Quadruple split

Chapter 2235: A tragic victory

In [Boundary of Innocence], whether it is NPC or player, most people have obvious signs before they are ready to "take action", or should have obvious signs.

These signs are different. For example, many spellcasters will raise their staffs, orbs, and codes to facilitate locking the opponent or drawing elemental arrays; professions such as rangers will draw arrows and draw bows; professions such as knights will bless themselves with aura-like states; air monks will add various "forms" to themselves, and fist monks need to raise their "momentum"; even pure warrior professions that don't seem to like to use their brains at first glance... have to draw their weapons, right?

In short, in most cases, everyone has a so-called "starting style" before taking action. As for why it seems to be rare in [Questioning Crimes], on the one hand, people basically don't pay attention to such details, and on the other hand, those strong people who are qualified to be noticed by people will compress the signs before taking action to a level that no one can see when necessary.

Let alone a super-powerful person like Xinglong, even a first-rate master like Liuju Manguan can launch an attack while posing a ‘shape’, giving the opponent no time to react.

Let’s take the spellcasting profession as an example. Although instant and silent casting are more troublesome and theoretically not as strong as the orthodox chanting spellcasting, this does not prevent people from using the former to launch a sudden attack.

When it comes to sneak attacks, the most unavoidable one is the thief profession, and the starting feature of this profession is ‘poisoning’.

It is true that many physical professions who are quite knowledgeable about alchemy or pharmacy occasionally play with poison, but if we say who is the most compatible with this craft, the thief is second, and no one dares to claim to be the first. If there are people from other professions who are better at playing poison than thieves, then if he is a thief, he will definitely play better.

There are many reasons for this. If we have to summarize some of them from the perspective of the ‘player’, which may not be correct but are more convincing, it is that the thief profession has a high probability of taking the initiative, a fast attack frequency, and is good at completing several rounds of burst damage in a short period of time with a rhythm that is difficult for other professions to match. Under this premise, the characteristics of poison are very suitable for the thief profession.

Since it would be too long to expand on this aspect, I will not go into details here. In short, in most cases, the thief profession likes to poison weapons.

Then the question is, since it is to poison the weapon, why not do it before the battle, but temporarily poison it?

Well... who told you that there is no poison before the battle?

Here is a simple popular science. In the art of weapon poisoning, the types of poisons can be divided into two types at the macro level. One is very long-term and relatively general in effect, and the other is very strong in effect and very short in time.

In addition to these two major types, different poisons have different characteristics. Just talking about the effects after superposition, there are but not limited to A+B=C, A+B=AB, A+B=α, A+B=0, A+B=obtuse angle, etc. Since it may take tens of thousands of words to expand, I will not elaborate on it here and skip it first.

It needs to be mentioned that even the two major types are only for reference in a "broad sense". For example, if a very powerful alchemist has created a poison that lasts for 24 hours and has a very strong lethality, then under normal circumstances, no normal person will compare this thing with a common product that can last for 5 minutes, has average lethality, but is priced at 2 silver coins and 3 pounds and comes with two bottles of trial packs. That is not research, but arguing.

In other words, assuming that there is a poison with a relatively "normal" timeliness and strength, then under normal circumstances, if a poison of the same value has a shorter timeliness than it, it will probably be more powerful; if it is not as powerful as it, it will probably have a longer timeliness.

Then, given the above content, we can easily guess that under normal circumstances, thieves will definitely keep their weapons coated with permanent poisons that last relatively long but are not required to be powerful. When necessary, they will temporarily quench their weapons with poisons that have a shorter duration but are powerful.

As a thief with a good family background, the character "Tan Mo" is naturally no exception. In fact, one of his three combat styles under this role is even specially strengthened for the poison link.

That's right, although he hasn't fought for a long time, people with good memory should not have forgotten that the combat style of the character "Tan Mo" is not unified, but there are three types of "confrontation flow", "assassination flow" and "containment flow". Considering its unfathomable economic strength, each type even has a separate set of equipment.

Among them, the equipment of the confrontation flow is mainly defense, resistance, and attack power. Most of the weapons are long swords, hand axes, etc., which have both dexterity and lethality. Poisons are mostly functional characteristics such as deceleration.

The equipment of the assassination flow is mainly based on concealment, critical hit rate, and critical hit damage. The emphasis is on one-hit kill. The weapon is undoubtedly a dagger, and the poison is mostly direct killing.

