Quadruple split

Chapter 2269: Insanity

Game time PM17:05

[Crime Debate·Team Battle] Competition-specific map, mirror space S4187-7662

Somewhere in the Innocence Continent, there are ruins of an underground palace

"Fuck! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"

Accompanied by a hoarse roar, the giant bear transformed by Sarufang's mighty power stood up and roared loudly: "Are you serious? No, are we just saying that we must do this?!"

"Don't move!"

Although he has a slender figure, he is the strongest one in the team besides Sarufang Mighty. The cheese cat demon raised his eyebrows. While desperately grabbing the latter's front paws and pulling him to the ground, he gritted his teeth and said: "Ninichi. It’ll be over soon! It’ll just be more painful at first!”

Because he had just completed his transformation and could not return to his human form during the skill cold zone, Sarufang Mighty, who could only continue to maintain his giant bear state, turned a deaf ear and continued to struggle desperately: "Fuck you! Silly cat, let me go! Are you okay? It’s easy to find a bed partner, you have to be a woman!”

"Watching women's ways?"

The cheese cat demon sneered, picked up his shield and smashed it at the giant bear with horns on both sides of its head in front of him: "I'll give you a big watermelon!"

Being hit by the opponent's shield and dizzy, but unable to fight back, Sarufang gritted his teeth mightily: "Gan!"

"You can't think of a solution on your own, but Huang Yu figured it out."

Po Douluo folded his arms and leaned against Yuan Fang's mighty side. The cold black energy escaping from his body turned into two big black hands in mid-air, tightly restraining the two hind legs of the giant bear, his tone was quite carefree. Lazy: "Then let him try."

"He really wants to try whatever he wants, but he can't try it on me!"

Although he would definitely be able to struggle out if he tried his best, he did not dare to hand over core skills such as [Wild Fury] here rashly. In the end, Sarufang was really 'subdued' and yelled loudly: "You guys! Why do you think so? I'm a druid and you're bullying me! I've been living so damn well for over thirty years and I haven't even had a chicken tattoo on my body. How dare you... Oh my god!"

There was a flash of blood, and with the mithril carving knife flashing purple waves in his hand, he opened a gash on the giant bear. Huang Yu also showed a bloodthirsty smile and grinned: "It'll be alright, it'll be alright, as long as you don't move." , I promise it’s light, fast and gentle!”

Sarufang mighty: "I@#¥you@\u0026%!!!"

"Tsk tsk, the more you resist, the more excited I get!"

Huang Yu smiled even brighter, and asked him to hold the knife in his left hand and sprinkle powder with his right hand. While making bloody holes on the giant bear, he continued to sprinkle a large amount of powder with magic power fluctuations and flowing light into the air, his eyes widened. The boss, with his grin almost reaching below his ears, looked like a sick and cruel perverted murderer in a thriller.

"To be honest, although I have always known that Yuhuo's gang is not mentally normal, Player Araraha's demeanor and behavior right now..."

Greek Milk sucked in a breath of cold air and said with lingering fear: "It's a bit too crazy even if you put it in a bath of fire."

Smile touched the outer edge of his mask and said dryly: "What I'm more curious about is, why are they doing this, or...what are they doing? It can't really be killing each other, right?"

"Definitely not. Didn't they say it was a 'method'?"

The handsome guy shook his head and said calmly: "According to the current situation, this so-called 'method' is most likely to be used to deal with the [Sailor Moon] team, but it only requires the mighty player Saruhoshi to pay some price. "

Xue Yin shrank her neck, hugged her shoulders and whispered, "It looks so painful!"

"But that's just what it looks like. Under the protection of the senses, although Sarufang Mighty Player will also feel pain, the extent will never exceed the level of being pecked by a bird."

The handsome guy simply reassured and said seriously: "In most cases, we will not let players endure unbearable pain without permission."

Xue Yin blinked and shook her head happily to the accompaniment of Sarufang's majestic howling, and asked curiously: "What does it mean without permission? Does it mean that if the player gives permission, he will encounter unbearable pain?"

