Quadruple split

Chapter 2324 Blasphemy against God ampamp Breaking the City

Chapter 2324 Blasphemy \u0026 Breaking the City

Gu Xiaole died.

As the absolute core and super explosive point of [Haunted Church], no one would have expected that this great Yin-Yang Master would be eliminated so early. In other words, although she was eliminated after nearly two and a half hours of the game, considering the number of remaining players on both sides at this moment, at least on paper, this is a match point-level result!

In other words, in everyone's concept, players like Gu Xiaole should be the ones who should fight to survive to the end in [Haunted Church]. After all, compared with others, whether it is the gain brought to his own side or the threat created to the enemy, this great Yin-Yang Master is the first choice.

Indeed, many people, including most professional players, think that Black Brahma Priest is the core of the team, but just like when facing [Windbreaker] in the semi-finals, Mo Tan has proved with results that crushing the opponent with "tactics" does not necessarily require the commander to be fully activated. On the contrary, Gu Xiaole, a versatile player with extremely strong comprehensive strength, is a real threat to the enemy team every minute he is on the field.

So if you only look at the data, even if people can notice that Mika on the opposite side also died at the same time, it does not prevent everyone from thinking that [Haunted Church] suffered a big loss.

But if you put aside the data, even those laymen who don't usually pay much attention to the game field will not think that Gu Xiaole's death is so surprising.

In fact, just before the great onmyoji Gu Xiaole was eliminated, Winter, who also belonged to [Haunted Church], had interrupted [Yin Bing Borrowing Road] and left the front line early under the cover of the soldiers behind him, leaving Gu Xiaole alone on the banks of the Samler River to maintain her [One Hundred Demons Night Parade] and [Twelve Hour Bridge].

The reason is that as the battle became more intense, the defenders of Black Onyx City seemed to have realized that this was a war that absolutely, absolutely, absolutely could not fail. It had nothing to do with loyalty and honor. It was just that under the high-frequency attacks of those dead soldiers, everyone in the city was very sure that if the other side broke into the city, and Ms. Diana Bryce was not in the city at all, the furious King Wu Ye would have a high probability of ordering a massacre of the city. So, even though the number of people was decreasing and the city was becoming more and more difficult to defend, everyone's morale gradually rose!

In this way, after Lucy spread the news and let everyone know that the other side's traitorous fiancée was not in the city at all, the combat effectiveness of the defenders increased by at least 30%! And each of them became fearless and fearless!

The death warriors who had been sieging for more than two hours were just the opposite. Although they had already made up their minds to die, it was inevitable that they would feel confused when the final battle suddenly started without any preparation. Even if the military orders were as firm as a mountain, no one wanted to live in shame until now, but morale was still getting lower and lower with the passage of time.

In addition, [Invasion Like Fire] would add a layer of DEBUFF [Long Attack] to all siege units every half an hour, which made the situation even worse. At present, [Haunted Church] and NPCs in the same camp have been deducted 40% of their damage and 40% of their defense, and they also have to bear 40% of the additional skill cooldown. The situation is not optimistic.

Putting aside the intuitive data reduction on the player side, for NPCs, the intuitive feeling of these DEBUFFs is that their bodies become tired and fragile, so that the frequency, intensity and resistance to attacks have been greatly reduced, and these phenomena will naturally affect morale, causing their combat effectiveness and fighting will to further decline.

I can only say that fortunately it only ‘affected’ morale. If the effect of [Unable to conquer after a long time] had an additional text of ‘slight decline in morale’, at this moment, even if these dead soldiers would not mutiny, they would most likely give up and actively seek death.

The biggest contributor to dragging the game to this extent was naturally the thick earth dragon Christina from [Sailor Moon], who had a fault-level defense and super high mobility. Because she was temporarily given the [Blood Seeking Emblem] by the system, under Lucy’s non-stop dispatch, she took the initiative to open the ‘Minors’ Sensory Protection Mode’ from the moment the opponent attacked, adding a cartoon filter to the desperate battle situation around her, and then began to gallop over the sky of Black Onyx City, taking on the work of a firefighter.

She spewed out the alienated dragon breath on the east wall, strengthening her own NPCs to greatly improve their ability to resist attacks, and even used her body to resist swords, flames and arcane with slightly less power.

