Quadruple split

Chapter 234 Farewell

February 2, 2049, the first day of the Lunar New Year


Mo Tan woke up from his sleep again. At this time, it was still quite some time before dawn. The room was dark, with only the rotating Gugujiang standing board in the foyer emitting a little light, which reflected the A messy but messy living room.

If classmate Wan Yang's snoring could be filtered out, this situation at this moment would obviously be a good time to think about life, but Mo Tan was not in this mood...

He just wanted to go to the toilet. He drank a little too much wine and water in the middle of the night.

So Mo Tan struggled to stand up, stepped over Cui Xiaoyu who was lying on the carpet, Kang Lan who was lying on the ground, Wan Yang who was lying on the ground, and Yi Dong who was lying on the ground, and quietly went to the toilet. .

Then he finished calmly. (How else could I do it?)

After washing his hands and face, he took out his phone and checked the time. Mo Tan planned to go back and lie down for a while. After all, the people in this room should be able to get up before noon today.

As a result, someone actually got up...

"Katsushima-san? Are you awake?"

Looking at the slender figure wearing a black trench coat in the foyer, Mo Tan couldn't help but be slightly startled. He really didn't expect that this girl who also drank a lot would wake up so early and look as if she was ready to go out.

The girl looked back at Mo Tan in surprise, and then nodded slightly: "Well, I plan to go out for some fresh air."

"Okay, then be careful not to catch a cold." Mo Tan smiled, then turned off the light in the bathroom and walked into the living room: "I have to sleep for a while, I haven't drank so much in a long time, and I'm still confused now. …”

"Wait a moment!"

Ji Xiaodao suddenly let out a soft cry, which made Mo Tan's footsteps freeze and he turned around in confusion.

The former looked at him steadily and fell into silence inexplicably.

Because of the angle, Mo Tan was almost completely hidden in the darkness at this moment. In Ji Xiaodao's eyes, it seemed like a blurry silhouette, but this silhouette made her feel surprisingly familiar...

The next second, the light from Gugujiang's stand fell on Mo Tan, revealing an unusually confused face: "Uh, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I'm sorry." Ji Xiaodao shook his head, then quietly opened the door and went out.

【It’s inexplicable. 】

Mo Tan scratched his hair, yawned and returned to the lazy man's nest where he had been nesting before, and soon fell asleep in a daze.


"It's time for lunch, Alu! It's time for lunch, Alu!"

The big antique wall clock on the wall of the living room suddenly popped out of the bun-headed Gugujiang wearing a red cheongsam, waving the small purple umbrella in his hand and shouting happily. The sense of dissonance was really extraordinary.

The boys in the living room groaned and got up one by one like zombies. Except for Mo Tan, who had woken up intermittently twice before, everyone looked depressed.

The girls got up relatively early. Yuchen was making porridge for everyone in the kitchen at the moment, while the Ji sisters were busy in the dining room. Several black garbage bags were piled next to the dining table. Last night The mess has been almost cleaned up.

Cui Xiaoyu, who was the last one to get up, struggled to put on his glasses, looked around vaguely at the surrounding environment, and sighed sincerely: "They are all good wives and loving mothers."

Wan Yang nodded, then lowered his voice and added: "If you don't go into the kitchen."

"It seems that only Xiao Ge's craftsmanship is comparable~"

Kang Lan also came over and quietly participated in the discussion: "Yuchen and Xiaodao are both fine, and if you think about it, Xiaoge would be special if she had long hair... Ugh!!"

Ji Xiaodao took back the broom slowly and glanced coldly at Xiaokang, who was lying on the ground: "We just cleaned up because we couldn't stand it anymore. I don't mention that Yi Dong is the master for now. Since you are all awake, come and help. "

The three of them immediately fell silent: "Oh, okay, okay."

Cui Xiaoyu finally asked stupidly: "What about Mo Tan?"

"He is very conscious." Ji Xiaodao pointed to someone behind him who was helping to move the rice cooker, and said calmly: "Compared to the three of you."

Yidong, who had just returned from washing, rolled his eyes: "Shameless."




The other three people all agreed, and then they were rushed to clean up the mess by Ji Xiaodao, whose eyes were filled with murderous intent.

