Quadruple split

Chapter 2255 Camel, Straw and Silence

Chapter 2255 Camel, Straw and...Silence




These were the only three emotions that Mo Tan could clearly perceive in the bizarre chaos.

Those were his own emotions, belonging to Mo Tan's displeasure, Mo Tan's resentment, and also Mo Tan's unhappiness.

Those were cold, hot, toxic, and disgusting negative emotions.

They were not good. He knew they were not good, but he could not stop them.

Mo Tan kept his mind active so that he would not lose consciousness because of being completely swallowed by the chaos. He knew very well that the only result would be that he would be forced offline by the system and disappear from the field in a ridiculous way in front of everyone, making the girl's kindness go to waste.

She was a beautiful girl, but he didn't really care about her appearance, or rather, her appearance did not occupy too much of the other factors that attracted him, but only occupied an equal part of the countless charms that made him intoxicated.

There is no doubt that I like Ji Xiaoge.

Maybe it was after a casual greeting, or maybe it was during a telepathic look, or maybe... who knows, at least when I was amazed by her for the first time, I didn't have any admiration for the girl except for sighing that there is such a beautiful person in the world.

I feel a little disappointed. I heard that love at first sight is quite romantic.

But I am more fortunate, for the same reason as the other party suddenly became sentimental when walking in the academy city that night.

But no matter what, at this moment, Mo likes Ji Xiaoge.

Yes, in fact, this matter has been very simple from the beginning. Although I have always insisted that I am the same person in the past twenty years, the so-called atypical personality split is just one side of the person "Mo Tan", but after the three identities of Hei Fan, Tan Mo and Mo appeared one after another, the situation has gradually changed in a subtle way.

After witnessing and leading the "fusion" of Remlia Kevos and Salia Kevos, Mo Tan, who had long ago mastered a large amount of knowledge and miscellaneous studies with "spirit" as the keyword through self-study, and had almost mastered experimental psychology, psychological statistics, psychometrics, developmental psychology, social psychology, biological psychology, cognitive psychology and personality psychology, had already learned one thing.

That is, his "condition" was irreversibly deteriorating.

The game "Boundary of Innocence" fulfilled its slogan that was unclear but successfully impressed Mo Tan to spend a huge amount of money to purchase a game cabin - [Want to try living in another way? Here you can have the most authentic self]

The only deviation is that the "another" in the slogan has become three or even four, and the most authentic self has also become three or even four.

The person in the world who knows Mo Tan's mental state best, that is, he himself knows better than anyone else, [Boundary of Innocence] has never been a major turning point that changes life and destiny, but a straw that accelerates the camel's fall.

In other words, as he grew older, Mo Tan had long believed that his "disease" would irreversibly trigger a chain reaction one day, leading to extremely serious consequences including but not limited to sudden death. The absolute neutral personality named "Black Brahma" in the game appeared because it was a "self-help" measure after Mo Tan's subjective and subconscious reached an agreement.

To put it more clearly, the absolute neutral personality has never been a remedy for the symptoms, but a concrete manifestation of the concept of "antibody".

In short, Mo Tan knew that "losing control" was almost inevitable, and when he found the game [Boundary of Innocence], he was in a "blocking is not as good as easing" mentality, thinking that if this thing is really as good as it is, it might be able to relieve pressure on himself.

And the facts have indeed proved that the Boundary of Innocence can indeed relieve pressure on people like Mo Tan who are difficult to be compatible with normal society, but...

In terms of "blocking is not as good as easing", the effect of this game may be a bit too good, so that when Mo Tan came to his senses, his "losing control" had already begun.

But with the beginning of this "out of control", Mo Tan no longer had the "self-awareness" as before, but continued his "own" daily life as if nothing had happened.

The reason is actually very simple. At least at this moment, Mo Tan, who seemed to be "in" a chaos, but knew very well what he was doing, seemed to be very simple and pure.

In a word, it is the instinct of survival.

This is a trait that most creatures, including Mo Tan, have. Unlike the previous "self-rescue", when he came to his senses, he found that the self-rescuer this time was no longer "Mo Tan".

