Quadruple split

Chapter 297 Crisis lurks everywhere

"Feather Warbler."

Mo Tan, who had been stuffed with dog food for no reason, rubbed his forehead, tapped the table and said to the girl who was also a little nervous: "Tell that boy, love is like a war, one wrong step will end your life." There is no recovery, and there is a clear contrast of power between lovers, that is, the exploiter and the exploited, the exploiter and the exploited, the winner and the loser! If the young man wants to live with his head held high, he must not If you become the loser, the one who confesses first is the loser!"

"What the hell?!"

Yu Ying was shocked at that time, and turned to look at Mo Tan with a confused look on her face: "What the hell kind of logic is this!?"

And Yuchen started to cover his mouth and laugh muffledly.

"Don't you want those two to stay online as long as possible during this period?" Mo Tan took a sip of tea unusually calmly, posed like Commander Ikari, and said leisurely: "It's okay to try a roundabout way. It’s okay.”

Yu Ying swallowed her saliva and asked with extreme suspicion, "Are you sure that just relaying the nonsense you just said will make people change their minds and not confess their feelings?"

"Of course I'm not sure." Mo Tan replied while moving the chess pieces on the land map, and shrugged helplessly: "I just said 'try it'. What I just said didn't actually have any lethality. Of course , you can polish it by teaching by words and deeds, and try to trick those children who don't study hard and think about puppy love all day long."

His remarks have nothing to do with moral character, conspiracy, or quick thinking. They are just an extremely common, vulgar, widespread, and even rising social phenomenon - the anger of singles.

Of course, strictly speaking, Mo Tan has no right to be angry, and neither the current 'Mo Tan' nor the 'Mo Tan' at other times will be entangled in this kind of thing, but it's so hard to die, ten minutes ago He happened to receive a huge fright, and coupled with his poor self-control ability at the moment, the result was naturally anger in his heart and evil in his heart, so he came up with a method that was not only vulnerable to divine punishment, but also almost impossible to take effect. idea.

What's worse is... Yuying, who also feels a little overwhelmed, is really interested!

"As the saying goes, it would be better to demolish ten temples... than ruin a marriage..."

Yu Ying showed a sinister smile, and then shook her head with a sad face and said: "But where did I get this experience? You have never tried the law yourself when you are so old, how can you deceive others by teaching by words and deeds?"


"Well, actually you can pretend to be in love~"

Yuchen actually integrated into this topic very naturally, and said with a smile: "For example, tell him that there is a boy who once confessed to you, and then ended up in a tragic end, etc. Maybe you can deceive him~"

Mo Tan and Yu Ying were both stunned, and then turned stiffly to look at Yu Chen next to them, who looked harmless, "Huh?"

"It shouldn't matter, right? If we really like each other~" Yuchen smiled, then winked playfully: "And it will be fun!"

Mo Tan/Yu Ying: "..."

As the saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance. Who said that a gentle and lovely little saint can't occasionally be shady?

Thus, driven by three dark forces, a six-year-long, arduous, intrigue, completely unnecessary, and all-out love war began...

Yuying, who has a headache due to the small number of stable online players, may become the biggest winner!

Anyway, back to business...

After one hour

"Team 9 and Team 16 have entered the radiation range of the Mage's Eye."

Yu Ying stretched her body and nodded to Mo Tan: "Teams 11, 14, and 15, who are protecting the civilians, are expected to return to the camp within ten minutes. This round of investigation can be said to be completed. Three people were slightly injured, zero were infected, the pastor of the ninth team was seriously injured, and no one was killed."

"With this battle damage, more than 80 civilians have been rescued. This is just the early stage of clearing both sides..."

Mo Tan pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "Very good, first let the civilians gather in the outer circle of the station, and send two priests with the ability to identify them to see how many people are infected, and bring back those who are not infected directly. Let Priest Furman help with the placement. Those who are infected with the plague should stay where they are first, and then find someone to inform Luna to go there with a suppressant. If she can handle it directly, let her handle it. It is too serious to handle. Let me know again."

"I know, it's really troublesome."

