Quadruple split

Chapter 351 The Square of Chaos (II)

Looking at the partner, opponent and mortal enemy in front of him who had never had formal contact with him, listening to the opponent's extremely sharp taunts, and no longer thinking about counterattacks, Futaba suddenly found that he had relaxed inexplicably. She relaxed for the first time since she came to Salamoon...no, since she started plotting her plot against the Marshalls, to be precise.

It was an indescribable feeling, as if a tight string suddenly relaxed. Although Futaba knew that the flame of revenge in his heart had not disappeared, the previous feeling as if it had been tightened. Gone, the pressure and problems are still there, but the weight has unknowingly lightened down. The long-lost calmness has returned to the girl again. It is not the kind of calmness with enough control in the conventional sense, but a kind of calmness that only a very few people have. It has a wonderful quality that allows it to enjoy it no matter what difficulties and challenges it faces, no matter how many it encounters, for some purpose that may be noble or bad, great or vulgar, solemn or trivial. Being able to laugh loudly and calmly despite setbacks and sufferings, of course, can also be called crazy.

Mo Tan also discovered this at the same time. He laughed happily, and was sincerely happy for the guy in front of him who was on the same level as him again, because only in this way, the game between the two could no longer exist. Hui has become dangerous and fun again. If the previous Futaba has become a common person due to various things after entering the realm of innocence, at most a relatively shrewd common person, then now, she has obviously changed Returning to the lunatic who did whatever he wanted, given that she is a woman with a quick mind, perhaps the descriptions of crazy girl, female lunatic or crazy woman would be more appropriate.

"It seems that you have regained your rhythm and completely got rid of the half-hearted stupidity before."

Mo Tan walked around the long table with a smile, walked behind the girl and held up a lock of her long hair: "Can you briefly explain the reason? Is it because of the suddenly clear situation, or because you don't want to be more handsome than you imagined? Are you embarrassed in front of too many partners, or are the hormones gushing out of your body opening up the Ren and Du meridians after seeing me?"

"Who knows~"

Futaba narrowed his eyes lazily, and while leaning on the chair seemingly defenseless and letting Mo Tan play with his hair, he said slowly with a slightly disgusted tone: "Maybe it's all the above reasons, maybe it's just because I just decided to cheer up a little bit and maybe prepare to destroy you, a scumbag, both inside and outside the game."

It needs to be added here that the reason why she was leaning on the chair 'seemingly undefended' rather than 'completely defenseless' is because when Mo Tan held up the first strand of her hair, three rows of lights flashed. Magic arrays of different colors have quietly appeared in the air. With Futaba's strength at this moment, even if Mo Tan is playing tricks, she is sure to kill him instantly before he breaks her neck.

The process is very simple. You only need to adjust your body position first, let the system help freeze the guy who is suspected of sexual harassment, and then activate magic to kill him instantly...

That is of course impossible.

After all, people are not harassing you. How can it be considered harassment if you take the initiative to let them touch you... The system is not stupid...

Although he has not done any experiments himself, Futaba, who has stayed in this big place like Salamoon for so long, has paid great attention to other players. He has also secretly used various small methods to help himself collect some experimental data, and he has not slacked off. Test the system.

Apart from never molesting the opposite sex personally, nor letting the opposite sex molest her, everything Futaba did was actually not much different from Mo Tan under the "chaotic neutral" personality.

She was simply confident that she could kill Mo Tan before he took action.

"Tsk tsk, the special effects are quite beautiful."

Mo Tan first casually praised the magic arrays and elemental models around him that could kill him at any time. Then he took out two rubber band-like things from his bag and skillfully fixed the hair of the girl in front of him. He said casually: "It seems that you are stronger than I thought before."

Futaba curled her lips, took out a bottle of mana potion that exuded a faint aroma of wine and took a sip: "But I am much weaker than I thought. Although you definitely don't know how great this lady is, I It can be said responsibly that those who can enter the top twenty of the personal combat power rankings are monsters, and I can’t afford to offend them anyway.”

[Oh, Dad, I was chatting and laughing with the funny guy in second place~]

Mo Tan smiled contemptuously at the round mage's eyes in front of him, shrugged and said: "I was in the top twenty on the comprehensive list some time ago, do you want to kneel down for me?"

