Quadruple split

Chapter 2230 White-hot

The game has entered a white-hot stage.

It is true that the scene has returned to calm after the two hundred upper mutants were killed by Guo Shi Wushuang in an incredible way, but all the spectators who are watching this game are very clear that the next encounter between the two sides will be a node, a key node that is very likely to determine the outcome of this game.

The road from the cafeteria to the first research room is not close, but not far. Guo Shi Wushuang, who is walking in the front, has a slow but not slow pace, so that the speed of the whole team is also not fast or slow.

Obviously, although time is not a friend of [Card Man], in Guo Shi Wushuang's calculation, even if it is only moving at the current speed, it will not have any impact on the overall situation. However, if the speed is deliberately increased in order to save time, it will reveal a proportional flaw, and it will also give [Joker] the opportunity to change the trend of the game and successfully regain the initiative.

So even if Shuangye is very fragile and unable to move, Mu Xuejian and the remaining mutants have probably retreated to the final defense circle, and Tan Mo has left the experimental base if nothing unexpected happens, Guo Shi Wushuang is still unwilling to give the other party any chance under this circumstance.

He is not a reckless person, although he does not mind risking everything for a ridiculously slim probability in certain specific situations.

He is not a cautious person either, although he will frequently show outrageous discipline and try to avoid even the slightest risk.

Perhaps people have ten adjectives to describe Xinglong and twenty adjectives to describe Lusel, but after excluding those pale statements such as "calculated without omission" and "resourceful", many people will find that the biggest feature of Guo Shi Wushuang... is that he has no features.

This is not an arrogant analysis from a God's perspective. In fact, many professionals have put forward this view a few years ago, and even many professional players have expressed their opinions on this matter.

Time flies. The editor who had not been experienced that year but wrote a very convincing report, blending, refining and summarizing various viewpoints, and finally even made the monthly headlines of the game version of the Mire Newspaper, is now sitting in the guest seat as the editor-in-chief of the game version of the Mire Newspaper, enjoying the game in the VIP seat with the world's number one idol, and said the conclusion she wrote at the end of the article that year - 'What Guo Shi Wushuang did was actually very simple, just simply interrupting the enemy's control of the rhythm, and doing everything possible to take the initiative in his own hands. '


[Damn it. ]

After keeping an eye on [Pai Lao] and his group for about half a minute through the 'wreckage', Futaba finally gave up the idea of ​​letting Mu Xuejian go out to do something, took back her 'perception' of the outside world, and exerted her power as the core of thinking to the extreme, fully cooperating with the evolution of Mu Xuejian and those mutants.

Some people may not understand, thinking that the authority to guide the evolution of mutants has been delegated to Mu Xuejian, and Futaba should not be able to do anything without taking back the authority, but this idea is actually wrong. If we use computer knowledge as an example, although Futaba has delegated the authority, she can help the subordinate units improve the evolution efficiency by using her own "computing power".

To put it more clearly, Futaba, as the core of thinking, has been using 30% to 60% of the computing power to awaken the master, and distribute the remaining computing power to Mu Xuejian and other mutants as needed. Now, she has directly stopped the process of awakening the master, and used all the computing power on Mu Xuejian and the remaining more than 300 mutants, with a ratio of 9:1, that is, 90% of the computing power is used to improve the evolution efficiency of mutants, and 10% of the computing power is used to assist Mu Xuejian's "perfect evolution" with system assistance.

When [Card Master] and [Scavenger] were less than two minutes away from the First Laboratory, and in the process they had recovered to a fairly good level with the help of medicine and treatment, the mutants waiting near the First Laboratory trembled at the same time. Their bodies, which had been forcibly pulled to nearly 300 centimeters by more than a dozen rounds of evolution and mutation, had shrunk back to about 170 centimeters. Although their bodies were as slender as before, the white bones on their bodies, which were originally as white as lime, became as crystal-clear as jade. Not only that, the exposed, albino-like skin also had a large number of purple lines like tree diagrams, just like Mu Xuejian had just undergone the "mutation".

Almost at the same time, Shuangye gave instructions for Mu Xuejian to withdraw directly to the First Laboratory, and poured all the "computing power" on her the moment she returned, causing the girl to "lose consciousness" for a short time, and was wrapped in a layer of pudding-like biomass secreted from her body surface, which was not disgusting and sticky, and became quite similar to Shuangye, the core of her thinking.