An hour later, everyone who had cleaned up Yidong's house and had lunch said goodbye at the gate of the community and prepared to go back to their homes.

"Everyone, please pay attention to safety on the road~" Ji Xiaoge hugged his sister and swayed restlessly, and said to everyone with a smile: "Xiaodao and I had a great time~"

Ji Xiaodao turned his head slightly: "I didn't."

Yidong was wrapped in a tattered military coat (it is said that his father snatched it from someone else in the winter a long time ago), nodded solemnly and said: "Well, I will definitely pay attention to safety."

"Go away, turn around and go home now. Remember to ask auntie for an autograph for me." Kang Lan glanced at him sideways, then pointed at Cui Xiaoyu tremblingly and shouted: "Don't forget to go online on time, yesterday We promised to compete!"

Cui Xiaoyu shrugged: "Okay, let's fight. Don't cry then."

Wan Yang, who was squatting next to him and breathing at himself to keep warm, gave a dry laugh and raised his eyebrows at Kang Lan: "You, you, you still have time to regret it now."

"I'm almost frozen like a dog, so please stop saying a few words." Kang Lan walked around behind Wan Yang and put her cold hands on his neck, causing a burst of howling like a killing pig, and then softly He hummed: "It's not certain who will lose and who will win. Level 20 is a qualitative change."

"I bet 20 yuan that Brother Yu will win." Wan Yang, who jumped up from the cold, glared at Kang Lan fiercely, then clapped his hands at the others: "Why don't we all get together in the game tonight? Is everything okay?"

Everyone who still had something to say was a little tempted.

"I'm OK." Yidong nodded and said, "There hasn't been anything big in the game recently."

Ji Xiaoge also clapped his hands vigorously: "I just need to say hello to Teacher Lu Wei~"

Mo Tan and Yu Chen, who were in an absolutely neutral personality, exchanged a look, spread their hands and said, "It may be a little later for us to speak. There are still many things to be dealt with in Misha County."

"Yeah." Yuchen stood behind him and nodded obediently, then whispered: "Mo Tan still has one more battle to lead."

Kang Lan whistled: "Conductor? You can do it. Not everyone can do the job of commanding. Can we exchange experiences later?"

It could be seen that he just said it casually, so Mo Tan just listened casually with a smile.

However, Ji Xiaodao frowned slightly, lowered his head and said, "I don't..."

"Xiaodao, come together, come together!" Ji Xiaoge hugged his sister from behind, leaned his head and rubbed her face hard: "You are so old, you can't be so unsocial anymore!" Get up and come together! Just stay with your sister, okay, please~"

All the men present were stunned, thinking that this girl's coquettish behavior was too lethal.

"I...I understand, sister, it's okay!" Ji Xiaodao struggled a lot to escape from his sister's clutches. He nodded with a red face and said, "I'll try my best."

Ji Xiaoge held her little fist and nodded with satisfaction, smiling like a flower: "Yeah!"

Several men were in a daze for a while.

Yuchen gently touched Mo Tan, who had no expression on his face, and whispered: "Classmate Xiaoge is so beautiful, I'm almost fascinated~"

"Oh? Really?" Mo Tan replied casually, "Just get used to it."

The girl blinked in confusion: "Huh?"

"Ahem, I mean, don't we all know each other now?" Mo Tan knew he had made a mistake and quickly explained: "You will get used to it in the future. Well, if you really can't get used to it, can I help you chase her? "

Yu Chen imitated Kang Lan's prank on Wan Yang and put his little hand on the back of Mo Tan's neck: "You think too much!"

That little hand full of coolness shocked someone, and then he was stunned like everyone else.

"Then let's just say it." Ji Xiaoge clapped his hands and said with a smile: "We will meet in the game after we go back. The time will be... Well, how about twelve o'clock in the evening during the game? Anyway, we don't need it like NPCs. rest."

Everyone said they had no objections.

Cui Xiaoyu and Wan Yang took a taxi together. Ji Xiaoge and Ji Xiaodao lived not far from here. The sisters strolled back directly. Kang Lan answered the phone and said that his mother would drive over here soon. I picked him up and sent Yi Dong's parents back, so he probably had to stay at Yi Dong's house for an hour or two.


