Quadruple split

Chapter 2284: Friendly Face

[Your teammate: Huo Yanyang, died in battle]

The moment the cold system prompt sounded in his ears, Hiran even thought for a moment that he had accidentally 'heard' it three seconds later, but before he realized that he was hit by the [Brilliant Arrow] in mid-air After Gu Xiaole continued to fall under the protection of a bunch of ghostly symbols, Zhou Lan, whose face was pale by the white light next to him, finally accepted the reality.

Huo Yanyang was killed!

In just one encounter, Huo Yanyang, a heavyweight unit regarded as the core of the battlefield by our side, died like this!

In fact, this process is not complicated. It can even be said that about 80% of it was within Hiran's expectation. It's just that [Heavy Metal] still failed to hold up well under this situation——

First of all, even though he didn't know what form the opponent would use to interfere with him, Zhou Lan had long known that Mo Tan would most likely make a fuss about the 'weaknesses' he had inadvertently revealed after being eliminated in the individual competition, and for this reason Make enough preparations and ask your partners to ensure that you can distinguish multiple time points in the form of 'pairing codes'.

Under this premise, even if I did not expect that [Haunted Church] would risk interfering with me by giving up the system task, it did enter a state of confusion briefly after the other party started to attack. However, thanks to the previously agreed upon password, Zhou Lan still found the time node where he was at the first time, and "predictably" took a preemptive strike when he was attacked. He used powerful one-time consumption props to temporarily restrain Gu Xiaole, making this the absolute core of the "Haunted Church" He failed to intervene in the battlefield immediately.

Then... Huo Yanyang died.

As for the indirect cause of death, we can understand that it is because after Hiran completed the time calibration under Huo Yanyang's reminder, he was distracted while aiming at the target location while comparing 'now' with 'one second ago and three seconds later' Using the powerful skill [Magic Arrow] to stimulate the [Brilliant Arrow], he had a blind spot in his vision for at least a second and a half, that is, he was unable to observe 'time points other than the two comparison time points', and then missed it. The fact was that Huo Yanyang was killed 1.5 seconds after Gu Xiaole appeared.

As for the direct cause of death, we can simply summarize it into four words - [a life-saving blow]

That's right, it's still a life-saving blow, it's still a life-saving blow that instantly killed the [Infinite Mining] Greek Milk in the last round of competition! It was Yu Ying’s life-saving blow! In the lightning flash, it penetrated Huo Yanyang's abdomen directly from behind. Although it did not hit any vital points, given that the power of this blow was too strong, the latter's heart was still shattered in an instant and he died on the spot.


However, the health and stamina were only 1%, the damage received was increased by 1000%, the movement speed and all attributes were reduced by 50%, and the critical hit rate and critical damage were increased by 50%. Yuying turned around happily. He turned his head towards Hiran and smiled at the latter who was just a short distance away: "Sorry..."

Bang! ! !

With a hammer blow from Signisius, Yuying was hammered to death on the spot before she could finish her words, and disappeared into white light.

So far, [Heavy Metal] and [Haunted Church] have lost one person each. The former has lost its core assistant Huo Yanyang, and the latter has lost an...assassin player who is not bad.

"What a loss."

In the studio, Xiao Xiaobai shook his head and said expressionlessly: "No matter how you look at it, [Heavy Metal] is at a loss."

"no way."

Yinan nodded and said naturally: "Through the previous rounds of competition, even outsiders like us can see that [Heavy Metal] has a dual-core system composed of players Zhou Lan and Huo Yanyang, and What [Haunted Church] has shown so far is a violent and crushing lineup with Onmyoji’s Gu Xiaole as the absolute core.”

Xiao Bingbing: "..."

Xiao Xiaobai: "..."


Xue Yin nodded and asked repeatedly: "Then what?"

"In this way, there will be a situation that is quite unfavorable to [Heavy Metal] on paper, that is, their dual-core system is too obvious, and players Hiran and Huo Yanyang have already revealed most of their trump cards. , so that any opponent knows how to target them.”

Yi Nan looked at the four players of the [Heavy Metal] team who were commanding the NPCs to compress the defense line on the screen, and their faces were very ugly, and explained calmly: "And the [Haunted Church] not only has some unknown methods that have not been made public. ', Onmyoji Onmyoji player Tani Xiaole, who is the biggest core player on paper, is also very strong individually. Therefore, in the case of a head swap between the two sides, as long as Onmyoji Onmyoji player Tani Xiaole is not replaced, no matter whether the opponent loses Hirarashi player Player Huo Yanyang will both suffer.”