The equipment of the containment flow is mainly based on endurance, damage increase, movement speed, and engineering peripherals. It is the most versatile. The weapons are mainly daggers and crossbows. The poisons are varied and can effectively deal with various situations.

In normal conditions, Mo Tan basically uses... the bard flow that is harmless to people and animals and has little combat power. The main focus is on talking, learning, teasing, and singing.

However, in this game, although he was still using the containment style equipment when loading the game, after leaving the experimental base, Mo Tan quickly changed into the assassination style equipment, and soon after He began to follow Fenghuaxueyue, who had also escaped from the main force.

"It can be seen that player Tanmo doesn't seem to have the intention to wait any longer."

After Mo Tan completed the poisoning skillfully, Xiao Xiaobai nodded slightly and commented: "It's a decisive decision, and the correctness is unquestionable. After all, the Fenghuaxueyue player is in the Ming Dynasty. With a high probability of being able to take the lead, now is the best time to take action.”

Xue Yin blinked and said hesitantly: "But are the two of them too close? I don't have much chance to deal with thieves. Are their concealment skills so good? The Fenghuaxueyue players didn't seem to notice it at all. Why."

"That's right. After all, the thieves are not outstanding in terms of absolute lethality and physical fitness. They can't use long-range attacks as a permanent method like the rangers, so the only things they can do well are speed and the ability to conceal their presence. ”

Xiao Bingbing, who had done enough homework on the basics of the profession, nodded vigorously and explained: "As far as I know, after high level, if the target does not deliberately detect the surrounding environment, thieves of the same level can completely do it silently. He can get within two meters of the opponent without being discovered. Now, although the Fenghuaxueyue players will definitely be vigilant at all times, it is still unrealistic to find a thief who can break into the top 16 of the team competition. "

Xue Yin nodded and asked: "What about a large-scale attack? Tan is only three meters away from her now. If she attacks in a large-scale, she should be able to hit her, right?"

"I remember that Fenghuaxueyue is a spell caster, right? If it is the kind of instant range magic without warning, there is indeed a chance to sweep out Tanmo, but the problem is that she can't do it frequently without knowing who is around her. The ground is washed away with this large-scale attack.”

Weiwei Ammonia shook his head slightly and said casually: "Not to mention how much consumption it takes to do this, many rogue players with bad personalities will even induce you to make more meaningless consumption, and occasionally even deliberately create some trouble for the sake of The opponent created a mentality of 'you can catch him if you try harder', but little did you know that when this mentality appeared, he had already fallen into a trap, leaving many flaws in front of the invisible opponent, which eventually led to a physical and mental collapse, and when the opponent appeared I lost 99% of it before.”

Xiao Xiaobai turned his head to look at Weiwei Ammonia in surprise, and exclaimed: "You know a lot about thieves?"

"Uh... not bad."

Weiwei twitched the corner of his mouth with a slightly ammonia expression, and said dryly: "I have a friend who likes to play this type of profession. I have interviewed him many times over the years, and I occasionally chat about things in the game, so I understand more or less. a little."

Upon hearing this, Xue Yin immediately raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile, "So Tan is safe now?"

"Yes, I think it should be quite safe."

Weiwei nodded and raised his eyebrows and said: "As for the Fenghuaxueyue player, as a spell caster being followed by thieves, her current situation can be said to be quite dangerous. Although before the game, we always thought that in terms of personal strength, Tanmo player is better. He is at an absolute disadvantage, but he seems to have also enjoyed a similar gain-like mutation as Mu Xuejian... or evolution."

Xueyin nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, and said with a smile: "He's so handsome."

"Let's put aside whether he is handsome or not. The important point is that in this case, whether the Fenghuaxueyue player who is destined to be unable to strike first can withstand the opponent's first round of explosion."

Xiao Bingbing stared at Fenghuaxueyue who was driving at high speed, and explained responsibly: "The first-hand burst of the thief profession is already at the ceiling level, and Tanmo players have undergone benign mutations countless times since the beginning of the game. , I think if the Fenghuaxueyue player is a little careless, the game may end immediately, and even if she is not killed instantly, she, a spellcaster who is about to be dragged into a close fight, will be in danger. "

"This is the consequence of being targeted by thieves. It would be the same for anyone."

Xiao Xiaobai made a noncommittal comment, and then suddenly changed the topic: "However, the reason why Player Fenghuaxueyue will be at an absolute disadvantage is that Player Tanmo got the upper hand after all. But what if... he can't get the upper hand?"

