Quadruple split

Chapter 245 Feat

Yu Chen poked out half of his face from behind Mo Tan's shoulder, looked timidly at the saintly sister in front of him who was smiling but not smiling, and whispered: "I don't..."

"I did it." Mo Tan gently raised his head and pushed Yu Chen's little face back, and said to Xia Lian very calmly: "I have been tampering with Mr. Taylor's arrangements during this period, and I still completely ignored him. Without knowing it, many 'heralds' were arranged to sneak into the team. Starting from the past two days, some civilians who volunteered to participate in the search and rescue team were even incorporated into the team. In fact, there were also some plague carriers who were less infected. .”

Taylor's face, which was already gloomy and almost dripping with water, suddenly turned livid: "How dare you..."

"I'm not asking you to hold back your words."

Xia Lian casually put the cross on Taylor's shoulder. The latter's complexion suddenly turned from green to white, and gradually began to turn purple. Apparently, he didn't have the energy to say another word, and his calves were all Shivering...

"Hei Fan, you can continue." The elf saint smiled playfully and narrowed her eyes slightly: "I am very curious about how those infected civilians are willing to participate, and what are the reasons?"

"It's not a glorious method." Mo Tan shook his head and explained calmly: "The reason is very simple. We don't have enough manpower. On the premise of leaving enough strength to defend the city and arranging rotation and rest, we can set off at the same time each time There are less than sixty paladins. Even if we include the low-level professionals we have recruited during this period, it is still not enough, and even with the civilians who have volunteered, it is not enough. Moreover, we have rescued many people during this period, most of whom Everyone has been infected by the plague, and at this stage there are only two people in Mida City who can provide effective treatment. One is Wangyu, and there is a trainee alchemist we rescued earlier. The doctor-patient ratio is too different. , the two girls also need to rest, so they can’t be saved at all.”

Xia Lian immediately looked solemn and asked in a deep voice: "Two girls? Is the trainee alchemist also a girl?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Well, her name is Luna Lynch. Although she only received the rating of 'trainee', I personally think her ability is far superior to many intermediate alchemists and even..."

"It doesn't matter." Xia Lian waved her hand to interrupt Mo Tan, her eyes sparkling: "Is she pretty?"

【WTF? 】

Mo Tan was almost short-circuited by Xia Lian's extremely jumping question. He reacted for a while before nodding stiffly: "I think it's okay."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's okay, but it looks good." Xia Lian smacked her lips, then gave Yu Chen a very informative look, and said meaningfully: "Someone should pay closer attention..."

Yu Chen, who was huddled behind Mo Tan with only half of his head exposed: "Huh?!"

"Feel for yourself." Xia Lian chuckled, and then returned her gaze to Mo Tan: "Okay, the atmosphere is over, you can continue. If you don't say it well, I will hang him up and beat him."

Mo Tanqian laughed: "Since you plan to liven up the atmosphere, why do you bring up such a thing that ruins the scenery..."

Xia Lian sneered: "Haha, in principle, I am the leader of our group; objectively, I am the favored one and chief saint of the same sect as you; theoretically, I am Xiao Wangyu's mentor, and Xiao Wangyu I am your old friend. There is an old saying among the Pandaren in the Orc tribe, "Be a mentor for a day and a father for half a year." So I can still be regarded as the parent of the girl; before I left, I left all the matters in this aspect to her. Taylor did it, but you kid played such an exciting role for me, and even made me lose an adult before, who should I settle the score with if not you!?"

Mo Tan thought for a while and felt that what Her Royal Highness the Saint said made sense, but he was speechless.

Yuchen opened his mouth: "I..."

"Good boy, I don't blame you." Xia Lian interrupted her pleasantly and said with a smile, "How can a girl take the blame for anything that happens?"

Yu Chen: "..."

