Quadruple split

Chapter 261 The legacy of the little man

"Please calm down, Ms. Futaba." Marshall sighed, with a wry smile on his lips: "I would like to apologize to you again for my previous gaffe, but I also hope that you will not be misled by those illusions full of malice and darkness. Blindfold your eyes and analyze this incident with us rationally.”

Futaba chuckled softly: "I have always been very sensible. When I said you farted just now, it was just out of emotion. Well, it was not malicious at all, so you can continue to talk nonsense."

"Thank you so much." Buffy Marshall gave an elegant gentleman's salute, then picked up the parchment, looked around at everyone present, and said in a deep voice: "First of all, I want to apologize for the disrespectful person before. I simply defended myself, because before I listened to Miss Futaba’s final explanation, those accusations were not the least bit convincing in my eyes, so no matter whether it is the current Grand Duke who inherited the surname Marshall Well, as an ordinary person who abides by his conscience but is slandered as a slave trader, I find it difficult to accept every word of Miss Futaba, which is why I made that gaffe. I hope everyone...especially His Majesty the Emperor Haihan..."

Clairvaux shook his head slightly: "If this was just an honest mistake, Buffy, I remember that I had already forgiven you just now."

"But if what little girl Futaba said is true." Grand Duke Baroka stared into the eyes of Grand Duke Marshall, his whole body was like an unsheathed sword: "Then no matter how glorious the surname is, it must be paid for. Pay the price for this heinous act!"

The latter nodded seriously: "Of course, I very much agree with your point of view, Vernon, I have noticed something. Maybe my next guesses and inferences are still not enough to prove my innocence, but things will eventually come to light one day. …”

"I can't wait for it to come to light as soon as possible." Futaba knocked on the table impatiently and hummed: "So please defend yourself quickly. I believe there is at least one smart person in this room who will not be deceived. .”

Archduke Marshall nodded: "No problem, Miss Futaba, my point of view is very simple, that is, there is something wrong with Benneklaw. The reason why he was willing to be hired by me now seems not to be for money, at least not for money. That little money.”

Everyone else exchanged glances with each other. Everyone was not a fool. The subtext of Buffy Marshall's words just now was already very clear...

"Oh?" Futaba raised her eyebrows with interest, and said leisurely while fiddling with a few strands of hair hanging from her shoulders: "You mean Beneclaw did a lot of things under your nose. Bad things, and those have nothing to do with you, right?"

Marshall smiled self-deprecatingly: "Such hindsight is really hard to say, and it also proves my previous stupidity, but that's what I meant."

Archduke Simon frowned: "You need to provide evidence, Buffy."

"As I just said, Beneclaw broke away from the Marshall family two months ago, and it was already after that when Miss Futaba's team was attacked." Marshall shrugged at Archduke Simon. He said slowly: "Many people can provide evidence for this. I had a small dispute with Ban Nei before he left. Later, when the autonomous army searched for victims at the border, no one saw him, so Obviously, the squad at that time acted alone and had nothing to do with the Marshall family."

Futaba glanced at him lazily: "So you mean, what happened to Fenrir Team has nothing to do with you?"

"No, I feel that I have to bear a certain amount of responsibility." Marshall shook his head sadly and sighed: "You were soldiers under my command, and Beneclaw has followed me for many years, so..."

"You don't need to say anything, I'm already bored."

Futaba stood up and looked at the Archduke Marshall coldly: "Disconnect the relationship between yourself and Beneclaw, then put all the responsibility on the latter, and then put yourself in the position of the 'victim', I don't deny the authenticity of the slave trade, but I also won't admit that it has anything to do with me. I change my identity from 'mastermind' to 'bewitched' or 'deceived', and make up a story that doesn't exist. A huge conspiracy, constantly muddying the waters in the process, and even selling some collaborators and doglegs to make up for its previous small 'mistakes', and finally directing and acting on its own to put an end to the people running around the Violet Empire The "Mysterious Slave Catching Group", with everyone's cooperation and efforts, uncovered the so-called conspiracy. After killing some high-level scapegoats, you will still be your Grand Duke of Marshall. The slave catching group that suffered a little loss will still be a slave catching group, but from now on. You just have to be more cautious with your actions, ah~ It’s such a perfect ending, I’m very impressed with you.”