Yuying nodded, then opened the panel and quickly sent a message. In order to save time and manpower, each area in the station has one or two players who play the role of 'Herald'. They are usually those with extremely low levels. , has low combat effectiveness and is particularly afraid of Zombies. Its main task is to convey the orders issued by Yuying from the central area.

The central area refers to the innermost layer of the camp, which is closest to the civilian garrison. It contains the small chapel used by the clergy for daily prayers, Luna's temporary alchemy workshop, storage warehouses, and Mo Tan's command account, etc. The 'important places' are all in this place, which is regarded as the center of the entire joint force. However, except for the alchemy workshop and the large warehouse that had to be thickened for safety reasons, whether it is the small church or the two The tent of Her Royal Highness the Saint, the tent of Adjutant Yu Ying, or the command tent where a certain supreme commander stayed all looked extremely shabby, and even worse than the civilian areas where small standard barracks had been built.

Although Mo Tan did not give priority to improving the environment in the civilian areas, the priority of rectification in the central area was even lower. That is to say, until all civilians have simple wooden houses to live in, Mo Tan and others will always have to live in them. In a crowded and drafty tent, of course, this was of no importance to him and Yuchen as players. Saint Xia Lian was not a hypocritical person, but the symbolic meaning was also meaningful, so this move was quite popular. of.

Two minutes later, Yu Ying's eyes, which had been in a daze, returned to clarity. She weakly waved her hand to Mo Tan: "It's all done as you said. Luna and the clergy are on their way over, and Furman is on the way. Make a tent, he will ask someone to bring you a message. If this trend continues, the space in the civilian area will soon be insufficient, so I would like to ask if we can squeeze it into the central area."

"I think it's okay, just let him make his own decision~" Mo Tan smiled and used a quill to mark the places that the seven teams had explored before and said: "I'm not professional in this area, but I'll wait for the resident to We will definitely need to expand once we reach full scale, and as long as we don’t worry too much about comfort, space will definitely not be a problem.”

Yuying nodded: "I know, what to do with the pastor of team nine? He is seriously injured. Even if he is treated with magic, he probably won't be able to move with the team again in a short period of time."

"Team 9 will set out next time tomorrow afternoon. You and Emang will put a healer in as soon as possible before then. If it doesn't work, just call in a Paladin from the Dawn Sect to make up for it." Mo Tan glanced at the map pinned to both sides. Action plan, he said calmly: "Let the wounded person rest for a few days, and then find an empty spot in the new team to incorporate him into the team later."

Yuying scratched her hair a little frantically and began to send messages quickly.


Yuchen weakly raised his little hand and whispered: "Can you please let me go and see the infected civilians outside the camp? I think I should be able to help."

"No." Mo Tan pushed back the girl's suggestion without raising his head. He looked at the map carefully and shook his head: "Luna's alchemy potions can effectively suppress the damage and activity of the plague. You are currently in an overdraft state. , you are not allowed to participate in treatment before noon tomorrow."

Yuchen pursed his lips and muttered dejectedly: "I said everything is fine, and I won't be very tired..."

"You must know better than me whether you are tired or not." Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shrugged to Yu Chen: "The current situation does not require you to do this level. Your role is difficult to replace by others. I want to help in the future. There are opportunities."

Her Royal Highness the Saint tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded obediently after a while and said: "Then I will listen to you."

Yu Ying lamented: "It's so irritating to see people compare to each other. They don't give me any work if they want to. I, who want to be lazy, am almost exhausted. Those people don't even have a fuel-efficient lamp!"

"Hey!" Yuchen's eyes lit up, and he immediately pressed Mo Tan's shoulder and smiled at him: "Then can I help Yu Ying share the task?"

Mo Tan was stunned: "Help Yuying?"

"Yes, yes, I just want to make friends with those players, and then convey what you said." Yuchen nodded vigorously, clapped his hands and said with a smile, "This way Yuying can relax, and I can also make some contribution. .”

As a result, Mo Tan waved his hand directly: "No."

Yu Ying immediately glared at the former: "Are you sincere?"

Yu Chen: "Eh?"

But Mo Tan didn't really want to hurt Yu Ying, nor did he want to stifle Yu Chen's energy. He said this because he had his own considerations, which was...

