Quadruple split

Chapter 288 Whose plan?

After losing the trace of Mo Tan again, classmate Yidong's ordeal finally began...

He was very sad, angry, heartbroken, and hopeless. He even couldn't help but miss the Mo Tanlai who slashed with his knife without saying a word. Although the latter was a headache when he was in a mad state, When that guy entered the obscene mode, Yidong felt like his head was going to explode!

In the next ten minutes, Mo Tan inhumanely teased and harassed Yi Dong. The former almost drove his friend to collapse with his dexterity, professional agility and moral integrity comparable to the Mariana Trench. , he is elusive and can pop out of every house, every stall, every door, or even every water tank; he is cunning and suspicious, and he always takes advantage and runs away, and he is never greedy, no matter what. Whether it is a flaw that Idong deliberately sells or a flaw that is actually exposed, he can't stay for half a second; he is cunning and often sets up a lot of obstacles on Idong's only way or his own escape route, those hidden and vicious Idong suffered a lot from simple traps, ranging from elastic traps and wall crossbow traps made with hemp ropes and steel wires to malicious collapses created by destroying the main supporting structure of the building. Unspeakable.

To be honest, if Zombie hadn't used [Death Coil] during this period of time to replenish his life, and kept the skeleton soldiers exploring the way ahead... he would have been cold by now.

[Damn it, I guess I can’t win this time. If it weren’t for the undead creature’s relatively durable physique, I would have died over 800 times! 】

Fourteen minutes after the battle started, Yi Dong staggered into what looked like a tailor shop. While ordering the skeleton stick with two missing arms in front of him to guard the door, he thought in his mind. Screaming, his current health value once again dropped below 40%, and his magic value was less than one-third. [Screaming Banshee], [Frost Barrier], [Death Coil] and other skills can barely cope with Mo Tan. They were all cooling down, and the back tendon of his left foot was broken by someone ambushing in the sewer mouth three minutes ago. If it weren't for the fact that undead creatures would not enter the [Crippled] state, he might even have trouble walking normally now.

"That sleeve arrow is obviously a foul!"

Yidong looked outside and muttered with resentment: "And the blade stuck in the boot, damn it, if I had replaced him with hemorrhoids, he would have died on the spot, phew, damn it Rich people…”

He didn't know that Mo Tan's wrist guards and boots had been modified by engineering. He only thought that the latter had found two pieces of particularly sharp equipment, and then he said the last sentence that was full of contradiction.

You must know that the sleeve arrows and boot blades modified by the Black Tan Demon had left an extremely deep impression on him just now. Until now, the two holes on Idong's neck and buttocks were still letting out the cold wind.

[It seems he shouldn’t be here...]

Yidong breathed a sigh of relief, and then used the third Coil of Death on himself, which healed most of the wounds on his neck, butt, and ankles. At the same time, he also raised his health to 51%, which was considered to be barely back to a safe area.

"But the magic power is really about to run out."

He sighed softly, then waved away the skeleton soldier at the door who had gradually begun to disintegrate. His eyes gradually became sharp: "If you can't cause too much harm to him next time... No, if next time If I can't keep him, I will be really in danger."

Yi Dong was right. Under the premise that the two of them had agreed in advance that they could not use life/magic potions, his current magic reserve could only be used to explode once more. If he could not seize the opportunity to give Mo Tan Inflicting a lot of damage is basically equivalent to losing. A mage with abundant magic power can remain calm no matter what opponent they face, but if the blue bar they rely on for survival is almost empty... then they are probably not far from being buried. .

[But Mo Tan is definitely no better than me! 】

Yi Dong gritted his teeth, and then walked out of the tailor shop with his head held high. He knew that Mo Tan probably hadn't noticed him yet, but if he stayed here, it would only be a matter of time before he was found, so now that he had made up his mind It's the last fight, so it's better to decide the battle venue yourself than to let everything be under the control of that bitch!

