Quadruple split

Chapter 224 Large-Scale Maintenance and Upgrade

February 1, 2049, New Year’s Eve

Game time AM06:03

Northern Misha County, suburbs of Baiyu Town

A rather large team was marching slowly, with ten low-level paladins wearing heavy armor riding horses at the forefront, followed by hundreds of civilians dressed... civilians. They all looked good, both men and women. People of all ages, old and young, frequently looked back at the town with eyes filled with sadness and reluctance.

These lucky ones were found by Xia Lian without encountering mutants. Although they followed Her Majesty's words and left their hometowns for Mida City, they were still attached to their hometown, which had long been surrounded by danger. Even after the rescue team arrived, people still struggled and refused to leave...

"It's simply sick." Tirion Windfury, the half-orc shaman walking at the end of the team, whispered to the beautiful female elf warrior beside him: "Honey, what do you think these people think? We clearly understand I came to save them, but the boss was reluctant..."

Putao, who was trying to keep his balance on the horse, glared at him and hummed: "Do you know why you are still just a small manager until now?"

"Because I always miss my wife when I go to work, so my work efficiency is not high." Tirion suddenly raised his chest and raised his head and said loudly.

Then he was knocked off the horse with a sword.

"It's because you don't understand the world at all! All you can think about is how to deceive your own wife!" Putao, who was riding past Tirion, gave him a middle finger.

A little further back, a female human ranger in a green cloak shrank her neck with lingering fear, smacking her tongue in a low voice: "I won't become so violent when I get married...eh?"

A message flashed across the screen, and the girl named Robin Weld immediately opened her friends panel, quickly read the message and rushed to the front of the queue without saying a word.

"Emergency!" She ran to the leading paladin and shouted loudly: "Now change the route and go west. Let everyone increase their speed. The faster the better!"

The other party was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "But we should return directly north to Mida City now..."

"I told you, it's an emergency." Robin Weld shook his head vigorously and took out a magic crystal that contained holy healing skills from his pocket: "Think about why Master Taylor arranged us into the team. This is Secret contact information for special occasions!”

The Paladin still hesitated: "But we..."

"If you don't believe it, send someone to the west to take a look now. Anyone can do it, but you must hurry up." The little girl raised her finger and said seriously: "Your comrades and dozens of civilians are in urgent need of support!"

The other party looked at the magic crystal that had been blessed by Yu Chen himself, and thought that when Taylor arranged these low-level professionals into the team, he had indeed said that they had a special mission, and finally nodded. He said to a slender half-elf female knight behind him: "Go over there and take a look, as fast as you can."

"I know." The latter nodded slightly, then turned the horse's head and galloped away to the west.

[I didn’t expect that the rhetoric taught by Sister Yuying would actually work... Phew, it’s so exciting! 】

Robin Weld secretly wiped his sweat, then returned to the back of the team, opened the friend bar and edited the message...

at the same time

North Misha County, white stone path

The low-level paladin Karl raised his hand and waved a scorching golden ripple, restraining the two mutants in place. Then he slowly backed away while holding the heraldic shield with the sacred emblem of the sun in his hand, and turned his head to face the people not far away. The dwarf monk shouted: "Are you sure we should retreat to the east? According to the original plan..."

"It flows so well!"

The white-bearded dwarf monk jumping up and down smashed the skull of the mutant in front of him with one palm, and said loudly without looking back: "There was no arrangement for encountering such a large wave of zombies in the original plan! If we continue to go north now, at least Half the people will die, so stop talking nonsense!”

"But Lord Taylor has never told us before..."

"Stop talking nonsense! I told you it was a secret communication method. Why don't you believe something made by Her Highness the Saint?"

"No, no..."

"That's alright, old man, I've eaten more salt than you've ever eaten rice, so hold it in and speed up while everyone is still in good condition."


[Oh my god, this outfit is so exciting! It turns out that being an old person is more fun than being an adult! 】

The dwarf monk, who looked to be at least sixty years old and was actually just sixteen years old, chuckled, then turned around and elbowed half of the mutants away, and opened the message bar...

twenty minutes later

Meda City, Holy Union Chapel, Motan's Room

Mo Tan, Yu Chen and Yu Ying gathered around the long table in the house. On it was an extremely detailed map of Misha County, which not only marked various avenues, trails, cities, villages and towns, but also some wild woods, small Lakes and other places that cannot be named are all mapped in great detail.

Four translucent chess pieces with no visible material were placed above the map, one of which was emitting a hazy red light.