Xiao Bingbing, Weiwei Ammonia and Xueyin were stunned at the same time and said in unison: "Eh?"

"I just discovered it too..."

Xiao Xiaobai did not immediately give an explanation, but raised his voice and said: "Director, please change the perspective of Fenghuaxueyue into a vertical bird's-eye view, and change the perspective of Tan Mo into first-person."

According to the rules of unconditional cooperation with the commentary, although she has obtained the qualification of being 'disobedient', she still obeyed Xiao Xiaobai's instructions in order not to be formatted. System Ji immediately cut the lens, so that the two most conspicuous images in the center of the screen were separated. It becomes a high-altitude bird's-eye view and a first-person perspective.



Xue Yin blinked her eyes and hesitated for a while before saying sarcastically: "I don't seem to understand."

Weiwei Ammonia spread her hands and agreed, "Me too."

"And you?"

So Xiao Xiaobai turned to look at his colleague and said with a smile: "You didn't notice it too, did you?"

"I rely on my eyes to make a living. You have given me such an obvious hint, I must have noticed it."

Xiao Bingbing also laughed, and then gently explained to the two confused guests and countless equally confused audiences: "Here we actually need a little bit of spatial imagination. For example, if we combine these two perspectives, we can actually see that the target that Tan Mo is focusing on is not the relative position of Feng Hua Xue Yue in the camera. Although the difference is not much, as long as there is at least a two-meter error with Feng Hua Xue Yue in the overhead camera."


Wei Wei Ammonia immediately widened her eyes and said in astonishment: "How can this be?"

"I don't know."

Xiao Xiaobai gave an answer without thinking, and said seriously: "Everyone knows that we The degree of freedom of [Boundary of Innocence], the elimination method has no effect at all in this place where the options are almost infinite, so no one knows what the contestant Fenghuaxueyue did. "

Xiao Xiaobing also nodded and added: "But she definitely did 'something'."

"Wait a minute!"

Xue Yin, who just reacted at this moment, exclaimed softly, suddenly covered her mouth and said in shock: "Then Tan is not..."

"More than good."


Same time

Game time AM11:17

Restricted area code [Leap], outside the ruins of the third experimental base, wilderness

In an ordinary moment, Mo Tan replaced the ordinary step with the displacement skill [Shadow Step] like flowing water, and appeared behind Fenghuaxueyue about 20 centimeters away, raising the dagger in his hand high.

Before that, he activated the trait of [Colorful Flowers], ‘Infatuation Yellow’, at an incredible speed, and gave Fenghuaxueyue a mark of [Curse]. The effect was very simple and clear, that is, when Motan attacked her, he summoned a ‘Confession Shadow’ to attack synchronously. If both attacks hit and Motan used a skill, 50% of the skill’s cooldown time would be returned.

Motan’s choice was the [Soul-breaking Thorn], which had a cooldown of only three seconds, extremely low basic damage, but had an 800% damage bonus when attacking from behind.

Unsurprisingly, Fenghuaxueyue was hit by [Soul-breaking Thorn] and ‘Confession Shadow’ at the same time in the next moment, and turned around at high speed with the quality of a professional player at the first time. With two huge blood holes on her back, she faced Motan with pain, and quickly stepped back while launching an ice wall.

[Waiting for the Opportunity]

Carelessly using this powerful skill with a cooldown of 12 hours, Mo Tan, who forced the cooldown of [Shadow Step] to zero, took another step and appeared behind Feng Hua Xue Yue again like a shadow, stabbing out the second [Soul-breaking Stab] whose cooldown time was reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds due to the effect of ‘Ecstasy Yellow’.

Blood splashed, and the hideous ‘X’-shaped scar on the girl’s back suddenly turned into a bloody ‘rice’ character. The [Hemolytic Cold Poison] and seven [Exhaustion Pathology] that must be stacked to four layers to take effect also suddenly broke out at the same time.

But this is not the end——

[Bitter White] + [Life-Sacrificing Blow]!


The man who accurately pierced the opponent’s heart and dealt the highest burst damage in this team battle so far grinned.

“Well, goodbye.”

Feng Hua Xue Yue nodded slightly, leaving the last words before turning into white light and dissipating.

Game time AM11:18

[Guilt Discussion·Team Battle] In the first round of the quarterfinals, [Joker] was eliminated because all its members died in the battle, and stopped in the top 16. Only one person left, [Card Master], advanced to the quarterfinals.

Chapter 2226: The End

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