Quadruple split

Chapter 326 Southern Territory

"Ah ah ah, stop pestering me!!"


The Punisher's Staff M2K, flashing with a cold light, suddenly fell down, directly splitting a tall mutant into two pieces, and then smashed to the ground with unabated force, knocking the other two half-dead Zombies away several meters away. , its power is evident, but...

But more living dead still roared and came together. They were no longer considered alive, and naturally they would not have the concept of fear after seeing their 'similar' being brutally killed. Therefore, not only were they not affected by the flesh and blood of the scene just now, He was frightened by the flying scene, and even more 'excited' by the surging energy on his target.

Although the power of runes is not life energy in the strict sense, Cordoba walking alone in this dead land can still give the mutants great stimulation. There is no living thing around, not even a plant and a tree. In the absence of Xiao Qiang, the Captain of the Steel Rangers who appeared here alone was as funny as a minion among countless minions. Even if his body was covered with [Death Dust] that could conceal his vitality, he could not be stopped. Successfully escaped under the instinctive perception of the mutants.

"I shouldn't have taken this job in the first place!"

Cordoba thrust the Punisher's Staff into the ground, angrily grabbed the heads of the two mutants and killed them with a red-white head, and then violently smashed out the two mosaics in his hands. After smashing a piece to the ground, he picked up the staff and turned it into a 3,600-degree windmill, which directly strangled the more than 20 mutants around him into minced meat. With the blessing of the minor's sensory protection, the tall rune body was like a Like a crusher, the pigs surged forward among the corpses, causing broken limbs and broken arms all over the sky. There was no mercy or humanity!

“This is already the ninth batch, it’s endless!”

The boss, who was firmly ranked second in the player's combat power rankings, let out a howl. He glanced at his remaining energy distressedly, and then blasted a big hole into the ground with his backhand. After completing a short clearance, he instantly activated [Explosive Speed] 】 mode, all the anti-gravity runes and acceleration runes on the rune body are activated, the huge body suddenly activates with a burst of explosions, and in an instant, it drags a string of afterimages and disappears within the range of the mutants' perception. , leaving only a piece of agitated dust that lingered for a long time.

five minutes later……

Bang! !

Cordoba, who fell from the sky like a Terminator, was half-kneeling by a stream. After confirming that there were not many mutants around, he decisively switched the rune body back to the regular mode. He sat down on the spot and used the row of 'radiators' behind his neck to dissipate heat. Kong' also sprayed out several streams of white smoke, which looked very cool.

"This situation really cannot get any worse."

Cordoba picked up a little turbid stream water and patted his face. He looked back at the Zombies wandering not far behind him. He raised and lowered his big hand holding the Punisher's Staff tightly. The big, inhuman face looked a little depressed: "No matter where you go, you can see them. There are three to five, thirty to fifty, and three to five hundred everywhere. Compared with Mo Tan and here, they are like paradise." Ah, if we go further south, will there really be any living people..."

The Captain of the Iron Rangers is currently in the southern part of Misha County. With his impressive combat power and footwork, he went south alone after accepting Mo Tan's commission, traveling in a short period of time at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary Paladins. In just one day, they penetrated deep into the southern hinterland, and now they have reached a place that Xia Lian had not gone deep into before when she led the team.

Cordoba's entire mission was to investigate the specific situation in the South, contact the five cities in the South on behalf of the joint forces when there was no information, and understand the specific size and approximate number of mutants in the South.

I have to say, he did a good job.

When acting alone, Cordoba's reconnaissance efficiency is several times that of a regular team, and because of its strong combat power, even if it encounters hundreds of mutants, it can escape without dying without fighting to the end. Not only In this way, he also has a very strong sense of direction. After loading the Misha County map reproduced by Yuying in advance, the possibility of getting lost in Cordoba has been infinitely close to zero, even if there is nothing of value nearby. The destination can also be found using reference objects. If it were Mo Tan...

