Quadruple split

Chapter 2209 Beauty and Good Luck

Game time AM07:42

[Crime Debate·Team Battle] The first game of the quarter-finals, the final game

"how to say……"

Xue Yin looked at the real-time footage of the match with a somewhat complicated expression, and said hesitantly: "Although I did say that I would stand with [Sailor Moon] before, it seems hard not to feel sorry for [Good Luck] now." How many are there?”

Gugujiang, who was sitting next to her, nodded vigorously and agreed: "Indeed, although we can all see that the five players in [Good Luck Come] are very strong, we have to admit that they are very passive in front of each other. , well, very passive.”


But another person present who supports the [Sailor Moon] team has a completely different style of painting. At this moment, he is waving his arms excitedly and shouting: "Kill, kill, kill, kill!!!"

"Be quiet."

The handsome guy glared at the smiling face, then turned to the camera and said seriously: "Anyway, as you can see, although the [Good Luck] team has tried to use the power of NPCs to deal with the [Sailor Moon] team from the beginning of the game, , and indeed persuaded the lord to send his mage group to assist them, but the effect did not seem to be significant. "

He smiled and said in a very pleasant tone: "You might as well be more straightforward. For example, half of those mages were frightened when they saw the giant dragon, and the other half did some damage even though they were holding back their urine. Sex spells, but in front of Christina, those things are just small flames and water guns. "

"The five lucky ones should stay in the city."

Xue Yin, whose position had subtly changed due to her soft-heartedness, sighed, shook her head and said: "It's better now. With the interference of player Mika and the restraint of player Kasena, it is difficult for them to return to still retaining a large number of living combatants. In a powerful city.”

Gugujiang nodded slightly and shrugged: "I think the lucky players have noticed that if they insist on getting out of the battle, they will most likely be wiped out on the road before they can retreat back to the control of the city lord. , but if we bite the bullet and fight head-on..."

"Maybe there is a glimmer of hope."

The handsome guy said something that even he didn't quite believe, and emphasized: "But it's really just a thread."

at the same time

[Crime Debate·Team Battle] Competition-specific map, mirror space S7568-4852

Southeast continent, western border of Cang Yue Empire, outer suburbs of Windmill City


Wearing a red tights and holding a long flaming whip, the Demon Swordsman Blaze tried her best to smash two vines in the air with her whip. She turned to look at the tallest person in the team, who had gloves on her wrists, ankles and neck. The brown-haired old man in the golden chain said: "Think of a solution quickly. If this continues, we may soon have to insist... Wow!"

As a dazzling red light beam flashed through the air, I suddenly flew out like a kite with its string cut off in a burst of explosions. In an instant, my health value changed from more than 80% to less than 50%. .

"Bang bang!"

Wearing a silver dress and holding a two-handed pastoral staff with an outrageous size like a battle axe, in addition to a warlock, Labiris, who is also a renegade priest of the Sun Sect, quickly threw out a soft golden phantom flame to add to the violent old lady. He was bleeding from the mouth. Although the extent was not too great, it at least dispelled the unpleasant [burn] effect.

"no solution anymore."

The oldest and most powerful dark mage in the team clenched his fists, stood still and shouted: "Secret Channel, God of War, help me buy some time."

"Copy that, old man~"

Wearing a purple pointed hat and a clown suit, the dark channel master immediately stopped running away, and then jumped into the air, throwing out several black flying knives and cutting dozens of elusive and silent vines in the air.

"I really envy such a heartless person like you."

Good Luck, the only physics professional in the team, the heavily armored knight wearing a white cape and red goggles, the garbage warrior, sighed, then raised his big shield and faced the rabbi who was about to jump and slash at him. Lisi's strong figure took a few steps back after a deafening explosion, looking at the berserk warrior Wei Li Nu standing in front of him with a confused expression.

You know, after the encounter between the two sides, this woman named Kasena Yuk had been fighting for more than ten minutes in an almost frantic style. The druid who worked part-time as a priest turned this area into a Before the lush green and crisis-ridden situation, this tall woman with fiery red hair holding a ferocious war hammer almost single-handedly disrupted Good Luck's formation, making it difficult for the latter to move forward without abandoning anyone.