“Theoretically, all players have a minimum adaptive sensory protection threshold of 60% to ensure that everyone can get as much positive feedback as possible when experiencing [Innocence Bound], and to not have too much impact as much as possible. Reduce negative body sensations with a sense of reality.”

The handsome guy first folded his armor slowly, and then explained: "But in some cases, players may also need to make some choices, and judge whether they can pay some price to ensure benefits when their efforts are proportional to their gains. There may also be an option to reduce the sensory protection ratio, but most of these can be decided by the players themselves. In fact, we believe that negative body sensations are also part of the game experience. After all, life always has ups and downs, and there is no adjustment. If you taste too much sweetness, you will get tired of it.”

Xue Yin immediately nodded vigorously and said: "Yeah! I understand, I understand! Although the arrangements that come naturally, suddenly, and by chance are very satisfying and comfortable, but staying up until the early hours of the morning to rewrite the music more than 70 times before it comes out is really good. It gives people a greater sense of accomplishment! If you’re lucky, you’ll gain a lot of useful insights!”

"That what..."

Greek Milk keenly caught the blind spot in the handsome guy's words and hesitated: "I noticed that you just said 'the vast majority' twice. Can this be understood to mean that in some extreme situation with a very small probability, we Players may passively endure some difficult negative physical sensations?”

The handsome guy was silent for about half a second, and finally nodded: "Yes, I do not deny that under extremely special circumstances, some unexpected situations will occur, including of course negative body sensations that exceed the system threshold."

“This is a must-try part of [Innocence Boundary].”

The smiling face shrugged and said angrily: "If you want to be real but can't stand a little sin, how can there be such a good thing? Don't play if you don't like it."

Upon hearing this, Greek Milk immediately waved her hands and explained: "That's not what I meant, I just thought that with your company's background, you shouldn't have no plan for the situation just now, right? If possible, I hope you two can help popularize it. , although most of it is already in the official manual, but I don’t think most players have the patience to study the hundreds of thousands of words in detail.”


Considering that [Sailor Moon] is still standing still at the refresh location, and [Bathing in Fire] still has the atmosphere of competing with the slaughterhouse, the handsome guy naturally nodded his head and explained: "Actually, this question is easy to answer, simple To sum up, in terms of protecting players, in addition to basic sensory protection, we also have two functions: [Minor Sensory Protection] and [Excessive Load] Forced Offline.”

Greek Milk nodded and said seriously: "I would like to hear the details."

"I think everyone is well aware of the [Minor Sensory Protection] function. Although it is mandatory for minors to turn on, adults can also choose to activate the system on the system interface. In this case, we The so-called extreme situations before will no longer exist. Any player included in the [Minor Sensory Protection] will be strictly, strictly and strictly protected, but..."

The handsome guy paused here and said seriously: "In this case, any negative physical sensation that has a probability of exceeding the player's requirements after being greatly weakened will cause the player to disconnect. There are several situations after being disconnected in the game. , I won’t do any popular science here, there are many on the forum.”

"It's definitely a side effect."

Greek Milk nodded seriously and continued to ask: "Besides that? Is there anything else?"

"Other than that, it's unproven and relatively stream-of-consciousness stuff."

The handsome guy pondered for a moment and then said carefully: "For example, many people will explode in adversity, pain or high pressure, and then have new breakthroughs or realizations, but if they are in the state of [Minor Sensory Protection] throughout the whole process I am afraid that the physical sensation in the relevant aspects will not be too intuitive, and it may also affect the character's growth, but as I said before, this statement is too stream of consciousness and cannot be used as a reference strictly speaking. "

Smiley folded his arms and leaned on the back of the chair, and said lazily: "It's just a matter of saving money. Just do it if you're scared, but it's easy to change. Although high-level and below will basically not be affected, but the epic bottleneck has been stuck." Knowing how many thousands of people there are, I would like to advise friends who are in charge of fighting to be as little as possible. As for players who like to study history, geography, humanities, politics, economics and trade, etc., there is no need to open it. As for [too large] "Load" protection means forcing players to go offline before their deep mental state is affected, based on each person's tolerance.