She patrolled and mopped up the western wall, constantly oppressing the enemy's foothold, making it difficult for the enemy to gain a foothold before the elites who were swarmed by blood arrived.

She passed through the northern wall at an incredible speed, not giving any chance to the scouts who tried to bypass the city and open the northern gate. Although she did not kill even one person, the morale of the side with the dragon was naturally boosted in the northern wall battlefield where both sides had the least number of people. With this, even if Christina did nothing, those defenders who were like chicken blood would not be suppressed.

As for the southern wall facing the army of the Nightless King, it was the place where Christina stayed most often. Not only her, but Lucy and Mika also hardly left here. Even if the three of them were here, the southern wall and the southern gate were still in a shaky and precarious situation.

There is no way. Although the three of them are the best in the defenders and have an extra HP limit equal to the city defense value, even so, the role they can play on the front battlefield is still not big enough. As a must-fight place where the opponent has invested almost 60% of its combat power, it is a miracle that the southern defense line can hold up to this extent.

In the final analysis, no matter how high the morale of the defenders is, even if the soldiers under the command of King Wuye are stacked up for four layers [long-term attack], under the huge gap in numbers, the Black Agate City that has lost the [quarry] is still in crisis at all times, and the slightest carelessness will lead to devastating consequences.

In this process, the absolute main force of the [haunted church], the great onmyoji Gu Xiaole, played an extremely terrifying key role, even Christina can hardly be compared with him.

There is no need to elaborate on the reasons. When the twelve long bridges built by the Great Onmyoji on his own suddenly rose up and turned the turbulent Samler River into a smooth road, she became the most piercing thorn in the eyes of the defenders and the deepest thorn in their flesh.

And it is not only used to open the way. Under the effect of [One Hundred Demons Night Parade], each dead soldier will gain a series of buffs from various shikigami when crossing the long bridge. Considering that Gu Xiaole is driving hundreds of shikigami at the same time, when the first batch of dead soldiers rushed into the close defense zone of Black Onyx City and the follow-up troops had to enter in batches, they did not attack at all, but opened the festival of "One Hundred Demons" to show their magical powers, and forcibly increased the combat effectiveness of the soldiers by more than 20% through "blessing".

Don't underestimate this 20%, which is about 20% of the absolute data, which can almost offset two layers of [Long Attack], ensuring that the attackers can give enough pressure to the enemy throughout the process!

This position, which was forcibly built by the two great Yin-Yang arts [One Hundred Demons Night Parade] and [Twelve Hour Bridge], is called——

[Pseudo-Inherent Barrier: Dazzling Hundred Rituals Soul Night Festival]

It must be said that as the strongest Yin-Yang master of the younger generation, although Gu Xiaole has suffered repeated setbacks since "returning to her hometown", her strength and understanding are definitely at the ceiling level among her peers. So when she carefully improved her strength because of her serious preparation for [Questioning Debate], the [Personal Strength Ranking] that was closed a month in advance was no longer of any reference to her.

As a special case among players, the 'Great Yin-Yang Master Gu Xiaole', who was ranked 13th in the personal ranking when the ranking was closed, should be in the fifth place at this moment... just after Xinglong!

Not only that, although his individual ‘strength’ is not as good as Ji Xiaodao and Xinglong, who are ranked third and fourth respectively, and cannot be compared with Cordova, but with [White Zetsu·Shura Hell] in hand, Gu Xiaole, whose realm has reached ‘epic’ before his strength, is extremely powerful in terms of auxiliary ability, enough to be compared with Cordova’s absolute strength and Christina’s super defense!

As for the huge consumption brought by [Pseudo·Inherent Barrier: Dazzling Hundred Ceremony Soul Night Festival], it was solved by Gu Xiaole in an extremely simple and rough way.

In a word, it is - Bingjie.

To put it more carefully, when Gu Xiaole activated the inherent barrier, he directly sacrificed the uncontrollable ‘Samurai Soul’, and forcibly transformed his body into a ‘super spirit body’ and forcibly merged with it, and then transformed himself into a very special ‘spiritual body’ form, and all resources such as life, physical energy, magic power, and spiritual power were converted into [soul power], and deducted at a very, very, very slow speed under the influence of his epic realm.

Under this premise, unless Gu Xiaole has enough [Legend] strength to reshape her body, she will definitely face the end of [Soul Power] exhaustion and soul scattering after she has completely lost her support.