Let's put it this way, if he were in the real world, he would probably starve to death here even if he wasn't torn apart by those mutants who went berserk at the sight of a living person.

In general, it is definitely a wise choice to use Cordoba as a pathfinder to collect southern intelligence, although the intelligence collected itself is not happy at all...

As the most densely populated area in Misha County, the southern part naturally became the hardest-hit area after the 'Mutant Transformation Incident'. Although they did not know the situation before, Mo Tan and others could only guess. They could guess that the situation in the southern part of Misha County was definitely the worst, and the facts proved that they were not wrong. Not only that, the scene Cordoba saw after going south alone was even more miserable than everyone had expected. .

To put it in the most intuitive way, the number of mutants here is the 'northern area centered on the two cities of Hofer and Meda' plus 'the central area centered on Sprout City, Glan City and Gudaimi Plain Station' More than ten times the total!

It must be said that this is an exaggerated number, but it is not unreasonable.

First of all, before the mutants appeared, the city of Hofer with the largest population in the north had been turned into a place of temporary divine favor. Not only had tens of thousands of people been driven away from the disease, but it also completely prevented the breeding of plague in the local area. and spread, and before Xia Lian was injured, she frequently ran around other populated areas, constantly using large-scale magic to dispel the pain of those innocent people, and Mida City was destroyed on the day when the mutants first transformed. After receiving support, although a lot of price was paid, those Zombies that had not yet developed a large scale were eventually annihilated by the Knights who arrived in time. In addition, Mo Tan secretly organized a clearing operation behind Taylor's back, and the Northern Territory The biggest hidden danger was nipped in the cradle during the hidden danger period. Not only were the two cities with large populations safe and sound, but even the mutants in the wild were quickly wiped out before they became a climate.

The situation in the central area of ​​Misha County was worse, but they were also lucky, because Xia Lian led hundreds of paladins to kill the 'zombie tide' as soon as it broke out, and this team was the first to The place they arrived at was the two cities of Xinya and Gulan in the center. They almost repeated the elimination of the previous groups under Mida City, and dealt with the two largest batches of threats early, that is, the infections stationed outside the two cities. Or civilians, but after all, it took more than a day, and Xia Lian was not able to organize annihilation activities as planned as Mo Tan, so she led the knights on a rampage, although she harvested many heads, but it was difficult to solve the problem Substantive issues.

It is precisely because of this that the progress in the central area is so slow at this stage. Although the scale of the joint force is quite large and Mo Tan's authority is much higher than before, those mutants who have become small and even gathered in three figures have not Still a big problem.

As for the southern region with a large population base and five cities...

There is no place blessed by gods, no immediate rescue, no sufficient conventional combat power, no strong men who can turn the situation around, no wise men who can detect the disaster in time, and no heroes who can turn the tide.

So what's to the south?

There are people, with the already huge population base and the people who have escaped (as mentioned before, the initial outbreak point of the plague was around Hofer City in the north, which was also the first stop for Xia Lian and others when they came to Misha County), Very, very many people.

Strictly speaking, there are very, very many people infected with the plague!

This also means that there are also a large number of mutants...

The wilderness is almost covered with mutants. When you look up, except for the zombies, there are zombies. There are as few as one or two wandering on the roadside, and as many as hundreds of them gathering together and howling. It is completely out of control!

This is the intelligence Cordoba passed to the joint forces half a day ago. At that time, he had just left the White Tower City not far from Hind Hill. The situation there had become extremely bad. Thousands of survivors were in panic. Behind the solid city wall, although there is a place to shelter from wind and rain, the long-term fear, despair, and hunger have pushed those poor people to the limit, and the city lord was mutated two days ago because his wife and children were isolated outside the city. Most of the soldiers and low-level professionals with a sense of justice have died. More than 70% of them have died. It is a miracle that the remaining people and local clergy can barely maintain order.

Cordoba single-handedly eliminated a small number of mutants besieging the city, left another twenty cubic meters of food, and left White Tower City. He could not get stuck here. He had to know as much as possible about this place. Regarding the situation on the border, you must know that this is just a city on the edge of the southern border...

