Quadruple split

Chapter 2253 Too pure, too sweet, too naive

Hine carbon is a non-metallic element discovered by the legendary adventurer, naturalist, geologist, and miner Xineisi Yuesi around 5000. It is also an allotrope of Kaishi stone. Unlike most common carbon elements, Xinei carbon is extremely rare. According to Xineisi's notes "Digging Through the World", the environment on the continent that meets the growth of Xinei carbon is extremely rare, so that although this thing is of no value in the eyes of most people, Xineisi named it after herself because of its rarity.

It is worth mentioning that the Sun Ore and Yue Stone, which were also discovered by her, are both world-recognized dream materials. The former has unparalleled plasticity and is a priceless treasure in the eyes of engineers and foundries; the latter can achieve lossless magic conduction and is a miracle stone that can make any occult researcher crazy. There are even rumors that the most important component of the power center of the Miracle City, a holy place for mages, is a miracle stone weighing 30 kilograms and as big as a human head.

So the question is, what are the characteristics of Xine Carbon, which is also named by Xine Ersi and is rarer than Sun Erite and Yueshi?

The answer is - basically no characteristics.

Facts have proved that, apart from the fact that the output is infinitely close to zero, whether it is in the field of forging or alchemy, whether it is in the field of engineering or medicine, it has shown amazing... garbage. In other words, it is useless in everything. There are a lot of superior substitutes everywhere. Except for its irreproducibility, it is extremely useless in all senses.

But Xine Ersi, its discoverer, did not think so. In fact, this legendary adventurer, naturalist, geologist, and miner had been looking for the value of Xine Carbon in the last period of her life. No matter how many people refuted her, she believed that this rare and almost extinct thing could not be useless, so she was determined to find the true potential of Xine Carbon even if she died, and then sell the two kilograms of Xine Carbon in her hand to make a lot of money!


She died.

Yes, although Xineisi was a very good person, she still couldn't beat time. She died on the table on an ordinary day.

After her laboratory was inherited by her apprentice, who was also her (single) daughter, the first thing she did was to seal up the Xinei carbon that Xineisi had high hopes for, and destroy all the research materials (a total of 400 pages of parchment with the theme of "I don't understand what it can do").

In this way, in the next dozen centuries, the Yuesi family continued to make a lot of contributions to the world, and the good name of Xineisi Yuesi was passed down through the ages and became a "character in the book". Only Xinei carbon, which wasted the last precious time of Master Xineisi's life, was abandoned by most people who knew of its existence and was labeled as "garbage".

In the 17th century when Xineisi passed away, the Yuesi family gradually declined, and eventually even the laboratory could not be preserved, so that the current head of the family wandered aimlessly on the continent since he was a child, and finally became an agent of Tianzhu Mountain by accident.

In view of his professional field, the young man named Yuesi was directly under the jurisdiction of Lu Wei, and from then on he lived an ideal life of screwing screws during the day and sleeping in the workshop at night.

Time flies, and half a month later, Yuesi, who had learned some fur from Lu Wei, took the initiative to apply to leave the mountain and settled somewhere in the southwest continent. He became a grocery store owner who was proficient in engineering, alchemy, pharmacy, magic pattern, mineralogy, and forging. Until now, his descendants have inherited the name of agent and have no connection with Tianzhu Mountain except for feeding back intelligence to Tianzhu Mountain every once in a while. In the words of Fimigel, they are "official staff" who enjoy formal establishment but only do temporary work. The number of such agents has remained high until now, acting as the eyes and ears of Tianzhu Mountain throughout the continent.

Then, here comes the point!

That is, when he was escaping... When he said goodbye to Lu Wei's workshop, the young man Yue Si left behind the things passed down by his ancestors, including but not limited to two broken kettles, a pair of stockings, a pickaxe and half a pound of Xinei carbon.

Lu Wei threw away the kettle and stockings without hesitation, and sent the pickaxe and a small box of Xinei carbon to Yue Si.

Guess what happened?

The guy left the pickaxe of his ancestors, but asked someone to send the box of carbon that Xinei Si Yue Si regarded as his lifeblood back to Lu Wei, saying that this thing was extremely precious and could not play any role in his hands, so he just regarded it as a filial piety to him.

