Quadruple split

Chapter 2243 Old Ginger

"Although it may feel a little strange to say this..."

The old man showed a wrinkled smile and said softly: "But in my opinion, they were born at the end of the 'Dark Age', the last batch of nourishment before the industry prospered, and they are also the generation that makes me feel most distressed."

The beauty who immediately understood the meaning of the legendary producer shook her head and smiled, "I think it's okay. After all, professional players are just a choice. Although it may be a pity, but even if Our generation is living in this very good era for you, but in the end you may not choose the path of professional players.”

Mr. Liu was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment: "You mean 'your' generation? How old are you?"

"A lady's age is a secret."

The beautiful woman smiled and shook her finger, and then she hugged the good wife's shoulders and said happily: "But we are not young people. The children are all older. Well... it seems that they have even passed puberty."

Xue Yin frowned slightly and looked up and down. Although her face was not completely revealed, she could still see through the mask that they were definitely two beautiful girls, a beauty and a good wife. She shook her head and said: "I can't imagine it at all... The same goes for you two, little one." Sister Bai and Sister Bingbing are the same, oh, but their smiles make me want to call them uncle."


Hearing this, even the good wife, who was always in a relatively calm mood, did not hold back and laughed out loud immediately.

The beauty patted Xue Yin on the shoulder with a serious face and said sternly: "Don't just look at people by their appearance. Teacher Xue Yin, you haven't thought about it. We are in the game now, and we are still working for the official." Personnel, it’s okay even if you become ten or twenty years younger, right?”


Xue Yin blinked and asked without thinking: "Then why do you still cover your faces?"


Good Wife: "..."

"Haha, speaking of this, although the style can be seen, this is the first time I have seen [Dream Eater] and [Shadow Weaver] alive."

Keenly capturing the embarrassment of the two female commentators, the experienced producer immediately changed the subject without leaving a trace, sighing: "Tsk, look at [Eater of Dreams]'s belly, these years have not been very nourishing. "

The good wife smiled and reminded: "Xiaotian's father, the contestant just said that he is a chef. Speaking of which, Mr. Liu, how can you be so sure that they are the acquaintances in your memory? After all, so many years have passed, maybe Maybe it’s just players with similar styles and similar ages?”

"Haha, since I dare to say it, of course I have confirmed it."

The old man smiled slyly and said happily: "Just after the game started, I immediately sent a message to an old friend who might know what was going on. I didn't talk much for a while just talking to him."

The good wife was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Are you messaging and chatting with your friends in the game... I mean, your friends in [Innocence Realm]?"

"What? You don't think I reluctantly created a character after agreeing to be your guest, right?"

Mr. Liu laughed dumbly and said sternly: "I can be regarded as a server player here. Although I am not doing well, I have been the branch president of the Gdania City branch of the Adventurer Guild for two months. I am comparable to Meng Xin. It has nothing to do with it.”

Beauty: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Good Wife: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Xueyin: "Wow, the president of the Adventurer's Guild! Mr. Liu is so awesome!"

"Wait...wait a minute..."

At this moment, the beauty suddenly came back to her senses and turned to look at the old man with a puzzled face: "I remember that when you accepted the invitation, you seemed to have told the staff that you needed a game cabin."

"No, no, no, it was your customer service girl who asked me if I need a game cabin."

The old man corrected him with a serious look on his face and said cheerfully: "I was worried about what to give my grandson as a birthday gift. How could I not give it away? Having said that, the voice of the customer service girl is quite similar to Xiaoye. "

The beauty twitched her lips and turned to cast a subtle look at her partner.

Good Wife: (O_O)

"You have robbed so many players from my Olathe War Chronicles..."

The old man smacked his lips, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm going to give you some wool. Is it reasonable?"

"Dear darling."

The beauty turned to look at the good wife, and said in a voice that seemed to be lowered to a lower decibel but was actually not subtle: "Some people say things like 'very good', 'don't care', and 'competition products are good', but in fact they care a lot." His game was taken away from players!"

