Quadruple split

Chapter 2326 Please stay tuned


Lamolock stood up, turned his head and blinked at Garwen: "This is the 'missing one', which is what I just mentioned, something that cannot be compensated by hard work, experience or learning."


Gawen raised the pretty face that was 60% similar to her, and cast her eyes on the plainly dressed female soldier who was only given a close-up by the system until the end of the game, and said faintly: "Even if we, the audience, had not noticed that Yuying, who should have been eliminated after the [Life-Sacrificing Blow], did not lose a drop of blood, we would probably think that she had already died with the general of the defending side."

"That was a set tactic that the [Haunted Church] had already mastered by heart and could not even prevent. Compared with the last round of the game, they were not good at 'treatment'. It is the same as saying that writing a fuss will kill the [Wind-Breaking Bird]. "

Lamolock stared at the screen steadily, and when all the members of the [Haunted Church] appeared in the center of the screen with Hei Fan as the center, he grinned and shook his head and said, "One limit, two attempts, three sets of backup, this is not a self-test that is desperate, it is just a rote recitation after calculating everything. This seemingly complicated test paper called the 'Finals', that guy only wrote one question from beginning to end."

Gaven, who also cast his eyes on Hei Fan and kept his eyes on his face for a long time, opened his red lips and said, "It sounds amazing."

"Of course it's amazing. Now that I think about it, the only 'accident' in this game is that he was forced to fail to maximize the value of the Dawn Saint for some reason, but even so, Hei Fan still didn't He can make the game escape from the field he is best at. "

Lamolock narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "In the end, he really killed the "supporting role" who could never escape his rhythm with just one move of "attacking the heart". "

Gawen's beautiful eyes moved, and she asked curiously: "Oh? But I remember that General Lamorlock said before that this game was a big challenge for Pastor Heifan, especially in terms of background, which seemed to be targeted at his shortcomings. "

"Yes, and Heifan did seize several opportunities to hone his "shortcomings" and completed a demonstration that I think is "adding fuel to the fire" through this game, proving that super-large-scale operations are not his weakness. "

Lamolock smiled and said leisurely: "And what surprised me about him is that He did not give up the pursuit of victory, or rather, he even turned the temptation of his own "selfishness" into one of the core puzzles of victory. He has been firmly pushing the game into his comfort zone from beginning to end, and completed the control of [Sailor Moon] in the final stage. "

Gaven, who had no idea at all, shook her head without hesitation and said seriously: "I didn't see anything."

"This is normal."

Lamolock shrugged and said casually: "But if your "boss" is paying attention to this game, at least from a God's perspective, he must be able to see even the smallest details in this game."

Gaven nodded slightly and said seriously: "I hold the same opinion, General Lamorlock, but considering that the boss is most likely not willing to satisfy my curiosity, I can only trouble you to say a few more words. "

"It's an honor, my lady. "

Lamolock did not refuse, and explained fluently: "You can understand that while the priest Heifan was enjoying a whole set of systematic verification of a certain unknown quality of his own, he used the verification process to ensure that the direction of the battle was under his control. In most cases, these two things are actually contradictory, because he does not need to verify anything that can ensure that he is under his control. "

Gawen just smiled quietly and did not respond, because she knew that Lamolock knew that she needed a more detailed and easy-to-understand explanation.

And the latter did not let her wait too long, and only paused for about a second before continuing: "Eliminating the number of options for the opponent is the method that Heifan uses to "unify" these two things. "

"Eliminating the opponent's options?"

Gawen pursed her lips and hesitated: "So this is what you just said "attacking the heart"? "

"Very smart, ma'am. "

Lamolock smiled approvingly at Garwen, and said in a brisk tone: "The so-called psychological attack does not necessarily mean that you have to fully understand the opponent's psychology and attack it in a targeted manner. In fact, in the game of war, any way that can guide the enemy to "act according to their own will" through subjective judgment can be regarded as "psychological attack". As the brain of the [Sailor Moon] team, Lucy did try her best to avoid interference, but unfortunately... it was just a little short. "

Garwen couldn't help but ask: "Which little bit?"