The difference between the two is that the two leaves floating in the biomass with their knees hugged as if dozing can be clearly observed, while the 'pudding' wrapped around the Mu Xue sword turned dark purple in the blink of an eye, and the inside was turbid and difficult to observe.

Game time AM10:47

[Guilt Discussion Battle·Team Battle] Special map for the competition, mirror space S6377-0731

Restricted area code [Leap], first floor of the third experimental base, in front of the first laboratory, corridor


While rubbing his mandible, the Holy Light Old King tilted his head and asked Guo Shi Wushuang: "Can these things in front be killed in seconds like before?"

"Don't make any noise, I'm already waiting."

Guoshi Wushuang shook his head and replied like this. His eyes were slightly condensed, staring at the upper-level mutants in front of him who had just completed a new major version of evolution, and their visual impact had become slightly weaker before. After a good time, After a while, he said: "No, we won't lose it for a second, let's go together?"


Soon enough, at the moment when Guo Shi Wushuang spoke, Slam, the most powerful executioner, had already leaped up, and no longer hid his clumsiness after revealing his true strength, and his strong body was in mid-air. It is directly divided into thirty-six swift shadows, namely twelve cloud bodies, twelve flame bodies and twelve thunder bodies!

That's right, it's [Wind, Fire, and Thunder: One Qi Transforms Three Thousand] that he had accomplished before. Although there will be strong enemies like Mu Xuejian, Futaba, and the Master next, so this time the Grand Slam will be missed. He is not divided into seven or seventy-nine figures like before, but if we just talk about control, he is even slightly better than before, and he can control these clones like an arm...


However, with a confused cry, there were only twenty-four of the original thirty-six Grand Slams in the shot. The one with the fastest movement speed, the most dexterous body, and the fastest rushing speed. The twelve cloud bodies at the front disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if they had been transformed into living beings!

"So fast--"

The pupils of the national warrior Wushuang and the Three Colors suddenly shrank, while the Holy Light Old King who purely followed the occult route started chanting the buff spells on his own, accurately filling the flow that most of the audience could not distinguish. The real body is blessed with various BUFFs.

The next second, three flaming bodies and five thunder bodies were also pierced by bone blades by twice the number of mutants in an instant. Although Liuju Slam desperately tried to control the clones to avoid them, he was unable to do so with his previous attack. Countless mutants have come in and out several times, and the situation of mass killing is different. With the same disadvantage in numbers, any clone in this round of defeat will almost always be defeated in three seconds if it faces more than two mutant monsters head-on. The bell was torn to pieces!

Although it is not a leap like a rebirth, after crossing a certain line, these monsters whose body functions have been greatly strengthened have broken away from the category of "miscellaneous fish" in front of [Pai Lao], and then have a number that can be used Go fill the qualifications for quality!

Maybe the previous Slam of the Lost Game could use his [Wind, Fire, and Thunder] to open up Wushuang among the monsters. Maybe the National Warriors could kill those monsters in a large area like taking a walk in the field while harvesting wheat. But now, the situation has changed. Got it!

[Shape of Crane·Fairy Bird Neck Kick]

The next moment, along with a sound like a crane piercing the sky, all the remaining clones in the corridor disappeared in an instant. At the same time, I saw the Liuju Slam that appeared in the air at some unknown time like a shooting star. Falling down sharply, what is shocking is that he was not restless during the fall. Instead, he raised his knees and raised his arms, and continued to sweep out one kick after another with white vigor. During this period, every time Remember that the moment before the force of the kick reaches the critical point, it will leave a black outline on the spot, until the game slams back to the ground, and the three mutant monsters in front of him will be swept with one leg until the bones and tendons are broken. .

This was the seventeenth kick he kicked after the crane's cry, and it was also the only heavy blow he kicked that actually hit the enemy.


A swift shadow flew down in the air in an instant, and like a battle ax, it directly 'stepped' a mutant who could not dodge into the ground, killing him on the spot.

After that, another, two, three, and fifteen swift shadows fell in the sky. They were all black outlines with white energy on their right legs. Due to their extremely fast speed, the visual effect was like black and white shadows. The white and white cranes were as agile and elegant as a crane, and they killed an equal number of mutants in an instant.