The good wife, who knew that a certain old gentleman could afford a joke, shrugged her shoulders and nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

"Hey, you two little girls, remember to keep your voices down next time you speak ill of someone."

The old man pretended to be angry and said something, then turned to the screen again and said: "Speaking of the competition, although the two players [Dream Eater] and... well, I mean Xiaotian's dad and Nannan's dad have been competing since just now They fought against the children, but they did not have an advantage in terms of numbers. Although they almost crushed their opponents in terms of equipment and experience, the fiery red children returned to the defense at high speed and blocked the fatal blow of Xiaotian's father who almost took away the Nan Nan players. After the attack, it was difficult for the two parents to find opportunities to reduce the number of children. "

Xueyin, who finally found a chance to interject, immediately raised her little hand and said loudly: "But now they are still beating the children."

"It seems so, but it won't last long."

The beauty shook her head and said very pertinently: "After a brief stalemate, the children have gradually begun to adapt to the pressure under the guidance of the red player. You must know that they are not only five against two, but they even have the Nannan difficult player. Treatment, as long as we stabilize our position, even if we can't find a chance to counterattack for a while, we will gradually level the situation. "

Xueyin, who made it clear that she was on the side of "children can't learn", brightened up and said in surprise: "So everyone will win, right?"

"I don't think so, after all..."

The Good Wife implicitly denied Xue Yin's guess, and shrugged after the two figures on the screen, who were flying away in a dazzling cross-position, disappeared into the dense forest in an instant -

"They can run."


Zhaohao, who had more than a dozen wounds on his body and almost turned into a bloody man, staggered to the ground and stared at the short crossbow on his wrist that was already covered with cracks and could not be repaired. [Ye Shou] ] gritted his teeth and said: "This thing cost me at least two hundred gold coins. How could he...how could he..."

"Don't worry about the two hundred gold coins for now."

Tianjibian was breathing heavily and said in a dry voice: "Ritian, Nannan, can you two explain the situation just now? If I understand correctly, we were almost killed by those two old people just now. The group is destroyed.”

"I have no idea."

Nannan shook her head without hesitation, spread her hands and said: "I haven't seen my dad playing games since I can remember. After get off work, he usually either tutors me in my homework or watches TV with my mom, or he just watches stuff on his mobile phone. Boring low-cost short videos. On weekends and holidays, he would either take my mother and me to swim, have picnics, watch movies, go to the park, or go to my grandparents’ house to show off. The first game I played when I met him was [The Boundary of Innocence], and it’s also because of the activities of their [Parent-Teacher Association].”

"Your dad is a model parent."

Zhaohao sighed with envy, then shrugged and said: "My dad is not so considerate of his family. He spends most of his time in the store. Because it is our own store, there are no such things as weekends and holidays. "Anyway, he is either busy in the store or scolding me at home. When I have free time, I go fishing with a few friends. I haven't seen him play any games. "

"very good."

Tianjibian nodded expressionlessly and complained: "Two middle-aged men who have never played games almost beat the five of us just now. This is really amazing."

Nuan Yu Qingfeng held her scepter with some anxiety, which looked like it was specially used to see people's skulls, and whispered: "I think Zhaohao and Nannan are not lying..."

"Of course I know they didn't lie."

Tianjibian twitched his lips and said dryly: "But the problem now is that their father almost beat us up just now. What's worse is, if I guess correctly, including your mother The other three may be at the same level.”

Nuan Yu Qingfeng was immediately startled and whispered: "Ah... there is no way my mother can play games better than us!"

"What a coincidence."

Zhaohao smiled self-deprecatingly and complained with a subtle expression: "I thought of my dad that way just now."

Next, there was an embarrassing silence. Except for the sound of Nannan using the running water totem to treat everyone and the sporadic insects, there was no sound in this small open space. Everyone Immersed in the impact of the previous round of fighting, my heart was full of mixed emotions.

