Quadruple split

Chapter 2301: Interlude leads the dance

Chapter 2301 Interlude·Leading the dance steps

Game time, Holy calendar year 9571, sky moon, chanting day 8, AM00:37

Public space, haunted church meeting room


Because Mo Tan had made it clear that [Sailor Moon] was a higher threat than [Sailor], so when Lucyie simply used all the magic power in her body to create a large-scale, extremely lethal The element went berserk, literally killing two of his teammates plus the remaining four players through 'self-destruction'. After winning the game, Yidong immediately waved his fist angrily and gritted his teeth and said: "It was just a close call! "


Yu Ying, who hugged her knees and sat next to Gu Xiaole, nodded and said with regret: "The three-color simultaneous moment had already reacted before Lucie's self-destruction and tried to cover the national warriors. The defeat slam also directly killed him. The whole person was thrown between Guo Shi Wushuang and Explosion. As long as we can save that kid, we can still win this game. "


Gu Xiaole, on the other hand, had already moved his gaze away from the close-up of Christina's victory, flying alone, and turned to Mo Tan, who had a solemn expression, and asked with a smile: "What do you think, Tan Jiang?"

Mo Tan, who seemed to be distracted, didn't react at all. It wasn't until Yu Chen poked him lightly that he suddenly raised his head: "Ah? What?"

Gu Xiaole was not impatient at all, and said with a smile: "That is to say, both Yidong and Sister Yuying think that [Pai Lao] is such a pity. If they can keep the national warrior Wushuang, the chance should be quite good, Tanjiang, you What do you think?”


Mo Tan took a breath, leaned on the back of the sofa, shook his head, and said helplessly: "It's impossible, [Pai Lao] has no chance."

Ji Xiaoge, who hung himself on the chandelier again, flapped his wings twice and curiously asked: "Why don't you have a chance? I also think that if Guo Shi Wushuang is not dead, [Pai Lao] here..."

"The unparalleled national warrior will undoubtedly die."

Mo Tan interrupted Ji Xiaoge's words softly, and said with a subtle expression: "As long as there is even a slight possibility that he can survive, Lucie will never choose to die together."

Yu Ying smacked her lips and looked a little disbelieving: "Really or not? How does she know whether Guo Shi Wushuang can withstand that self-destruction?"

"I didn't know that the survival rate of National Warriors was an over-the-top question for me, but for Lucie, it was probably a proper scoring question."

Mo Tan pinched his eyebrows and said in an extremely tired tone: "I must have said it many times, [Sailor Moon] is our biggest threat, and Lucy is the soul of that team. Although Ai has always been secretive, she is the most troublesome among the four. "

While he was a little happy that his best friend had been recognized by the object of his admiration, Yuchen, who was worried that he might have to face a powerful enemy, pursed his lips and asked in a low voice: "Is it really so troublesome?"

"It's really troublesome."

Mo Tan gave an affirmative answer without hesitation and said calmly: "At least in my opinion, she is the most troublesome type."

Yi Dong glanced at Mo Tan, who claimed to be stumped, with interest, and asked happily: "What type?"

"have no idea."

Mo Tan shrugged and gave a concise answer.

And Yi Dong also gave him a "Are you kidding me?" ’ look.

"I'm not kidding."

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "In my concept, fighting or war are nothing more than speculation, guidance, and deception, which are inseparable from the human heart in any case. Xi Ai...she...uh..."

Yu Chen chuckled and said to Mo Tanle who was suddenly stuck: "Just say what you should say, no one knows how weird Xiao Qian's character is better than me and my eldest brother, and she herself doesn't mind being thought weird by others. "

Upon hearing this, Mo Tan no longer hesitated and continued with a very subtle expression: "To be honest, the first problem with Lucie's words is that I think she is relatively erratic in terms of 'human nature'."


Gu Xiaole blinked and frowned slightly, "I don't think Xiao Qian is inhumane!"

