Quadruple split

Chapter 249 Endgame

Mo Tan, who has a 'lawful good' personality, rarely shows too many characteristics in real life. In most cases, he is like a good and harmless gentleman. Although he has correct views, a firm will, and abiding by He has many virtues such as faith, respecting the elderly and caring for the young, but it is difficult for these qualities to be fully reflected in daily life. Perhaps he has indeed fought against many evil forces, large or small, behind the scenes, but City B is not Brother X after all. In the city, there are not so many super criminals who can be consumed by heroes. Mo Tan is not Batman X. Although he does attach great importance to physical exercise, he is not proficient in all schools of fighting skills around the world, let alone those powerful ones. , fashionable, expensive, expensive and expensive equipment, therefore, Mo Tan, who has a typical character but no typical environment (and net worth), in most cases rarely reveals other characteristics other than his upright character...

But it's different in the realm of innocence.

This game allows Mo Tan, who has been under conflict and self-control most of the time, to let go of his various egos (in different periods of time), and also explore various qualities that he may not necessarily awaken in reality throughout his life, such as being in 'absolute neutrality' His incredible overall view and ability to command and dispatch...

This is not surprising. In his current state, Mo Tan often feels narcissistically that the 'Black Brahma' can already achieve that level. His affinity can resonate with most people, no matter what personality he is in. The knowledge and wisdom shared by all, as well as the unique tolerance of being able to objectively understand and face any situation, are difficult for 'Mo' and 'Tan Mo' to achieve, so they have an 'absolutely neutral' personality for themselves. The results achieved during this period did not surprise Mo Tan at all. 'Hei Fan' is indeed the most ordinary and average personality among several personalities, but averageness never means mediocrity.

Of course, it is not only the one-third of personalities that have changed...or made breakthroughs in this world, the same goes for 'chaotic neutrality' and 'lawful good'.

As 'Tan Mo', he can finally pursue pleasure unscrupulously. He doesn't have to worry about when he will change his mind or that he will destroy everything he carefully arranged in the last second. He can go as he pleases. Do whatever you want to do, and have no worries about arranging, calculating, destroying, or disrupting anyone or anything you target. Although uncontrollable disconnections will still cause some trouble, they are at least more frequent than in reality. The numerous "I blame myself", "I deny myself", "I scold myself" dramas such as giving up halfway and returning after getting lost were too much, not to mention he had a [premonition] how many seconds this could last. talent.

As for Mo Tan, who is under the 'Lawful Good' personality at this moment...

To be honest, he was given the name [Light of the Apocalypse] not long after he entered the game, and was brought to Tianzhu Mountain. He didn't have many opportunities to explore his talents... other than fighting.

In other words, he found that he was very good at fighting!

Mo Tan was sincerely grateful for this.

He saw the Nuanyang Team who fell victim to cultists in Pato City, he witnessed the natural plague in Misha County that was most likely man-made, and he learned about a certain city in the Southwest Continent from Cordoba. The sad news of being massacred, he knew exactly what kind of world this was...

This is a much purer place than the real world.

Strength is the only capital for doing evil and doing good.

'Mo' standing here knows exactly what he wants to do, so he needs strength.

This is not the only way to practice one's beliefs, but for Mo Tan now, it is the simplest and most convenient way.

And it turns out that for the 'lawful good' Mo, this is indeed a shortcut!

【left! 】

Mo Tan turned his body slightly and lifted the heavy giant sword to his shoulder, blocking the attack angle of Chicken No. 1. The latter's two rows of sharp teeth drew a string of sparks on the sword, but there was no trace of it. The sword wielder is not harmed at all.

[Are the eyes next? No, that is a fake action, its purpose is...]

Mo Tan landed on his feet and spun around in a small circle using inertia, exposing his back to Chicken No. 1. However, the opponent's wing chop that seemed to hit the back of his head actually hit Mo Tan's back. On the buckler, at first glance it seemed that Chicken No. 1 was showing mercy, but in fact it just couldn't change its attack path again in such a short period of time!

A dragon tail covered with light purple scales roared towards Chicken No. 1. Mo Tan had become accustomed to this extra part that appeared out of thin air in the game. Several arc-shaped lightnings brought out a series of explosions in mid-air, which flowed in his blood. The power of thunder dispersed the polygonal light curtain formed by the opponent in desperation, and then slammed it to the ground.

