Quadruple split

Chapter 265 Basaka

"Yes, this child is really called Basaka~"

Yu Chen stuck out his tongue at Mo Tan, who had turned pale, covered his mouth and chuckled, "I was shocked at first. I didn't expect Mo... Hei Fan's reaction to be so exaggerated!"

Xia Lian looked at the two of them with some confusion, and asked while pulling her two ears outward at the same time: "Is this name very strange? Or is it more strange in your 'hometown'?"

"Actually, it's just that the reactions of these two guys are too exaggerated." Yuying crossed her arms and said lightly from the side: "Twelve trials, heavy lolita control, Snow City, etc., occasionally there will be Although the setting of a sissy Frankenstein, an Amazon CEO, and a spinning black mad dog is indeed a joke, you two won't have such an exaggerated reaction, right?"

Mo Tan scratched his hair in embarrassment and said in unison with Yu Chen next to him: "I can't help myself."

Xia Lian still looked confused, her two long pointed ears had been pulled into a flat angle by her.

"So what's going on with Basaka?" Mo Tan changed the subject smoothly, looking back at the bugbear huddled in the corner, feeling a little confused: "Didn't you say that the team was attacked by bugbears? ?”

Yu Chen/Xia Lian: "Well, that's actually what happened..."

five minutes later

After the two people's explanation, Mo Tan finally understood the ins and outs.

To put it simply, it is a group (less than thirty) of completely immature bugbear cubs (or loli/shota?). Because they want to save the 'mother' who treats them well, they are led by two saints. (In total, they can defeat hundreds of bugbears), four hundred paladins (can crush hundreds of bugbears), a large number of low-level professionals (most of them can defeat four or five bugbears alone), and a larger number of civilians (several people A team composed of a bugbear (who can kill a bugbear if they work together) launched a suicide attack.

The result is naturally joyful... ahem, it's obvious.

Those young bugbears were beaten to the ground by Xia Lian at the first opportunity~

Excluding some inconsequential scene modifications and atmosphere enhancement, the whole process can be simplified as follows: Xia Lian gently rotated the cross, the number of baby bugbears - 1, Xia Lian gently wheeled the cross again, the number of baby bugbears - 2. Xia Lian used the cross for the third time, and all the baby bugbears were wiped out (she was scared to tears by the tragic situation of the two street boys in front).

So, this joyful...ahem, uneventful battle ended like this. After confirming that none of the attackers carried the plague, Archbishop Furman of the Justice Sect took action and cured the two seemingly The street kid was miserable but actually very slightly injured. Xia Lian, who was temporarily unable to use magic, tried her best to communicate with the little guys. However, due to the poor mental state of the little guys (they thought that Ful Bishop Man wants to eat people), it took the Elf Saint nearly an hour to figure out what was going on.

"We encountered mutants two weeks ago. Did all the adult bugbears in the tribe die in battle..."

Mo Tan sighed deeply, then turned to look at the bugbear kid who had been huddled in the corner from just now... to... the bugbear child: "And the reason for their previous attack, Just to find medicine that can cure the disease for that 'mother', or to tie a doctor back if possible?"

I really can’t blame Mo Tan for not recognizing Basaka’s gender. It’s really difficult to tell the difference between the male and female bugbears. They all have dark faces full of marble texture, and their bodies are covered with black hair. Not to mention A mature bugbear must be at least 1.9 meters tall when he grows up. Even the 'cub' in front of him is half a head taller than Mo Tan himself, and I heard from Yuchen that Basaka's height is still relatively small among his companions. A bit stunted...

[It is impossible to imagine that bugbears come from the same source as the 'goblins' I know! 】

"The 'mother' they are talking about is an adventurer. To be precise, she should be an orc woman with at least the strength of a great swordsman." Xia Lian nodded and said with a wry smile: "When she got there, the battle was basically over. It was over. The mutants were preparing to attack Basaka and the children. Karaz, the little orc girl, rescued them. However, her original condition seemed not to be very good, and in addition to protecting the children, Karaz She suffered some injuries at that time, so she was infected by the plague... Of course, if she was in good condition, or even if she could eat a full meal, Karaz's strength would be enough to easily dispel the plague, but... …”

"But she spent the rest of her life protecting those children."