"Second." Mo Tan turned around and gave Yu Chen a look that said, "I think I have a great advantage, so I shouldn't be hung up and beaten." Then he continued to explain to Xia Lian: "I tell those who are less infected that there is nothing we can do. If the people who are arranged for treatment at the first time are willing to follow the Paladins on search, rescue and cleanup missions, then their family, friends and children can be treated immediately regardless of whether they have severe infections that are in urgent need of treatment, and those people themselves They will be cured immediately after returning from the mission, and if something unfortunate happens during the mission, the Lord of the City will give them a large amount of compensation, which is all true."

Xia Lian raised her eyebrows: "What then?"

Mo Tan spread his hands: "Then everyone signed up very enthusiastically."

"To be honest, I don't really support your approach." Xia Lian said lightly, then casually took away the cross on Taylor's shoulders and asked the latter: "What do you think?"

Taylor glared at Mo Tan angrily: "What you did goes against the spirit of chivalry!"

Mo Tan nodded: "Yes, but I am not a knight."

"Our mission should be to protect civilians!" Taylor gasped and said in a deep voice: "Instead of using this method to incite them to take risks on behalf of the knights, we have never been afraid of sacrifice. What you are doing is simply..."

Mo Tan smiled: "So far, my approach has not led to the death of any civilians, nor has it caused the sacrifice of any paladin."

Taylor's eyes widened: "But..."

"But the families and friends of those people have received proper treatment. His Highness Wangyu and Luna sacrificed their rest time for this reward. They feel it is worth it." Mo, who had already thought about how to explain to Taylor, Tan looked calm and shook his head slightly at Taylor: "And I didn't deceive them. It is a virtue for powerful people to protect the weak, but this does not mean that the weak do not have the right to protect themselves. They voluntarily took up arms. Fight for yourself, and no one is qualified to stop them, including you and me."

Taylor seemed to have calmed down a little, but he still clenched his fists: "But this kind of thing..."

"You can't do this kind of thing, Mr. Taylor, we understand." Yu Chen showed a warm smile and said softly: "So Mo Tan did it for you, that's all."

Mo Tan patted the holy book on his waist and said with a smile: "As I said before, I am a priest. Although I violated the spirit of chivalry, at least I did not violate the teachings of the goddess."

Well, actually he didn't know whether what he did violated the goddess's teachings, but saying so did seem quite arrogant.

"Okay, let's not talk about this first." Xia Lian smiled noncommittally, and then quickly raised her face: "Now tell me, after doing so many things that people can't stand, what is your achievement? "

The elf saint had only gotten a rough idea from a few paladins here in Mida City, so now she was very curious about the thankless work Mo Tan had done (it would definitely not be a favor to Taylor anyway) What happened in exchange for it?

Taylor also suppressed his dissatisfaction and looked steadily at the Black Van priest in front of him who had been playing tricks on him for quite some time.

Yuchen smiled proudly: "Tell them~"

"Okay." Mo Tan also showed a proud smile. He raised his arm and pointed at the afterglow outside the city, and said solemnly: "First of all, based on the situation between Mida City where we are currently and being purified by His Highness Xia Lian, After passing through Hofer City, it extends eastward to Blackwater Lake. All towns and villages along the way have been searched and rescued. All survivors have been safely escorted to temporary camps outside the city. The road from here to Blackwater Lake All mutants have been eliminated. So far, I have sent small teams outside the establishment to investigate several times, and I am 90% sure that the safety of this area can be ensured."

Xia Lian: "..."

Taylor: "..."

Yu Chen pushed Mo Tan's arm to the other direction with a bit of embarrassment, and whispered in his ear: "Well, um, you were pointing to the west just now."

Mo Tan: "..."

The silent embarrassment only lasted for less than five seconds. After regaining his senses, Taylor finally let out a belated exclamation: "You said you saved all the survivors in the east, and also led the way from here to Blackwater Lake. Have all the monsters in between been wiped out?!"

Mo Tan shook his head.

Taylor took a small step back in vain and breathed a long sigh of relief: "I also think... it would be too strange if that is really the case..."

Xia Lian had a different view on this. She unconsciously raised a smile that could not be concealed, and her green eyes looked extremely bright: "You haven't finished speaking yet?"

