Quadruple split

Chapter 280 The first night on the Gudami Plain

at the same time

Located in the southern part of Sprout City, the Gudami Plain in the central area of ​​Misha County

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Please hurry up!"

[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma will soon enter the realm of innocence. I wish you a good night. 】

The familiar feeling of dizziness disappeared in an instant. When Mo Tan came back to his senses, his consciousness had successfully returned to the wooden cart and regained control of the 'Black Brahma'.

He slowly straightened up, refreshed in the cool evening breeze, and whispered softly: "Huh, it's much later than expected. This is..."

"The northern part of Gudaimi Plain, the location you told us before."

Yu Ying's clear voice sounded behind him, with a hint of teasing in his tone: "We arrived here more than half an hour earlier than originally planned, but as a result, you, the 'Commander', were able to relax comfortably. You have been sleeping until now. If it weren’t for the two holy ladies and this young lady who have been covering for you, hum..."

"I thought there was no one around. How high is your stealth level?" Mo Tan turned around and smiled bitterly at the beautiful young assassin (self-proclaimed) squatting on the edge of the car: "I have tried my best to coordinate. It’s time, don’t talk about work-study programs as so sinful.”

Yu Ying loosened the long red scarf at her collar and glanced at him with a strange expression: "You are so poor, how can you afford this game cabin?"

Mo Tan said seriously: "To be precise, I only became so poor after buying the game cabin."

The female assassin smacked her lips: "Tsk, poor devil."

Mo Tan raised his eyes and said, "How can you be better than me? Can we stop taking fifty steps and laugh at a hundred steps?"

Yuying coughed dryly and then whistled loudly.

"Okay, let's be serious. How did you cover up my offline coma?" Mo Tan thoughtfully changed the topic. He jumped off the wooden cart briskly and moved his aching body: "Now How's the progress...well, it looks pretty good."

He noticed the busy 'construction site' not far away in front of him, where a large number of paladins and low-level magicians gathered. They seemed to be building something. Everyone seemed busy, but in an orderly manner.

"We used the excuse 'Priest Hei Fan is communicating with the goddess' to let others understand why the core of this team sleeps for more than ten hours every day, although His Highness Xia Lian's original proposal was 'Hei Fan is not in good health. I have been physically weak all year round, but this idea was strongly discouraged by Yu Chen." Yu Ying expressed regretfully, then pointed to the crowd not far away and sighed: "All the mages who are involved in earth element magic They are all there. They are leveling the land according to the original plan and then manufacturing some simple blanks. The paladins who believe in the goddess of fertility are also helping. To be honest, this workload would have to be at least half smaller in reality. Yue, it’s so convenient to have magic.”

Mo Tan just shrugged: "It would be great if we could catch up. The progress is pretty good now. So, Xia Lian and Yu Chen are already in Sprout City now?"

"That's right, and they plan to leave for Glen City soon." Yuying nodded, spread her arms and carefully maintained her balance on the edge of the wooden cart behind Mo Tan: "Yuchen just sent me a friend message, saying It went very smoothly there, and theoretically it shouldn't take a whole night."

Mo Tan gave a bitter laugh, shook his head and said, "I think what Yu Chen said must not have gone smoothly. If I guessed correctly, the specific reason why the two of them don't need to stay in Sprout City for too long should be... over there There aren’t many civilians infected with the plague left, right?”

"You guys are really..."

Yu Ying was stunned for a moment, then scratched her hair in embarrassment: "Okay, you're right, that's it. There are actually not many people who need Yuchen's treatment, and the city lord over there is also very easy to talk to. , so the progress is faster than expected. The first batch of support materials for Sprout City are already being prepared and will arrive before noon tomorrow."

"Don't report good news or bad news from now on..."

Mo Tan complained in a low voice, then looked up at the sky and whispered: "Let everyone have a good rest tonight. I will take advantage of this time to sort out tomorrow's detachment, route and backup plan in advance. If I’m not online by then, I’ll trouble you.”