"The fourth team and the second team have successfully merged." A Yuying who was in a daze suddenly knocked on the table, raised his head and said to Mo Tan: "The number of mutants has not been reduced much, there are at least 60 left. "

The latter nodded, reached out and flicked one of the chess pieces, turning it into a light red, then put the two red chess pieces together, frowning slightly: "What are the casualties of the second team? "

"Wait a moment." Yuying replied quickly, and then fell into the unique 'sluggish' state that players have when sending messages. After a while, she shook her head and said: "The two paladins were slightly injured, and the civilians are safe for the time being. The five players on the team are also in good condition."

Mo Tan unconsciously tapped the map in front of him. After thinking for a moment, he said solemnly: "Let them stop and eliminate the mutants."

"Okay." Yuying responded simply.

Yu Chen looked at Mo Tan with some worry: "Can they withstand it? There are too many mutants this time, and they have to protect civilians..."

"Theoretically, we can win. There are three healers in these two teams. Most of the second team is composed of paladins from the Dawn Sect, and their endurance is very strong." Mo Tan rubbed his forehead, narrowed his eyes and pondered. Said: "But it's really not very safe...Miss Yuying, how are the conditions of the other two teams?"

Yuying shrugged: "The third team arrived at the small official road in the north of Mida City five minutes ago. The first team just sent news that they encountered more than a dozen mutants and were fighting, but it didn't seem to be a big problem. "

"There are ten Paladins of the God of Justice, plus five warrior-type players. Of course, there will be no problem in dealing with more than a dozen mutants." Mo Tan nodded, and then placed a chess piece on the map. A little north of Mida City, he raised his head and looked at Yuying: "Ask the third team to send five Harvest Knights down... uh, to the south to support the second and fourth teams. The others will take the civilians back to the city to rest as soon as possible. Also, I remember that one of the five players is a priest. Let him go with those knights. If he travels at full speed, he should be able to arrive within half an hour, so it will be stable."

"What about rhetoric? The Paladins of Team 3 don't know about 'secret liaison'." Yuying scratched her hair and spread her hands with a headache: "Even if we have Her Majesty's token, there are still loopholes in our statement. There are too many, it’s very troublesome..."

Yuchen smiled shyly: "Just call me by my name."

"There is nothing we can do if there are loopholes." Mo Tan sighed and said helplessly: "As long as there are no problems at this stage, and after confirming the authenticity of those 'secret contacts', those Paladins should not I will take the initiative to ask Taylor for confirmation. Anyway, I will do this now and wait until I can no longer hide it."

Yu Ying rolled her eyes: "I know, I know, anyway, it's not you who taught them to deceive people..."

Mo Tan smiled apologetically, then picked up the quill pen at hand and made a few marks on the map. He picked up the black tea in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief: "There shouldn't be any big problems for the time being..."

"Hey, this is cold." Yuchen patted Mo Tan's wrist, then took the cup and filled it with some hot water, smiling gently: "Drinking warmer in this weather is better for the stomach~"

Mo Tanqian laughed: "This is in the game..."

"Well, because mom always doesn't pay attention to her body, she got used to it accidentally." Yu Chen was stunned for a moment, then stuck out his tongue: "But it doesn't hurt."

Yu Ying folded her arms beside her and looked at the two of them with a very subtle look: "I'm a little nervous."

Mo Tan was about to say something when he heard a system prompt coming from his ear...

[Dear players, there are still fifteen minutes until the server closes today. I wish you a Happy New Year in advance. Also, please pay attention to the official announcement after you are offline. 】

Mo Tan: "?"

The saint and assassin next to him were also slightly startled. Apparently they had also received the same news.

"What's going on?" Yuying blinked in confusion and looked at the other two people: "Has there been such a reminder before?"

Yuchen shook his head gently: "I have no impression..."

Mo Tan also said that this was the first time he heard such news.

"It doesn't matter." Yu Ying shrugged and smiled at Mo Tan: "The third team has already sent people to support us. We should have nothing to do in the remaining time, right?"

Mo Tan nodded slightly: "That's the theory. Thank you for your hard work today."

The female assassin who got the money smiled and said: "It's not hard at all. It's so happy to get contribution points for tasks while staying in the room and sending messages. I finally have enough money to change the string of my crossbow! If I'm lucky, I can do it again. To buy some new molds, Her Majesty the Holy Lady, can you help me get a discount from the blacksmith shop in the city?"

Yuchen shrank his neck: "But I'm not very familiar with him..."

"Haha, just kidding ~ Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, see you in the afternoon."

"Yeah ~ see you in the afternoon."