After Lu Wei received the box of carbon again, he didn't take it seriously, and just stuffed these rare garbage somewhere in the workshop.

In this way, the wheel of history rolled forward until the year 9571 of the Holy Calendar, when a female orc named Ye Ge, who had an extraordinary status, appearance, craftsmanship, and character, came to Tianzhu Mountain and became a proper apprentice of Ruvi Fizzleban by chance. Only then did the box of Xine Carbon have a chance to see the light of day again.

To put it simply, -

One day, Ji Xiaoge, who was suffering from the fact that the food he cooked was always unbearable, tasted, smelled, smelled, and was unbearable, decided to use the simplest way to cook the most delicious dishes by referring to the sashimi that had been successful in the past. , so after taking care of his [Catelin] and completing the daily lessons given by Lu Wei, he went to an open-air barbecue, and successfully frightened Femiguel and Lujiang, who originally wanted to come to the Seventh Outer Mountain to chat with Cordoba. They had to turn around and run away. When Rubi and Cordoba reached a rare consensus (old man, I guess it will explode this time/well, I guess so), they began to prepare while humming a tune.

Ji Xiaoge had fresh meat and seasonings in her luggage, but she forgot that in the environment of the Seventh Outer Mountain, ordinary wood could not provide enough temperature to cook the food, but Lu Wei could easily cook the food at the highest temperature. The old goblin, who was following the example of Ember Volcano, but was afraid that his obedient apprentice would honor him, deliberately did not mention this, which put Ji Xiaoge's outdoor barbecue plan in a dilemma.

But as the saying goes, a beautiful girl will not be knocked down by a little setback. After realizing that she might not be able to count on her mentor, Ji Xiaoge immediately took action, fluttering her wings and flying directly to a place filled with various gadgets. After rummaging through the workshop, we found a [Fire Burning City Launcher], a bottle of [Portable Doomsday] and a box of [Xine Carbon].

After much thought, she decided to put the two violent-sounding things aside and try the quality of the box of charcoal, so she used that thing to grill with Lu Wei's permission. It didn't matter, after the two fans were finished, not to mention that Cordoba had already rolled over and crawled over, even Fimiguel and Lujiang, who had already run to the next hill, flew back after smelling the smell. I was drooling so much that I weighed two kilograms.

And then--

[Cordoba died when the reactor was detonated on the spot, Master Luwei vomited for half an hour, and Fimiguel lay in bed for three days...]

Because I was so slow to grab it, I saw the deer sauce exploded in Cordoba before I could eat it. I swallowed hard and looked at Ji Xiaoge with eyes full of fear, and his voice trembled unconsciously: " sister?"


Ji Xiaoge blinked, and while taking out his multifunctional robotic arm from his bag, he said seriously: "We have to hurry up. Didn't we say that the things in the competition can be taken out? Let's hurry up and get these things." Dig it in, there’s still time to grill two skewers!”

"What to dig for?"

As a result, before Lujiang could say anything, the pioneer from Red Constellation asked with interest, walked over with his hands in his pockets and looked relaxed, and cheerfully asked Ji Xiaoge: "Is this some good material? We If you want to help, can you share some with me?"

Ji Xiaoge frowned slightly and tilted his head to think about it, and then looked at the irregular cube not far away that was not obvious, very dark, and difficult to dig out in a short time by himself. He reluctantly nodded and said: "Well... it's not impossible. If you are willing to help, I can tell you how to dig, and then divide it among you... three... well, a quarter! Just a quarter!"

Jiuchong, who had never heard of what Xinetan was, smiled, then turned to Xue Ran and Gentleman and said, "Hurry up and help."


"Okay, okay, I haven't mined yet."

"how to say……"

At the same time, watching the Red Constellation group become miners in full swing under the command of Ji Xiaoge, Xue Yin in the commentary box scratched her hair in confusion and hesitated: "Isn't this atmosphere a bit too relaxed? Already?"

"That's right."

The old god of heavenly books leaned back on the chair comfortably, agreed, then turned to look at Sakaki and asked: "What do you think?"

"I think this is normal."