"I'm not talking about being inhumane, but rather subtle in terms of 'humanity'. Well... for the sake of ease of understanding, although it's not quite accurate to say this, you can think of her as someone with a particularly strange brain circuit, at least for me. People who find it difficult to fathom.”

Mo Tan explained a little feebly and continued: "Other than that, I can't really see her 'characteristics', 'advantages' and 'flaws'. Take this competition as an example, so far, , Lucie has shown an extraordinary level in terms of personal strength, adaptability, strategic ability, analytical ability, strategizing ability, layout ability and even off-board moves. Apart from the upper limit of 'strength' that was exposed in the competition, the level of other items is still a mystery. "

Ji Xiaoge almost fell off the chandelier after hearing this, and said in shock: "So powerful! Then isn't she invincible!?"

Although Yi Dong and Yu Ying did not ask so directly, they looked at Mo Tan with the same kind of confusion.


"That's not the case."

Mo Tan waved his hand to stop his partner's doubts, and said with a serious expression: "The reason why this happened is not because she is so strong in all aspects that everyone can't see the difference, but because she has done so in almost all competitions. Maximum concealment and preservation.”

Yuying immediately raised her right hand and asked: "That's not right! Didn't you say before that all the teams that can reach the final day, including us, are trying their best to hide things? It should be normal for them to cover up and keep something. Right? Is it any different from other teams?”

"Of course there is a difference."

Mo Tan smiled and asked, "Does the other team have Christina?"

"Ah this..."

Yuying was stunned for a moment, and then said: "But Xinglong, Lusail and Guoshi Wushuang are also very strong."

"Of course they are very strong, and they are the kind of people who can basically overwhelm Christina in terms of overall ability."

Mo Tan nodded in agreement, and then changed the topic: "But the problem is that none of the people you mentioned have Christina's kind of defense ability that has been specialized to the epic level, and In addition to protecting the personal safety of teammates, this defensive ability can also hide more invisible and intangible things in the shadows.”

Idong nodded understandingly and confirmed: "For example, what is the upper limit of Lucie's abilities in all aspects?"

"That's right."

Mo Tan sighed and said with some frustration: "To be honest, although there is Xiaoyu, an all-round epic monster, and Christina, a weirdo who has stepped into the epic level in one direction, in this game, when it comes to Lucie is definitely the strongest at converting the concept of 'epic' into 'advantage', even though she is not an epic herself."

Yuchen tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked curiously: "You said Xiao Qian is the strongest, but what about you, Hei Fan?"

"I don't know."

Mo Tan shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: "I don't have any epic teammates."

Yu Ying glanced at him expressionlessly and said angrily: "I'm really sorry that we were delayed!"

"It's just an objective explanation of the problem."

Mo Tan, who knew very well that the other party was not actually offended, said lightly, and then waved his hands to comfort her: "But although Lucie is difficult to handle, you don't need to be too stressed. After all, we have a lot of things hidden." , the top priority now is to ensure that we can defeat [Broken Wind Bird] and win the semi-finals.”

Yidong casually opened a bottle of Coke and sighed: "So you remember that we are only the top four now? I thought you had already ignored the [Broken Wind Bird] as a chicken and a dog."

"Think too much, a bunch of chickens and dogs can't handle [Red Constellation]."

Mo Tan also sighed, and then said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "But precisely because they have solved the [Red Constellation], our current mental state can be said to be very ideal for us. In the final analysis, it is still a good thing."

Everyone is not a fool. Yu Ying immediately followed the train of thought and asked: "Relax?"

"Of course, it is inevitable to relax. After all, it is the [Red Constellation]. Even if they try their best not to relax out of professional ethics, their mood during the preparation stage cannot return to the previous round."

While Mo Tan raised his arms and stretched his body, he said lazily: "And besides this, the fact that we are not professional players also takes too much advantage."

This time it was Gu Xiaole who followed the train of thought. The great Onmyoji touched his smooth chin and guessed: "Intelligence-related?"