These children are very smart, although until today they have always insisted that the elders who are not reasonable at all, are extremely controlling, and like to put on airs are only at the level of a three-legged cat, and are far inferior to the five of them who are considered to be the leaders among all the teenagers. People, but after experiencing the thrilling minutes just now, even Zhaohao, who had the worst attitude, had to admit one thing.

That is to say, whether it is Zhaohao's father who seems to have eyes behind his back, who can not only perform high-frequency avoidance without blind spots in frontal strangulation, but also draw blood every time he takes action, or the father who can create attacks again and again with an incredible smooth rhythm. The blind spot of the field of vision, while supporting the former to carry out interference without blind spots, can also tightly control the five people within a fixed range to embarrass the father. They are all exaggerated, ridiculously strong, and unbelievably strong.

Of course, the strength here does not refer to the level of strength like that of Cordoba, nor does it mean the super-class strength of Xinglong, nor does it mean the unfathomable strength of Futaba and 'Tan Mo', but as a person. Players' strength in terms of experience, talent, hard work, and understanding of the game is strength that these young girls can see and touch, but cannot ask for.

Of course, the above conclusion must first eliminate one of them before it can be considered rigorous——

"If you're rested, let's continue."

Huohong, who always stood at the front of the team with his arms folded, and six long knives hanging on his sides, turned to look at his companions and said lightly: "If you want to prove yourself, don't be a weakling."

Under Nannan's emergency treatment, Zhaohao, who successfully turned the new injury into an old one, stood up with his teeth bared, and said with a dumb smile: "Do you want to be so handsome?"

"no way."

Huo Hong, who seemed to be joking, shook his head and replied calmly: "Born to be handsome."


Nuan Yu Qingfeng, who had a pale face, suddenly laughed out loud, and pulled her collar to the bridge of her nose with a slightly red face.

"Then I'll rely on you from now on, my naturally handsome classmate."

Tianjibian grinned and said seriously: "Just now, an animal friend told me that there are two powerful female beasts entrenched in the north. I think if nothing else happens, the two aunties should be waiting for us."


Nuanyu Chuqing's eyes widened and she looked like she might faint at any time.

"Tell your animal friends to be polite."

Huo Hong shook his head helplessly, and then he was the first to take steps towards the direction pointed by Tian Ji Bian, and said without looking back: "Anyway, hurry up."

In this way, under the guidance of Tian Ji Bian and the leadership of Chi Hong, [Children Can't Learn] and a group of five people traveled very fast, and soon appeared in front of the two 'powerful female beasts' who seemed to have been waiting for a long time. , and very 'coincidentally' it returned to full status at the same minute.

"The pace of treatment is well controlled."

The strong mother, who was wearing rimless glasses and pulling her hair up high in the game, smiled at Nannan, then turned to Tianjibian and praised her: "The little fat guy's navigation is also very good."

Tianji smiled shyly, touched the tip of his nose and said humbly: "You are flattering me."


Along with a sharp and powerful blood energy falling like a guillotine, several hidden black withered vines were cut off. At the same time, along with a red light that spread radially like a halo and swept out, several The sharp silver needle was also bounced back along the way, grazing Zhaohao who had hurriedly dodged, and nailed it to an innocent old tree.

"The smile is so hypocritical, little cub...children."

He had a soft smile on his face, holding a battle ax about the same size as Zhaohao in his left hand, and holding a hammer about the same weight as Tianjibian in his right hand. He was more than 30 centimeters taller than outside the game, and his body was originally slightly rich. Full of explosive power, with an exotic beauty in appearance and temperament, Nuannuan Ma licked her tiger teeth, with ferocious blood gleaming in her eyes: "Sneak attack, even if someone sees it a second in advance, the effect will be It will be greatly reduced.”

boom--! ! !

With a flash of fierce light, Tianjibian was instantly lifted into the air by a bloody slash, and his health dropped to less than 30% in an instant.

What frightened him even more was that the moment he came back to his senses, Nuannuan's mother was less than half a meter away from him. What was even more exciting was that the cold edge of the battle ax was far away from his neck. Only the best——

Less than two centimeters!

Chapter 2234: End

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