Yuchen took over Xia Lian's words, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and said with great admiration: "I also gave all the food I found to those children. I didn't eat any food or salt for several days in a row. As a result, I finally got it yesterday." Fell ill at night.”

Mo Tan clenched his fists lightly: "If I could have expanded the search scope a little more..."

"Innocent." Yuying rolled her huge eyes and said without raising her head while quickly disassembling the short crossbow in her hand to improve her skill proficiency: "No matter how much the search range is expanded, there will still be people who cannot be saved. We have already You've worked hard enough, can you stop feeling so sorry for yourself?"

Mo Tan just shrugged, then turned to look at Xia Lian: "I probably know, so those children and their 'mother' should be fine now, right?"

The latter grinned: "Well, it's okay. Wangyu has completely driven away the plague from the great swordsman's body. I asked the two paladins to stay there to take care of her. I will take the little girl with me when she gets better. Come here."

At this moment, a somewhat deep voice sounded from the corner.

"Mother...stayed first...and then came here? When...when?"

The three of them looked back and saw the bugbear named Basaka staring nervously at Xia Lian.

"Don't worry, it won't take long." Xia Lian replied seriously, and then showed a hearty smile that almost stretched from the corners of her mouth to the roots of her ears: "Your 'mother' is very powerful, and those two little ones who are accompanying her behind are My sister is also very powerful, so don’t worry.”

Basaka reacted for a moment, then nodded slowly and fell silent again.

"That kid is outstanding. He is obviously the thinnest one, but he was one of the first ones when he attacked us." Seeing that Mo Tan seemed a little curious about Basaka, Yu Chen immediately explained with a smile. Said: "It is also his credit that we are able to understand the ins and outs of the whole thing. Basaka is the only one among those children who can speak Common Language. Although he does not speak very well, he can at least achieve the most basic communication. He was caught From now on, he will be the only one who chooses to negotiate with us~"

Xia Lian nodded and echoed from the side: "I just like this guy's stupidity, but don't think he is stupid. He just hasn't received a good education~"

"His common language is actually quite good." Mo Tan's expression was very serious, and then it became strangely sad: "It's really good. I've seen people who are even more hopeless..."

"Well, that's probably what happened anyway. The time wasted along the way was mainly because of this matter." Xia Lian made a face at Mo Tan, and then asked with a playful smile: "I didn't follow your instructions and drive at full speed without any distractions. you do not mind?"

Mo Tan laughed dumbly: "Of course I don't mind, it's the right thing to do."

"Hehe, let me tell you, Mo Tan will definitely understand!" Yu Chen hugged Xia Lian, then turned around and winked at Mo Tan: "Sister Saint, I still think you will punish her for her temporary decision. ~"

Mo Tan was stunned at the time. He looked at Xia Lian with a horrified look on his face: "I'm going to punish you. You are obviously the boss, and I can't beat you!"

In the end, Xia Lian shook her head seriously: "No, no, no, didn't I say it before? Now everyone is listening to your command, and whatever you say will be done. Even if you really plan to punish me for this little thing, it doesn't matter." , I will bear you a grudge at most."

Mo Tan laughed dryly: "How do you think I can punish you?"

"Well, for example..."

Xia Lian thought about it for half a second, and then said hesitantly: "Tie me to a chair, and then splash me with water, whip me with a whip, bite my boots, and so on?"


Mo Tan was shocked. He glared at Xia Lian with his mouth twitching, and roared in an almost collapsed tone: "Are those things you mentioned punishment!? Where did you see military law from!? Body How dark is your heart for a saint!? And what happened to biting the boot at the end? Do you think I am a pervert? Am I that much like a pervert!?"

"Well, I read it from a copy of "The Bard of Darkness" that I found at the second-hand book market." Xia Lian pulled her ears and laughed twice, then changed the subject in a flash: "Speaking of Basaka In addition to being smart and good at talking, he also has a special characteristic, guess what it is?"

Mo Tan snorted angrily: "Can you resurrect twelve times with full BUFF?"

"What does Manba Ax mean?" Xia Lian blinked, and then shook her head vigorously: "Anyway, it has nothing to do with what you said. Well, I'll let him show it, what, Basaka, before you try me again The one I taught you, if you light it up, it will be delicious~"

She looked at Basaka encouragingly.