It can be seen that the reaction speed of the "Wind Slam" can be said to be online all the time. After realizing that [Wind, Fire, and Thunder] was no longer effective, he immediately gave up on continuing to consume himself, and instead chose a more practical strategy to stay down to earth. Eliminate enemies with the fastest efficiency within your capabilities.

However, although his move completely implemented the essence of the method of controlling Qi, and his smooth leg skills killed nearly twenty monsters in an instant, but given the opponent's absolute numerical advantage, these kills were simply a drop in the bucket. , not only that, because the skill system of [Crane Shape] almost has a supermodel's strength bonus, so there will be a very obvious stiffness in the closing stage, and in this situation if you are not careful, you will 100% be attacked from both sides. If you don't do it, you are destined to fall into a stagnant situation for at least a second. Slam is simply looking for death!

Well, if he had appeared here alone, that move just now was simply seeking death.

in other words--

[Holy Cutting Flash]

The scorching golden light beam flashed away, directly 'purifying' several mutants behind the Slam into a wisp of fly ash.

【Frost Wolf】

At the same time, two giant snow-colored wolves, which were made of ice-blue frost crystals and were as big as small elephants, appeared on both sides of the flow slam. At the same time, they sprayed out an ice storm, freezing more than a dozen monsters in place. land.

[High-speed reconstruction: Li Huo]

[High-speed reconstruction: Shadow twist]

Then, several blood-red fire lines flashed imperceptibly, burning the frozen monsters on the spot. It took less than two seconds from the explosion to the burning. Not only that, the monsters that jumped from the periphery to the air and leaned over to rush towards Liuju Manguan to drown them were also pulled back to the ground by a large number of ‘shadows’ at the same time. Although they quickly broke free, Liuju Manguan had already retreated to his teammates before those monsters launched a second round of attack.

The next second, accompanied by a clanging sound, the [Scavengers] team, which received the instructions from Guo Shi Wushuang, opened fire at full power, at the cost of overloading their combat equipment, and burst out with unparalleled impact in a short period of time. The [Scavengers] members who were told that this would be their last battle did not hide their weaknesses and directly chose to pour firepower forward in the simplest and most brutal way. Among them, the [Electric Spider] driver with the highest output efficiency even directly activated the self-destruction + overload propulsion + ejection system after using all means, sending his car into the monster pile and watching it turn into a bunch of gorgeous fireworks.

And this kind of bombardment at all costs did effectively make up for the gap between the [Scavengers] and those mutant monsters, allowing the latter to be firmly contained outside the safe range to withstand the baptism of the four [Card Man].

That's right, although both sides are at a high level, in front of the mutants that have undergone several rounds of evolution, the [Scavengers] who were able to harvest the former at the beginning can hardly make any achievements. Even if they can kill a few by focusing fire, it is just a drop in the bucket in front of the opponent's number. Therefore, the fundamental purpose of pouring out all their firepower is actually to simply create an output environment for the National Warriors, Flowing Game Full Slam, Three Colors at the Same Time, and Holy Light Old King, who can really pose a threat to those monsters.

“It looks complicated, but if we look beyond the surface and see the essence, we will find that [Pai Lao] is actually solving the problem in a very traditional way.”

Xiao Xiaobai in front of the commentary seat shrugged and said lightly: “Tanks hold on, treatment is good, and output is strong.”

“Ah! So those NPC friends are tanks, and the four players of [Pai Lao] are output?”

Xue Yin blinked and said by analogy: “Then the monsters on Tan’s side are BOSS, and the number is the blood volume?”

“That’s right, as long as they pass this level, they are not far from passing the level, and at the current pace, it’s only a matter of time before those monsters are all killed.”

“So, [Pai Lao] has a big advantage now?”

“That’s not necessarily true… "


"Although [Pai Lao], including Guo Shi Wu Shuang, has stopped holding back and is going all out, I also said that it is a matter of time before all those monsters are killed, and time has never been a friend of [Pai Lao]. "

"So what do you mean, Xiao Bai? "

"When [Pai Lao] was determined to use only conventional means to eliminate those monsters, the situation was already evened, and the time they took to deal with these monsters will directly determine the direction of this game. "


Fifteen minutes later

Game time AM11:04

Guo Shi Wu Shuang killed the last mutant blocking the end of the corridor, and forced the door of the first laboratory to be opened from the outside with the key obtained from the central control area.

A faint light passed by his side——

[Your teammates: three colors are engraved at the same time, and have been killed]

Chapter 2221: The End

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