"You can send Yuchen back home." Yi Dong glanced at Mo Tan meaningfully and said with a smile: "She is a little girl, and she is not a local. She is not on the same road as Xiaoge Xiaodao and the others, and she doesn't seem to live in the same place. Come on, as a half-host, why don't you show your gentlemanly behavior?"

Mo Tan glared at Yi Dong, then scratched his hair, turned back and shrugged at Yu Chen: "I have no objection, do you want to go together?"

The latter unexpectedly shook his head, shrunk his neck and whispered: "Is it better not to give it up? I think... it's not appropriate..."

Yi Dong: "Huh?"

Mo Tan: "..."

Yuchen stuck out his tongue and laughed softly: "I don't have many acquaintances here. If Mo Tan gets lost again, it will not be easy for me to find him."

Yi Dong burst out laughing at that time.

Mo Tan's head was full of black lines and he grabbed Yu Chen's arm: "Let's go!"

The two of them smiled and drifted away.

"Ahem." Kang Lan glanced at their backs and bumped Yi Dong gently with his elbow: "Are you trying to match up with those two?"

The latter whistled: "Who knows~"

Real time PM18:20

Exhausted physically and mentally, Mo Tan returned home carrying two big bags, which contained a small amount of daily necessities, some messy parts and two ugly dolls.

Well, he didn't get lost, and he didn't have any happy accident with anyone. He just went with Yuchen to a nearby shopping mall to buy some snacks, drinks, comic books, etc. after sending Yuchen back to the hotel. I accidentally watched a movie with a girl. If I were to talk about the specific details and psychological activities, I would probably not be able to finish two or three chapters, so we will expose this part for the time being...

Well, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just normal operation, right?

After that, Mo Tan went to a strange store alone and bought some things ('strange' in the conventional sense, not the kind of 'you know~', we are for all ages, everyone respects themselves), and then In addition, it is more difficult to take a taxi during the Chinese New Year, so I came back so late.

As for those two ugly dolls, that needs to be revealed for now, so don’t worry about it.

In short, Mo Tan carefully put the doll into the bedroom, put the two movie ticket stubs in his pocket into a drawer together with a stack of newly printed photos that he took with his mobile phone at the party, and changed his clothes. I opened the game cabin and lay down in it...

Game time AM07:01

The system prompt sound that seemed to have been heard for a long time sounded in Mo Tan's ears.

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Misha County

Meda City Holy Union Chapel, Motan's room

As the three rays of light that had not faded lit up again, Mo Tan, Yu Chen and Yu Ying all appeared in the room at the moment the server was turned on.

"Hey, you two are so on time~" The first person to greet was Yuying. The moment she went online, the girl lazily lay down on the table and squirmed feebly: "I'm so tired. I haven't been here since. I haven’t slept since last night. I’m going to die, I’m going to die..."

Mo Tan gave her a funny look and knocked on the table: "You are already asleep now. Quickly step aside, you are blocking the map."

The female assassin said "Oh", then slid down the table and curled up into a comma on the ground.

"Hey, hey!" Mo Tan was startled at that time and said horrifiedly: "You don't really plan to sleep here, do you?"

Comma raised his hand lazily and said in a low tone: "Don't worry, I'm just lying down for a while, and it won't delay the business. Well, the players in the second and fourth teams are already online. They seem to be staggering in the eyes of the NPC. , and no flaws were found. Two players in the third team were not online. They were unconscious just 'one minute' ago and were already dragged behind. It was harmless. All the players in the first team were online. They said Those paladins of the Just Church have almost ravaged the mutants to death, and they are in a safe situation."

"Very good." Mo Tan fiddled with the chess pieces on the table, then turned to Yu Chen and smiled: "We are already... hmm? Are you in a daze?"

Yuchen finally came back to his senses and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was distracted~"

"Your Highness, are you lacking sleep too?" the female assassin lying on the ground asked lazily.

Yuchen smiled weakly: "No, I just received a system prompt that I seem to have entered a ranking list... I was asked to choose what occupation will be displayed on the list..."

Mo Tan/Yu Ying: "..."

Chapter 231: End

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