Sakaki folded his arms and calmly looked at the big screen that had been divided into two pieces. He said calmly: "Not to mention that there is no conflict of interest between the two parties. Even if both parties are professional players, unless it is in extreme circumstances, everyone will There is no need to be hostile to each other when we get along. Even if we have to fight to the death, it does not hinder the relatively friendly atmosphere, especially in this situation where the outcome is already very obvious, helping each other and so on. It’s just not too normal.”

Shota smiled and asked: "Is this what we call opponents on the court and friends off the court?"

"If they are not friends, at least they are not enemies."

Sakaki nodded slightly and said casually: "Even if you have personal grudges, you must pretend to be in such a public place. Well, at least normal people will definitely do that."

Tianshu reacted very quickly. When he heard this, he immediately asked with a narrow expression: "So there are still abnormal people out there?"

"Yes, but we don't need to talk about those unlucky things."

The corner of Boss Sakaki's mouth twitched covertly, and then he left behind a certain gang that everyone wanted to kill, and said sternly: "All in all, in this situation, anyone else will help the Yege player, so many People are watching, and the popularity you get from the passers-by is certainly not for nothing.”

Tianshu laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, "But after you say this, boss, this popularity may have to be discounted somewhat."

"I just came from the perspective of a guest and tried my best to make everyone watch the game more comfortable."

Boss Sakaki also laughed and said lightly: "Just like us [Jiban Studio], what we have always insisted on is to focus on the two areas of 'maintaining game balance' and 'convenience for the majority of players', and do our best to win for everyone. to the most comfortable gaming environment.”

Xue Yin immediately looked at Boss Sakaki with bright eyes and said seriously: "I know! I will be a fan of Studio Tokiwa from now on!"

【! ? 】

Boss Sakaki was immediately stunned, and his brain even went blank for a moment. There was no other reason. Although this was regarded as 'unintentional' in various senses, he had no doubt that after Xue Yin made it clear in public, After saying that he is a fan of [Jiban], even if everyone knows that this is an out-and-out joke, Joban Studio will still get huge profits, and the people on the board of directors will probably wake up laughing in their dreams at night.

This girl is too innocent. No wonder she rarely interacts with others on other occasions besides concerts in recent years...

Boss Sakaki secretly smiled bitterly, while sighing that the 'live broadcast accident' had been going on from beginning to end today. The super idol was too pure and too sweet. At the same time, he began to think about his words to hint Xueyin to pay more attention to her words. After all, this kind of favor is such a blessing. It's a pie, if there's more...Jiban can't really pretend to be stupid and ignore this favor, but if he wants to return it, God knows what price he has to pay to make this planet-level idol happy.

[Player: Your Highness the World's First Princess/Chaotic Neutral, I would like to apply to add you as a friend. Do you accept it? 】

As a result, at this moment, an unexpected system prompt suddenly sounded in Sakaki's ears. When he looked at the idol who had just sent him a friend application in surprise, he found that the other idol had turned to Tianshu and spoke with great interest. Together with the latter, they guessed what kind of miraculous effects [Xine Carbon] would have.


After less than half a second of hesitation, Boss Sakaki chose [Accept] with a normal expression, and the next moment he received a message from that silly girl——

‘Don’t you think it’s a little hard to repay such a big favor~’

The world's number one idol, Your Highness, who sent this meaningful message while happily chatting with Tianshu, had a beautiful smile and took over 90% of the shots in the live broadcast room, so that no one noticed that Boss Sakaki's expression management was rare. The ground failed.

'what do you mean? ’

‘What I mean, boss, is that you can treat the ‘don’t hesitate to speak’ just now as a gift, and accept it happily without having to record the favor in [Jiban]’s account, or...'

'how? ’

‘Treat that as a bargaining chip and offer us a reciprocal kindness. ’

‘You mean, you? ’

‘[Harlequin Card], remember this name, someone will contact you later. ’

‘[Harlequin Card]? ’

[Message sending failed, please add the player ‘Her Royal Highness the World’s First Princess/Chaotic Neutral’ as a friend first. 】

"Boss, boss!"

In a daze, Sakaki saw that innocent and cute face turning towards him, exhaling like a blue--

"Tell us about the battle between the Awakening Dragon player and the Mo player. I don't expect much, but at least let Xue Yin see some excitement~"


"Look, it's so hot and noisy."

Chapter 2244: End

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