In short, it means death.

However, just like Jiawen's [Sin-Immersed Bullet], Yuying's [Life-Sacrificing Blow], Mo's [Reverse Scales Fully Open] and [Hermit of the Law], because of the special nature of [Questioning Debate], this high-cost method that has almost no chance to appear under normal circumstances can be used unscrupulously!

In this way, Gu Xiaole almost sacrificed himself to forcibly continue the offensive, while Yi Dong left the front line without hesitation after the duration of [Ghost Soldiers Borrowing the Road] ended. He has completed the transportation of three elite troops and added a very strong buff effect [Yellow Spring Visitors] to them. If he stays here, he will have no effect except giving the opponent a focus point.

So far, there are only fifteen minutes left before the game is played for two and a half hours!

Fifteen minutes later, the [Haunted Church] camp will be forced to stack the fifth layer [Unable to conquer] by the system's task penalty, causing the attack and defense of all people and NPCs to be halved, while the [Sailor Moon] side will unlock the buff [Struggle of Trapped Beasts] activated with the "Breaking the City", and obtain a chilling value bonus.

At this moment, both Lucy and Gu Xiaole on the front line knew that this might be the last round of "one side gains and the other side loses". If the former succeeds in dragging it to the 150th minute, the hope of victory for the attacker will be very slim. On the contrary, if the dead soldiers under the command of the Nightless King finally succeed in breaking the city, not only will the opponent be added with the DEBUFF [Low Morale], but the [Haunted Church] camp will also get the extremely powerful [Momentum], not only will it instantly recover to the full state of full health, full mana, and full stamina, but even the skill cooldown will be forcibly cleared.

However, for the defender, it is almost impossible to hold on for fifteen minutes under such circumstances. You must know that under the opponent's crazy attack regardless of the cost and consequences, the defense value of [Black Onyx City] has dropped to insufficient for the start of the game. At 3700 points, one hundredth of the time, not only were Lucie and Mika in a state of 'death on the outcrop' with no extra health, but even Christina's health had dropped to less than 50%, and Gu Xiaole had already caused... The shikigami gave up on applying BUFF to the dead soldiers, and after most of the troops completed crossing the river, they ordered hundreds of shikigami under their command to directly participate in the attack on the city!

However, it was precisely after losing the cover of the shikigami around him that Gu Xiaole was discovered by Lucie, who was far away on the city wall, at a glance——

spirit body.

She is a spirit.

The state of the soul in a broad sense.


With only half of the bell tower left in ruins, Lucie suddenly turned her head to look at Mika: "The divine punishment of your Sun Sect is that the sun fire given by Tisu during the initial baptism exploded from the inside of the blasphemer, directly destroying it. His body and soul must be completely destroyed!"

Mika was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously and said, "It seems, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Do you know the specific part of blaspheming God?"


"Forget it, I'll say 'scold' later, and you can directly greet the eight generations of Sun God's ancestors."


Before Mika could react, she felt a nauseating spin, and God knows whether it was half a second, half a minute, or half an hour later, she heard Lucie's voice coming from her ears——


"Tisu Lao■I#@you\u0026% got a ■■¥!"

boom--! ! !

The next moment, with the bright golden red sun flames exploding, Mika, who was grabbed by Lucy's arm and teleported to Gu Xiaole, was swallowed up by a surging divine power in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the big yin and yang nearby The master was also burned by the Peng Yang flames. He only had time to let out a short cry before he was turned into nourishment by the irresistible divine power and was burned like the already dead God Abandoner!

The moment Lucie issued the command, she turned into a blood-red flying shadow and turned back towards the top of [Black Onyx City] like lightning. Although she was also caught in a little flame, she still avoided being directly eliminated.

At the same time, with Gu Xiaole's exit, the hundreds of shikigami that were bombarding the city walls and gates disappeared in an instant, and the hundreds of dead soldiers who suddenly lost their cover were also attacked by Lucy with dozens of A scorching ray dropped from the sky and blasted away from the city gate!

fifteen minutes later

Game time AM04:47

With an explosion, the south gate of [Black Onyx City] shattered, and the defenders behind it were blown to pieces by dozens of spell casters under the Nightless King.

Regarding [Haunted Church], the special side mission [Invading Like Fire] has been completed!

Lasted one hundred and fifty-one minutes.

Chapter 2315: End

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