At first, the Junk Warrior, who is also a physics major, made the judgment that "this woman can't last too long," but now, Kasena has proven with actual actions that her endurance is not within common sense. After fighting fiercely for more than ten minutes, not only was I not exhausted, I was even getting braver as I fought!

With that hammer just now, if the garbage warriors did not provide timely support, Rabilis, who was worried about blood defense, was very likely to be killed on the spot!

And this situation has happened seven or eight times in just ten minutes.

This is just one of the troubles!

Even leaving aside Kasena, who is extremely powerful in terms of mobility, combat power, and boyfriend power, she can not only assist and heal Kasena with the sun magic, but can also support Kasena through various druid secrets. , Priest Mika, who was restraining several people on his side, should not be underestimated. Although he did not show any noticeable power at the beginning of the encounter, after Kasena kicked off the fight with a jump split , it didn’t take long for those things that Mika had quietly planted in the ground to blossom and bear fruit.

The flowers are gluttonous flower, sleep-inducing flower, fang flower, overlord flower and poisonous flower.

The fruits are the Explosion Fruit, Ejection Fruit, Diffusion Fruit, Thousand Needles Fruit and Miasma Fruit.

Not only that, but a large number of vines thicker than a child's arm began to sneak up and attack mysteriously. Under Mika's deliberate actions, those vines that looked like tentacles especially liked to hunt down Labilis and the hot old lady. People are troublesome. Although these two ladies are indeed the weaker ones in the Lucky Team, considering the attack angle and method of those vines, nine out of ten people must think that Mika's motives are impure.

It is true that, assuming Mika is a man, even if the player cannot be sexually harassed under the system's protection mechanism, her behavior is still vulgar, disgusting, and obscene in the literal sense, and there is no room for cleanup.

But the problem is that the person who controls these touch... well, vines is also a beautiful girl, so although Mika has no good intentions, she can only be judged as a bad taste by everyone, and will basically not be condemned by public opinion and morality.

That's not all. In addition to Kasena and Mika, the Sailor Moon team also has Lucie Uke, a spell caster who has fought Futaba several times before, and she really doesn't have it. As expected of their previous 'lack of defeat' to the players on the homepage in the individual competition, every spell cast brought good luck to these five people, who were startled into a cold sweat.

Fast, accurate and ruthless!

Fierce, fierce and steady!

With the same spell, I couldn't even make Kasena take a step back, but in Lucie's hands, it could turn into a talisman that even heavily armored knights like Junk Warrior wouldn't dare to pick up hastily.

Of course, it is unfair to compare the fiery old lady with dual magic and martial arts skills with Lucie, a pure mage who specializes in one, but no one would deny that Lucie's absolute strength is to be a step above the average level of her opponent.

But this is not the decisive point, because the captain of the Good Luck Team, a dark mage who is at least sixty years old, is also a top master. In fact, the strength he has shown is even better than Lucy Ai is a bit stronger.

If Lucie Yuk's strength lies in quality and quantity, then the strength of the Dark Archmage lies in his understanding and analysis of the battle situation. First of all, as the central axis of the team, he is always using words that the audience and the Sailor Moon team cannot hear. The high-level wind attribute magic [Jin Sheng] performs high-intensity real-time scheduling. Although it is far less precise than Mo Tan under his current personality, it can't find faults in the general direction. Therefore, although the Bishoujo Sentai is strong, they are fighting independently. In the absence of any communication, the good luck of having unified dispatch and having one more player didn't result in a big loss.

You must know that group battles are not as good as individual battles, unless there are external-level monsters like Cordoba or awakening dragons. Although they are barely within the scope of common sense, they are not the top level that ordinary people can understand, understand, and defeat. Otherwise, in a battle of this level in the finals, as long as both sides have healers, it will not be an easy task to reduce the number of the enemy team.