In the Realm of Innocence, the player's luggage can probably hold something with a total volume of fifty cubic meters and an independent volume of no more than three cubic meters. The limit of gravity is still unknown. This is what Mo Tan told Cordoba not long ago. I discovered this when I was carrying some food. The free-spirited Guilty Company has never popularized these common sense things, and most players don't have that much personal property, so the 'bag limit' has always been a mystery.

Until Cordoba’s luggage begins to spit out bread…

At that time, Mo Tan thought that the former had mistakenly installed a Ji Xiaoge toaster, but later he discovered that it was because Cordoba's luggage was full.

Back to business...

Two hours ago, Cordoba arrived at the second city he encountered after entering the southern border. A considerable proportion of the permanent residents were elves in Panshu City. Although the food reserves were barely enough, the one who The city lord's grandma, who was more than 1,100 years old, was also alive, but the situation in other aspects was worse than that of White Tower City. Cordoba left after leaving five cubic meters of food. He felt that he needed to speed up... …

Finally, Cordoba, who had just turned on the [Explosive Speed] mode, after getting rid of the group of mutants, finally met his next destination, which was Feier, which is rich in red silkworm leaves and leeches, two alchemical materials. The city is not far away.

"I hope there are more people out there who can survive."

Cordoba sighed after confirming the map, stood up with the Staff of Punisher, glanced at the Apocalypse Crystal embedded in it with less than 40% energy left, and murmured in a low voice. He said: "It seems that a piece of it will be used up in Misha County no matter what..."

He moved his body a little, took out a paper map from his bag and made a few marks on it, then kicked off the ground and shot away in the direction of Fair City.

Cordoba knew that he had no time to rest, and he was very fortunate that as a player and a rune creature, he did not need to replenish his physical strength. Maybe every second he lost on the road could save one more person later?

This is a very correct idea, but...

Game time PM16:38

Southern border of Misha County, in front of Fair City

"This...what is this..."

Cordoba's right hand holding the Staff of Punisher was trembling slightly, and the energy tracks emitting blue light on his body were fluctuating violently. He looked at the hell-like tragic scene in front of him with fear and fear. The minors almost vomited under the filter of sensory protection.

No matter how abstract the inferior model-like bodies in the field of vision are, they cannot contradict the fact that is almost despairing.

Corpses... a large number of corpses... corpses as far as the eye can see... extending along the broken city gate to the end of Cordoba's field of vision.

Dark red blood filled every corner he could see. Even though it was harmonized into a vibrant green, and even though the overwhelming mosquitoes and flies were harmonized into a cartoon with big eyes and long nose, it made this extremely rich place. The impactful scene seemed even more weird and grotesque, like a bad, despicable and clumsy messenger, using a child's voice full of malice to explain the illusory and profound vicious fantasy.

boom! ! !

Smashing a mutant who was slowly walking towards him directly to pieces, Cordoba gritted his teeth, raised the punisher's staff with red and blue light intertwined in his hand and rushed towards the city, seven or eight. The mutant who was wandering near the city gate had already lost his head before he could even raise his head, turning into part of the countless corpses on the ground.

The dark clouded sky flickered for a moment, and a few seconds later, the dull thunder sounded unconsciously, followed by the cold turbid rain. They could not wash away the filth, blood and death, so they turned into Be part of the filth, making this desecrated city become even more sleepy...

Dead people, dead people, dead people, dead people...

Corpse corpse corpse corpse…

Monster monster monster monster…

"Get away!"

Cordoba picked up a mutant that was eating a baby's corpse by its neck. Just about to kill it to pieces, he found that the baby's corpse was tied to the mutant woman. It looked like It's just like……

A flash of cold light flashed, and the mother, who was no longer alive, fell to the ground.

Cordoba knelt down silently and awkwardly placed her head next to the body...


Chapter 323: End

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