"Yes." Mo Tan smiled and then pointed to the west again: "Two days ago, all the surviving civilians from here to Coldridge Village in the west have been rescued. Similarly, the mutants on this road have also been rescued. It has been cleared, but due to time constraints, we only sent people to search once. There may be some scattered fish that have slipped through the net. Of course, even if there are, they will no longer pose any threat."

Taro gasped.

"What about the north?" Xia Lian nodded calmly and asked softly, "How is the situation in the north?"

Mo Tan shrugged: "It's just so-so. The search team in the past two days has been unable to find anything. Instead, they had a lot of meals at the blockade in Doudiao Town, and by the way, they sent a group of relatives to the sanctuary. The civilians who passed by were of course the ones who were not infected."

"Dodo Town...Blockade..."

Taro repeated in a low voice with some confusion, and Yuchen looked at him worriedly. The little girl felt that the uncle who had been acting as her bodyguard might attack him at any time.

"The south side is to the Dagger Sheath Bridge, right?" Xia Lian smiled brightly and patted Mo Tan on the shoulder: "That's why we didn't encounter half a mutant when we came back. That's why you dare Let that team of dozens of people escort more than a hundred civilians, well done! Boy, well done!"

Mo Tan shook like chaff. He felt that his shoulder must have been swollen. He quickly took a half step back, scratched his head with some embarrassment and said: "Theoretically, this is correct, but I just removed that piece today." We brought the remaining survivors back, but we haven’t had time to send out people to search, so we can’t guarantee safety, but we’re still close to ten…”

"If what you said is true, then I really don't know what to say." Xia Lian pulled Yu Chen over and hugged her hard, winking at Mo Tan: "Hug me, um, give me a hug. Little Wangyu, I’ll just give you a hug.”

Mo Tanqian smiled and nodded: "Thank you very much..."

Still in shock, Taylor looked at Mo Tan in confusion: "How did you do it?!"

"I don't care how he did it." Xia Lian glanced at Taylor with a smile and said leisurely: "I suggest you work hard to maintain a good relationship with Hei Fan from now on. It will be good for future development..."

Taylor: "Huh?"

"Our Dawn Sect has not seen a genius like me for many years, but this year two of them came at once." Xia Lian breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved to Taylor: "You go back and digest it first. , by the way, let’s learn about the details of this period with the knights. Alas, you don’t even know what your temporary subordinates have been doing for the past half month. You are pretty good enough..."

Taylor lowered his head in shame: "Yes."

"Okay, get lost. Oh, by the way, you first go to the Justice Church to find the priest Furman, and then go to the city hall to find Lord Sola. Tell them that I am back and discuss future actions when you have time. Plan, time to be determined.”


"Get lost~"

Taylor left with frivolous steps. His back was a little bleak. It might have been the impact of Mo Tan's words just now, or it might have been the pressure of Xia Lian's star-gold cross. Anyway, he was walking a little wobbly...

"No one will hold you accountable for what you did before." Xia Lian touched Yuchen's hair, and then gave Mo Tan a thumbs up: "I have been doing the same thing as you during the time I left, so It’s very clear... this is a very important feat. Even if I took four hundred knights away, I couldn’t do it as well as you. No, it’s too far behind.”

Mo Tan shook his head: "You are exaggerating. The situation here is much better than in the south. Except for the group of mutants who besieged Mida City before, there are not many enemies in this area, and... "

"Don't be modest, it's boring." Xia Lian interrupted him directly, then hugged her arms and said with a smile: "I will remember everything you did, and the church and the Holy Religion Union will also remember it, but there are a few things I have to do now Very curious..."

【coming! 】

Mo Tan and Yu Chen's bodies froze at the same time.

"I want to hear exactly how you do this, especially..."

Xia Lian blinked slyly: "There are a few links that I can't figure out no matter how much I think about it, such as how you contacted those who pretended to have Taylor's 'secret arrangement'~ I think this process must have something to do with those who sealed the Does the healing crystal have anything to do with it?"

Mo Tan/Yu Chen: "..."

"Tell me how you did all this, otherwise even if you complete a miraculous feat, you will be hung up and beaten~~"

Chapter 242: End

Happy New Year to everyone~

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