From an objective point of view, Yi Dong has always been a very smart and capable person. Even he himself is not aware of this. As for the specific reasons, it can only be said that he is not kind to people and makes careless friends. He got to know the scourge Mo Tan in his childhood. Although in the eyes of outsiders, the latter is just a low-key passerby with no sense of existence, but as a best friend, Yi Dong knows very well how powerful Mo Tan is. It is precisely because of this Understanding makes him unable to view himself objectively. After all, no matter how outstanding a person is, he will feel ordinary if he hangs out with a mentally ill person every day...

But this is not the case.

His conclusion just now that "Mo Tan is definitely no better than me" was not made up out of thin air. The real reason is that Yidong roughly estimated what Mo Tan can withstand just based on the previous battle. The limit of damage, so although he didn't know the opponent's specific health value, he could roughly guess the maximum level of attack the opponent could withstand based on the previous ten minutes of fighting, and finally came to the above conclusion.

Of course, Yi Dong didn't feel proud at all because of the result of "Mo Tan is also choked now". It's not that he is very humble, he just feels that he can be forced to force him even though he is stronger than the opponent in all aspects. There is really nothing to be proud of at this level. Just like what Mo Tan said when he mocked him before, 'Lin Dong', who has four times the game time of 'Tan Mo', has an advantage in all aspects (except deposits). In addition, he is still a special race like the Eternals, which is equivalent to half-killed after turning on the dead mode. Being pushed to this level by Mo Tan is actually considered a defeat...

[If it weren’t for the fact that there were no pedestrians on the arena map to cover him, I would have lost long ago. 】

[If it weren’t for the fact that my leveling time was several times longer than his, I would have lost long ago. 】

[If it weren’t for the fact that my race is completely unafraid of bloodshed and conventional poisons, I would have lost long ago. 】

As Yi Dong silently shuttled through the alley, he thought rather melancholy, especially at the last point, that he had long discovered that all of Mo Tan's weapons and props were covered with various poisons, whether they were daggers or crossbows. , sleeve arrows, boot blades, or those iron caltrops, long needles, and steel wires that came out of nowhere, none of them were clean. Whether it was color or smell, they fully met the conditions of being 'quenched'. If he was not an almost The Zombie, who is not affected by the toxin but is a normal creature with flesh and blood, probably wouldn't be able to survive even five minutes under the hands of Mo Tan, who is doing everything he can.


[There are not so many ifs! 】

Yidong smacked his lips, casually threw a freezing ray across the air, and said solemnly: "Anyway, the current situation is that I haven't lost yet, and you are not much better than me, so I can still win. !”

Yes, it is possible to win!

It was always possible for Yi Dong to win, he knew this very well, but he had never found a suitable opportunity, and Mo Tan, who was slipperier than a loach, did not allow him to catch a single flaw, but the possibility of victory was always there.

So what Yidong has to do now is...

"You deliberately chose to lure me out here. Are you planning to create some conditions for using your ultimate move?"

A lazy voice sounded in the air, and Yi Dong looked up suddenly, only to see Mo Tan squatting on a clothesline and looking at him with a smile, a dagger spinning rapidly between his fingers, and Mo Tan. The blades extending from the front of the sandalwood boots made a crisp Tianjin Allegro sound.

"I thought you would still choose to attack sneakily."

Yidong raised his eyebrows, and without saying a word, he threw a powerful [Ice Cone] towards him: "Look at Biu!"

"Oh~" Mo Tan suddenly leaned back, hooked his legs in the air, and hung upside down on the rope like a bat, narrowly avoiding Yi Dong's Biu, and said with a smile: "Because of you' I thought, 'I know how to make a sneak attack, so I didn't make a sneak attack. It's common sense not to fight in the place chosen by the enemy and in the way chosen by the enemy~"

Yi Dong rolled his eyes: "Then what?"

"Then this street looks suspicious~"

Mo Tan was swinging head down on the clothesline while looking at the surrounding environment, and analyzed slowly: "The small area and dense buildings can be said to be quite beneficial to me, so you should be planning to Use the alley diagonally behind you that seems to be a dead end, right? For example, use that banshee to lift me in, then summon a skeleton to block the exit, and then use that... what is it called, oh yes, that one is called a ghost beast Will the poison mine skill blow me up to death?"