【Thunder Scale】

Active talent (can grow)

Activation: Gives the scales on your body a thunder surge effect, gaining 50% lightning resistance in the next ten seconds. Any unit that touches your scales will suffer lightning damage every second until the unit stops fighting. Scale contact; when [Thunder Scale] is activated, the damage you cause has a high chance of triggering the [Paralysis] effect, which can be stacked and has a cooldown of 120 minutes.

[Note: Hey, friend, grab a stick of Yellow Mouse brand chewing gum~]

This was a talent that Mo Tan realized when he was watching Lu Jiang and Ya Ya learn dragon language magic. Today was the first time he used it in actual combat, and the effect was outstanding.

Chicken No. 1, which had been hit hard by the dragon's tail, had indeed entered a state of paralysis. It collapsed on the ground in a state of embarrassment, its wings fluttering twice, but it did not fly.

What Mo Tan wanted was this opportunity. He threw out the heavy two-handed sword without looking back, then jumped up from the self-destructing sheep, holding tightly the long sword that also had the power of thunder and lightning. The sword folds and cuts down!

puff! !

Chicken No. 1, which barely avoided the fire of the heavy sword, was unable to dodge in the end, and was slashed in the chest by the sword. It let out an angry roar, but was killed by Mo Tan before the force field-like light curtain could be condensed. A collision hit him in the air, and then...

The long sword was violently thrust upside down on the ground. Mo Tan leaned over and picked up the two-handed sword he had just thrown. He stepped on the handle of the [Static Electric Sword] and jumped up. After spinning around in mid-air, he used inertia to Kill the chicken No. 1 with a bang!

Even a normal attack can burst out with skill-like damage if used properly. If this sword is effective, Chicken No. 1, who is temporarily unable to cast a polygonal light screen, will inevitably be defeated!

[Your teammate has been eliminated]

The system prompt sounded suddenly in his ears. At the same time, Mo Tan suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis. He gave up the offensive almost without thinking, and used all his strength to kill the sword light that was originally slashing out. Twisted behind him.

Boom! !


Chicken No. 0, which sneaked up from a distance, was smashed back, and a ferocious blood mark appeared above the left wing, but it just said "oh" lightly, and then quickly rushed to Chicken No. 1, carefully knocking the latter away. Protected.

A roaring sound sounded behind Mo Tan, who had just landed. He tilted his head subconsciously. From the corner of his eye, he saw Chicken No. 4 flying sideways, and two sharp feathers streaked across his face. It must have been Ji Xiao. The pigeon used tea eggs to interrupt the long-range chicken's sneak attack on itself.

【If you say so...】

Mo Tan inserted the one-handed sword on the ground back into his waist and looked back at the place where Jadeka was. Sure enough, there was no one there, only large scorched black marks and dozens of blood-stained feathers were left.

"It's really too difficult for him to fight against two."

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shook his head, then quickly mounted the self-destructing sheep that had just run to him, and rushed towards the No. 4 chicken that had just caught a tea egg with his face. The latter should be fighting The chicken team is currently in the worst shape. If he can defeat the long-range chicken while chicken number zero is covering chicken number one, so that the numbers of the two sides are even again, there may be a fight to come!

A thin scream sounded from not far away. Mo Tan could tell that it was Lu Jiang's voice. He guessed it correctly...

[Your teammate has been eliminated]

The system prompt sounded again, and Mo Tan sighed. He knew that their first promotion challenge was destined to fail. In a three-on-five situation, it was impossible for him and Yaya to cover themselves and there were almost no means of defense. Ji Xiaoge, and if the latter's endless heavy fire cover is lost (correctly), this battle can basically be declared over directly.

Of course, he had no intention of giving up the game, not to mention that the battle process would account for a considerable part of the settlement of the arena missions. Even without this, it would be great to accumulate more experience, so Mo Tan continued without any distractions. Charging, he activated the thorn charge and falcon strike that had already cooled down. The man-goat united and killed them with an indomitable momentum, and then...

He was knocked off his mount by Yaya flying in the air.

"I can't afford to bark. I really can't bark anymore..."