"Yes, in terms of intelligence."

Mo Tan smiled casually, nodded and said: "The reason why I am relatively confident is mainly because the information gap between the two sides is too big. As for the specific combat strength, although everyone except me is very powerful, if we really can take advantage of it, It’s not an advantage at all.”

Yu Ying whistled and raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, let me ask you this. Suppose we pass the Wind-breaking Bird level in a while, and face [Sailor Moon] that we don't understand at all, can you come up with it?" A way?"

To be honest, Yu Ying's question is quite sharp. As someone who once served as the adjutant of the Black Vatican Priest, she is very familiar with Mo Tan's characteristics under an absolutely neutral personality. She knows very well that if those mutants in Misha County were not It might be easier for Mo Tan to fight against a brainless monster, but an intelligent creature with the ability to think. Later, the discussion on the Internet about the [Battle of Sumir] made Yu Ying convinced of his judgment.

So, when Lucie, who is theoretically the most restrained opponent of Black Van's "good at fighting" style at this stage, appears, can [Haunted Church] complete the breakthrough?

Yu Ying wanted to hear the answer from Mo Tan himself.


The always humble Pastor Hei Fan looked up at the big screen and calmly gave an answer——

"Since you can't see through your opponent, just lead the dance and let the opponent fall into your own rhythm."

At the same time, the commentators and guests who were reading the advertisement during the live broadcast also finished promoting the product of [Little Smart Ghost] and talked about the current game again——

"First of all, let us once again congratulate the [Sailor Moon] team for successfully winning this semi-final, and already holding the championship trophy in one hand."

Smiley clapped vigorously and said cheerfully: "Although we didn't prepare a trophy."

"Of course, [Pai Lao]'s performance was also very exciting."

The handsome guy followed closely and said seriously: "I have to say that this game even lived up to the overly exaggerated impromptu slogan before the game. Both players showed their talents and kept the suspense until the last moment."


The beauty nodded in agreement, then looked at the guests on both sides and said happily: "I wonder what Teacher Xueyin and Brother Xinglong think of this game."

"It's great!"

Xueyin is worthy of being a planet idol. She answered almost the moment the beauty finished speaking, and then turned to look at Xinglong, her eyes full of expectation.

"Both teams played very well."

Knowing that he couldn't use the word "good-looking" to get away with it, Xinglong turned to the camera and said seriously: "[Pai Lao] played very well, but [Sailor Moon] did better. In my opinion, although their tactics are not complicated, their execution around Christina and forcing the opponent into their own rhythm is an art, and the execution process is smooth. This victory is well deserved."

"Thank you both for sharing."

The virtuous wife who had been pretending to be a quail because of her introverted personality was secretly poked by the beauty, and hurriedly said in a panic: "Then now... now... um?"

"It's time to disperse now."

Xiaomian immediately helped his wife who was confused because the "prompter" no longer displayed content, and used the tone of a class teacher who had just finished a class meeting. Said: "Thank you again, Xinglong, for being invited as the special guest of this game. Xinglong, what do you think of me?"

Xinglong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Funny and humorous."


Xiaomian also laughed and asked: "Then do you think I shouldn't be cyberbullied?"

Xinglong was stunned again, and subconsciously replied: "I don't think anyone should be cyberbullied."

"Did you hear that~"

As a result, Xiaomian immediately turned to the screen and said arrogantly: "Fans of Brother Xinglong! If you want to cyberbully me, remember to stop being a fan first! Otherwise, you will be going against your idol! Haha, hahahahahahaha!!!"

Then, the live broadcast room dissipated in Xiaomian's rampant laughter, and turned into a product advertisement for the clever ghost with basically no repetition in the content and very well made.

And then-

Game time AM00:50

[Questioning Debate·Team Battle] The second semi-final officially started!

Competition Map——Mirror Space S1928-6273 [Golden Riverbank: Terror Beast Hunting Ground]

Chapter 2292: End

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