Quadruple split

Chapter 2308 ‘Fairness’

Game time AM01:20

Public space, temporary meeting room of [Haunted Church]


Yu Ying, with dull eyes, stood on the sofa, spread her arms without any emotion and shouted: "Ahhhhhhhh--"

Mo Tan, who finally couldn't bear it anymore, sighed, turned to look at the female assassin who had completely lost her mind, and seemed to have indeed lost her feelings, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "I'm begging you, please calm down a little bit, okay?"

"I've tried very hard to calm down."

Yu Ying turned to Mo Tan expressionlessly and said in a robot-like tone without any emotion: "Otherwise, I should continue to make harsh and sharp explosions now, or I should be so excited that I jump off the balcony of this sea view house."

Idong, who was looking for a drink behind the bar, twitched his lips and reminded: "In fact, you have already jumped once."

Ji Xiaoge, who seemed to have regarded the chandelier as his own exclusive seat, swaying on it, covered his mouth and chuckled: "I thought there would be an air wall outside the balcony, but I didn't expect that after Yuying ran to the beach, Was sent back directly."

Yuying nodded and said with some regret, "Yes, I originally planned to swim two laps."

"So, we're not champions yet."

Yidong sighed and said helplessly: "I understand that you will get excited, but is it a bit too exciting to be so excited..."

"It's not too much."

It was not Yu Ying who answered Yi Dong, but Mo Tan who was the first to ask the latter to calm down, and the answer he gave was also very simple: "After all, the bonus has probably accumulated to an astronomical figure, well, at least For ordinary people like me and Yu Ying, it’s an astronomical figure.”

Yuchen opened his mouth, as if he wanted to remind someone that they had forgotten to include him, but in the end, he became one because he realized that his family background was indeed much better than that of Mo Tan and Yu Ying (the two knew each other well when they were in Misha County). I couldn't hold back any words, so I had to close my mouth again in frustration.

Not only her, but Yi Dong, Gu Xiaole and Ji Xiaoge couldn't continue after hearing this.

There is nothing that can be done about it, Gu Xiaole won’t say it anymore, she was born in Japan’s leading Onmyoji family, this sister can be said to be the absolute eldest lady in everything except her personality, and even with her personality, she can do it when necessary She pretends to be a very young lady, and has never used money as money either in society on the surface or in the real world below the surface.

The same goes for Yi Dong. Since he threatened his family ancestors by coming out as gay to dispel the rotten ideas of a poor boy, Yi Nan and Gu Yanyue felt extremely guilty about him. This smart little master is also very super. The consciousness of the rich second generation.

Ji Xiaoge, strictly speaking, is not the second generation of rich people. In her words, her parents' income is at the average level of society, but she and Ji Xiaodao's father lost their parents when they were young, and their grandparents also They are so rich that they are crazy. Therefore, without the checks and balances of their peers, the two sisters are almost a model of being spoiled by the next generation. Especially when they were young, their grandfather's house was particularly magical to them. This is mainly reflected in the fact that no matter what the sisters want, Whatever I wanted, I would always 'accidentally' find what I wanted every time I went there. This situation lasted until Ji Xiaoge was in the second grade of elementary school when he wanted to get a children's frying spoon, and then he gradually stopped.

By the way, when she was in the first grade, at the instigation of her father, she made a pot of small sugar cakes for her grandparents, and her grandfather moved his index finger after eating the first piece, and even wolfed down the rest. More than ten dollars was spent, leaving nothing for my grandmother. After being sent to the hospital for rheumatoid arthritis, my father complained that it was 'retribution for eating alone'.

By the way, Xiao Xiaoge did not complain about her grandpa at that time, but felt that she did not do enough, so she went home and made small sugar cakes for her parents. However, her father ate the first piece. With my index finger moving, I devoured myself and my mother's portion hungrily, and half an hour later I went to the hospital with a slight cold, which was regarded as the retribution of eating alone.

By the way, when Xiao Xiaoge planned to make sugar cakes for her mother and grandmother to eat alone without telling her father and grandfather, she was stopped by Xiao Xiaodao, using the very mature reason that "sweets are the enemy of women." .

All in all, Xiaoge cannot perfectly empathize with Yuying in this regard.

As for Yu Chen, let’s put it this way, Bai Zhen owns three properties in prime locations in S City, all of which were allocated by the government. For no other reason than that such a young national surgeon is too rare. This would have to be in the military or scientific fields. I'm afraid that if you have to assign bodyguards to take care of you 24 hours a day, and you have to find a low-level civil servant to take a bite of food and water first, Mo Tan will also be targeted for having frequent contact with the daughter of such a person, which will lead to Exposing his identity eventually triggers the horrific event that ends in Chapter 732 of the book.