Fang Ya, who was covered in injuries, lay on Mo Tan's chest, stretched out her little tongue and licked his cheek affectionately, and then fell to the side. Although she was not endangered enough to be eliminated immediately, she had obviously lost most of her combat effectiveness. .

Mo Tan, whose physical fitness level was extremely close to zero, sat up with difficulty, then picked up Yaya and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the row of feathers thrown out by Chicken No. 4.

Thug, tug, tug, tug, tug! ! !

A series of explosions exploded from behind the two of them. Mo Tan looked back and saw Ji Xiaoge holding her [High Voltage Valkyrie GAU-0.8] and shooting hard at Chicken No. 4. Countless snow-white The ammunition was like a strip of light, sweeping away the long-range chicken that had just been interested in sneak attacks, making it jump up and down and drop feathers all over the place.

“It’s so annoying!!!”

The girl's crisp screams echoed in the arena. The wings behind her were covered with large areas of charred black. Her dazzling black hair was flying fiercely in the turbulent airflow. Ji Xiaoge stepped towards Mo Tan and Ya Ya step by step. As he walked here, his slender right arm tightly held the violent engineering creation, like a Valkyrie galloping on the battlefield.

Thug, tug, tug, tug—thud! !

When the last round of 'ammunition' was empty, the No. 4 chicken that kept rolling in the air finally turned into a white light and disappeared into the field, and the Catlin also slipped from Ji Xiaoge's hand. It hit the ground with a thud. It was obvious that even if the 'ammunition' was not used up, she did not have enough physical strength to hold that thing anymore.

"Hold Ya Ya and stay away. I can still kill one!" Ji Xiaoge raised his still trembling right arm and waved at Mo Tan, then struggled to pull out an iron bucket from his luggage. , with a smile as bright as a flower: "The rest is up to you~ Don't feel pressured, just hit whatever you want, uh, remember to cover Yaya's ears, my new skills may be a bit loud~"

[You have already sacrificed that thing. This is also called a casual beating! ? 】

Mo Tan had already guessed what Ji Xiaoge was going to do the moment he saw the bucket, but he knew very well that 'Mo' was not the one to celebrate the Spring Festival with him, so he couldn't say anything and just nodded vigorously. , and then he rushed like crazy while carrying Ya Ya.

A bright red fire followed closely, and a little further back, Chicken No. 3, who had seen the real hell in advance thanks to Ji Xiaoge, was smiling ferociously (fuck~~fuck~~~) toward The girl who was paralyzed on the ground rushed over. It wanted revenge, it wanted to avenge its shame, it wanted to make this chef with extremely bad skills feel the same as itself...well, at least half of what she felt at that time...well, Even a tenth of it would be fine...well, just one percent of the pain! ! !

It wants revenge!

"Cover your teeth and ears!" Ji Xiaoge yelled at Mo Tan, then opened the lid of the bucket next to him, took out a [broken tea egg for people], and spat on Chicken No. 3. Sticking out his tongue: "Good fight, sorry~"

The next second, the tea egg returned to the bucket. To be precise, it was smashed back hard...


[Your teammate has been eliminated]

An indescribable impact came from behind Mo Tan, even faster than the system prompt tone. He only had time to cover Yaya's ears, and then he and the dog girl were slapped against the wall. Also receiving such treatment were Chicken No. 2 who was chasing after the two, Chicken No. 1 who was recovering, and Chicken No. 0 who was guarding the former.

As for Chicken No. 3…

It must have been blown up into the sky. Sorry.

"Uh, cough... cough cough cough!"

Mo Tan climbed up awkwardly, holding on to the wall. Most of his original health had been blown down to less than 20%. This was due to the blessing of the [Steel Spirit] talent when his health dropped below 30%. As a result, you must know that his physical strength is almost gone, and the increased defense power with the blessing of talent is definitely not a small number, but he was still almost killed directly, which shows how terrifying Ji Xiaoge's 'new skills' are.

As for Yaya...

She had been protected by Mo Tan in his arms, but she was not hurt much, but her mood was a little unstable...

"Hiss! It's so noisy, so shocking, so painful! Did Sister Pigeon blow herself up just now?! Ahhh, go to hell, go to hell! All the damn pheasants must die! Poultry must have the consciousness of poultry. asshole!!!"

Well, it's quite unstable!

Chapter 246: End

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