The girl spoke very quickly without giving anyone a chance to interrupt. After she finished the last word, no one stood up to refute or question the above content.

"Well, it's understandable that you would think so." Archduke Marshall's expression froze for a moment, and then he laughed awkwardly: "But I must..."

"You have to clarify yourself, yes, you will do it regardless of emotion or reason." Futaba waved his hands with some boredom, and said in a deep voice at a much higher volume than Marshall: "But I am already bored, That’s why I’ve finished the rest of the nonsense for you. Now, let’s skip the boring wrangling process, save some words, and go straight to the topic.”

Grand Duke Dantès, who had been silent for a long time, shook his head: "Ms. Futaba, you are only a participant in this meeting, not the host. Please don't be so arbitrary."

"That's right." Archduke Simon nodded in agreement: "We should listen to what Buffy has to say."

Grand Duke Hussein sneered twice: "Don't be carried away by anger. In my opinion, Buffy is much calmer than you now."

Even Grand Duke Baroka and Grand Duke Crystal Wolf nodded.

"Thank you all." The calm smile returned to the Grand Duke Marshall's face again, and he smiled: "Then now I will..."

[In this case, there is not much room left for him. As long as he simply eliminates it...]

"If you are going to suggest that everyone go look at the evidence after saying a bunch of nonsense." Futaba interrupted him again and raised his eyebrows: "I have no objection. The information left by Captain Ned is kept in the red We can leave at any time."

Marshall looked at Futaba in astonishment. After a few seconds, he coughed slightly and spread his hands and said: "You are right, I did plan this. Through the information you provided, Ms. Futaba, I recalled I learned some things that I had ignored before, so I decided to... Haha, I originally thought you wouldn't agree."

Grand Duke Hussein was stunned for a moment: "Buffy?"

The Archduke of Marshall shrugged: "That's what I thought."

"I agree." Futaba nodded briskly and smiled at everyone: "What do you think?"

Archduke Simon folded the parchment in front of him and put it into his pocket: "I think since Buffy and Ms. Futaba both think there is no problem, then the sooner we see the evidence, the better."

The other lords also nodded.

"So, what do you think, Your Majesty?" Futaba turned his head and glanced at Clairvaux, who was thoughtful, and asked with a smile: "Is it okay?"

The latter stood up and said slowly: "That's it, let's leave for the Red Garden now. Is everyone okay?"

The Grand Duke of Marshall smiled broadly: "I'm very happy. I think there will be many..."

"Your Majesty." Futaba suddenly bowed to Emperor Clairvaux and said softly: "For the sake of safety, I have a small additional request."

Clairvaux glanced at her lightly: "Go ahead."

"I hope there won't be any interference from anyone on the journey from here to the Red Garden." Futaba adjusted the collar of her robe and said with a smile, "So can you ask your guards to escort us? As for The entourage of the Grand Dukes can return to their temporary residence in the Imperial Capital and wait for a while."

Archduke Fernand looked up at Futaba in surprise: "You mean to prevent us from contacting our guards?"

"This is only temporary." Futaba shrugged, wagging his index finger and said: "I said, it's just to be on the safe side. Didn't we just see the strength of the Royal Guard? This does not affect everyone's safety. "

Grand Duke Baroka laughed: "I have no objection."

Grand Duke Crystal Wolf also nodded after hesitating for half a second: "It's acceptable."

"Well, Ms. Futaba's words are not unreasonable." Emperor Clairvaux clapped his hands gently, and then whispered into the air in front of him: "Let the entourage of the Grand Dukes waiting outside the Purple Jiu Hall return first. Their station said we have something important to discuss."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

A hoarse voice sounded at the entrance, and a mirror-faced man in a purple robe suddenly appeared in front of everyone. After bowing to Clairvaux, he turned and left.

[It doesn’t show anything strange. I don’t know if it’s too idealistic or if there is a communication method that I don’t know about, but it doesn’t matter. I will slowly push you to a dead end...]