To sum up, whether it is Yi Dong and Gu Xiaole who have great careers and spend a lot of money, or Yu Chen and Ji Xiaoge, whose family conditions are very good although their pocket money is at a normal level, even if they can understand Yu Ying's mood at this moment, but It is absolutely impossible to have the same level of empathy as Mo Tan.

...Because Mo Tan is also poor.

Of course, if you can empathize, you can empathize. Mo Tan finally succeeded in convincing Yu Ying to forget about the huge sum of money for the time being and focus all his energy on the next finals. The reason is also very simple - just to play with you. We are in the finals.

"Hey, rather than 'accompanying' me, it's better to say that you 'led' me to the finals."

Yu Ying, who had barely regained her composure, chuckled and said cheerfully: "To be honest, I originally wanted to hang out with another bitch who was more handsome than Hei Fan, but had a very bad personality, but she didn't want me anymore. , now...hehe, since he was eliminated, every time we win, I send him a message to taunt him, it’s so cool!”

【I thank you. 】

Mo Tan complained and said with a wry smile: "It's fine as long as it feels good. If you want to explode, just go back and finish the finals before you explode."

"How do you say it? I just describe it."

Yu Ying, who had regained her composure, rolled her eyes at Mo Tan, then suddenly clapped her hands and said excitedly: "Speaking of which, Wangyu, you can actually bring me back from the weak state I was in after using [Life-Sacrificing Blow]. ! This is too outrageous!”

Subconsciously reaching out to hold onto someone who could empathize with other beautiful girls, the Saint of Dawn, who had already heard Yu Ying say it once, smiled shyly: "It seems so!"

"Then I have an idea!"

Yuying showed a smirk that was more like 'cunning' than 'cunning', and said with a twinkling look: "I have a skill called [Ready for Opportunities], do you think it can..."


As a result, before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Mo Tan shaking his head.


The beautiful young assassin who was in high spirits wrinkled her nose and muttered: "You know what I want to say, just 'can't'!"

"I know."

Mo Tan turned to look at her and said casually: "You plan to let Wangyu add back your health which is only 1% due to [Sacrificing Blow], and then use [Ready for Opportunity] to reset [Sacrificing Blow] 】The 24-hour cooling time, the second [life-sacrifice blow] in a short period of time, right? "

"Ah this..."

Yu Ying, whose thoughts were perfectly guessed, blinked and said nonchalantly: "Because... you see, people have given me the nickname [Miss Life-Saving Strike] anyway, so I can be regarded as [Miss Life-Saving Strike]. It’s not a big deal, right?”

"It's not a big deal, but it's not realistic."

Mo Tan shrugged and explained: "First of all, the next game is the finals. If nothing else happens, I think there is a high probability that there will be a large-scale conflict background that looks great and is worthy of the finals. And in that In this case, according to my original plan, you don’t need to carry out a [life-threatening blow].”

Yuying was stunned for a moment, then blinked and said, "You mean the 'fourth' situation?"

"That's right."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and continued: "Besides, the skill [Dawn Prayer] has a cooldown of up to 90 minutes. It would be a waste to use it on you."

Yuying: "..."

Mo Tan smiled and asked, "Do you need me to give you a few more reasons?"

"No, thank you."

The lady who was destined not to be able to use the second strike of Life-Sacrificing Rolled her eyes and complained angrily: "You didn't even hesitate for half a second when you attacked me!"

"Because I started thinking about it even before the game was over."

Mo Tan smiled, and then said seriously: "I will continue to think about it in the future. If there is really a need during the game, I will make arrangements."


Yu Ying simply nodded in agreement, and then asked with some confusion: "I still have a question, [Life-sacrifice] has a lot of DEBUFF after use, including the one of 'cannot be treated by any means', so How did our holy lady cure me?"

Mo Tan raised a finger and shook it, and said without thinking: "Because the effect of the [Dawn Prayer] skill states that it can 'purify all negative states that can be theoretically dispelled.'"

"Yeah, yes!"

As the owner of [Dawn Prayer], Yuchen immediately nodded in agreement.


Yu Ying touched her chin and said hesitantly: "The 'judgment' of [Dawn Prayer] is higher than [Life-Sacrificing Blow]?"

"Maybe, but my suggestion is that while paying attention to the skill descriptions, don't regard the content inside as an 'absolute law'."

Mo Tan pondered for a moment and gave an example: "For example, the attack power of the fireball spell is 'low', but in the hands of a legendary sage with full fire element specialization, the fireball spell can destroy a city and destroy it. Attached with huge 'burn', 'burn', 'explosion', 'melt' and 'fission' effects."

Yuying immediately widened her eyes and said in shock: "So lax?"