"I see."

Greek Milk, who raised the popular question on behalf of the majority of players, nodded with satisfaction and said seriously: "I understand."

"Ah! Everything seems to be over over there at Yuhuo!"

Almost at the same time, Xue Yin also raised her little hand and pointed at the figure on the screen that had been let go by the cheese cat demon and Po Douluo. Now it was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, receiving the mud from her teammates. The giant bear covered in bloodstains was treated by Drunken Angel: "It seems that the mighty player Sarufang didn't lose much blood either."

The smiling face spread his hands and complained: "Isn't that for sure? Player Sarufang Mighty looks like a shape-shifting druid specializing in defense. He is definitely 'rough-skinned and thick-bodied' in the literal sense, so don't watch the scene. It seems to be bloody, but this kind of injury is just a 'skin-breaking' level for him. If he leaves it alone, it may not take a few minutes to heal. "

Xue Yin stared with interest at the giant bear on the screen that looked half-dead but still had 92.5% of its health, and said to herself: "So what on earth were they doing just now?"

It is worth mentioning that the reason why she said she was talking to herself was because Xueyin did not expect anyone to answer her. But to her surprise, the handsome guys and Greek girls on both sides responded to her question almost at the same time. Answer——

"Carving a magic circle."

"Draw a magic circle, right?"

They didn't speak in unison, but the handsome guy and the Greek girl, who had similar answers, turned to each other at the same time after finishing speaking, and looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled.

Xueyin: "...So what is that?"

The handsome guy smiled and said nothing, and just gave the Greek tits a look of "You tell me."

The latter was not polite, and immediately explained to Xueyin and the countless viewers who didn't understand like her: "If nothing else, those things on Sarufang Mighty Player's body that look scary, are actually just cuts and backwards. The injury with some crystal powder sprinkled in it should be some kind of buff circle with limited range, stable power and long-lasting effect."


Naturally, Xueyin would not be stingy with her words of praise, and immediately looked at the Greek milk with shining eyes: "How can you tell this?"


Greek Milk scratched her hair in embarrassment, then turned to look at the handsome guy: "Can you tell me first?"

The latter smiled and said lightly: "It's just a coincidence. I saw this magic circle and recognized it directly."

"I see. It's a bit tricky on my part."

Greek Milk nodded and said with a smile: "Although Player Ararayu is not an insider, because he often appears in various incredible records and lists, many people have studied him, including those who want to increase the number of live broadcasts. I am a regular commentator, but in my impression, what Araha is best at is 'fixed-point casting'. In other words, his movement combat is terrible, and his stand-up output is unparalleled in the world."

Xue Yin immediately turned her attention to Huang Yu who was wiping the mithril dagger in his hand on the screen, raised her little ears and asked: "Then, then what!"

“Then it’s actually about taking the answer and working backwards.”

Greek Milk touched the gap between his head and shoulders with some embarrassment (he had no neck) and said: "Based on my experience in the industry for so many years, many games allow users to obtain substantial gains in a limited area. But at the same time, high-reward and high-punishment skills will have a great impact on movement, and their strength can only be exerted when standing and outputting. Player Araha, who is already in a mess in mobile combat, favors this skill, so... …”

"So what you're saying is that in order to achieve world-class performance, player Araha chose to engrave some kind of skill similar to an amplification circle on player Sarufoshi's body?!"

"Well...that's what I think. Although this approach is nothing short of a fantasy in other games, after playing [Innocent Bound" for more than half a year, I no longer think it is a fantasy. ”

"That's it. Both Xiaomian and I can prove that as long as it is logically reasonable, you can do any operation you can think of in the Innocence Realm, which of course also includes etching what should be on a certain piece of ground. The [Powerful Magic Circle] is engraved on a druid."

"Uh, so what you mean is..."

"If nothing else happens, we will soon see a bear knight...oh no, the bear riding method is galloping on the battlefield."

"...It's outrageous."

Chapter 2260: End

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