Xue Yin showed an expression of sudden realization and exclaimed: "That's it!"


Only then did Xiao Bingbing clear her throat and asked a question in a subtle tone that interested countless people: "Boss Yi, you seem to have a very thorough understanding of the situation, whether it's the player's strength, background, or... The situation is easy to grasp and easy to grasp. "

[Yes, I seem to be a guest this time. 】

Yi Nan was also shocked, but after all, he had seen the sullen poker face of Da Feng Da Lang, so this cool and handsome middle-aged man who pretended to be a little warm just paused for a moment and replied in a natural tone: " I am ashamed to say that I am also a senior player and a player of our [Innocent Realm] server. Perhaps as the boss of [Little Clever Ghost], I only need to have a general understanding of my partners, but I As a 'player', I have poured a lot of time and energy into [Innocent Realm] for the past six months. After [The Controversy] started, I even spent my offline time during the day paying attention to various news developments. , so...well, you understand."

[Although he looks calm, he explained a lot in a long way. Brother Yinan, you are panicking. 】

Xiao Bingbing pursed her lips and smiled and said happily: "I understand, I understand."

"I see."

Xiao Xiaobai nodded slightly and said suddenly: "This is the so-called playing with things and losing one's ambition."

"Haha, after all, I make toys, so I can give myself some excuse to lose heart."

Yinan showed a warm and honed smile, waved his hand and said, "As for the more profound content, I have to leave it to professional explanations."

Xiao Xiaobai, who claims to be a professional commentator, folded her arms in a helpful manner, and gave the sponsor's approval in a leisurely tone that made people think she was the sponsor: "Not bad, not bad, reasonable."

"In that case, let us analyze the current situation."

In order to make Yi Nan look less suspicious, Xiao Bingbing had no choice but to use a slightly deviated but professional attitude to analyze: "First of all, [Heavy Metal] is really overwhelming on the scene. Although disadvantageous, disadvantage and decline do not mean defeat, at least in my opinion, they still have a chance. "

Xueyin, who seemed to have completely transformed into the atmosphere group, exclaimed softly: "Wow! Is there really a chance?"

"It seems like this. After all, although [Heavy Metal] lost player Huo Yanyang, [Haunted Church] did not pay the price."

Xiao Xiaobai secretly glanced at the young priest walking at the back of the team on the screen, as if the noise not far away was just white noise for relaxation, with a calm expression and a slightly fluffy hairstyle, and said casually: "Just like As the players of [Heavy Metal] said before, the system tasks of both parties will probably conflict, so according to the intelligence during this period, the four members of [Heavy Metal] should have obtained some high-intensity buffs, and [Haunted Church] 】On the other hand, it was just the opposite. Although they killed the Huo Yanyang player in a single encounter, they probably received the debuff penalty after failing the mission. "

Xiao Xiaobing nodded immediately and added: "In addition, Yu Ying from [Haunted Church] was also eliminated, and Gu Xiaole, the Onmyoji player, was hit directly by Hiran's player just now, although I don't know the specific details. No matter what the situation is, considering that she did not regroup and return to the battlefield immediately, the possibility of being seriously injured is not impossible. "

"I also have concerns about this."

Yi Nan also added a less professional opinion at the right time, and said seriously: "After all, judging from the light effect, the arrow shot by player Hiran before looked very sacred, and Onmyoji... eh? Is it considered a necromancer? If so. If so, it should be severely restrained, right?"

[Is Onmyoji considered a necromancer...Aren't you afraid of being beaten by your wife later when you say this? 】

Xiao Bingbing sighed in her heart, but on the surface she agreed seriously: "It's also possible!"

"Ah, player Gu Xiaole has returned directly to the main force!"

Xueyin clenched her little hands nervously and said sternly: "Although her face doesn't look good, it doesn't look like she was seriously injured or anything. Well...it seems like she's going to open up and fight head-on! Which side is Mr. Yi more optimistic about?" ?”

"Well, my personal opinion is... [Haunted Church]."

In the conference room of Red Constellation, Xinglong was stunned for a moment when he was suddenly asked a question, and then gave an answer after a brief hesitation. "

"Haha, what a coincidence, I am more optimistic about the [Haunted Church]."