Two dark brown vines suddenly climbed up his shoulders. Although they did not restrain his movements at all, Mo Tan knew very well that as long as Futaba had a little thought, this magic that seemed to belong to the elven lineage could be tied directly to him. Zongzi.

"Would you like to experience your aunt's original double tortoise-shell binding?"

Futaba threatened quietly, and then asked casually: "The reason why you fell from the top of the comprehensive strength rankings some time ago is that you spent money too fast, right?"

"It's obvious."

"What the hell is Anthony Dabbs' name?"

"Asking knowingly."

"Although I guess you have no experience alone with beautiful girls of your own age, it is actually very rude for you to play with other people's hair like this."

The girl who looked at Mo Tan through the eyes of the mage stretched her hands forward at the same time, stretching her body slightly. Although her tone was mixed with strong dissatisfaction and contempt, she did not stop the other party.

"I noticed that your feet were off the ground when you stretched just now."

Mo Tan chuckled lightly, leaning on the back of the chair and smiling: "In addition, what made you feel that 'I am a polite person' is as funny as 'You are a beautiful girl'."

Futaba snorted lightly and did not say anything. After a moment of silence, she simply asked: "Do you look like this in reality?"

"You have crossed the line." Mo Tan raised his eyebrows, then shook his head indifferently: "But I can tell you clearly, no, in reality I want to be... uglier."

In fact, he originally wanted to say he was more handsome, but considering that his appearance when he was 'Black Brahma' was exactly the same as in reality, Mo Tan still felt that his current image was more satisfactory.

By the way, he did not wear the Hundred-Aspect Mask. Now he has the original "Tan Mo Face". However, given that the looks of half-elves and humans are quite different, not only the ears are different in length, but also the facial lines are softened. Quite a few, and when creating the characters, Mo Tan slightly adjusted a few details while keeping them roughly the same. It would be almost difficult for someone who is not overly familiar with them like Yi Dong to recognize 'Tan Mo' and 'Hei Fan'. 'It's the same person.

Maybe Futaba would be able to discover something when he often meets Hei Fan, but now that the two have been separated for many 12+24 hours, the possibility of being associated with each other is infinitely close to zero.

And more importantly, in terms of temperament, Mo Tan in the state of 'chaotic neutrality' and Mo Tan in the state of 'absolute neutrality' are completely different concepts. As good as teeth.


Futaba was stunned for a moment, then turned his little head to look at the former with his own eyes in a strange way, and asked hesitantly: "Were you a little embarrassed just now? I'm a little uncomfortable with it."

Mo Tan just looked down at her for more than ten seconds, his eyes burning and unblinking.

"Hey...what are you doing?"

"You'd better turn around. How about adding a few layers of cushions to the chair like that Mediterranean prince? My neck hurts."

Mo Tan made the suggestion very sincerely.

"A girl less than 1.6 meters tall is a treasure, a treasure in the whole world, especially as an adult!"

Futaba turned his head angrily, and after a moment he returned to the previous posture of almost slumping on the chair. He picked up a few strands of hair and gently tickled his chin and asked: "What happened to Sakfris?" What's going on?"

"Some time ago, after you successfully pushed the lords to send out cronies to form a joint investigation team, I immediately found a friend with a bad image but a kind heart who rushed to Mercury City half a day early." Mo Tan said with some uncertainty. Holding the hair on the side of Shuangye's ears, he said lightly: "He is a highly accomplished necromancer. Although he did not catch up with the Marshall family's process of annihilating evidence, he re-infiltrated the abandoned buildings after the investigation team left. He found the lost storage location and found half of the remnant soul underground in a tavern called [Fire Flame Mother], and successfully established contact with it. Gee, maybe this is the so-called divine connection..."

Futaba snorted lightly and did not continue the topic of divine intercourse. He just raised his index finger and pressed it against his thin lower lip and asked: "I do know that some lives with strong obsessions or resentments are not so easy to dissipate after death. This kind of thing, that is to say, what did a slave who died with hatred in the temporary shelter in Mercury City reveal to your friend? Also, a kind-hearted necromancer sounds so inconsistent."