"Ah, it turns out that I have been discovered." Yi Dongxu laughed dryly, then raised the staff in his hand: "So you have made up your mind not to cooperate with me?"

A thick fog filled with the smell of decay rolled toward Mo Tan, and the [breath of death] filled the air on this seemingly dilapidated street.

"It depends on my mood~"

Mo Tan's legs exerted a little force, and he squatted back on the very good string, then jumped over the piece of [Dying Breath] in a standing long jump, and flew towards Idong in the air.

"Okay, be cruel!" Yi Dong turned his body and narrowly avoided a dense cluster of long needles, then summoned a frost nova on the spot to stop Mo Tan's momentum, and waved both hands at the same time: "Ghost" Beast poison thunder!”

The moment the tiger and wolf ghosts appeared, they caused two rounds of compound attribute damage to Mo Tan. As Yidong's strongest damage skill, their combat effectiveness is far beyond that of skeleton soldiers. Whether it is speed, strength or vitality, they are extremely high. Although there are many shortcomings such as short duration, high consumption, and long cooling time, the combined combat power of these two ghost beasts is incomparable to those of players of the same level as the caster. Inferior, under the premise of head-to-head confrontation, a thief whose level is lower than the general level will never gain half an advantage in front of them!

And Mo Tan seems to be very aware of this, or he has always been wary of this skill that directly took away his own head, so he reacted the moment the Yidong ghost beast took action, using [Speed] and [Ferocious Rush]. ] opened at the same time, as if being pulled by the dagger in his hand, he stepped on the coffin board of Mr. Newton Niu and drew a cold light behind him. Although this blow did not hit anything except the air, it was perfect. He led Mo Tan away from the explosion range of the two ghost beasts.

The next second, the screaming banshee appeared in front of Mo Tan as expected, and opened her mouth forcefully, but...


Mo Tan let out a chuckle of unknown meaning, and appeared behind the banshee in the blink of an eye. He lightly touched the opponent's translucent body with the dagger in his hand. The effect was very little, but he avoided it abruptly. After passing the sound waves roared by the screaming banshee, the whole person rushed directly into the [dying breath] that had not yet dissipated without hesitation, and disappeared quickly...

[Flashing Backstab]

School of Cunning active skills

Mastery requirements: Cunning School level 8, Double Blade Specialization level 3, 40 dexterity points

Cost/limit: 140 acumen

Effect: Instantly appears behind the designated target within 1.5 meters away from you, causing a moderate damage that is guaranteed to be a critical hit. The cooling time is 15 minutes.

[Note: Intuition will lead me to your anus... er, I mean behind. 】

As a result, Mo Tan successfully escaped from Yi Dong's sight. Not only was he not entangled or killed on the spot, but he also consumed the cooldown of the latter's two main skills.


Ito, who had used all his cards, naturally would not just wait for the two ghost beasts to be destroyed in vain, so he immediately gave them three orders: follow, protect, and attack any target indiscriminately, and then quickly asked Mo Chasing after Mo Tan where Tan disappeared, even if the two ghost beasts will automatically reduce their health by 2% every second, if he can find Mo Tan who has no acceleration skills within fifty seconds, it will still be too late!

Unfortunately, things went counterproductive...

A minute later, the anemic, blue, and alone Idong appeared on a long street. He leaned on a staff and panted in front of the door of a house, and his physical fitness level had almost disappeared.

Then, Mo Tan fell from the sky and smashed into the dark room.

"If you can't summon those two little darlings again in a short time~"

Mo Tan sneered, and the slender and sharp sleeve arrows popped out from the inside of the wrist guard with a clang: "It would be a big loss to be forced to fight with me in a small space~"

He whistled softly, then raised his legs and stepped forward...

【etc! 】

Mo Tan suddenly hesitated for about half a second, his eyes flickering slightly.

【Well, forget it, this is fine~】

In the end, he took one step forward.

Step into... [Gate of Hell]

Chapter 285: End

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