Quadruple split

Chapter 2189 Chaotic War

【Oops! 】

Almost as soon as the battle ax passed through the hair in front of his forehead and hit the ground like a meteor crashing to the ground, Losbel immediately realized that something was in trouble. On the one hand, his talent [Burning Heart] had lost its ability after the offensive was terminated. The negative effect of 'reducing all attributes by 30% within 10 seconds' has been activated. On the other hand, he instinctively felt that the opponent was narrowly avoided by him. I am afraid that the shocking ax will not be the end, but the prelude to the raging wave. ——

The bad news is that he guessed it right, because just after the ax hit the ground, Mo Tan twisted his body and whipped out the next ax almost instantly. With the blessing of [Non-Stop Fighting], its power was even higher than The blow that almost scared Los Bell just now was 30% more effective.

The good news is that he is not alone, so after realizing that Los Bell was incredibly defeated by the opponent, Lista and Sun almost took action at the same time, blocking for Los Bell at the critical moment the shot that had a very high probability of being completed directly. A non-lethal kill with an axe.

[Ye Yan·Spiral Sword]!

[Phoenix·Sun-piercing Strike]!


Because the timing of their attacks was completely synchronized, the weapons of the two of them only made a loud bang when they came into contact with the battle ax. Not only that, despite the blessings of the passive skills [Still Water] and [Unmindful], Lista and The sun still flew out uncontrollably, and its health points dropped by about 20%.

What made Los Bell despair was that after his two companions were chopped away, the half-dragon knight's offensive did not stop for a moment, and the tomahawk flying up and down even fell towards him again at a faster speed.

"Get away!"

Lista, who barely managed to steady his body, gave a low shout, and shouted to Losbel, who had almost lost his fighting spirit and confidence because he was defeated head-on: "Keep the distance, his combos need to be prepared through confrontation! With yours Burning Heart is different, it will only get stronger as you fight!"


Undoubtedly believing the words of Lista, a master practitioner, Losbel rarely left his back to the enemy. He gritted his teeth and used his few displacement skills [Tiger Descending Mountain] to barely avoid another ax from the opponent and speed up his pace. Joined up with the two companions who had just regained their position.

Mo Tan, who also heard Lista's cry and knew very well that he could no longer continue to stack [Fight Without Stop], also stopped the attack without hesitation after the battle ax failed, and calmly used [Dawn] again. The [Longyuan Stick] transformed into the same type of war stick as the Sun was lying in front of him. Instead of pursuing him, he even took a defensive stance.

"I don't even know whether this dear friend thinks highly of us or looks down on us..."

Lista shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile: "With one enemy against many, it would be easier to win if he obviously doesn't give us time to adjust and rush over to pursue and fight fiercely, right?"

Taiyang blinked and asked curiously: "Maybe you are waiting for your teammates?"

"Based on the previous games, Ye Ge seems to have no intention of taking action at all. The druid girl doesn't come to help often. Basically, Mo is playing alone."

Losbel, who had consumed more than half of his physical strength, poured a sip of potion into his mouth and gasped: "And when it comes to waiting for teammates, isn't it the same here?"

Taiyang stood up slowly with his war stick, and said hesitantly: "It's different, Miss Kaguya is not too strong. I remember that the boss said that [Anonymous] of his was killed instantly. In the video, it seems that the little Mo was not killed instantly. Brother is coming."

"This is a live broadcast! A live broadcast with a video! I beg you, please stop saying a few words."

Although it is clear that Ke Yi is not the kind of person who sticks to trivial matters, Taiyang's habit of talking but not thinking still makes Lista's blood pressure skyrocket, and he said dryly: "Try to fight quickly, don't forget that Ye Ge hasn't made a move yet. Well, if we can't even get past this brother, don't even think about fighting later."

"Hey, I wish I had said no earlier!"

The sun grinned, and then waved the battle stick [Qilin Gear] as before and took the lead in killing Mo Tan, while Lista and Los Bell slightly distanced themselves, forming a simple and stable angle formation with the sun as the arrow. They rushed towards Mo Tan simultaneously, raking formations behind the girl on the left and right.