"His name is Mei Di Lewen. He is a respectable and infatuated old man. He is also the sponsor of my first pot of gold. He has the same surname as your fox boy." Mo Tan calmly said to Mei Di Mr. Di took it out and whipped the corpse, then continued with a smile: "It's a pity that the half of the remnant soul was almost completely dispersed when it was discovered. Old Medi tried his best to communicate with him, and finally asked I heard that other people were sent to the Black Mercury Transfer Station in the eastern border of Mirkwood, and then I..."

"Find out the wood processing factory owned by the Silver Cake Chamber of Commerce?"

Futaba interrupted Mo Tan with a look of displeasure on his face and asked coldly: "It's not easy to investigate that Sakfrith by the way, isn't it?"

Mo Tan blew the stupid hair on Futaba's head: "If you were as sharp as you are now, you should have attacked the lumber factory long before you started attacking Buffy Marshall. As far as I know I know, at least regarding the slave trade, you should have a lot of more efficient information than I do."

[Although your train of thought has gone astray~]

He added in his heart with a smile.

"If you don't know how to comb someone's hair, don't mess around with it!"

Futaba scolded Mo Tan leisurely, and then continued to ask: "Then, how did you kidnap Sakfrith and let him willingly recruit everyone in the Purple Jiu Hall?"

Everything Mo Tan said after that was basically the truth...

According to what he said, after investigating that the wood processing factory was not innocent (sorry, it was a lie from the beginning), he entrusted the necromancer named Medilevin (sorry*2) to rush to the edge of the Dark Forest to rush to He was rescued before the lords' troops and the assassins of the Marshall family arrived, because the necromancer was very powerful (sorry*3, in fact, many warning spells are ineffective against the Eternals, and Idong still had two black sandalwood flowers in his hand. He bought [Magic Scroll: No Trace of the Wind] at a large price, so he managed to infiltrate smoothly), and the defense of the slave transfer station was extremely weak, so he easily brought Sark out (sorry* 4. In fact, the process of using spells + potions to blow fog to knock down Sark + summoning skeletons and then disguising + searching + transporting the particularly heavy Sark was very difficult for Idong, and he almost died of exhaustion).

As for how to get Sark to confess willingly...

"It's very simple. Although I can't get a high-end magic potion like Veritaserum, which is priceless and unmarketable, I can still afford a few barrels of bad wine (no mistake)." Mo Tan smiled and said briskly: "After I caught Sak, I gave him something good to drink, and then I woke Ya up and continued to drink it. Then I combined it with a few interesting little skills. Basically, I knew everything I needed to know."

[Do you have skills that can bewitch or control the target while it is unconscious, and are there more than one...]

Futaba nodded calmly, and then asked Mo Tan without looking back: "Then he found out that he had told everything, so he cooperated obediently?"

"No, mainly because I tied up her daughter."

While tossing Futaba's hair, Mo Tan smiled without any psychological burden: "The underground chamber of commerce named Viper seems to be a very bad and bad organization. Its attitude towards betrayers is usually to kill the whole family and kill others." The whole family, that's what the guy was worried about, but later he became more honest when he knew that his daughter was in my hands. I told Sack that if he didn't behave, the little girl would be killed immediately. If he cooperated, I sent his daughter to that mysterious and awesome place in Tianzhu Mountain, and he compromised."

Shuangye frowned slightly: "Do you still know people from Tianzhu Mountain?"

"No." Mo Tan shrugged, shook his head and said, "I lied to him~"

"...Ha, it is indeed a good idea. Do you need to leave the aftermath to me?"

"No, I have my own way."

"Then it's up to you. If that's the case, the next step is the trial in seven days."

"Tsk, so do you plan to wait peacefully until that day?"

"Are you an idiot?"

"I guess not."

"Me neither. These few days are the most critical time."

"Very good. It seems that you can indeed be saved. Do you need help?"

"It's a joke. Could it be that if I said you didn't have to, you wouldn't have intervened?"

"of course not."

"So don't think I owe you a favor."

"Okay... let's discuss the next plan, starting with the secondary purpose first."


"What's the matter, Eighth Po?"

"Why did you give me a ponytail?"

"They match your glasses perfectly."


Chapter 348: End

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