"You'd better be here." Yu Ying snorted and gracefully jumped from the outer edge of the wooden cart to Mo Tan. She turned around and said, "It's not very peaceful here. We encountered several waves of mutants in the afternoon. Although the attack is not large in scale, it is definitely not a good sign. Without your on-site dispatch, an accident may occur..."

Mo Tan (currently) thought so, but he couldn't explain his current situation to Yu Ying, so he had to explain with a wry smile: "Don't worry, these routes and search modes I arranged in advance are all based on safety." Mainly, I will only do some adventures if I can schedule them in real time. You just need to remember to calculate the proportion after discovering that a certain team encounters an enemy, and then send the closest companions to support them. Teams that can take care of each other There will be at least four."

Yuying raised her eyebrows: "You really trust me."

"The greater the contribution, the higher the degree of task completion." Mo Tan smiled and said leisurely: "The higher the degree of task completion, the greater the reward. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I really understand..."

Yuying answered without hesitation.

Mo Tan nodded, then stretched out and asked the former: "Where is my place?"

"Yu Chen has already packed up the big gold-pink tent on the left side of the temporary camp for you." Yu Ying raised her chin to her left and chuckled: "A few civilian volunteers who are good at carpentry have already packed it for you." I made a long table for you from local materials, and, um, there’s also a double bed.”

Mo Tan choked at that moment: "Double bed?!"

"That's right, His Highness Xia Lian insists that you and Yu Chen live together."

Yuying smiled teasingly, blinked and said, "I guess you two are already on each other's white list, right?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment: "What is a whitelist?"

"You don't know?" Yu Ying was also surprised, and then she told Mo Tan Science: "I also saw it on the forum, and you also know that the game Innocence Bound has harassment behavior towards the opposite sex. 'It's very strict. Sometimes some interactions that would not be taken seriously in reality will trigger system alarms. The whitelist is used to relax this scale a little bit. That is to say, when you add a person of the opposite sex to the whitelist, As long as the other party doesn't do anything too outrageous to you, the system won't care..."

Mo Tan blinked: "For example?"

"For example, touch your little hands, squeeze your little face, wipe your tears, give you a loving hug, etc."

Yuying shrugged, spread her hands and said: "I don't know more, because the post I saw was posted by a brother and sister player. Although the brother and sister have a deep love and a harmonious relationship, they have normal outlook on life. I have no plans to go to German Orthopedics, and naturally I haven’t done anything too outrageous, uh, by the way, you really don’t know?”

Mo Tan shook his head seriously: "I really don't know."

"Tch, it's not exciting at all." Yu Ying curled her lips, then waved her hand and said: "Okay, that's about it anyway. If you are interested in trying the whitelist limit with Yuchen in the future, remember to tell the result Ha~"

Mo Tan made a face at her, then turned around and walked towards the tent where he and Yu Chen were: "You think too much~"

"I'm really interested~"

Feather Warbler cackled behind him.

【What's so interesting about this kind of thing...】

Mo Tan didn't answer, but continued walking with some confusion.

[However, before players of the opposite sex held hands and hugged each other, they had to be registered on the whitelist...]

[Well, holding hands...hugging...and God knows what the upper limit is, um, not interested at all...]

【Not interested...? 】

Some pictures floated into Mo Tan's head, which gradually began to get distracted. The non-existent pictures passed quickly in front of his eyes, and the contents inside were full of provocative... For example, two figures clinging to each other, their hands Holding each other's hands, whispering something into each other's ears affectionately...

[I think I need to wake up. 】

Mo Tan shook his head vigorously, expelling the guy who was so happy that he was completely unlike himself from his mind, and then in the next second he considered whether he should send a message to Yu Chen, even though the latter should be very busy now, He also said in advance that he would start thinking about follow-up arrangements immediately after going online, but...

[It shouldn’t be a problem to just send a message to say hello, right? 】

Mo Tan hesitantly opened the friend panel.

[No, that's too stupid! 】

He closed it again.