After all, even if the amount of damage caused by Kasena and Lucie is sufficient, as long as Rabilis, who is the healer, does not fall down, even if someone is beaten to only one drop of blood, it is possible to be rescued. .

"So, do you still think you are useless?"

Mo Tan turned to look at the competition seriously, with nervous expressions written all over his little face, and smiled: "I've said it before, the team competition is not an individual competition, even under normal circumstances it will be compared to the individual competition Healers and auxiliaries who have no luck in the rankings can also play a decisive role. On the other hand, if a team's healers are not good enough or simply don't have health boosters, it will definitely become more and more difficult to fight. "


Yuchen nodded vigorously first, and then said nervously: "But can I really do it? I was just a spectator in the previous games..."

"Hey, you're not the only one watching. If you want to blame it, it's a certain great Onmyoji who's too good. If she was a little better, we wouldn't have kept paddling the whole time in the previous games."

Yidong waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Anyway, since Hei Fan has said so, just relax and don't worry about the success or failure. At worst, he will take the blame for the loss in the end."

Yuchen shrank his neck: "Isn't it bad?"

"What's wrong?"

Yi Dong shook his finger and said confidently: "From the beginning of the audition, one of us counts, but we all obey his orders. If we are asked to go east, we will never go west, if we are asked to touch a dog, we will never steal a chicken. This In the end, we still didn’t fight well. If he doesn’t take the blame, why should we do it?”

Yu Ying smacked her lips and sighed: "For a while, I couldn't tell who was in the main palace of our boss Hei Fan, Her Royal Highness the Saint or the Young Master."

"Cut the nonsense."

Mo Tan glared at Yu Ying and said angrily: "Watch the game carefully. From now on, the teams in every game may encounter us in the future."

Yu Ying chuckled, then closed her mouth and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Gu Xiaole leaned down lazily, resting his head on Yuchen's lap and asked Mo Tan: "Tanjiang, please continue talking. If I go by what you said before, the chances of winning on both sides seem to be about the same."

"Yeah, but did you notice that I just missed someone?"

Mo Tan shrugged, looked at the amber dragon standing on the ground and looked down coldly on the screen, with Mika on its back and Lucie on its head, and said softly: "The healer who has good luck needs to take care of him." The status of himself and all four teammates, and on Sailor Moon's side, because he only has to keep an eye on Kasena's health, Mika is very involved in the offense. Under the protection of the dragon, whether it is her The health points of myself, Lucie and Christina are all maintained above 95%. If this goes on, you don't have to think about it and your good luck will collapse soon."

Gu Xiaole rubbed Yuchen's thigh through her sweatpants and asked, "So?"

"So if this continues, the seemingly fragile balance of power is actually just the slow death of the lucky one."

Mo Tan looked at the violent old lady and Rabilis who had retreated to the side of the dark archmage on the screen so that the garbage warriors could cover them together. He said in a brisk tone: "In this way, since there is no way to stand up to Kasena and Mi Ka and Lucie chased and forced them to retreat. As luck would have it, they had no choice but to take risks. And now it seems that their desperate method was to ask the most powerful 'Dark Mage' to do something. ”

Gu Xiaole hugged Yuchen's slender waist and asked Mo Tan, "So what will he do?"


Mo Tan, who had a faint vein popping out on his forehead, took a deep breath and said dryly: "I don't know either, but judging from the situation on the field, it must be a move that requires partners to work hard to gain time, for example, a casting time It’s long-lasting but extremely effective once it’s launched. It’s a super-wide range restriction or weakening skill that allows the five of them to successfully retreat, or it’s a buffing skill that can greatly improve someone’s strength.”

Yidong frowned and asked curiously: "Can't it be an attack skill?"

"Of course not. Don't forget how the mourner was eliminated in the individual battle."

Mo Tan laughed, shook his head and said, "Using that powerful attack skill openly in front of Christina is tantamount to seeking death."

"Okay, so what's the conclusion?"

"What Good Luck has to do now is to buy time for the Dark Master."

"What about the beautiful girls?"

"They, I'm afraid this is the time they have been waiting for."


Chapter 2200: End

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