Bugbear Shota (Mo Tan really didn't want to imagine that Basaka and the innocent and lovely Wenqiu in front of him were classified into the same species as 'loli') repeated in a daze, and then quickly closed his eyes and stretched out his arms. Show a hairy finger.

【What lights up? 】

A friend message flashed across.

Mo Tan was still in a state of confusion at this time, so his reaction was a little slow.

So he was 'blinded' by the sudden burst of light in front of him in the next second.

Apart from him, Yuchen, Xia Lian and Yu Ying had already closed their eyes the moment Basaka stretched out his finger.

It was only then that Mo Tan opened Yuchen's two friend messages belatedly. The first one read, 'Close your eyes! ’; the content of the second article is ‘Yu Ying and I have determined that Basaka is definitely not a player~’

After twenty seconds, the ‘blinding’ effect will be lifted.

Mo Tan rubbed his sore eyes in disbelief, and then looked at Xia Lian with an even more disbelieving expression: "Don't tell me that just now..."

"It's the real [Light Condensing Technique]~"

Xia Lian chuckled, then walked to Basaka, took out two small dried taro sticks that can restore magic value from her pocket and handed them to him. She turned back and shook her finger at Mo Tan: "It seems better than yours." Light Technique] is even brighter!"

Mo Tan: "..."

At this time, he has gone from a state of confusion to a state of stupidity. The reason is that his magical level is not as good as that of an underage bugbear. Well, bugbear...

He had specifically checked the information before in the state of 'chaotic neutrality' (accumulating materials that can effectively cause a psychological shadow on friend A). Although the bugbear race has certain intelligence and sociality, it has even produced epics in history. Super heroes and masters of herbalism, but there has never been a being in their species who can deal with magic and divine arts. Compared with the ogre race that is also brutal and powerful but often has masters of elements, bugbears have been around for thousands of years. The output of the casters who come here is always 0. To put it bluntly, it is very rare for a character among them to have an intelligence above the standard line.

So Mo Tan suffered a huge blow. He found that his level of divine magic was crushed by a bugbear NPC that was almost impossible to perceive elements, understand beliefs, and accumulate magic power!

"Tsk tsk, actually you don't have to be too sad. Although Basaka can feel the power of the goddess, he can also release some low-level magic, and the effect seems to be stronger than your low-level magic..."

Xia Lian looked at Mo Tan with a half-smile, and paused for a while before continuing: "But due to racial restrictions, his upper limit of magic power is very low, and his room for growth is not very high, so you can still surpass him as long as you work hard. 's~"

Mo Tan's face was expressionless: "...Oh."

Yuchen was already laughing so hard behind him that he couldn't stand upright.

Yu Ying looked indifferent, but she sent a friend message saying 'Ha~ha~ha~'.

"That's right, Hei Fan, do you want to compare your intelligence with him?" Xia Lian suddenly asked with great interest.

Mo Tan's head is full of black lines.

Although he didn't mean to look down on Basaka, Mo Tan felt that there was really no need to compare this thing, even if the opponent's light condensation technique was better than his!

"Well, I know you are smarter than him~" Xia Lian clapped her hands vigorously, and then smiled at Mo Tan: "You two ask each other a question. If Basaka fails to answer, he will give you a silver coin. If you fail to answer, If so, give Basaka two silver coins!"

Mo Tan continued to have black lines on his head: "I'm not interested at all..."

"What...lives in...water...can breathe fire...has two hundred...legs...and dies...as soon as it lands...?"

As a result, Basaka had already started asking questions!

Mo Tan gave Xia Lian a weak look: "Did you teach me that?"

The latter shook his head quickly.

Mo Tan sighed, took out two silver coins and put them in Basaka's hand.

Xia Lian smiled and said from the side: "It's your turn to ask."

Mo Tan shook his head, intending to ask Basaka a common sense question and end the game, but before that...

"What's the answer to that question you just asked?"

He was really interested in that thing that could breathe fire in the water and have more than two hundred legs that would die as soon as it landed.


"I don't know either."

Basaka shook his head, and then gave Mo Tan a silver coin.

"Meow meow meow??"

Chapter 262: End

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