So, in the continuous "self-rescue" process, Mo Tan became a loyal supporter of the world of innocence, but there was no "Mo Tan" in the world of innocence.

When he came to his senses, the camel had fallen, and the straw burned silently.

Referring to everything he saw, heard, and learned in reality and in the game, he also proposed the hypothesis that the camel did not exist. After all, after tracing back to the source, when the young Mo Tan realized that he had awakened from the nightmare, there was no camel at all.

Self-help, sense of crisis, survival instinct... all of these combined together made him insist on the truth that the camel still existed, just as Mo in the world of innocence still avoided the lie that the camel no longer existed.

It's a pity that the straw can break the camel's back if you don't know whether it exists, and it can also break the person's back if you don't know whether it exists.

Putting aside the reserve and riddle, he can easily come to a conclusion.

His love for Yu Chen and Chen Wang Yu broke Hei Fan.

His love for Ji Xiao Ge and Ye Ge broke Mo.

In the end, the sound of the shattering had reached a level that was hard to ignore and deafening, and it hit his spirit like a mountain torrent that broke through a dam.

So the question is, is the so-called "love" really a concept that is above all emotions and magical enough to create miracles?

At this moment, Mo Tan felt that this theory was both correct and absurd, so full of contradictions as its existence itself.

It is correct because in most cases, "love" is indeed the most intense, craziest and most capable of breaking through the rational defense line among common emotions, so it is indeed very suitable as the first crack when the dam breaks.

It is absurd because compared with Mo Tan's "life" over the past twenty years, the so-called "love" has an infinitely close impact on his mental state, which means that it cannot play any decisive role.

To put it bluntly, whether it is Hei Fan's feelings for Yu Chen or Mo's feelings for Ji Xiaoge, they cannot shake their mental state, but they can actually make them collapse much earlier when they are destined to collapse.

Admittedly, it is not surprising that Tan Mo is so stable in his mental state, but the reason why Mo is more "fragile" than Hei Fan, who seems to have struggled for a long time, is completely within the scope of logical explanation.

If we abandon the long and boring long-winded speeches and get to the core of the problem, we can simply think that "Hei Fan" has almost no additional pressure except for his difficult feelings for Yu Chen and struggling hard, but Mo, who seems to be the most stable and mentally tough, has endured too many things that he should not have to endure in these years, so that under his soft shell that can almost warm everyone around him and is tough to the point of reason, there are already wounds and cracks that almost tear apart the core of his personality.

Under the thunderstorm that drowned out the sound of the shattering, a shocking crack finally appeared on the strong shell.

However, for the "Mo" in the game, although this crack successfully broke through the defense, as long as he was given enough time, this wound still had a high probability of being repaired by his extremely strong will like steel. But the fact is that Mo Tan was completely unbalanced on the spiritual level due to the triple coincidence in this game, and then fell into the current very delicate state.

Among them, the first coincidence is actually the most "unfortunate", that is, during the [Questioning Debate], he was always affected by the system of the Innocent Realm Lord who called himself "Ms. Ye/Mr. Ye". Although he temporarily gained the ability to actively choose characters in public spaces, which can be called a BUG, ​​a certain barrier on the mental level was temporarily weakened. Although he did not go crazy directly because he paid the price of his appendix, under certain circumstances, the corresponding resistance will still be greatly weakened, and the threshold for triggering the system alarm will be very low. In other words, unless he suffers mental damage that is infinitely close to the fatal level, Mo Tan will not be forced to go offline by the system.

The second and third coincidences are actually the same thing, they are both related to the extremely special weapon [Akatsuki]. One is the additional skill [Blood Release] unlocked after the Wushuang Axe is advanced; the other is not a skill in the strict sense, but [Ghost·Shura Transformation] that can greatly activate the evil spirit of Shura Halberd.