Yuying looked at the two 'see you later' in front of her, curled her lips and muttered again: "I really want to burn something."

February 1, 2049, New Year’s Eve

Real time AM07:08

Holding a bucket of fresh shrimp and fish noodles, Mo Tan opened the official homepage of Innocence Boundary and was immediately stunned...

A new announcement appeared above:

Dear players, hello

[The Boundary of Innocence] will conduct its first large-scale system maintenance and upgrade starting from 07:00 AM on February 1, 2049. This maintenance will last until 19:00 PM on February 2, 2049. The upgrade content is as follows:

1. Repair and optimization

1. Fixed the bug that caused some players to be mistakenly teleported to nearby septic tanks and other places when they went online due to the presence of NPCs at the original offline location.

2. Fixed the bug that caused some players to be slapped in the mouth after entering a coma state due to nearby NPC activities when they were offline.

3. Fixed the bug where some players suffered too light a punishment from God when they made inappropriate remarks about the gods they believed in.

4. Fixed the bug where players would not be struck by lightning when harassing members of the opposite sex in public areas.

5. Slightly lowered the physical recovery speed of players over 55 years old when out of combat, and increased their physical consumption speed in combat.

6. The physical recovery speed of players aged 16-25 when out of combat has been slightly increased.

7. Slightly increased the base strength and physical fitness of male players (an additional 0.3% increase compared to female characters of the same age)

8. Slightly increase the basic skill value of female characters and the speed of gaining experience in tailoring and cooking. (You will not be able to gain additional experience by cooking certain foods with overly bizarre effects.)

9. When the player loses some limbs (such as hands, legs, kidneys) during the game, the attributes will be permanently reduced significantly.

10. After the player dies and is reborn, he will receive corresponding talents based on his level, occupation, and skills at the time of death.

For example: If [Occupation: Warrior] is reborn, you can obtain the talent: Combat Instinct: When upgrading to the warrior professional specialization, the combat attribute experience acquisition speed is increased by 1%-100% (depending on the professional level at the time of death), until your colleague The type occupation is increased to the occupation level gained in the last life.

2. Public space and public arena

1. Open player rankings, including: personal combat effectiveness ranking, personal comprehensive strength ranking, and personal arena ranking.

2. The public space will be transferred to the center of the dark jungle inside the game. Any player can choose to log in to the game or log in to the public space on the login interface. Players who choose to log in to the public space have limited activities and cannot leave the area; through the normal game Players who use mobile means to enter public spaces are not subject to this restriction. (Public spaces are not visible to NPCs)

3. Newly added facilities: Public Arena, located above the public space and can be teleported directly from the public space (for details, please see Appendix 1, which may be updated after next year)

3. Open a new function: tour groups

After players establish their own teams in various guild organizations (such as mercenary groups and thieves groups), they can submit a system application to convert the team into a brigade. After opening a brigade, all brigade members (players only) will unlock a new chat channel: brigade channel

Tour group:

1. When applying for tour group conversion, the team members must be no less than 10 people, and the NPC must not be higher than 30% of the total number of people at the time of application (this restriction will not apply after successful conversion)

2. A certain amount of gold coins are required when applying, depending on the number of people in the team

3. The brigade needs to have its own headquarters, which requires the team to own real estate in its own name (the headquarters of the thieves group can be set up in an illegal industry).

4. When each brigade member (player only) dies, the place of birth can be forcibly selected as the brigade headquarters through accumulated brigade points (costing 1,000 brigade points)

5. Each time a brigade member completes a task in collaboration with a member of the same brigade, they will receive 1 brigade point and pay 10% of the task reward gold coins to the brigade treasury. Provide valuable weapons and equipment or medicines, props, skill books, etc. to the brigade in exchange for corresponding brigade points.

6. When a brigade member withdraws from the brigade, the accumulated brigade points will be cleared.

7. Travel group members can apply for financial assistance or equipment assistance from the traveling group by paying a certain amount of travel group points.

8. The brigade has a brigade construction degree. When the brigade construction degree is full, the group leader can choose to expand the brigade, and the expansion of the brigade requires corresponding gold coins.

9. The group leader can issue brigade tasks to all brigade members, and brigade points can be obtained by completing brigade tasks. (Task content needs to be verified by the system)

4. There are always people complaining that our welfare payments are too little.

So, for the New Year Lottery please click →※Hyperlink※

At this point, Funny, wishing everyone a Happy New Year, the official operation team of Innocence Bound is preparing to pack up and go home to celebrate the New Year.

Mo Tan: "..."

Chapter 221: End

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