【Phoenix Wing Strike】

【Red Sky Slash】

【Tiger Roar】

Just when they were still a few meters away from Mo Tan, the three of them, headed by Yang Yang, almost simultaneously used a very fast, no-effect but powerful long-distance attack, and at the same time further spread out, respectively. Press on the opponent from three different angles.

Among them, Taiyang, who likes to fight intuitively, charged head-on, while Lista and Los Bell were outflanking them from the left and right sides. While matching the girl's rhythm, they stepped forward to build momentum before the other party could react, preparing to forcibly attack the quiet man. The half-dragon, who stood there with almost no blind spots, fell into his own rhythm.

The brief encounter just now has proved that the "wheel battle" style of play is almost impossible to pose a big threat to the latter. Although they are relatively good-looking, even if the three of them are a bit of a fighting mania factor, they will not be able to compete in this kind of game. There is no fairness to the opponent, so after realizing that it was completely impossible to defeat the opponent with their own strength, Lista and Los Bell immediately chose a coordinated attack with the sun as the core to encircle and suppress Mo Tan.

In the eyes of the two people who have experienced hundreds of battles, the opponent's biggest advantage is that they can use different tactics according to different situations. Just like using dual-wielding tomahawks to fight Los Bell's crutches, this kind of ability can choose to restrain according to the opponent's style. Or enemies who use checks and balance tactics are definitely the most troublesome.


This is not a one-on-one challenge!

Although the opponent accidentally created a 'one-on-one' situation with Los Bell due to a coordination error just now, in terms of the result, it was just a simple bottom-out. In the process of bottom-out, although Los Bell was almost killed Killing head-on, the three of them also obtained several pieces of information about the opponent. In addition to the advantages just mentioned, they also understood the opponent's flaws, or shortcomings compared to its advantages. .

In a nutshell, it is——

[In terms of character strength alone, he is only the average of the three of us! 】

Losbel narrowed his eyes, while moving sideways at high speed, trying to get around the blind spot of the half-dragon knight's field of vision, while watching the sun's heavy blow swinging at high speed, which was obviously forcing the target to fight, and he was already thinking about it.

Unlike the girl who was responsible for the attack, the 'double core' of Lista and Los Bell had completed the basic communication with their eyes just now and completed the formulation of the details of the encirclement and suppression.

First of all, it is implied that the sun will be the first to go up. Because of the latter's weapon advantage, although it can be regarded as a cold weapon, it will not be dragged into a strangulation situation immediately. At this point, the sun's mission is over.

Then, after the two sides officially fought, Lista and Los Bell joined the battle as quickly as possible, forcing the battle into a three-on-one situation and fighting hard!

As for the sun, she has the same fighting style as Xue Ran, the real main force of the Red Constellation. She only needs to rely on intuition and cooperate with Lista and Los Bell who switch their 'center of gravity' frequently.


"Well come."

Mo Tan, who could only fight to the death with peace of mind in situations like [Inquisition and Controversy], smiled slightly, and then swept out the [Longyuan Stick] just like in the first round of hand-to-hand combat between the two sides, so that even if he tried his best, he was still slightly inferior to the opponent. The force meets him head-on.

"I won't let you take advantage of me this time!"

Taiyang also showed a smile full of vitality. The [Qilin Tool] in his hand turned into a thorn, dexterously bypassing Mo Tan's [Longyuan Stick] and hitting his chest straight.

It can be seen that Taiyang has no intention of giving Mo Tan a chance to use his old tricks again, so the heavy smash just now, which seemed to be a replica of his last attack, was actually just a feint, and the real time to use it was actually after changing the move. That moment!

[Phoenix Breaks]!

Wrapped in the golden-red energy that surged against the storm, the war stick in the girl's hand flew forward, and in the next moment it was intercepted from the side by the long black stick that the half-dragon withdrew with lightning, and at the moment they were fighting each other It was twisted counterclockwise to another angle.

To put it bluntly, Mo Tan used a two-handed stick trick that a certain Monkey King often played to deflect Taiyang's deliberate late thrust.

And almost at the same time, Lista's long sword and Los Bell's war crutch struck at almost the same time, attacking Mo Tan's side of the neck and back of the heart respectively.

Among them, Lista's sword moves are sharp, killing, and cunning.

