Quadruple split

Chapter 2257 No Compromise

Ten minutes ago

[Guilt-Asking Battle·Team Battle] Special map for the competition, Mirror Space S7127-1363

Northwest Continent, northern Lostland Principality, Golop Crater, edge of the temporary settlement of the Red Constellation

Game time PM15:09

"By the way, Miss Yege..."

Standing on tiptoe to watch the battle between Xinglong and Motan in the distance, Jiuchong raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, turned his head to look at the winged beautiful girl who was busy in front of the grill next to him, and asked curiously: "Aren't you worried?"

"What are you worried about?"

Ji Xiaoge blinked, put the skewers of fresh meat on the grill, and carefully sprinkled spicy powder on the thin layer of Xinei carbon underneath: "Will it be too spicy when grilled?"

"No...I don't mean this problem..."

Jiuchong glanced at the dozen skewers on the grill and shook his head: "I mean, Brother Mo who is fighting with Xinglong."

Ji Xiaoge's "Mo" The moment she spoke, she shook her wings subconsciously, raised a slight arc at the corner of her mouth, and asked with a smile in an unconsciously rising voice: "What's wrong with Mo?"

"Although he may be suspected of bragging, he is indeed fighting against the strongest professional player on the planet."

Jiuzhong shrugged, and after a brief consideration, he asked rather obscurely: "Aren't you worried?"

Ji Xiaoge's eyes immediately lit up, and she asked back happily: "Do you think I should be most worried about him!"


Jiuzhong was a little dazed by the girl's sudden excitement, but after reacting, he touched his nose and whispered: "I think so a little bit."


Ji Xiaoge, who knew very well that Jiuzhong's subtext was 'I think your relationship may be a little bit impure', pursed her lips and smiled, happily flapping her wings while brushing the sauce on the skewers, and even the feathers on her ears trembled with pleasure.

Jiuchong also laughed and said, "So you're still a little worried, right?"

Ji Xiaoge shook her head cheerfully and answered without hesitation, "No~"

Jichong: "...Huh?"

"I'm not worried about him."

Ji Xiaoge nodded vigorously in the face of the other party's confused eyes, and said seriously, "Otherwise, you wouldn't be so heartless to grill skewers here."

Jichong, who had a good impression of Ji Xiaoge (although almost everyone had a good impression of her), scratched his hair, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers, but it didn't snap.

"What do you want, ladies?"

As a result, the gentleman still appeared behind the two of them at the first time, and bowed to Jiuchong and Ji Xiaoge in a pretentious manner.

"To gather information."

Kichong, who knew very well that he might have a close-up shot at this moment, playfully stuck out his tongue and acted cute to the countless people watching the live broadcast.

The gentleman immediately created a soundproof barrier with the two of them as the center, and handed a crystal clear silver coin to Ji Xiaoge: "If you want to close the soundproof barrier, just rub it twice. If the barrier disappears due to external force, this silver coin will turn gold. If there are people other than you two in it, it will turn copper."

"Thank you."

Ji Xiaoge took the silver coin and gave the gentleman a polite smile.

"It's my honor."

The gentleman bowed to the two again, then slowly withdrew from the soundproof barrier and turned to find Pioneer and Bloody.

Ji Xiaoge looked at Jiuchong with a somewhat subtle expression and asked, "You professional players... do you have such a clear concept of superiors and subordinates?"


Jiuchong immediately shook his head like a rattle, and said with a smile: "It's just that the gentleman likes to show off. He pretends to be bumbling every day. It's not annoying, but it always makes people very headache."

Ji Xiaoge smiled and nodded, "I understand, I understand. Speaking of live treasures, the people around me don't seem to be very worry-free, uh... Although I am not very worry-free either."

"Really? I would like to play games happily and leisurely with friends like you, Yege, but unfortunately there will be no chance before we get on the right track."

Jiuchong lowered his shoulders and said helplessly: "Although I now think that it is a very cool and happy thing to be able to support my family by playing games, I have to admit that a normal gaming experience is simply a luxury for us. It is not fun to play dungeons and go to the battlefield together. and so on. It was not my turn a long time ago. "

Ji Xiaoge tilted her head and asked curiously, "What about rest time?"