The middle-aged, tall and slender man with a beard who was forced to sit in the main seat after arriving smiled and asked: "Xiao Li, please be more specific. Why do you think [Haunted Church] can win? Let's see." Have you two thought about going together?"

Xinglong scratched his hair and said bluntly: "I think the name [Haunted Church] is quite cool. As for music, I personally don't like listening to rock music, so I don't have a great impression of [Heavy Metal]... "

"Ah this..."

Under such abstract answers, even Luo Ou, the boss of Crimson Constellation who saw all kinds of ups and downs, who rarely came to inspect the work, could not answer the question immediately and was stunned on the spot.

"team leader."

Jiuchong was a little confused and turned to look at Xinglong, and reminded him in a low voice: "Be more serious."

As a result, Luo Ou, who had very sharp ears, immediately waved his hands when he heard this and said happily: "No, no, no, no, I have always said that when we get along, we should be more casual with each other, be less scrupulous and more friendly, but you guys Xiao Li and Meimei did quite well, and Xiao Jiu wanted to criticize them by name.”

Jiuzhong sighed with a wry smile and said helplessly: "But you are the boss..."

"Boss, can't I just talk nonsense with you? I'm still your sister Liu's boss. If she doesn't get her way, she'll still kick me. Hey, let me tell you, the floral skirt and high heels she wore the day before yesterday, I'll just do whatever I want. I said something about pretending to be nice, but in the end, hiss..."

Luo Ou made a very ferocious expression and said in the same ferocious tone: "It's really fucking painful when you step on someone with your high heels."


The blood-stained eyes that were originally a little red couldn't help but laugh.

Not just her, Pioneer, Gentleman, Silver Moon, and Han Guang, who were also in a depressed mood, could not help laughing, and the corners of their mouths raised.

"You are also amazing. You can enlighten everyone before their buttocks are even hot."

Perhaps because of her aunt, Hanmei, who has always been close to Luo Ou, smacked her lips and sighed: "The official commentator is worried that we will be autistic for too long, and they also said that you arranged for Xinglong to be a guest just to relieve everyone's worries. The pressure is on."

In the end, Luo Ou grinned and shrugged: "What they said is not wrong, but what I hope to relieve is the pressure of 'you are in the audience's perception', otherwise God knows how many people will come out to make a fuss, they The public relations department will get angry when they make an issue. When the public relations department gets angry, they have to ask Liu Hong to approve the special budget. After Liu Hong approves the budget, she guarantees to read the rhythm online as soon as possible. With her small mind, she is sure to be in a bad mood after reading it. Okay, I am the unlucky one in the end, so pushing Xiao Li up is purely an act of self-help on my part, understand?”

"Humph, even so."

Hanmei smiled and then asked: "But you are really not angry? We reviewed the game just now. The last game was really ugly."

"Huha... Because you lost a good game due to non-objective reasons, didn't I already deduct half a month of your bonus according to the rules?"

Luo Ou yawned and said lazily: "As for the other things, you don't have them all in mind. Do you need me to pretend to be a boss and give you a lesson?"

"Then let's avoid it. We can adjust ourselves to this kind of minor setback. The old man won't talk about it. One of the two brats is heartless and the other is very easy to coax. They won't make you act like a bad guy."

Hanmei shook her head vigorously and asked casually: "Changing the topic, when do you plan to become my uncle?"

"Keep changing."

"Now that I've told you the reasons why Awakening Dragon is optimistic about [Haunted Church], it's your turn."

"I...on the one hand, I feel that the little Onmyoji girl is unusually easy to handle. On the other hand, I think the Black Van boy is particularly kind. From the beginning, I think he looks like a champion. ”

"Why just now?"

"Well, because it was you earlier."


"Haha, just kidding, I'm not a fortune teller, so I don't know how to read faces."

"That's true. By the way, Uncle Luo, haven't you had a good rest recently?"

"How to say?"

"I just always feel that you seem a little haggard and not in good spirits."

"Oh, that should be because I just had a fight with a bad guy in the game."

"Huh? Got into a fight with a bad guy?"

"Well, I had a fight with the bad guy."

"Then what?"


"The bad guy is dead?"

"When the bad guy dies, I die too."


Chapter 2275: End

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