First of all, [Blood Release], admittedly, this skill is considered the standard of the Berserker class in the warrior branch in the Realm of Innocence, but now that the game has been launched for nearly a year, everyone knows one thing very well, that is, the same skills of different players actually have great differences in effect. Similarly, the additional skills of equipment will also vary due to different equipment.

Take [Blood Release] for example, some people's strength is at the level of "I will fight you", while the [Blood Release] of the Wushuang Axe is at the level of "even if thousands of people oppose it, I will go forward". In the final analysis, the specifications of "a man's anger splatters blood five steps" and "axe drinking the underworld, blood for Xuanyuan" are two different things after all.

It is precisely because of this that after Mo Tan activated [Blood Release] with the Wushuang Axe, he was almost hit by the highest level of impact. Although this impact will not affect the player's emotions too much in principle, the consequences will naturally not be very good when Mo Tan's mental state is already very bad at this moment.

If Mo Tan could still hold on in this situation and keep his mind with his iron will, then when he transformed [Akatsuki] back into the Shura Halberd form and began to prepare for activating [Grim Devil·Shura Transformation], everything was irreversible.

In fact, even Mo Tan himself didn't know that when he used [Akatsuki·Shura Halberd] in the game, the violent, rude, and impetuous Halberd Soul was always helping him secretly. Although he never actively communicated with Mo Tan like the Axe Soul and the Killing Soul, he silently blocked at least 60% of the side effects of the corresponding form for him. The reason why Mo Tan was able to unlock the characteristics of the Shura Halberd in advance was also because of the same reason.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that how could such a ferocious soldier who can be felt to be extremely crazy and violent just by looking at him from a distance be so easy to tame? Only Mo Tan, who had the Halberd Soul to help share the pressure from the beginning, could not realize the truth under the effect of the dark under the lamp.

However, there is no Halberd Soul in [Akatsuki] in the Guilt Debate. Although the system faithfully reproduces the shape and spirit of each form one by one, unlike the postures of the Merciless Sword, the Snow Spear, and the Wushuang Axe, the Shura Halberd without the Halberd Soul is completely another weapon.

Indeed, if Mo Tan is in a normal situation, such as the individual match between him and Ji Xiaodao, with the physical fitness of completely liberating [Reverse Scale] and [The Will of the Law-abiding] + his firm will under the lawful good personality, even the Shura Halberd cannot shake his mind, but what a coincidence, Mo Tan is now in the most vulnerable time since he entered the game!

So, at the moment when Mo Tan was about to use [Ghost·Shura Transformation], the violent resentment and ghost power on the Shura Halberd, which was no less than the [Demon Sword] of Mu Xuejian, directly penetrated his repeatedly weakened mental defense.

Almost at the same time, Xinglong also used the incredible [Blue Dragon·Shoulder Tribulation] to hit Mo Tan's chest with almost no space to attack, causing considerable damage to his body.

At this point, all the conditions that could cause his mental collapse were completely assembled, and 'Mo' also lost his surface consciousness when he was knocked to the ground.

When he regained his ability to think, he was already in a chaos, and his perspective was also split into two, one for his just awakened surface consciousness, and the other for his subconsciousness that was fighting with Xinglong.

Again, in this case, if it were an ordinary player, he would probably have been forced offline by the system long ago, but for Mo Tan, who had been opened a backdoor, the current state still did not reach his collapse threshold.

So, he numbly experienced this increasingly bizarre battle from the perspective of his subconscious mind, and after a few moments, he was shocked to find that his "subconscious mind" seemed...

Terribly strong!

[Extreme Sword·Wind and Moon]

That was the sword skill that originally belonged to Ji Xiaodao. It was the ultimate move that smashed his strongest killer move [Black Sakura·Guanghan] head-on not long ago, and brought the three elements of "speed", "skill" and "power" to the extreme, and was unique to the No. 3 in the ranking.

And at this moment, under the edge of the ruthless sword, the auspicious dragon energy on Xinglong's left arm, the tattooed arm armor that flowed with green light like a totem, and even his left arm itself-

all fell apart and shattered in a burst of extremely dazzling blood light.

Chapter 2246: The End

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