: "The bad news is in the back, let's come one by one..."

"That's okay." Fuhrman rubbed his shoulders and grinned: "Otherwise, the beating I just received would have been in vain."

The honest man Taylor glanced at him helplessly and whispered: "Master Furman, what you said is a bit inappropriate."

He felt that the absence of bad news was definitely nothing to regret.

"Don't fuck me first."

Xia Lian raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes at Taylor and Fuhrman: "I don't care either, let Heifan speak first."

Yu Ying covered her face in frustration, regretting very much that she had said so much 'hometown dialect' in front of this saintly lady with a strong learning ability, and even took the initiative to teach her some, such as BB...

Mo Tan smiled sarcastically, nodded lightly and said: "Then I'll start... Well, let's talk first. The first thing is that our Captain of the Steel Rangers, Mr. Cordoba, has arrived successfully. One of the southernmost twin cities in Misha County, Shava City, located southwest of the Jinhui River tributary, is now rushing to Eby City. What is exciting is that those two large cities with a large population are theoretically located in the area with the highest concentration of mutants. It was not broken through, and even though they paid a heavy price, the people there still held on to the city gate... No, to be more precise, it should be the river bank, so they are still holding on until now."

"My lord is on high!"

"Praise the goddess."*2

"Life is tough enough."

"Very good!"

Everyone invariably let out... different sighs.

Among them, Taylor, who had relatively high military literacy, nodded thoughtfully after praising the goddess, and said solemnly: "I have an impression of the location of those two cities. If we rely on the Jinhui River, the people inside can hold on until It’s not surprising now.”

His guess was not wrong. The main reason why the two twin cities, which were theoretically impossible to save, were able to persist in the tide of corpses until now was the tributary of the Jinhui River that Mo Tan mentioned just now.

[Golden Brilliance] and [Silver Stream] are the most well-known rivers on the Sinless Continent. They are recorded in the mainland's general knowledge as follows——

Jinhui River: The trickle flowing out from the holy mountain Sumir eventually turned into a surging river. It went all the way east and finally merged into the ocean at Sunrise Port. This long long dragon nourishes the Northeastern continent. Between the Spirit of Water and the Spirit of Earth With the blessing, both sides of the river were watered into the most fertile land.

Silver Crystal River: The Silver Crystal River originates from the Dark Forest, and eventually merges with the Jinhui River to become the largest river on the continent - the Holy River. At the intersection of the two rivers, stands the most magnificent city in the Eastern Continent: the Holy Land. City of Light.

Compared with those rivers in the Western Continent that are jokingly called "wild ditches" by many easterners, the scale of the Jinhui River and the Silver Crystal River is simply too large to be described. Being blessed by the spirit of water and the spirit of the earth is not just a kind of saying. It's just a joke, because they do seem to be some kind of miracle that was deliberately created. There are traces of them in all kinds of mysterious religious classics, mysterious bards, and mysterious inheritance totems. They are legendary and legendary. Full of romanticism and almost zero trace of credibility.

Shava and Ebi, the twin cities located in the southern border of Misha County, were saved by a tributary of the Jinhui River.

In the Eastern Continent, most people know that the Jinhui River splits in the valley named after itself... Well, it splits into two, and the larger one to the east passes through the City of Light. , and merges with the Silver Crystal River there to form the Holy River that leads directly to the sea, and the one that branches to the west will branch out into several tributaries along the way, passing through the Principality of Scaran, the southwest of the Sanctuary, the Violet Empire and other places, and finally One by one, they changed their names and became... Well, by this point, except for those who are proficient in geography knowledge, most people can't memorize it.

All in all, about one-third of the land in the southwestern area of ​​Misha County is cut off by one of the tributaries, and Shava City and Eby City are located there. The Holy Church Union funded the construction of two scales a long time ago. The huge iron-wood bridge, but the river that is so fast that it is impossible to sail or even fish, still causes a lot of inconvenience to people. If it were not for the fact that it happens to border the Principality of Sri Lanka in the west, the life of the people in the Twin Cities would definitely become extremely difficult. .

But at times like this, this much-maligned tributary has become a barrier, a barrier to life.

"You're right. The people of the Twin Cities have been able to persist until now mainly because of the river."

Mo Tan nodded and explained slowly: "The two city lords of Shava City and Abby City discovered the clues after the first batch of mutants appeared. They dealt with it promptly and appropriately, and only paid a minimal price. We controlled the spread of mutants and built some defenses in front of the two long bridges in a short period of time, which have been able to withstand countless attacks until now."

Priest Furman smacked his lips and sighed: "It's admirable, so what's their current situation?"