"Of course it's the 'one' that disappeared at the beginning of the game."

Lamolock turned to Garwen and whispered: "It took Heifan three whole hours to make the opponent who refused to accept any information put the fact that 'Yuying has died' into the bottom of logic, and finally completely controlled the actions of [Sailor Moon]. "

Garwen frowned slightly and hesitated: "Isn't this... a bit of a joke?"

"A joke?"

Lamorlock repeated the word in an exaggerated tone, and then waved his hand and said: "If you look at it from a God's perspective, of course this is a joke. After all, those commentators will emphasize the idea of ​​'sacrifice a blow' every few minutes. There is such a thing as "still alive", but for [Sailor Moon], this fact has become a noose around its neck from the beginning of the game, and it continued to shrink during these three hours, and finally... with a A simple and perfect ending.”

Jia Wen took a deep breath, her expression still quite puzzled: "But..."

"Ms. Jiawen, Ms. Jiawen~"

Lamorlock shook his head and spoke in a soft and gentle tone: "Of course I can give you dozens of examples to prove how perfect and dominant Black Van Priest was in this game. , but rather than explaining those fancy-looking appearances, the simple, rough and clever design is the real magic touch of this game.”

"I see."

After understanding that Lamorlock was not willing to waste any time talking about the "not nutritious" content from his perspective, Gawen immediately gave up the pursuit of a more "exciting" review and asked: "So what do you think, Pastor Black Van and you …And how does it compare to my boss?”

"Just talking about this game, I don't know."

Lamorlock answered without hesitation and said calmly: "Because the real underlying logic of this game is actually the understanding and application of the background by both parties. This kind of 'talking' through God's perspective cannot be used to 'prove' 'Level, but..."

"But what?"

"To make me completely 'excited', he needs at least two more transformations."


"That's right, it's transformation. As for your boss..."

"How to say?"


"What is General General Lamorlock laughing at?"

"Since there was no intention to abide by the agreement from the beginning, it would be more logical to use me, the chief of staff of the Dreamland Theocracy's front army, as 'support' through direct dialogue instead of Black Brahma who is far away in the sanctuary, right?"


"Haha, it's just nonsense when you get carried away. Please don't take it seriously, Ms. Gawen."

"That's natural."

"Oh, now that the scene has returned to the broadcast room, please let those noisy gentlemen share the afterglow of the carnival with you. I still have something to do that I just promised you, so I won't bother you any more."

"Please help yourself."


At the same time, the smiling face on the screen stood up. After the main camera returned to the broadcast room, he stood up first and said seriously: "Let us congratulate [Haunted Church] again for winning this game."

“Congratulations to [Haunted Church] for being crowned the team champion.”

Xiao Xiaobai also stood up and showed a rare smile: "It's a good game."

"Congratulations to the five contestants of [Haunted Church]! The four girls of [Sailor Moon] team have also worked hard!"

Xue Yin jumped up with energy, waved her hands excitedly and shouted, "Thank you for your hard work, my friends in the audience! For some reason, Xue Yin suddenly felt like she had read the entire book or movie, and her head felt like I was forcibly emptied, wow, what a strong sense of emptiness!”

The smiling face who sat back on the chair shrugged and said happily: "So, in order to prevent the audience friends from feeling insufficient, we will not analyze the breathtaking finals just now. I believe It won’t take long for everyone to figure out countless technical details that God knows exists in this game. Come on, gentlemen, the activity of the [Innocent Bound] community depends on you!”

"But I want to say something."

Xiao Xiaobai, who also sat back on the chair, raised an index finger and said seriously: "I personally want to award the MVP of this game to Yuying, even though she played 180 minutes in the three-hour game. Soy sauce, but still made enough contributions to the team.”