Los Bell's iron cane is simple, direct, and wide open and close.

Coupled with the sun's blazing heat, the wild but delicate stick skills, three different styles of weapons and three different styles of fighting methods perfectly fit together at this moment. The enemy's most deadly moves rolled toward Mo Tan like waves one after another!

Although it is not a seamless cooperation, and although the combat range is limited and the styles are seriously different, it may even affect each other's offensive, but this offensive with almost no rules left has a very big advantage -


In the conference room that was still a red constellation, Xinglong suddenly raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said in a pleasant tone: "It's really chaotic."


Han Guang, who had been silent until just now, finally couldn't hold it back and asked curiously: "Captain, can you explain to me? Why do you seem so happy when you say those people are 'chaotic'?"

"Because in the shortest time, they found the tactic that is theoretically most likely to kill Mo."

Xinglong maintained a cheerful tone and said briskly: "If there is a specific reason, do you want to guess it?"

Yinyue shook her head immediately and said with a smile: "I'll forget it, I've already guessed it, let everyone guess."


Hanmei, a thousand-year spellcaster, shrugged and said without hesitation: "I don't understand you primitive people who like to fight each other with cold weapons."


The pioneer also immediately stood up for the eldest sister and said seriously: "We are noble spell casters."

"It must be because of the beauty!"

The gentleman flipped his hair very coolly, stood up and shouted loudly: "Only this kind of extremely chaotic beauty can impress the powerful half-dragon!"

Jiuzhong sighed and said helplessly: "If you can't guess it, you don't have to tell it forcefully."


The gentleman yelled hysterically again, and then sat back down again, apparently following Kunou's advice.

"You want to keep that sexy half-dragon guy busy?"

Xue Ran licked the corner of his mouth, narrowed his eyes and frowned: "Well, although I don't know clearly... but if I were there, even if the fight was uncomfortable, it would make the scene even more messy!"

"Are you a beast..."

Pioneer rolled his eyes, not knowing how many times he had made such complaints.

Hanguang, on the other hand, touched his chin and frowned as he muttered: "I think we should start with the analysis of Mo's characteristics. If you think about it carefully, the most amazing thing about him so far is his flexibility. Using a variety of weapons, so to speak...the three of them must be trying to limit his flexible fighting style by complicating the battle, right?"

"In the right direction."

Xinglong nodded with great satisfaction, and then he didn't show off any more. While looking at the four people fighting in a group on the big screen, he said: "It's true that those three are trying to complicate the battle, but their main purpose is probably not the same." It’s not a restriction. After all, you also said that the style of play is ‘flexible’ and naturally not so easy to be restricted. So from what I see, their real purpose is to amplify Mo’s shortcomings in ‘proficiency’.”

Han Guang frowned and repeated: "Proficiency?"

"Yes, proficiency."

Xinglong nodded slightly and said sternly: "It is no longer a secret that the weapon in Mo's hand has many forms. I have seen four or five kinds. In this case, compared to specializing in one and sharpening it so far, A strong person who can control multiple weapon styles at the same time will theoretically find it difficult to match their hard power in terms of single proficiency, and..."

"And what?"

Hanmei, who said she looked down on physicists who played with cold weapons, but was more attracted to them than anyone else, immediately urged her: "Say it quickly, don't make me jealous!"

Xinglong, who briefly considered his words, nodded and explained: "Let's just say, in this kind of chaotic battle, it is difficult for everyone to bring out their full strength, but you should also be able to see that. , whether it is Sun, Lista or Los Bell, they are all highly consistent with their weapons and have very clear fighting styles themselves, while Mo is the other extreme. Not only do their weapons have multiple forms, but their fighting styles are not the same. It’s not fixed, and although this trait has many benefits, it can also become the biggest flaw under certain circumstances.”

"What flaw?"

"For example, in this kind of chaotic battle, compared to not being good at everything but being flexible and adapting to local conditions, specializing in one can actually create your own rhythm."

"So you mean that Mo is dangerous?"


"Didn't you just say that this was a big flaw?"

"I'm talking about certain circumstances."

"what's the situation?"

"A case of not being good at everything."

"Yes, then why did you say..."

"But what if he's good at everything?"


Chapter 2180: End

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