"Apart from the semi-business live broadcast, in fact, most professional players don't play games during their rest time. Well, maybe we have to put aside Xinglong."

Jiuzhong smiled and said, "For example, I like to do some knitting during my rest time, crochet key chains, mobile phone cases, scarves and socks for myself and my friends. As for games... once I play, it is easy to think about problems from the perspective of the club. When I come to my senses, I have already sorted out the report and worked overtime for free."

Ji Xiaoge, who heard about this for the first time, widened her eyes and sighed, "So miserable?"

"Actually, it's not bad. I'm quite happy about it personally."

Jiuzhong shook his head and shrugged, "But the boss has talked to me several times and reminded me again and again that I am not allowed to work overtime on my own initiative, so..."

She didn't say anything else, but just pouted her lips, indicating that she had no choice.

"I didn't know the gossip about these professional players before."

While Ji Xiaoge dug out various bottles and cans from his luggage and placed them next to the grill, he chuckled and said to Jiuchong: "But I won't reveal too much information about Tianzhu Mountain. I will let the teacher Headache."

Jiuzhong smiled casually and did not hide it: "I understand, I understand, even if I just make friends with you, Miss Ye Ge, I am personally satisfied, but..."

"It's just that you think subconsciously from the club's perspective, right?"

Ji Xiaoge interrupted Jiuzhong with a smile, and said happily: "This is what you just said...ah! You changed the pepper oil into sesame pepper oil! I'm really not good at multitasking... Mo also said that I It’s a bit single-threaded.”

"Is there also Sichuan pepper oil and sesame pepper oil here?"

Kunou stood on tiptoe and glanced at the grill curiously, and then he covered his mouth in hindsight: "Ah, wouldn't it be better if I didn't disturb you now?"

"It's okay, the preparations are almost complete."

Ji Xiaoge shook his head and explained to Jiuzhong: "It takes about three or four minutes for Xinetan to adjust the temperature. I don't have anything to do during this time. If you want to chat, you can come with me. By the way, here Actually, there are no Sichuan peppercorns or peppercorns, but the powder of Patchouli vine branches has almost the same effect as the ground black raccoon flower stems, so I just use the external names."

"Little sister Yege, you have such a good character."

Jiuchong, who hangs out with violent men, unruly girls, and yoga fanatics every day, sighed from the bottom of his heart, then coughed slightly, covered his mouth and asked, "So you and Brother Mo are a couple?"

The winged girl, whose thoughts were particularly easy to guess, suddenly lit up and said in surprise: "Is it so obvious!?"

"Cover your mouth, there are many people who can read lips..."

Jiuchong immediately reminded him, and then chuckled: "It's not very obvious, but I have watched the previous game between you and Miss Mu Xuejian many times. If you think about it carefully, the reason for your anger is probably Brother Mo. Right? As for calling his game ID "mo" as black as ink, it's probably because he was jealous."

Ji Xiaoge, who obediently covered her mouth, looked away and muttered: "I'm not jealous... I'm my real girlfriend, why should I be jealous of her? White hair is amazing, my wings are still white. , The pillow is so comfortable, I can fight well, I can also cook... Oh, although the food I cook is not delicious, but... but the food I cook is good at fighting..."

Kunou didn't understand the relationship between 'rice' and 'fight' for a while: "...what?"

The winged beautiful girl lowered her face with a slight blush: "...it's nothing."


Jiuzhong, who noticed that the other party didn't seem to want to continue talking about this matter, coughed lightly and quickly brought the topic back: "So, little sister Ye Ge, the reason why you are not worried about Brother Mo at all is because you are in the competition. You won’t really lose your character if you lose in the middle, and don’t the three of you force yourself to advance to the next round?”


Ji Xiaoge shook his head and replied simply and brightly: "It's because he doesn't want me to worry."

Jiuzhong was stunned again: "Eh?"

"Mo doesn't want me to worry."

Ji Xiaoge simply repeated what he had just said, and said to Jiuchong seriously: "So what I can do for him, besides facilitating the 'discussion' between him and Xinglong, is to try not to worry about him."

Kunou, who completely failed to understand what the other party said, blinked, and finally came to his senses and shook his head honestly: "I don't understand."