Futaba looked at Buffy Marshall who was chatting casually with Grand Duke Dantès not far away, covered her small mouth and laughed softly, her eyes hidden behind the reflection of the mirror were full of malice and confusion.

a moment later

"All your lords' followers have left, Your Majesty."

The man in purple wearing a mirror mask reappeared at the entrance of the Purple Nine Hall, and respectfully said to Emperor Clairvaux: "The third and seventh teams of the Violet Mirror Guard are waiting outside."

"Thank you for your hard work." Emperor Clairvaux nodded slightly, then took the lead and walked out: "Let's go."

Futaba immediately trotted behind Clairvaux, and next to him was the Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf who came over at some point. The latter whispered in Futaba's ear with a whisper-like volume: "Are you really sure, Futaba?" Sister, is the Grand Duke of Marshall really..."

"Seeing is believing, Sister Emmeline." Futaba smiled easily, glanced at Buffy Marshall who was walking behind with the two Grand Dukes Simon and Fernand, and whistled slightly: "I I sincerely hope that he can still smile so happily when he leaves the Red Garden, if he can get out~"

The nine people walked out of the long corridor. Two rows of identically dressed royal guards were waiting outside. Including the old man who came with Emmeline, all the people who came with their lords Has disappeared.

Futaba nodded with satisfaction, then left the Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf, walked to Buffy Marshall, and winked at the ugly-faced Grand Duke in front of him: "Can I walk next to you?"


twenty minutes later

Salamoon, Red Court

The internal affairs manager of the Fire Claw Territory, Lewen, a half-orc from the Fox Tribe, came out with a smile on his face. There was no look of surprise on his face. He greeted everyone in front of him with a completely faultless aristocratic etiquette, and he greeted everyone in front of him very warmly. Said: "You adults are here to see the evidence, right? We have already prepared it~ Come on, come on, the file left by Mr. Ned is inside. Well, His Majesty's guards can rest in the front yard. Do you want to come? Would you like some tea, fruit plate or something?”

"Just keep the Mirror Guards outside the Crimson Courtyard. They should have come here after dinner." Emperor Clairvaux shook his head and looked at the fox man in front of him with some amusement: "Long time no see, Director Lewin, Did you know we were coming?"

Levine bowed deeply to Clairvaux: "Yes, Your Majesty, Miss Futaba said that if Grand Duke Buffy Marshall does not confess directly, then you will definitely come over."

"Is it……"

Clairvaux nodded noncommittally and said softly: "Then lead the way."

So everyone followed Lewen to a hut in the deepest part of the Red Garden, where dozens of Fire Claw warriors were stationed there, armed to the teeth.

"I'm waiting for you all outside. If you need anything, you can call me at any time." Levin stopped in front of the house, turned around and smiled at everyone. His eyes paused slightly when he glanced at the Grand Duke of Marshall: "Fire Claw I have waited too long for this day.”

The latter smiled unnaturally: "The truth will eventually come to light..."

"Then stop talking nonsense." Futaba stepped forward first and pushed the door open: "Everyone, please come."

The furnishings of the cabin are very simple. There is only a rather large wooden table with a stack of parchment scrolls that look obviously old. There are nine chairs around it. As Bro said, Futaba had long expected that everyone would leave like this today.

"These are all the legacies left by Captain Ned." Futaba walked to the wooden table, turned around and smiled at everyone: "He is a little man, a real little man, a little man struggling desperately in front of the big man. , even a little person who died in a particularly tacky way also caused three little people like him to lose their lives..."

She raised her eyebrows and snapped her fingers slightly.

A few invisible breezes blew by, unfolding the rolls of extremely cheap records on the table...

"And I just want this inheritance that belongs to Ned and Fenrir to be somewhat useful, such as destroying a high-ranking Grand Duke or something, that's all~"

The girl's eyes, which showed no emotion at all and were full of chaos, stared at Buffy Marshall.

"It has nothing to do with law, conscience, or morality, just because I will be happier if I do this."

Chapter 258: End

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