[I just want to tell her that I am online, and by the way, ask about the situation in Sprout City. If the progress is fast, the follow-up plan may have to be changed. It is a very valid reason! 】

The friend panel was opened again.

[But Yuying has already told me that there is nothing that needs to be changed in the plan. Saying what I thought just now is just pretentious. I am not this material at all...]

It's closed again.

Mo Tan suddenly fell into a ridiculous and somewhat comical entanglement that he had never experienced before, completely unaware that no matter what he did, it was normal and he would not look stupid.

Fortunately, a tall figure blocked him, and used a very loud voice to dispel Mo Tan's retarded state: "You wake up, Hei Fan!"

"Uh, hello, Mr. Taylor, I'm sorry..." Mo Tan immediately greeted the other party awkwardly, although his embarrassment was completely inexplicable.

However, Taylor seemed to have completely misunderstood this embarrassment. He just shook his head and smiled generously: "I know you are feeling the grace of God. Her Highness the Saint has already said it."

"Ah? Um...yeah." Mo Tan's reaction nerves came back online. He quickly adjusted his expression and asked with a smile: "I'm about to go back to the tent to think about something. What can I do for you?"

Taylor's thick eyebrows frowned tightly. He nodded and said: "There was an unexpected accident. The two saints are not here, so I want to discuss it with you."

"Accident?" Mo Tan looked serious and asked quickly: "What accident?"

Taylor sighed deeply: "In fact, we were attacked this afternoon by some wandering mutants..."

"I already know about this." Mo Tan nodded and frowned: "Just tell the key points."

Taylor nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "A brave civilian man was injured. He sacrificed his life to protect his neighbor. Although he only suffered a scratch before the nearest knight arrived, but..."

"Infected, right?"

Mo Tan interrupted Taylor with a wry smile.

The latter nodded slightly and whispered: "And the situation has deteriorated very quickly. He is now completely in a coma, but the two holy ladies are not here, and others can't dispel the plague in his body. I I'm worried that if this continues, he may not be able to survive the next 'mutation' period, and I want to know if you have any ideas."

"I'm sorry, I don't have the ability to dispel the plague." Mo Tan shook his head slightly, but before Taylor started to feel sad, he whispered softly: "But I may have a way to help him, listen, now you go to him immediately Take it to my tent without attracting anyone’s attention, okay?”

The righteous Chinese-character face immediately replied loudly: "No problem!"

"Shh! I told you not to attract anyone's attention. Go and come back quickly."


"Hey, what the hell is this wavy line..."


"It's nothing, go ahead."



Mo Tan watched Taylor leave, then quickly opened the friends bar and found Yu Ying: 'Tell me where Luna's tent is? ’

‘Fuck! There is no whitelist for NPCs, you beast! ’

The other party responded instantly.

Mo Tan sent a second message with black lines on his head: 'Stop talking nonsense, I asked her to get up to save people. ’

‘To the west of your and Yuchen’s tent. ’

When Yuying saw that it was serious business, she immediately corrected her attitude, and then...

‘Can you tell me the front and back! Instead of the damn southeast, northwest! ’

A certain fourth-level road idiot said angrily that he could not find north at all, and of course he could not find west.

‘What the hell… okay, you are facing the door of your tent, and then turn your head to the right. That is the small dark purple tent. You should understand the reason why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, right? ’

'now it is night! ’ Mo Tan replied with a black line on his head, and then added with difficulty: “Of course I may not be able to find the right one during the day...”

Yuying simply ignored him.

All in all, after two minutes, Mo Tan successfully found Luna's tent, and there was light inside.

"Hey Luna, you awake?"

He asked in a low voice, but received no response.

Mo Tan raised his voice a little: "Luna, I am Hei Fan. I have something very important to ask you for help. Are you asleep?"

Still no reply.

So Mo Tan had no choice but to poke his head in to see if the girl was inside, but...

【! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

The next second, he retracted his head with a red face and yelled angrily...

"Get dressed for bed!!!!"

Chapter 277: End

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