"He always likes to think a lot, and always subconsciously considers everyone around him, but his own priority is very low. He often makes himself breathless, but he has no self-awareness at all."

Ji Xiaoge shook his wings, and while fiddling with the black hair hanging on his shoulders, he complained in a proud and helpless tone: "He has been cleaning up the messes of the people around him, protecting everything within his sight. Everything is as if he is the only one in the world who doesn’t need to take care of him. He is very handsome...but I would rather he not be so handsome.”

Jiuzhong smiled slightly and teased: "I knew that the boy who could match you, little sister Ye Ge, would be perfect~"


As a result, Ji Xiaoge repeated the sentence with a subtle expression, then turned to look at the figure who was frequently fighting with the world's number one person in the gaming industry, and murmured: "I don't think so, his character is obvious It’s so bad that there’s no cure.”

Jiuzhong, who had been stunned for an unknown number of times, was stunned again: "Didn't you just say..."

"My father doted on my sister and me, and he also loved my mother very much. I knew from the time I was sensible that he could do anything for us, although he was never a perfect person."

Ji Xiaoge looked at the figure in the distance who, although not very clear, could completely restore every detail of him with the help of his mind, and who broke into his heart without even saying hello, and said with bright eyes: " My sister also dotes on me and always watches over me silently, but she is not a good girl in the eyes of ordinary people, and may even be considered a bit eccentric; my mother also loves us very much, but can mess up things easily."

Jiuchong, who had realized that the other party was not talking to him, but was unconsciously venting certain emotions, nodded gently, followed Ji Xiaoge's words and smiled: "They are a very enviable family."

"But whether it's dad, mom, sister, me...or anyone else I know, everyone will sometimes want to please themselves. Rather, most people I know live for themselves. of."

Ji Xiaoge covered the smaller half of her face, trying hard to make her eyes that could be observed by someone appear bright and peaceful. Her voice, which only she and Jiuchong could hear, was slightly trembling: "I like cooking, although I The food is not delicious; my sister likes small animals, although most of them are afraid of her; my father likes to play tricks on his friends, and my mother likes to walk alone with my father in the evening."

Jiuzhong, who had realized what the other party wanted to say but found it difficult to understand rationally, nodded slightly and said seriously: "This is normal. In fact, I think even if you care about each other, it is also for yourself, such as your father. He dotes on you, it must be because if you are happy, he will be happy too. "

"Yes, I also think this is normal."

Seeing Mo Tan fall to the ground after being slapped on the chest by Xing Long, Ji Xiaoge's figure also swayed, and then he immediately stamped his feet to resolve the "leg weakness", even though Mo Tan couldn't see himself from Mo Tan's angle. But he still showed a look that was both optimistic and heartless, and continued with a trembling voice: "But Mo is not like this, he... doesn't seem to live for himself for even a minute, even though he will speak from the bottom of his heart. He is always happy for everyone around him, and although his warmth can touch everyone, he will only ignore himself.”

Jiuchong thought about it seriously and asked, "Perhaps Brother Mo is the kind of good person who makes himself happy when others are happy?"

"For a long time, that's what I thought."

Ji Xiaoge, whose eyesight was astonishing due to race relations, clenched his hands and stared at the crazy blood around his body from a distance. His eyes were coated with an unknown purple-red color after losing their light. He said softly: "Until I Standing closest to him, it wasn’t until I could rely on him to act like a baby that I noticed the warmth behind the care that I took for granted in the past, which made me feel at ease and didn’t want to leave. , it’s the exhaustion and anger that can almost drive me crazy whenever I think about it.”

"Tired? Angry?"

"Well, the anger towards himself and the exhaustion towards everything, but he hid these well, so well that even he didn't know it."

"Sorry, I don't quite understand..."

"Actually, I don't quite understand it. After all, I've never been a smart, intellectual, and thoughtful girl like you. But I'm the only one who must understand it. I can't do it if I don't!"

"I can understand this sentence."

"Right~ I'm his girlfriend! It's okay to be stupid, it's okay to be silly, and it's okay to be willful, but it's absolutely not okay not to try your best to understand and appreciate his hard work!"

"is it not OK?"

"No! This is the only thing, and we will never compromise!"

Chapter 2248: End

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