[First of all, Yu Ying’s workload is not actually heavy, she is just lazy; secondly, Yu Chen’s communication skills are very poor. Although her ability to send messages and chat is much better than in face-to-face interviews, it is still very worrying. After all, it's really quite... Well, in short, there is no need for this at all. It has nothing to do with the fact that she may add many people as friends. Well, I am so arrogant and coquettish! 】

The above was Mo Tan's mental activity in a flash, and it was also the reason why he did not let Yu Chen, who was also a player, participate in the message delivery from beginning to end. This had no impact on the overall situation at all, and it also allowed Yu Ying to earn more The task contribution and gold...silver coins, so there is absolutely no intention of pretending to be public for personal gain!

At least that's what Mo Tan thought, so...

"You won't be idle for too long. Helping Yu Ying share the work first and then doing other things will only make her more uncomfortable in the future, and it will also take away her task contribution, well, that is, experience and money." Tan Qiqi explained seriously, then glanced at Yu Ying: "What do you think?"

The latter immediately replied without any time to think: "It's just a little workload, it's drizzling~ Yuchen, you should have a good rest."


Yuchen blinked twice, then nodded obediently: "Oh..."

"Well, I guess several other teams from this round have returned by now." Mo Tan glanced at Yu Ying, and after receiving the latter's affirmative reply, he picked up the [Active Formation List] on the table and took a look. After waiting for a long time, he re-checked the map twice and took a deep breath: "Now, let the first to fifth teams and the seventeenth and nineteenth teams be ready. Today's second round of targeted searches will begin in ten minutes. , the target areas are the Snow Bamboo Forest in the southwest of the plain, Boyu Village in the northwest of Xinya City, the Female Deer Hill in the southeast of the plain, and the Tina Terrace in the northeast of Glen City."

Yu Ying said "Oh", and then immediately started to contact the players in those teams. She only listened to the names of the places mentioned by Mo Tan and was not distracted at all.

On the other hand, Yu Chen, who had been staring at the map next to Mo Tan, glanced at the former in surprise and whispered: "Aren't these four places a bit too far away? It may take more than half a day just to go back and forth, and..."

"We don't have much time."

Mo Tan sighed and stared at the map in front of him with a particularly heavy expression: "After yesterday's whole day's exploration, plus the feedback from the first batch of teams today, except for the north, Xinya and Gelan have Taking the city as the starting point, the deeper we go in the other three directions, the more mutants there will be. Now we have barely stabilized this area. On the premise that the position is relatively stable for the time being, we must seize the time to expand the search scope. Not only must we try our best to Bring back everyone who can be saved, and also grasp the scale of mutants in the central area of ​​Misha County as soon as possible. If those zombies snowball together before we notice it... then we will be in big trouble."

"But wouldn't that be a bit risky?"

Yuchen nodded to express his understanding, and then asked uneasily: "What if the exploration team encounters danger and is too far away from here, such as a particularly large number of mutants... can they come back safely?"

"To be honest, I don't know."

Mo Tan placed a few alchemy chess pieces around the Gudami Plain on the map, stared at the large unmarked areas on both sides, and whispered: "Of course there is danger, and it is very high, but if we don't improve If we go faster, we may face greater danger in the future. After all, before those mutants form a large scale, we can lure, kill, defeat or disperse them, but once we let them stack up..."

"We can just run away or wait for death, right?"

After sending the message, Yu Ying laughed dryly, then walked over and looked down at the map in front of Mo Tan, narrowing her eyes slightly: "Why did you avoid the south?"

"It's very simple." Mo Tan put the quill pen on the bottle of red ink on the table, dipped it in it, and drew a bright red circle on a large area under the map: "It's too dangerous over there. With our integration now The power is given away even if it goes away.”

at the same time

Somewhere in eastern Misha County

A sturdy figure suddenly stopped in front of a wandering mutant: "Ouch~~~"

The mutant stood still in a daze: "Ouch~~~"





Bang! ! !

A heavy, huge, and sharpened staff-like weapon knocked the screaming mutant away seven or eight meters away. The owner of the weapon spat on the ground with a face of pain. .

"MMP, you don't give me any reaction, you bully me and I'm not a human being..."

Chapter 294: End

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