"The situation is not very good. On the one hand, there is an increasingly large mutant cluster in the south. Their number is increasing like a snowball, and the threat is getting bigger and bigger. The consumption of the Twin Cities is also increasing. Even if there are The small number of rescue teams sent in a symbolic sense by the Principality of Scaran can hardly hold on for much longer. The estimated time limit given by the Shava City Council is half a month, half a month at most, and the mutants will definitely break through the long bridge. "

Mo Tan explained the situation reported by Cordoba solemnly, and after everyone digested it for a while, he continued: "On the other hand..."

"Wait a minute, I have a question."

Yu Ying suddenly raised her hand and asked with a puzzled look on her face: "Why didn't they just smash the bridge? Haven't the mutants not rushed over until now? And the water there is strong, so first Not to mention whether those things can swim, even if they can, they will probably be washed away, so why not just smash the bridge?"

Mo Tan opened his mouth with a wry smile, but was interrupted by Chief Furman before he could answer...

"That thing, Miss Yuying, you may not know."

The middle-aged orc touched the tip of his nose awkwardly and whispered: "Those two bridges are theoretically difficult to smash. Well, to be precise, they are very, very difficult to smash..."

Yu Ying was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Is it because the iron wood is so powerful that the iron wood bridge made by it is particularly hard?"

"Well, that's not the case. Although the iron-wood bridge itself is indeed very hard, if it is just an ordinary kind, it would take just a long time for ordinary craftsmen to dismantle it. But the two iron-wood bridges here in Misha County A bridge built with the help of our holy religion will be different."

Furman laughed sarcastically, spread his hands and said: "He was jointly blessed by two high-ranking bishops of the Sun God Sect and a holy son of the Plenty Sect, and gained unparalleled solid attributes. Although it is not completely indestructible, …”

"If I was allowed to smash it for a day in my heyday, I would probably smash it."

Xia Lian continued Fuhrman's words, and then made a face: "But if I were in my heyday, I could settle this mess in a day and a half at most."

Mo Tan shrugged at Yu Ying who kept rolling his eyes and said: "It is precisely because of this that the people in the Twin Cities cannot demolish those two bridges, and because of the existence of the blockade, they cannot take refuge in the Principality of Scaran. , the number of people infected with the plague in the two cities has exceeded 30%, which is not a small number, not to mention that the biggest crisis they are facing now is not the threat of mutants..."

Yu Chen, who was distributing black tea to everyone, stopped and looked at Mo Tan blankly: "What is that?"


The latter did not show off, but said straightforwardly: "They need food, otherwise they don't have to wait until the mutants break through the long bridge. Hunger alone is enough to destroy everyone. The food reserves in Shava City and Abby City are very limited. Due to the geographical environment, it is not suitable for the growth of crops. The two cities used to basically import food from the Principality of Skalan or the nearest Fair City. However, since the plague spread, Skalan's side The channel is no longer working, and when the mutants appear..."

He sighed and said no more.

"How many more days can I last?"

Xia Lian clenched her fists and looked at Mo Tan with burning eyes: "I mean food."

Mo Tan replied expressionlessly: "In three days, at most three days, the first batch of people who starve to death should appear."

"What can we do?"

It was Yuchen who spoke this time.

For a moment, everyone looked at Mo Tan intently.

[That’s why I don’t like being the person in charge, it’s really too stressful...]

Mo Tan sighed in his heart, stretched out his right hand and gently pressed on the southern part of Misha County on the map: "I thought about it for a long time, and as far as the current situation is concerned, there are only two ways..."

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. They really didn't expect that Mo Tan could come up with two solutions in such a situation.

"The first method has a very low success rate and a high risk."

Mo Tan moved all the chess pieces located in Gudami Plain and Hind Hill on the map to Panshu City, and dyed them dazzling blood red: "I have a way to temporarily solve the problems in Shava and Ebi City. Food crisis, then we changed our planned plan, rushed into the southern border as quickly as possible, stayed in Baita City for a day and then set off again, using Panshu City as a base to re-formulate a series of plans. The risks were very, very high, and we strived for a quick solution. , let’s not mention the specific content...but it will be extremely difficult no matter what, and it is very likely to ruin all the results we have achieved during this period.”

Taylor, who was sitting at the bottom, shook his head vigorously, and then asked in a deep voice: "What about the second way?"

"It's very simple."

Mo Tan withdrew the chess pieces from Panshu City and spread them evenly on the edge of the southern border with Baita City as the core...

"The original plan remains unchanged. Let the uninfected people in Shava and Ebi City pass through the blockade and take refuge in the Principality of Scaran. The rest... give up."

Chapter 355: End

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