"Perhaps you can understand that when you are strong enough or special enough, you can add 'hidden effects' to various skills and props."

In the 'Chaotic Neutral' state, Mo Tan, who had done a lot of verification in this area including but not limited to Xiao Ai, Cholera and others, smiled and said slowly: "It is also [Holy Healing Technique], I can only do it It can stop bleeding and relieve pain, but in Wangyu's hands, it can speed up the healing of injuries such as fractures by dozens of times. Do you think the system will write the panel based on the level of [Holy Healing Technique] she can use? "

Yuying clapped her hands and said with conviction: "OK, I have no new questions."

"I have it, I have it, and it's also about [sacrifice one blow]."

Gu Xiaole raised her hand with a smile and asked, "Sakura-chan mentioned the 'fourth situation' just now. If I then..."

"Sorry to interrupt."

As a result, in the next second, accompanied by several flashes of white light, Mika, Lucy, Kasena and Christina suddenly appeared in the private room that Yidong forgot to lock after letting Ji Xiaoge in. It was Lucy who interrupted Gu Xiaole, whose tone did not have any "apology" at all.

Yu Chen looked at the four people in a daze, and said in surprise: "Mimi, big brother, Xiaoqian, Nana! Why are you here!"

"Ahem, this, uh..."

Kasena coughed lightly, but in the end, after hesitating for a long time, she touched the tip of her nose and said helplessly: "Let Xiaoqian speak."

Seeing Kasena's appearance, and noticing that Mika and Christina's expressions were also a little embarrassed, Yu Chen immediately became alert and turned to Lucy and said seriously: "Xiaoqian, don't mess around!"

"Of course, I have never been a messy person."

At least in my brain circuit, I have never messed around. Lucy, who had been there before, nodded vigorously and said directly to the people in the haunted church: "Before we start bargaining, I have to emphasize two things first."

Yu Chen was already a little anxious: "Xiao Qian, you..."

"It's okay."

As a result, Mo Tan interrupted his sweetheart softly, turned to Lucy and nodded: "You can say whatever you want."

"Can the conversation be more colloquial? This is not a novel dialogue."

Lucy first briefly commented on Mo Tan's "You can say whatever you want", and then said seriously: "First of all, what I am going to say next is basically nonsense, not It represents my personal position, not the position of the three big brothers; secondly, this is my personal opinion. If you are really too narrow-minded, then just bear resentment towards me, a poor and innocent beautiful girl, and don't vent your anger on them. "

Mo Tan nodded decisively and made a "please" gesture: "I know, tell me the point."

"Okay, quick talk, I like..."

"Xiao Qian."

"I like it, but not the kind of affection that mostly appears between opposite sexes."

"Please tell me the point..."

"That is, do you think that the upcoming finals have Isn't it a bit unfair?"

"I don't think so."

"You are a full team of five, but we only have four people."

"We didn't stop you from forming a full team."

"You did."

"You don't mean to say..."

"We are five good sisters who agreed to play this game together. Guess where the remaining one is?"


"So the four of us sisters think--"

"Just now you said it's none of their business..."

"Chenchen is not allowed to participate. Let's have a fair 4V4."

Chapter 2299: The End

[That woman is not simple!]

This is the common conclusion of most teachers and students three days after Yi Xixi came to the academy as an exchange student.

The rumors were not groundless. To put it simply, she indirectly made the music class representative Tan Mo and the computer class representative Shuang Ye put aside their past grudges and formed a strategic alliance. The next afternoon after the alliance was formed, Tan Mo and Shuang Ye were inexplicably locked in the same small cubicle in the women's toilet on the third floor of the laboratory building. Since both of their mobile phones were buried in the toilet, their wrists and ankles were tied, and their mouths were taped, it took a long time for them to be rescued by Xia Lian, a junior high school physical education teacher with sharp ears.

Although there was no evidence, both of them insisted that it was the transfer student Yi Xixi who did it, and the latter also insisted that she was just an innocent introverted beautiful girl and had no idea what the two were talking about.

In the end, given that Tan Mo and Shuang Ye had a bad reputation, the matter was left unresolved after Yi Xixi was given a layer of mystery.

To put it more seriously, she actually cut in line with the student union chairman Mo at dinner time one day, and it was a particularly arrogant and domineering way of cutting in line.

The provincial flow explanation is: Chairman Mo was squeezed by Yi Xixi when he was about to get his dinner. Not only did the latter cut in line and snatched his food, but he almost fell down in public.

When the chairman called the head of the discipline committee who was about to subdue the queue jumper and asked him the reason, the answer he got was-

"I'm starving, and there are only two of you at this window, so please make an exception?"

Then...she was made an exception.

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