Xue Yin chuckled and said happily: "Yes, after all, even I can see that the two young ladies, Lucie and Christina, were rushing to exchange one for two in the end."

"Definitely, if the player who sacrificed his life was indeed killed in the early stage of the game, then after the player Lucie killed the players Black Van and Winter with self-destruction, the possibility of the [Sailor Moon] team being judged as the winner by the system Very high.”

Xiao Xiaobai nodded seriously and explained: "Because when the number of remaining people on both sides is the same, they have a net head advantage, and assuming that the two players are directly delayed until the end of the game, then even if the player Yuying has been eliminated by default, Elimination, when the number of kills is the same and the number difference between the two sides has not changed compared to the start of the game, it is difficult to judge the system's position. "

"That's right, but unfortunately after system evaluation, the FMVP of the team battle finals and the team battle MVP were confirmed to be given to the Hei Fan player from [Haunted Church] two seconds ago. At the same time, the Awakening Dragon player also He won the MVP of the individual competition, and as for the FMVP of the individual competition finals, it was naturally the Dahua Morning glory player who won the final championship.”

Smiley looked up at the prompt board in front of him and said seriously: "In addition to the MVP and FMVP, the best team and the most valuable player were given to the [Broken Wind Bird] Club and Cordoba players by the system respectively. "

Xiao Xiaobai nodded and added: "In addition, more than twenty titles including three online votes have been awarded. You can check it on the official website, because there are no rewards at all, so Even if it’s not written in the rules in advance, it’s not a big deal, just treat it as an easter egg.”

"In addition, the individual champion of this year's [Inquisition Battle] Dahua Morning Niu, the runner-up Night Song, and the third runner-up Christina Youke will all receive a specially customized one, whether it is a [Three-dimensional Enhancement Pack], [ Both the "Second Dimension Enhancement Pack" and the "Guilty Debate Enhancement Pack" have a very low probability of dropping the "Little Smart Ghost \u0026 Innocence Realm Special Edition Trading Card".

The smiling face read the advertisement quickly and in a business-like tone, with impatience between the lines: "The champion of the team battle [Haunted Church], the runner-up [Sailor Moon] and the third runner-up [Taiwan] will also receive special customizations." In the deck, these customized cards can only be released by the [Inquisition of Crime Enhancement Pack], and their rarity is 'EX+'. I hope you don't miss it if you pass by."

"Then, the related matters of this [Innocence Debate] have come to an end. For more information, please log on to the official website of [Innocent World]."

Xiao Xiaobai looked at the camera with a calm expression and said seriously: "By the way, the ranking rewards for the top 16 and above in [Inquisition] will be distributed uniformly when the server opens in three days. Players who have not paid attention to the rules before, please also Don't worry."


Xiaomian cleared his throat and said seriously: "The following is the latest news. After considering the feedback and suggestions from players in the past ten months, our company has decided to conduct a second round of [Innocence Boundary]. Large-scale upgrade, while adhering to our commitment of "not opening expansion packs", we will better optimize the game. "

"The specific implementation time of this large-scale upgrade is three days later, that is, 20419:00 AD. We hope everyone will remain calm then."

"For example, after the system is upgraded, please do not be alarmed if you find that your post volume changes after logging in."

"Yes, after considering feedback from a large number of players, in order to make the game ecology healthier, the top priority of this update is to cancel the same level of system protection for 'hair' and underwear, and add but not There are a variety of logical body hair shedding designs including 'hair loss'. In addition, you can also cut or dye your own hair, and you can also use a large number of hair care, hair growth, hair care, and wig products that are not originally effective for players."

“Personal advice, please don’t believe the [Eradication Type III Powerful Anti-hair Loss Agent] that goblin merchants say, although they can indeed prevent you from being troubled by hair loss…”

"In addition, there are also small updates such as the title system, skill specialization system, talent specialization system, super-large and unique limited-time secret realm, and continent-ring world missions, so stay tuned."

"Stay tuned."

Chapter 2317: End

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